1983, 05-20 Code Violation Investigationr BUILDING & SAFETY CODE VIOLATION INVESTIGATION . Property Address North 1023 Mamer File Number Directions (if nec.) Date Received 5-20-83 Investigator/ Inspector Nature of Investigation Possible equipment storage Taken By Date Resolved 78-483 Davis /61/s/ 3 Occupant Address Owner Ray A. Fields Phone Zip Phone 924-5482 Address Zip 99216 Complainant Address 7S- y131 3 Building ri Unsafe Bldg Fire Zoning 1 Parcel No. 15541-1103;1104- Legal 5541-1103_ 04" Legal Description 1 � j -7- Applicable Applicable Permit No.'s File No.'s 15-25-44 ZoninS of Property Agri Effective Date 60-42 Sections of Code Applicable/to)J, C � j�/.' -2/0,-/0A) Previous Violations Recheck: q -3/-F'3 77`7`,!`7/. i Gut) LA_AkcliA:s-v'cryuus,, Aricuu-€. a_2k--- , I 0 D--3 AbutmLc 1 k 5 (ci? L, C-7-3 Yo:15- Ci9 Z/DC, 3 I, L/ :in yr.eviziL fa ' PAVY r-) • c , /47-'21.11 I 1) 412/1/1,14A -d- ( 3 2- 2- z2CLotiJi /337o 10 C_A2rAC6a Le. Ca_ ziac(e 2 - i )- ())7 aet-egA4 J3//'7L. /37// ff. (Seg‘i / ie.= 43/4.1_, F -3 oz a a. Ccia67(6 C.= i De.A e_47,94..?() 6. /3 -;ev (tai' /33c1 e /d0 E /-3_5/ 6 L7-tilQ1e: f. /JP( tte ,2 >1(?/z(it-,ete2 J l3t40 Co C37J2_ekt,_, -27/ 5 V/.9-- 7)(1 t CLW4 „, I -714 / //nti.-- _.`i. /L 4 ZG ��ti Ii4cL„`.�t ( t-' (/ ') //. • i1�}l.0/i�c:v� (/ il4.�(/1/l•LL_. S) /1 ./) k'J;LL I / //'L(/� L %`✓ 7/8/777(6) 6-10i dr C LL&. LC, -i'j yd J:t d' '`)qi.tiAr � r 1 5 -is -.0 5-/5- 5 -1 -/5-5-I - :3 /C-5-• 5-• 516 S7-3 S J. �3..�%j��°% fl 3. ACI&D. N . /3°3 971 —$pat'r dr(e //Zit YY\erte— P2 10. s;c i ILUJ Li 1 :(cis `6C=<_ Mickw\ c'`4 ckc\ L \ L. `Wo-4fl0 r( 6 a' i 4`36T/% A � l� 99-2l N.i3o1 qThtimenifl$.. H %7 . /so `777ntt4J �• i a 24 J FK /V / 3 02- i 7114„,,t04 //Da 172C/27 .o. /V /22 c /1- Y It r dii)sb sem. L0L- /2usv"..1/0 o),,ud, � \)3016C:1 ' . /� .-.ct4 i -L2)U n C[ --r u; c 1 /ql I. i%I iA. IV rf ,:72, / �/b lags, d. „. • —.-• • • ) ...-7.2. %Ls:, :7_9aa<icert_l lo-. 72. 171:4:1-- 2t/-2 6 / 375--,-,--(2<za-r y. j sitecf r" Spokane County department of building & safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR August 3, 1983 CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Larry Carpenter North 1023 Maurer Road Spokane, WA 99216 EQUIPMENT STORAGE/BUSINESS It has been some time now since you were contacted regarding the storage of truck trailers on your property, located at North 1023 Mamer Road, Spokane County, parcel number 15541-1103. On July 25, 1983, the Spokane County Planning Department was contacted to see if you had submitted, as an alternative, an application as suggested in a letter to you from the Planning Department dated June 24, 1983. It was reported that no application has been received. On July 28, 1983, a visual inspection by this office confirmed that trailers are still being stored on your property. As stated in the June 24, 1983, letter, you were found to be in violation of Section 4.04.110(b) of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, and subsequently given 30 days in which to comply or submit an application. Due to the length of time this matter has been pending, we are of the opinion that a period of 14 days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient extension of time for you to complete the process of bringing your property into compliance with the requirements of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance. If these matters are not taken care of within the previously mentioned 14 days, we will be unable to grant any further extensions of time and will have no choice but to forward this case to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for appropriate legal action. A violation of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance is a criminal offense and does carry a penalty of, "...two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) or imprisoned in the County Jail for a term of not exceeding ninety (90) days, for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense." NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 Page 2 Mr. Larry Carpenter August 3, 1983 Please be advised that this is not a matter that will go away if ignored. I am sure it is important to you, as it is to me, that we resolve this situation quickly. Thomas L. Davis Zoning Investigator gw Copy to Steve Horobiowski, Planning Department Robert Binger, Deputy Prosecutor, Prosecuting Attorney's Office 57113 d ` Giltd. Nt• 1:A÷` -t. Act j �3 o ''Y�`n7 �C..°"'q-` v -O a42 ,� ce,,. � (� eta l -t, a„tt a, a4 -P t ruia .. n e� t;tA owe Dedc-t 122-4- 44-e0 ze. — 30 aeca ICS 54 a i fretc4o 94 en i.,.. 7 rie an 94 7 , E. 13411 Cataldo Spokane, WA 99216 July 22, 1983 F. Keith Shepard, County Commissioner Spokane County Court House Spokane, WA Dear Mr. Shepard: I am writing on behalf of the people living on Cataldo east of McDonald and dead'ending where Blake Road would be. We would like to have a barricade erected at the end of the street, and request that we be allowed some time on the agenda of your August 2 public meeting. Our reasons for the request are as follows: 1. A trucking company named Carp's Carts moved into property on Mamer Road that reaches to where Blake Road would be (our dead end). The fence was opened to make a gate, and they are using Cataldo as an access road. l 2. Zoming does not permit such an operation, but we have been unable to get results from the Zoning Board. 3. The road surface is not built for such loads. 4. During the school term this street is used by elementary school children going to and from Blake School. There are also families with children living on the street. 5. Large trucks often sit in the street with the motor running at all hours of the day and night. 6. One day grain was spilled the whole length of the street, up McDonald Road to Mission, west on Mission to Pines, and North on Pines to the Freeway. The County Road Department came and cleaned up the grain the best they could. 7. About 10 p.m. one evening a neighbor came home and could not get onto Cataldo because one of the semis was parked at the corner of Cataldo and McDonald. 8. Our property values will decline if this is permitted. 9. We doubt that the vehicles are maintained safely because they are frequently run without license plates. The State Patrol has not responded when notified that a truck without plates was leaving. 10. The largest number of units seen in this trucking yard at one time is 19. 11. We do not believe this man would honor a sign prohibiting trucks from the street because he does not seem to adhere to the law in other respects. Page 2 F. Keith Shepard We are circulating a petition on the street requesting the barricade, and I will bring it to the meeting. Please let me know if there is something else we should be doing in order to put a stop to this problem. The Zoning prople say we have to prove that the business is being operated from the property. It would seem that loaded trucks running in and out would indicate that. The Sheriff's off_.ce and the Department of Public Utilities have been unable tb get on the property. I will appreciate hearing from you. Sincerely, y, (jet(, Edna (Mrs. Mel) Howell East 13411 Cataldo Spokane, WA 99216 (509) 926-8920 Spokane County department of building & safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR June 7, 1983 CERTIFIED -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Larry Carpenter North 1023 Mamer Spokane, WA 99216 EQUIPMENT STORAGE/BUSINESS Laws and regulations in our society are, at times, difficult to understand and fully comprehend. This is true of zoning ordinances, which are laws intended to protect and govern the many different uses of land in Spokane County. It is my responsibility, as the Zoning Investigator, when the situation arises, to help resolve conflicts involving the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance. This office has received reports regarding equipment storage and trucking business on your property located at North 1023 Maurer, Spokane County, parcel number 15541-1103. A recent visual inspection by our field inspector indicates, we believe, that these reports are possibly accurate. Section 4.04.080 of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance provides that storage of those materials normally used in connection with farm or agricultural activities are allowed within Agricultural Zoned areas. Further, Section 4.04.140 prohibits general commercial uses, except as specifically permitted. We are of the opinion that since you have now been informed of the require- ments of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, a period of 30 days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient time in which to bring your property into compliance by, removing the equipment (truck trailers) being stored or by contacting the Spokane County Planning Department with regards to possibly obtaining a temporary use permit or other options available as that department might indicate as appropriate action. J NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 Page 2 Mr. Larry Carpenter June 7, 1983 If the above mentioned time frame is insufficient, please contact this office immediately in order that an equitable time frame might be established in which your property will be brought into compliance with the ordinance requirements. If you wish to discuss these findings, have any questions, or believe these allegations to be unfounded, please feel free to contact at 456-3675. Thomas Davis Zoning Investigator gw r . May 8, 1984 Mr. Keith Shepard Spokane County Courthouse Spokane, WA. Cn11:tIfy CO Dear Mr. Shepard: Last summer I wrote to you requesting that the east end of Cataldo Ave. adjoining w}jt would be Blake be barricaded because an inde- pendent trucker had moved in on Mamer Road and was using our street as an access road. We appreciated your cooperation in making copies of my letter for the various county agencies that could help. However, none of them helped us. The trucker claimed to be an agricultural operation and the area where he lives allows that. We are not zoned agricultural on this side, how- ever. Although his operation is not agricultural, the Zoning Board agreed to call his operation agricultural. The result is that what was once a quiet residential street has now become the access road for a trucking company. Our request at this time is that the county lower the market value on our homes since the county has caused this drop in value. We should not be taxed on value above what we could sell for, and no one in full charge of his faculties would buy a home on the access road for a trucking company. I am writing for our own interests, but will be urging others on the street to take whatever action they think appropriate. I will appreciate hearing from you. Sincerely, Mrs. Melvin C. Howell E. 13411 Cataldo Spokane, WA 99216 (926-8920) F) MA16 1484 R3tiltDING CODES -c-7/zif7Z-7- 42. e2 zu,ty '2,, • a/Z-L2_ A- G' .21 CO; I '''''' '11; • • ; • IN- 1;...t i?? a. el-ae Az-t-e-ze/ „Vcercer_ .c...e.e..,4_/7 --71-07 7( /77 6/er>t<-Y >C1 (7.:?/ -3 ee) • /-,:j• if; .reilet V c7c7.1y/ MAY 31, 1984 MR. KEITH SHEPARD SPOKANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE SPOKANE, WA. MR. SHEPARD, I'M WRITING IN REFERENCE TO A SITUATION THAT EXISTS ON THE EAST END OF CATALDO AVE. LAST SUMMER WE REQUESTED THAT THE EAST END OF CATALDO BE BMtRICADED SINCE A PRIVATE TRUCKER WAS USING OUR RESIDENTIAL STREET AS AN ACCESS ROAD. THIS TRUCKER SAID HE WAS A FARM/AGRICULIJURAL OPERATION AND THE AREA WHERE HE LIVES ALLOWS THIS. BUT WE ARE NOT ZONED AGRICULTURAL ON THE END OF CATALDO WHERE I LIVE. BY THE WAY THIS TRUCKERS OPERATION IS NOT AGRICULTURAL BUT THE ZONING BOARD DECIDED TO CALL THIS OPERATION AGRICULTURAL. AS YOU CAN IMAGINE, OUR STREET HAS NOW BECOME THE ACCESS ROAD FOR THIS TRUCKER. WHAT MAKES MY WIFE AND I SO UNHAPPY WITH THIS DECISION IS THAT WE HAVE ADDED ON TO OUR HOME AND HAVE MADE SEVERAL MAJOR IMPROV&. MENTS TO IT. SINCE SPENDING CONSIDERABLE AMOUNTS OF HARD EARNED DOLLARS TO MAKE THESE IMPROVEMENTS THIS PRIVATE TRUCKER NAIVES IN, USING MY STREET AS HIS ACCESS ROAD. WITH THIS SITUATION THERE IS NO WAY I'LL EVER GET THE REAL MARKET WORTH OUT OF MY HOME. WHAT WE ON CATALDO ARE ASKING YOU TO DO IS TO REDUCE THE MARKET VALUE ON OUR HONE SINCE THE COUNTY HAS CAUSED THE DROP IN VALUE. WE SHOULD NOT BE TAXED ON A VALUE ABOVE WHAT WE COULD REALISTLY SELL FOR. ASK YOUR SELF WHO WOULD PURCHASE A HOME FOR THEIR FAMILY ON THE ACCESS ROAD FOR A TRUCKING COMPANY? I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ON THIS, PLEASE CALL OR DROP A NOTE. THANK YOU, /U ; ,74T / a � v� �. Yv r-0-19-64 TN J. SCOTT WILSON E. 13112 CATALDO SPOKANE, WA. 99216 (509) 924-0418 June , 1984 J. Scott Wilson East 13112 Cataldo Spokane, Washington 99216 Ethelyne Farrage East 13323 Cataldo Spokane, Washington 99216 Mrs. Melvin C. Howell East 13411 Cataldo Spokane, Washingt c 99216 Dear In response to your concerns involving the use of Cataldo street by a private trucker, I had asked Tom Davis of the Department of Building and Safety and Jack Finney of the County Engineer's Office to research this matter for possible solutions. Basically, the problems associated with restricting the use of public rights-of-way to certain vehicles are too numerous with many consequential legal issues to be addressed. However, Mr. Davis reported that perhaps the zoning issue has not been resolved. Recent field inspections revealed that at least three (3) semi - trucks were parked on the property owned by Larry Carpenter suggesting that a trucking or contracting business is being conducted at that location. On June 24, 1983, Mr. Carpenter was advised by the County Planning Department of the zoning requirements and courses of action available to him. Because of this renewed activity, Mr. Davis will notify Mr. Carpenter to initiate immediate action with the Planning Department to formalize compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Compliance may involve the following options: 1. To discontinue use of the property as a contractor's yard. 2. Submitting application for a contractor's yard which involves a public hearing and public notification. 3. Requesting administrative determination that the activity of storing the trucks is not a contractor's yard nor a commercial trucking business. Administrative determinations are appealable to the Board of Adjustment by any aggrieved individual. This procedure also involves a public hearing and public notification. I understand the sensitivity of your concerns and will assist in any way I can to resolve this matter equitably for all concerned. Thank you for contacting me. « Tam Dave% Sac /r rot. Sfroe f/Neciowsh SPOKAKC COUtT. COURT MOUSE June 24,1983 44. Mr. Larry Carpenter North 1023 Mamer Road Spokane, WA 99216 Dear Mr. Carpenter: I11p'�.IJ��:7 A'`J �'!\�.'C)ll ; 'co n- PLANNING.DEPARTMENT BROADWAY CENTRE BUILDING N 721 JEFFERSON STREET PHONE 456-2205 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 L. C12 rs As I indicated to you over the phone, a site inspection has been made of your property at North 1023 Maurer Road by myself and Mr. Tom Davis, Zoning Investigator from the Building and Safety Department. At first glance, the facts associated with your use of the property are difficult to understand. However, upon,closer inspection and in regards with the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance, the following becomes somewhat obvious. Your property is zoned Agricultural. The Agricultural Zone is defined in Section 4.02.020 of the Zoning ordinance as follows: "The 'Agricultural Zone' is a land use classification for a zone suitable for farming and agricultural pursuits, including cultivation of land, fruit raising, truck farming, livestock production, dairying, poultry raising, and forestry. Commercial and industrial activities unrelated to agriculture are prohibited." As you can see from the above definition, the Agricultural Zone anticipates activities on the property that are related to crop production or the raising of crops and animals. During an inspection of your property, I find no agricultural production on-site and only the keeping of one horse on-site. Chapter 4.04 of the Spokane County Zoning Ordinance identifies ceretain uses that are compatible with the production of crops or the raising of animals. (Please find enclosed a copy.) The Zoning Ordinance within Section 4.04.110-(b) provides for a contractor's yard and reads as follows: "A contractor's maintenance, repair and processing building and storage yard, when Mr. Larry Carpenter - 2 - June 24, 1983 located the same property with the dwelling in which he resides, provided that not more than one person outside his own immediate family is employed to work on the premises and provided that any storage area is securely fenced and does not cover more than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. Fencing must be sight -obscuring."; additionally, the minimum requirements for that use stipulate a minimum lot size of 4-1/2 acres, with 200 feet of frontage. e I quote the above sections because it is obvious that your property on North Mamer Road is not being actively cultivated, nor is it of sufficient size to warrant a contractor's yard for some three semi -tractors and approximately eight grain and potato haulers stored on-site. This site as well as all nearby surrounding properties exhibits a semi -rural character with very limited animal keeping, some small gardening plots, but primarily single family residential use in nature. In considering the above facts it, therefore, becomes necessary for the Zoning Administrator to find the use of your property to be in violation of the provisions of Section 4.04.110-(b), a contractor's yard. The Planning Department in an effort to work with you in providing some potential alternatives to this predicament, might suggest the following courses of action available to you: 1) That the property discontinue to,be used as a contractror's yard and all semi -tractors and trailer -haulers be removed from the site to bring the property into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, or 2) You may attempt to comply with the particular requirements of the contractor's yard provision in the Zoning Ordinance , excepting the 4-1/2 Acres with the 200 feet of frontage requirement. You have the right to file a Variance application with the Spokane County Planning Department, requesting a relaxation of the minimum size and frontage requirement. The public hearing will be held; fees are to be paid by you; and notice be given to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. This application will be heard on its merits and a Variance may or may not be approved at the public hearing, or 3) You may possibly appeal my determination that the subject site is a contractor's yard. The issues of this matter and my decision would be discussed at a public hearing. Notice would be given to property owners within 300 feet of your property. Mr. Larry Carpenter 3 June 24, 1983 I understand this is a difficult matter for you to consider along with the alternatives which may be more viable for your needs. We would, therefore, allow you thirty (30) days from the date of this letter to comply with or initiate one of the alternatives identified above. A copy q,6 this letter is being sent to Mr. Tom Davis, Zoning Investigator with the Building and Safety Department. If he or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. SinGerelyp4�r��� / STEVE P.HOROBIOWSKI Zoning Administrator Enclosure 1 CC:Tom Davis, Zoning Investigator ; i \ SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING AND. SAFETY DE\ 1 , . \ Oat, 4flr Inter -office Communication Timo• a r ci4c;r244 v to r 14„- //a& -C -71-4 fijeC 47,- to be Ini/Ca7‘ cci ke,:+77..t v -e— prep Qre012,_ rest gny ct,c, c -e aree 074 vr, re? tasli, it" C2C14)/. 7'5 re so /a e Jon vni, June 26, 1984 Spokane County department of building & safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR CERTIFIED - RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Larry Carpentw Noryh 1023 Mamer Road Spo ane, WA 99216 Dear Mr. Carpenter: This office is continuing to receive reports that you are operating a trucking business on your property located at North 1023 Mamer Road. Recent field inspections confirmed that three semi - trucks with trailers were parked on site. In reviewing our file, the County Planning Department on June 24, 1983, notified you in writing of several courses of action available to you. (Copy enclosed). Subsequently, a verbal understanding was reached between yoy and Steve Horobiowski, County Zoning Administrator, whereby you would send a letter to Mr. Horobiowski stating what equipment is needed for your personal use. From this information, an administrative determination on number of units to be kept on site would be made. The County Planning Department reported that to date no letter has be received. Because of your recent increase in activity involving the number of trucks, this department is specifically requesting that within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter, you initiate action with the County Planning Department to formally conclude this matter. A recheck of our files will be conducted immediately following the time frame specified above. Your compliance with this request will negate the need to refer this matter to the County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for appropriate legal action. Your immediate attention would be appreciated. Since ely, Thomas L. Davis Zoning Investigator Enclosure Copy to Steve Horobiowski NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 June 25, 1984 SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Broadway Centre Building N. 721 Jefferson Street, Room 401 Spokane, WA 99260-0040 ATTENTION: HYDEE CABAN ECEIVE ,JON 2 9 1984 SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Thank you for sending me the enclosed form as I had requested. Please remember that my remarks are not directed at you personally, but rather the hierarchy of the county in.general. I wanted to raise t44 question, "Can the county destroy the value of a person's property in one department and, at the same time, increase the • market value for the purpose of collecting more taxes?" I called a professional appraiser who gave me a price of $175 to come and make an appraisal. He said, "You would go to the hearing with the information and they would let you present your case but they would not listen and would rule against you. Then they would let you appeal it and continue to oppose you until you run out of money, and you will wish you had never wasted your time." I thought he was pretty biased, so I called a real estate office and asked for their opinion. The man I talked to said, "They're crooked as a dog's hind leg down there and they are not going to listen to you. I'd suggest you go back to trying to get rid of the trucker." (The county had allowed a commercial trucking company to make our residential street an access road.) Both of these men agreed that the county has destroyed the market value of our property, but they both feel that the county rides rough -shod over the residents of the county. At this point, I am not planning to do anything because I don't know what there is to do. We don't have the kind of money it takes. Sincerely, Mrs. Melvin C. Howell E. 13411 Cataldo Spokane, WA 99216 CC: Keith Shepard, Commissioner Tom Davis, Planning,----- Mike lanning)Mike Harper, Appraiser Fi ' cry (-Err C -Mt Err Z you FOR TRUE AND FAIR ASSESSED VA4yr- PLEASE COMPLETE 1141.3 PETITION NO. PJC -83=115 PETITION IN ITS ENTIRETY. In accordance with che provisions of Chapter 84.48 Revised Cade of Washington. I. Melvin C. 11019e11 do hereby respectfully petition the County Board of Equalizationa change che true and fair value of the following des- cribed property as shown on the assessment rolls for the year 1983 , to chat amount shown in Item No. Eleven (11) of this form. I hum DATE: Must be filed on or before July 13th NOTE: I1 appealing the current use assessed value, use FORM REV 64 0065. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Account or Parcel No. 15541-0502 Town Cat 2 Block. 1 Addition Guthries Valley View 4th 15 25 44 Tax Lot No. Section Twp Age 2. ASSESSOR'S TRUE AND FAIR VALUE: Land Buildings $35,700* Timber and Minerals TOTAL $44,700 *Assessor Proposes to increase the improvement value to $d1,200 duo to new rnnstrurtinn 5 9,000 BOOK NO.: APPRAISER: Mike Harper 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: (Land area,' type buildings. use, etc.) East 13411 Cataldo A. Address or location B. Land size C. Zoning and use D. Brief description of buildings 4. PURCHASE PRICE OF PROPERTY $ (Else only if sale occurred within last five years) Date or purchase Tarns 5. HAS PROPERTY BEEN OFFERED FOR SALE? When and how long? Listed with broker? Asking price $ 6. HAS PROPERTY BEEN APPRAISED BY OTHER THAN THE COUNTY ASSESSOR? When? Dy whom?? Purpose of appraisal Appraised value? (If needed, attach separate sheet for further evidence) 7. IF /SCONE PROPERTY, SUCH AS HOTEL, MOTEL, COMMERCIAL RENTAL, SERVICE STATION, LEASED OR RENTED FARM, ATTACH STATE- MENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR PAST TWO YEARS, AND COPY OF LEASE OR RENTAL AGREEMENT. 8. Ct?ARABLE SALES OF SIN LAR PROPERTY: A. Land Valuation: Recent similar vacant land sales in the area are: Parcel Number - • Land Area or Size . Sala Price 1. 2. 3. Dace of Sale B. Land and Building Valuation: Recent sales involving similar type of property are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Parcel Number Land Size Main Floor Area' Sala Price Dace of Sale FORM REV 64 0054 (1-78) -SEE THE REVERSE SIDE- This -letter was sent:,,tosJ'Scott,Wil EthelyeneFarrage, and';;Dont.Howell5';as Mr. J. Scott Wilson East 13112 Cataldo Spokane, Washington 99216 ITH SHEPARD !cord District 4SHINGTON 99260-0100 GRANT C. PETERSON Third DIstrict IkICEIVED JUN 2 9 1984 BEADING CODES Dear Mr. Wilson: In response to your concerns involving the use of Cataldo street by a private trucker, I had asked Tom Davis of the Department of Building and Safety and Jack Finney of the County Engineer's Office to research this matter for possible solutions. Basically, the problems associated with restricting the use of public rights of way to certain vehicles are too numerous with many consequential legal issues to be addressed. However, Mr. Davis reported that perhaps the zoning issue has not been resolved. Recent field inspections revealed that at least three (3) semi -trucks were parked on the property owned by Larry Carpenter suggesting that a trucking or contracting business is being conducted at that location. On June 24, 1983, Mr. Carpenter was advised by the County Planning Department of the zoning requirements and courses of action available to him. Because of this renewed activity, Mr. Davis will notify Mr. Carpenter to initiate immediate action with the Planning Department to formalize compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Compliance may involve the following options: 1. To discontinue use of the property as a contractor's yard. 2. Submitting application for a contractor's yard whi a public hearing and public notification. 3. Requesting administrative determination that the a storing the trucks is not a contractor's yard nor trucking business. Administrative determinations to the Board of Adjustment by any aggrieved indivi procedure also involves a public hearing and publi ch involves ctivity of a commercial are appealable dual. This c notification. I understand the sensitivity of your concerns and will assist in any way I can to resolve this matter equitably for all concerned. Thank you for contacting me. incere F. Ke Count th Shepard, Commissioner cc: Steve Horobiowski, Jack Finney, Tom Davis CONTACT RECORD DATE TYPE COMMENTS 1 / / (Gf'.rl�L� PlIv91/ /n/u '�Orn�J(/Lf� . .%,. / L�����a�u- v, -- - 7/1,3/ C 4.-( d )e( it, X74 d „4/7e ,Vv -20--.6./^2-2.4,1 ,r r� 74� /A .-tidii7/ -/ //' CIii/!%l/P� r gni i ----7 e --(-1-/J -L1.1-2 all./ /-i rel ',7 ,j/ A....1Cr7i C -6A/ as . ,a .i/ n .. ( f v4/.Y�r T!`,14.1 •Cr t_rL I`' / It- �S/1!4 ✓1 CO.h G/(`P77 177;/i /,l �G' / !i /Y//e/,7,,/0 r -e., 0- �;:� ti� if �� e Y N /<Ip�l . AtG I / c. -e% c/ ctair C.G%moi f -4,1' ( Ll L...- r�u Uy Il/7i, .�. 7/JJAyS . �„2 . 1. '')/2-8/K -(2l2)fit /. -1-4/✓1-r.-/ /7 //F,G.- ./rt/L(+n4.4r-/ 0-7 074 . I e_v 8-3-63 / .of -- Pe -P_ -c/ ,'if hel _ t ,40niA/.4,-)t riv .:/ ow / 0�u-%'tit .��-c,tu,:,J . '��/ iZ, , nn // (1:snvi .i/1r-, t J',e_. r',/ .. 1.s /J .i'i A(;..tr / ;.- cl' 1/�,f/1;//1� tit /"r Ni At � 1 r - ., 42O -c71 ,tc e t - : 4G A -rpt (17///'0 1 J4i1/-rx • /h CiJ/� 1 3' ; „ . , X a - PA' G : / ..//1..//1f . 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