2008, 05-21 Permit App: 08001605 Egress WindowProject Number: 08001605 Inv 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 5/21/2008 Page 1 of 2 Project!nformation: Permit Use: 1 EGRESS WINDOW Setbacks: Front Contact: ADAMSON, KAYLA R Address: 14120 E BROADWAY AVE C - S - Z: SPOKANE, WA 99206 Left: Right: Rear: Phone: (509) 701-7143 Group Name: Project Name: Site Information: Plat Key: 001672 Name: MOORES ADD District Sout Parcel Number: 45221.1441 Block: SiteAddress: 707 S MAMER RD Location:: CSV Zoning: R-3 SF Res District Water District: 010 VERA Area: 10,500 Sq Ft Width: 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Lot: Owner: Name: ADAMSON, KAYLA R Address: 14120 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE, WA 99206 Hold: ❑ Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Review Building Plan Review Permits: Released By: - -r - - Originally Released: 5/21/2008 By: tmelbourn Contractor: OWNER Building Permit Firm: OWNER Phone: (000) 000-0000 This Application: Total Project: DescriptionGrp Type Notes Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 1&2 FAMILY R-3 VB 1 EGRESS 0 $600.00 0 $600.00 WINDOW Item Description RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE WSBC SURCHARGE SF PLNS RVVV < 7999 SQ FT Totals: 0 $600.00 Units Unit Desc 1 SELECT 1 SELECT 1 SELECT Operator: JD Printed 13y: jmm 0 $600.00 Fee Amount $69.25 $4.50 $27.70 Permit Total Fees: $101.45 Print Date: 5/21/2008 Project Number: 08001605 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 5/21/2008 Page 2 of 2 Notes: Payment Summary , Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $101.45 $101.45 50.00 $101.45 $101.45 $101.45 50.00 $101.45 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: JD Printed By: jmm Print Date: 5/21/2008 04/29/2008 TUE 9:35 FAX 5099210017 Permit Center Spokane 1 1703 E Sprague Ave, Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 aona1Qy (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 www. sp okane val Iev. org Community Development Residential Construction Permit Application ®001/004 PERMIT NUMBER: ) PERMIT FEE: (d i -'- ❑ New Construction ❑ Accessory Bldg El Addition/Remodel ❑ Deck Other: SITE ADDRESS: ! 01 -S ° (Yl a.Pvt -C !eO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ASSESSORS PARCEL NO: � � �- .Builditig Owuer: :,'. � .. .. ; . . ;.• _ �:i,:: : ..Contractor .. �. � ., ... . Name: 01 f CL 4.6titifriS o il Name: Address: 70 7 s - itutAct /410 Address: v City: S/20/(6_4„cState: w4 Zip: (1 ��/iG City: State: Zip: Phone: 7/ L/3 Fax: sod'-7�I" Phone: Fax: DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: Contactor Lic No: Exp Date: Contact;Person :^;::: `:' : _e; : = .:% . ;:> ; `:-: i`i':' CONSTRUCTION TYPE: City Business Lic. No: Name: Kati) irk kekLivISo✓) Phone: `701 - 7I y3 3/d4-y1N 216 -S%// ... 6 (L Describe the scope of work i de ail: Cost of Project: $ k Or7 , Describe l kol 4AL Cit ;n4 l_'6A�1r�, .Kt /�oo, -Fermi Pi rt�s w') o� w +6 11.0 i 4_Afbe); . Proposed Use: /A A./4104,u 4 r Jn4 2/ .hJI /eo //'l • C j rc -5 MUST be cora Tete•(write N/A If not applicable)********************** _.........._.. 40V1U....tng HEIGHT TO PEAK: /ilk_ p DIMENSIONS: #, OF ST R E,S: TOTAL HABITABLE;SPACE' MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 2M FLOOR SQ. FTG: • UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: FINISHED BASEMENT SO. FTG: GARAGE SQ. FTG: DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: 30% SLOPES ON P OPERTY: # OF BEDROOMS: iV IN CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: we , R SEPTIC? The permitee venfies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Pemtit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequently approved before this application can be pro essed. % Q i'�,, SIGNATURE: - Ag � DATE: Y `k 1/ 0 Method of Payment: ❑ Cash Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: ❑ Mastercard ❑ VISA xpires: VIN#: 62414A -P-11 Effective 10-28-07 Page 1 of I httpJ/wwwspokanevaltey.org/uploads/CommunityDevelopmcnVDocumentiP onus/Building/Residential Building Permit App dot RPR 29 2009 09:40 5099210017 PRGE.01 7- Staane asicValley Site Address: 707 S MAMER RD Parcel Number: 45221.1441 Zoning: R-3 Fire District: FD 01 Project Transmittal City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department 11703 E. Sprague Ave, Suite B3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone. 509 688.0036 Newprojectkd Previous pre -app mccting ❑ Plan revisions ❑ Transmittal Date: Tuesday April28, 2008 Water District: VERA Project Number: 08001605 Applicant: ADAMSON. KAYLA R Owner: ADAMSON, KAYLA R 14120 E BROADWAY AVE 14120 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE, WA 99206 SPOKANE. WA 99206 (509) 701-7143 e-mail: e-mail: Contact: ADAMSON. KAYLA R Occupant: 14120 E BROADWAY AVE SPOKANE. WA 99206 e-mail: (509) 701-7143 e-mail: Contractor: OWNER () - o Project 1 EGRESS WINDOW Description: Arch / Engineer: e-mail: LSCLSu V E i='i; 2 fMC 221 Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fire Dist Assessor APPLICATIO CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1 v Please send all plan review and project comments via e-mail to the highlighted individuals. Spanolane EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE EGRESS WINDOW *Minimum 20" wide clear opening *Minimum 24" high clear opening *Minimum 5.7 sq ft openable area **5.0 sq ft minimum @ grade floor *Top of sill maximum of 44" above finished floor 20' CLEAR MIN MINIMUM SIZE WINDOW FOR 20 IN. CLEAR WIDTH 41' CLEAR SILL HEIGHT 44' MAX 34' CLEAR OPENABLE AREA 5.7 SQ FT MIN (5.0 SQ FT MIN F D GRADE FLOOR) MINIMUM SIZE WINDOW FOR 24114. CLEAR HEIGHT 1 24' CLEAR MIN FLOOR Grade floor opening is a window or other openings located such that the sill height of the opening is not more than 44" above or below the finished ground level adjacent to the opening. i /i i i / , • OPENABLE i' AREA 5.7 SQ FT MIN '(5.0 SO FT MIN GRADE FLOOR) . . . \'1, i MINIMUM SIZE WINDOW FOR 20 IN. CLEAR WIDTH 41' CLEAR SILL HEIGHT 44' MAX 34' CLEAR OPENABLE AREA 5.7 SQ FT MIN (5.0 SQ FT MIN F D GRADE FLOOR) MINIMUM SIZE WINDOW FOR 24114. CLEAR HEIGHT 1 24' CLEAR MIN FLOOR Grade floor opening is a window or other openings located such that the sill height of the opening is not more than 44" above or below the finished ground level adjacent to the opening. WINDOW WELL *Minimum 36" x 36" *Minimum 9 sq ft clear floor area *Top of wall a maximum of 44" above the floor of the well *A guardrail is not required unless an exit way adjoins the well. *Provide drainage DEEP WELLS *If the top of the window well wall is more than 44" above the floor of the well, either a permanently fixed ladder or stair egress is required. *The ladder or stair may encroach a' maximum of 6" into the required clear floor space. WINDOW WELL LADDER OR STAIR REQUIRED vii\\\. //i NET CLEAR DIMENSIONS WHEN FULLY OPENED TO PROVIDE 9 SQUARE FEET OF OPENING '// A\ '/// 9//.\\\9// .O\W/A '///• \\\ \\\'/// \\\` ///..\\\ 7/1•\\\////‘ %//b '///• \\v/// \\ '/1/.\\\7/1.\\v" / \\\M/.\A\ 11/1 \—EMERGENCYESCAPE OR RESCUE OPENING WITH FINISHED SILL HEIGHT BELOW ADJACENT GRADE LADDER EGRESS *At least 12" in width *Rungs not more than 18" on center *Minimum 3" toe space *Permanently fixed *Non-combustible *Shall extend to top of wall LADDER OR STAIR PERMITTED TO ENCROACH MAXIMUM OF 6 INCHES INTO REQUIRED DIMENSIONS-, w 36' MIN 36' MIN *Where bars, grills, covers, screens or similar devices are installed over emergency escape and rescue openings, they must be openable from the inside without the need of special knowledge or special tools, and the force to open them may not be greater than that required of the opening itself. 04/29/2008 TUE 9:36 FAX 5099210017 tai qui d Eicess T -0318t i tRa'lA CIJIU8 21HT TD38AO ; V OITO392VVI GJ313 OT V1002/004 WHEN INTERIOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS OR ADDITINS REQUIRING A PERMIT OCCUR, OR WHEN ONE OR MRE SLEEPING ROOMS ARE ADDED OR CREATED IN EXIS NG DWELLINGS. THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROV1' ED WITH SMOKE ALARMS LOCATED AS REQUIRED FOR EW DWELLINGS. SMOKE ALARMS SHALL BE INTERC•N- NECTED AND HARD WIRED IN SUC A MANNER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF NE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL ALAR S. (BEDROOMS, AREAS APPROACHING BEDROOMS, VAULTED CEILI G WITH RISE OF 24" & ON EACH FLOOR) View ieom ' ;1L /�� 44,,t/ (2 L)et so •� —uti°--•� for Win Au) RPR 29 2008 09:41 1 EMERGENCY EGMSS REQUIREMENTS FROM SLEEPING ROOMS I)NETCLEAR OPENING: 5.7 SQUARE FEET GRADE FLOOR OPENING EMG7144'1 5.0 SQUARE FEET 2) NET CLEAR OPENING HVGt: 24 INCHES_ __ NAOTTPP 3) NET CLEAR OPENING II 201NC14E5 4) MAX FINISHED SILL HEIGHT 44' ABOVE FLOOR 5) EMERGENCY ESCAPE 8 RESCUE OPENING SHALL BE OPERATIONAL FROM TME MUG OF THE ROOM WITHOUT THE USE Of KEYS OR TOOLS t9' 1 I. 5099210017 PRGE.02 21401T100A RO 2111A93R .21401TAR3TJA 110011101 tl9HW 3ROM4 RO 3140 W RO,R1330 TIMR39 A R11IRIU0 in O141121X314103TA3R3 RO 0300A 3RA MOOR 0111931 is 0301V0119 30 JJAH2 TI$U 01441J3W0 3141 .20111113W0 W34 R01 03811.10341 2A 03TAOOJ 2MRAJA 3$0M211TIW .20NUJ3WU -14GOH3TM) 38 JJAHZ 2MHAJA '. 110u2 NI 03Hi'N ()RAH OVA 1140 10 14OITAVITOA 3H f TMH- ' 2MPAJA .)JA 11A'/170A 'riy7AOH99A A=".. . ROOF•- CITY COPY THIS BUILDING s S JEGT, TO FIELD INSPECTION CORRECTIONS aim 3samiuO3R 223R03 V3ii3bRiM 3 2M0001bw931312 MORA - 1331 JRAU02 1 2 0141113110 RA3J3 1314 I I T)313RA00202 nn XAM( MINI 3gcl HCUj! MARE) 23H0)1ILS YH3I3HONIt17g0 RA 1331 J14 IS 230001 Ui HT044! 014101% RA3J31311 (E 40071 3VORA YF TM013M 1712 C3)121v111 Z.AtA (1 38 JJAH2 ;1''111.190 )U3030 d 39AJ23 ? ti33R3MA4 tL TIJOHTIW MOOR 3HT 10 3012$4 Mt MOM? J6:1011A0190 2.100T HO 2v 3, Tu 32U 1.n REVIEWED co. valleY FOR OMPI IANCE SPOKANE VALLEY J1LIpfNG DIVISION f A