1991, 05-16 Permit: 91002397 DuplexSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS ` t. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE S 1 KANE WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the int ormation contained in n and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or can - ovisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating constructio n - SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGEN APPLICATION s____./42 _ 9/ DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 9.0+02397 ISSUED PERMIT DATF= 05/16/9i PAGE= 01 i 3* 3e 3e 3* 1e.)i di ii *i di -)i -i ri df -Hr.4i if df d8 )* -)* - 3Hc—)f •F'' F R M T T .E N I O R M A T I O N 'x x ii ai if ii.:x.:ii x k iG ii bi ii di if ii ii * di df df )c )f ri df if 4i SITE:: STREET= 11 420 N MAMER RD- - ' ADDRESS== SPOKANE Wei 99216' --' PERMIT IJSE:= DUPLEX-- NWEC- PLATO= WEC:- PLA TO= 0'04449(3 PLAT T' NAME:.= -BLOCK= •. -_ LOT= AREA= 00000000 - - -F'/A= OF- BLDGS= -1 4 DWELLINGS= OWNER= BAGBY,, ROSE. - STREET= PO BOX 14352 ' ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA . 992 1 4 S F PARCEL O_. '1 5541--0622PTN - 1 - 629 I ZONE= UW ---345 WIDTH= 116 2 - WATER DIST CONTACT NAME= MIKE KRALIK - BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT=. -44. _LEFT= 25 .x :d..){. {i..x..ri. it. ii. it..Ii..x..i(.:,(..k..x. ii..x..x..x. ii..YF x i4 .ii. ii. ii ii x diii )i' I3 L I: I... Ii 1: N t•, CONTRACTOR== OWNER '.- .NEW= X DWELL UNITS= 7 BLDG W X D- _ - - X REQ PARKING= ENERGY CODE= NWEC .EGC- D T S T =' DEPTH= 317 R/W==- 40 = -L•'FRA- PHONE= 509 922 :39104 - -PHONE NUMBER= 509 922 -3904--' RIGHT= 10 REAR== 23:3 ,• E FI:zM:I: T ' si -1*;i.;i..x.xm*x*,.): x,';4i 5'; ac x ai.:x. - -PHONE:= REMODEL=. ADDITION= OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT=. SQ FT= 2204 SPRINKLER=' N mHANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT: N .UTILITY= -VERA - - - - .x .x.:, i..x .x .x..i i. x. CHANGE OF USE= STORIES= DESCRIPTION _• GROUF . GARAGE - - - M--1 RESIDENCE—R-3- :ITEM DESCRIPTION TYPE. VN .... — RESIDENTIAL -VALUATION --SLATE-SURCHARGE -- COUNTY-SURCHARGE -COUNTY-SURCHARGE - - # {i..x.x.x.x..x..x. gi..x..x..x..x..x. *..x..x :x .x..x..x.;;..x..x..x. *4x..x..x: P I... t I I i B .I: N G ii • -CONTRACTOR= UNKNOWN' - - STREET= UNKNOWN - - ADDRE:SS= UNKNOWN WA UNKNOWN • ITEM DESCRIPTION _ QUAN TOILETS ' - .INK, BATH TUBS KITCHEN SINKS DISH IA` S I I E:. R,S GLOrhEc,i.WASI`ILIi 2 1..'.,00 ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS- :2 12.00 **iiiix:iii)iififiF=rF#if=,iiiii7r=,t##3iiiiili*** PAYMENT SUMMARY**s*ii-e*****##x=,i**3ei-***>Faeir*;t** SO, FT VALUATION 1320 9240,00 •. - - 2.204 . 96976.00 - QUANTITY ,I:EE_AMOJlNT 00 . 4:•50 ¥ _. -i06=24 F'E FiM.T. 1' di * ii iixtt x.xair ii it it.x.;ex.n. R..A.xx. x..x. x. x.x..x.K PHONE= - - . ITV c, %5 FEE .AMOUNT - 1:..0:7 '12.00 12:00 1:..00 12,00 PAYMENT: DATE .•r, 05/16/91 r TOTAL. DUE== . RECEIPT -4_ _ 970?, :00 TOTAL_ PAID AMOUNTF'AID 774,74 74-'74 64.100- ..............:..... 6558-. 74 PERMIT TYPE: FEE- AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 7._........_ ............... 74.74 PLUMBING PERMIT 04,00 1.850.114 ROCESSED BY. JUL:.:ET.-: SHAT -TO - PRI:NTE:D I{Y: JOHN L.ARSON :x.=n:a6*diti****)iii•i*i4#ii=xii*ii#3Fm;ii..x..x. *x** THANK YOU .x PAYMENT AMOUNT. o58,74 858,74 AMOUNT OWING .00 -00 00 x..x.x..x4*)*x*x*x*;*xi**3*fi**m;*3******•4*f':4i***=,r;i