1980, 02-05 Permit: 79-7659 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION- 1 CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK N S E -r W FINAL INSPECTION: ,,7 SET WKS DATE f 4 % /41 PLAN NUMEER APPLICATION/PtRMIT SPOKANE COUNTY --BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 811 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 00200 / (SEN 40.2005 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 4COPIES E ACID RESSif /3 /�_A_.e a /u""/�J` •A_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED LOT 1. EL SUEDIVIlION 6, 0S ONANO1 OP UH PROM 0. PHONE SIF PARCEL NUMEER/S Raeulrod In VW— IAN I1IIWw Sint of ANwl beta IZeMCleerRleekr 777-10)4 L SIP PHONE Type Court. OooOMney ' Senek0ee 0v CNN 0 `ego. Sul a Valuation M b EIS Ifo OWL Ares Eee00.4 Al.. [areae At. 1 SWAN um BMW' 1 SNR MAIM Tvn %,W 0 ALT. LLLO sa',.. 0 RFL. 0 MVS. OF 'f/!^_lLo. 0 PLM. /*M[CHI 0 M.H. 0 FOOL WORK 0. 0100010E WORN .V4} .�.V`�.F►�-/ VALUATION U0to11HN' j OAl l QiG?RIC 0 OTHER No. ptM I Na. 010.10 N0. 8100m8 Ret Room OERTIRIOAT[ M ERSISPTNIN IReda. poi Rp'a. WA4R ` r EEW[R 1 hereby utv 111.1 1 peva reed and examined this application and here toad the "NOTICE" provieionl included 041 side, end know the some to be true and correct. All provisions of Taws and ordinances governing Ube type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does nal prelume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other Rete or local law regulating oonftructiOn or the performance Of construction. DATE __- SIONATUHF SPECIAL APPROVALS O[PT. REG'O. RECO. En, HMlta men SPECIAL CONDITIONS: fele DDLLECTeo Single a [elMing Numbing Med. Nen puck SEP* Mobile Harm — 0I0W Mpeei/y) TOTAL a DATE 04• •900 •900 •9.0oti •000 8 \ 76581 11-13-79 1 6479