1994, 11-22 Investigation No PermitINVESTIGA'T'ION 'WORKSHEET IAv n i Mo-060414-e.i geD) i.”51 ADDRESS / 57& 5 /&J/ PARCEL_ NO. CONFIDENTIAL MLU/ 11 ,, 11 ZONE III& OCCUPANT k � 5n�; PHONE ADDRESS I. 0 I Gbi /7 O alef„-„, NATURE 06 INVESTIGATION BUILDING DESCRIBE STATUS Date l6 FIRE CODE COMPLIANCE RESOLVED/ ATE 4 - 9. 5y AD/DATE PROSECUT ATE AIDAV1T Comments s v •-241-y) d2 • i'� 4E05rc �. c/a tic ,Z- 7-57' (4,4c, /,��� Investigator:77,f) ,1,6,61/4/. Recheck Date: STOP WORK ORDER Spokane County Department of Buildings 1026 W. Broadway Avenue (509) 456-3675 5 /s/4, i At nil44. � Address Contractor Name (if known) Ph 7/9V Date / -;71 iierrrt /,t,t <7'D We are unable to locate a valid permit for the work being done at this address. A permit is required for this project. Work shall not continue until a permit has been obtained and the work inspected for conformance with applicable codes and ordinances. If you have already obtained the permit, please contact us at 456-3675 with the project number so we can revise our records. If you have any questions, please call. AN INVESTIGATIVE FEE EQUAL AND IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE HAS BEEN ASSESSED. Thank You. `q2_,)j) Inspector Please submit the following in conjunction with your application for a permit: Building Plans/Floor Plan Legal Description/Parcel Number Site Plan Other This stop work order is to remain posted until its removal is authorized by the Building Official. Job Status: 42.LAA.A0_212_ 914, 9 r DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C B O., DIRECTOR WRS & Associates Post Office Box 14084 Spokane, Washington 99214 • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P E., DIRECTOR November 23, 1994 RE: Stop Work Order - 1516 South Mamer Road To whom it may concern: As you are aware, on November 17, 1994 a stop work order was placed on the project (residence) located at the above referenced address, because the appropriate building permit(s) had not been issued/obtained. Therefore, we must require that you take immediate steps to obtain a permit for this project. Please be advised that in addition to any other permit fees associated with this project, Section 304(e)2 of the Uniform Building Code requires that an investigation fee equal to the amount of the building permit fee be collected whenever any work on a project has commenced without first obtaining a permit. This additional fee is intended to offset costs associated with any investigative work involved, and is further intended to encourage those contemplating construction to obtain the necessary permits in advance. The code further specifies that the work shall not recommence until authorized by this department. A recheck of our records will be conducted ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Unless arrangements have been made by that time to correct this situation, this matter will be forwarded to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office without further notice from this office for the appropriate legal action. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call us at 456- 3675 if you have any questions or need further information regyfding this matter. TLD:fmh Sincer TimeT mas L. Davi Code Compliance Coordinator c: Steve Holyk, Building/Fire Prevention Inspectors WEST 1026 BROAD{VAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 450-3675 FAX (509) 156-4703 ej8;q; Saauday,:November:26,�i 94;.-�; :�'tTha'�ppkgstoah=fievl qt u By Adam Lynn Staff writer ounty commissioners this week approved a 13 -acre subdivision at 16th and • Evergreen, Tess than a week after inspectors cited the developer ; ' (or pouring foundations at the site thout proper permits. The unanimous vote on the. . 28 -home first phase of the Dhaenens Square subdivision came Tuesday _. dMidiTiia The.development will contain 72 homes and just less than 11 acres of open s� pace when its completed in severalyeots. Therm' unty planning department rove • • • recommended approval of the': project despite the fact that the development company, Smith Homes, jumped the gun bn the., foundations. , "They were pouring foundations out there before the plats were,..'• signed. We had to stop them from. doing that,' county Planning - Director Wally Hubbard told ; commissioners in a briefing Tuesday afternoon."I giiess.that says there's a market for them. I hear they've been selling them already.": A county building inspector issued two stop -work orders to Smith - Homes on Nov. 17 after discovering the developer had poured the foundations for two homes without the necessary building permits. L' Davis -; fo di iile al fooridatigps:• On Wednesday, Thomas'., ,.. ,.,. •..;; . of the building department sent:; , ., Dhaeuens'Said his'ielationship; company officials a letter reminding with Smith has soured since;the land •..: them that they needed to'get the permits and pay a fine within 10 days ; He said when he saw Smith:s crews . "Unless arrangements have been , pouring the. foundations recently, he made by that time to correct this : : couldn t look,the Situation,thismatterwillbe•:.:' glustcotildntunderstandwhyhe; -•;•.,c Valleyin•1912and.the.landand home was inthe family until it was sold to e:. Snuth Smith Homes has been marketing Dhaenens'Square in radio ads and or billboardsfor some time although no homes have been built. . • The company is promoting the subdivision as an old-fashioned neighborh'odd where residents can tit friendsandhaveasenseof- '. ' . community pride. • In one radio spot; a folk singer croons; 6`Dllaenens Square, ' ,hie tens:St areij:Mple who love ijitwghve We{s. So far, iPs tieen anything but pleasant. "It's a sneaky little deal," D• haenens forwarded forwarded to the Spokane County could pour without getting 4 Prosecuting Attorney's Office • for ections or ermitswhen nobod the appropriate legal action, "'Davis else can' Dhaenens said: "If I've i wrote: gottatiave•pernrits; he's gottahave . The amount of the fine has not permits pen determrped `,?, Dhaenens, who owns'l;omEoag Bill Smith; presidentof the. company, could not be reached for, comment.' -: Tort Dhaenens, whose family sold the land to Smith, alerted inspectors, •Produce nearEvergieen'anif32nd Old he also suap�ects $mttlt,bt tilt an :.addition onfig.the o1d Dh engem_; family house without a permit > Dhaenens' parents moved to the_' November 22, 1994 Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 west Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 Re: Sequence of events for the following enforcement issues: (1) Footings for two residences poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th. The location will be the future plat known as Dhaenenens Square Phase 1. (2) Residence changed into a sales office located at 1404 S. Evergreen Road without a valid permit. The location of this residence is in the vicinity of Dhaenenens Square Phase 1 (above). (3) Approximately 144sf structure added to an existing out building located at 2624 S. Best Road. The location of this structure is in the same vicinity of Dhaenenens Square Phase 1. To Whom it may concern: November 1, 1994 - Call-in complaint submitted to this department: Footings poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th (no. 1 listed above). Tom Davis instructed Lorne Lakshas to confirm complaint with applicant. Lorne contacted complainant Tom Dheanenens (TDh). Complainant named Bill Smith as the owner of the property. Complainant verified that no actual concrete had been poured. Lorne instructed complainant to contact this office if concrete is poured. Complaint was not investigated because concrete had not been poured. Complainant named Bill Smith as the owner of the subject property. November 4, 1994 - A second complaint was called in by TDh to Lorne Lakshas (no. 2 listed above). TDh named Bill Smith as the owner of the poperty. A request for investigation was submitted to Reed Ockey (RO), building inspector by Lorne Lakshas (LRL). See Attachment A. November 8, 1994 - RO submitted findings of the above investigation to LRL regarding complaint no. 2.. RO was unable to comfirm the violation from the outside of the residence. See Attachment B for findings. November 9, 1994 - TDh contacted LRL to inquire as to the status of complaint no. 2. TDh felt that the Building Department should look closer at the situation. He said a commercial sign is located outside the residence. November 9, 1994 - TDh called this office because TDh needed to inform me that footings were being poured on November 9, 1994 per complaint no. 1. TDh was told that LRL was attending a workshop. Therefore, TDh asked that this message be given to LRL or "her supervisor" in order to get an immediate stop work order placed on the project. TDh told me (11/10/94) that he had left a message for me and Tom Davis to call him. I did not receive the message. November 10, 1994 - TDh called me to ask if I had received his message of 11-9-94. He said no one from this office had contacted him. I told him I had not received a message. Tom Davis told me that he had received the message on 11-9-94. Tom said he would call Reed in the field. November 10, 1994 - Tom Davis told me that he (Tom Davis) had talked to Reed. Reed told Tom Davis that he would try to get out in the field that afternoon to place a stop work order. November 10, 1994 - Lorne called Mike Nicholson, Planner, to inquire as to the date that Dhaenenens Square Phase 1 would be finalized and recorded. Mike Nicholson was not sure. The plat miler was in the County Engineer's office. (Three-day weekend) November 14, 1994 (AM) - I needed a field report as to the status of the footings so I spoke with Reed about the about the situation. Reed said that he would take a look and find out what was going on at Evergreen and 16th (Dhaenenens Square). November 14, 1994 (PM) - TDh contacted me to request a status report on the footings. TDh also reported to a third violation on property owned by Bill Smith. See no. 3 listed above. TDh also informed me that more footings were being poured as we spoke (approximately 4:30pm). November 14, 1994 (Late PM) - The letter of November 14, 1994 was written and left on Reed Ockey's desk late in the evening of 11/14/94. See attachment C. November 15, 1994 (AM) - Bill Benish stated to me that the letter of 11/14/94 was left on Tom Davis desk by RO. There was no information attached. Tom Davis did not know why the letter (attachment C) was left on Tom's desk. November 15, 1994 (AM) - Tom Davis stated to me that he would talk to Art Erickson about the situation. November 15, 1994 (late AM) - TDh called me again to require about the status of the stop work orders for Dhaenenens Square. I told TDh that I was waiting to hear from Reed Ockey and that TDh should also contact Art Erikson. November 15 1994 (early PM) - I spoke to Art Erickson about the need for a stop work order on this project. I explained that this situation involved a complainant. Art said he would contact Reed, or Art himself would place a stop work order on the project. November 16 1994 - Art stopped by my office and said to Tom Davis and myself that he (Art) was having a stop work order placed on the project. November 16, 1994 - A letter (11/16/94) was sent to Mike Nicholson, Planner, reminding the planning depatment to require water and fire district approval for Dhaenenen's Square Phase 1. See attachment E. This was done at the request of Tom Davis. November 17, 1994 - TDh called this office to inquire about the stop work order. TDh said that he had inspected the property and that no stop work order sign had been left on the project. TDh requested the name of the inspectors supervisor. I gave TDh Art Erickson's name, again. TDh also inquired as to the status of the inspection for an addition to an existing out building (no. 3 listed above). I told him that I had not received any findings from the inspector (RO) Note: TDh informed me that the addition to an existing out building was located at 2624 S. Best Road and NOT at 1404 S. Evergreen Road. November 17, 1994 - I left a memo on Art Erickson's desk requesting verification that a stop work order had been placed on the project. See attachment E. I also told Art that TDh would probably be calling him (Art) to inquire about the stop work orders. November 17, 1994 (PM) - Art Erickson appeared to be preparing the paperwork for the stop work orders in the office. He asked me for the correct addresses for the lots on which the footings had been poured. (Steve Holyk, apparently assigned to the inspection, had earlier contacted "base" and requested the addresses.) I told Art, as I told Steve Holyk, that someone would need to take the plat map out in the field in order to determine which lots the footings had been poured. I left a copy of the addressed plat map on Art's desk. I gave Faith a copy of the addressed plat map to give to Steve Holyk. November 17, 1994 (PM) - Art Erickson gave me a written response to the request for a stop work order. See attachment F. November 17, 1994 (Late PM) - I corrected the address of complaint no. 3 regarding the addition to an existing out building. See attachment G. I left the a copy of the corrected letter and a copy of a request for investigation (See attachment H) on Reed's desk the evening of November 17, 1994. November 18, 1994 (Late PM) - TDh called to inquire if a stop work order had been placed in the project. I told him that I had received a note from Art Erickson (Attachment F) that said that a stop work order had been submitted. TDh asked if Bill Smith would be fined "double -fees" on his project and TDh wanted to know the addresses of the lots where footings had been poured. He also requested a copy of the stop work orders with addresses included. I told TDh that he would need to contact Art Erickson as the supervisor involved in the stop work orders. TDh asked me to leave a message for Art Erickson to have Art call TDh. See attachment I. November 21, 1994 - Art inquired about the message from TDh. November 21, 1994 - Tom Davis indicated to me that complaint no. 3 would be handled by administration. See attachment J. I gave a copy of attachment J to Art Erickson. (Attachment J was given toTom Davis on November 22, 1994.) November 22, 1994 - To my knowledge, a meeting took place between TDh, Mark Holman, and Tom Davis to discuss the above three complaints. November 22, 1994 - I received a copy of Reed Ockey's investigation findings for complaint no. 3 supposedly located at 2624 S. Best Road. Bill Benish wrote the findings up for Reed on November 18, 1994 per attachment J. From reading the attached findings, I believe that Reed is, perhaps, describing the property located at 1404 S. Evergreen (complaint no. 2) and not the property located at 2624 S. Best Road (complaint no. 3). November 22, 1994 - For the record, stop work orders (attachments K and L) and enforcement letters for complaint no. 1 are enclosed. It also appears, per Reed's investigation notes of November 18, 1994, attachment J, that complaint no. 2 is now an enforcement issue for a residence being used as a sales office. Respectively submitted, baa Location: (caner/i. c BUILDING & SAFETY REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION /4( S reed t(// .St'uJ 4 IKSoC(c CS ccupa n v-'( 03"c Requested By: L52,41e... Ek his Date: Investigation By: kceW Date: Nature of Investigation: rd t✓fo ,Priv f a 5a7es «� xIefis(ue ve�tc 4/ ` tis 1s 56 -a i or Repay rs &PS44 /'mss ll/( r(cer O� !/1 c)a,ta , / /7 fiwrn t -41-- /' e 6 Findings: • 47T f�E T {� BUILDING & SAFETY REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION Location: /17154 S �ri� Kee B(7/ S, t/ w 5 A -55o «u+cs ,))"'c ccuP n� . /3,/7 5;)„it,s Dain-c� //),/z,Ve. Lk l(aS Date: Date: Requested By: Investigation By: AC Nature of Investigation: 5/ </e �a_M/4 ��S<G�CIi/ c CsLir�i1�� �G a Sd le - s G c X teASrve Uro2--fel /� cs . 64v�`7rr� /5 51fruci--0,-a ! or 12124ti ('S /9cd-5o hoes rccer Q{ t7k 2- /Vo a/rn IV -6r rt�lu -u Q Findings: A47 7 7,147 (O / GJ A 8 /9� f DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR November 14, 1994 Reed Ockey, Building Inspector Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane WA 99260 Re: (1) Footings poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th. The location will be the future plat known as Dhaenens Square Phase I. Re: (2) Residence changed into a sales office located at 1404 S. Evergreen Road without a valid permit. Violation could not be confirmed as of November 8, 1994. Re: (3) Approximately 144 s.f. structure added to an existing out building located at 2624 S. Best Road. Dear Reed, Thank you for your inspection effects regarding the above issue No. (1). As described to you this morning, Mike Nichols of the Spokane County Planning Department, reported to me on November 11, 1994, that Dhanenens Square Phase I has not been finaled. In fact, Mike told me that the plat could be finaled no sooner then November 23, 1994, and may be filed later than November 23, 1994 depending on when the County Engineers sign -off on the plat. Mike told me that the final milar has been presented to the Office of the Engineer, but that he (Mike) has heard nothing about how long the review from the County Engineer might take. As you know, during the week of November 7, 1994, I received complaints about footings being poured without a permit at 16th and Evergreen. In fact, I received a call today (November 14, 1994) at approximately 4:30pm telling me that more footings were being poured as we spoke! The complainant has reason to believe, with good cause, that the footings are being poured after the inspectors have gone home and cannot be called out to the property. I thought you should know about the latest report I received today. It would help me a great deal in tracking this case if you could write down what measures will be taken regarding the pouring of the footings before a permit. I have attached a copy of an inspectors report form which helps me in tracking 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4715 • TDD (509) 324-3166 enforcement issues. When I receive calls on an issue, I can inform the complainant as to what steps are being taken if I am assisted with an inspector's report. For example, in this case, has a stop work order been placed on the project? As you may recall, another complaint (No. 2 referenced above) was reported near the same area located at 1404 S. Evergreen Road. The complaint had to do with a residence being changed and remodeled into an office without the proper permit. The complainant reported that homes and homesites for Dhaenens Square Phase 1 and other subdivisions were being sold from the office/residence without a change of use permit. The complainant also reported that a commercial sign was posted on the residence. After inspection, on approximately November 8, 1994, the violation was not able to be comfirmed from the outside of the residence. I have a copy of your report. Thank you for your time in looking into this. Finally, there is now a third complaint (No. 3 referenced above) located near the same area on Best Road The following complaint was reported to me today: an addition has been added to an existing out building without a permit. The addition appears to be a lean-to of approximately 144 s.f. (12x12). The addition to the out building is located at 2624 S. Best Road. I would appreciate any information you can report to me about this addition. Thank you for the time you have given to these inspections. Sincerely, Lorne Lakshas Code Compliance cc: Mike Nichols, Spokane County Planning Department DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR November 16, 1994 • Mike Nichols, Planner Spokane County Planning Department Re: Dhaenens Square, Phase 1 Dear Mike, A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT. P.E., DIRECTOR It is my understanding that the above referenced preliminary plat may soon be finaled. Please advise the plat sponsor that even after finalization of the plat, water and fire district approval is required prior to the issuance of any building permits for Dhaenens Square, Phase 1. Thus far, Valley Fire District (Paul Chase) has released approval on ten (10) lots on the plat. (Note the highlighted area on the attachment.) Should the applicant require additional building lots, Valley Fire District will need to approve the extra lots for fire protection prior to the issuance of building permits. I have attached an orange application form which the applicant can use for this purpose. The signed form is to be returned to the Building Department. Second, I have also included a blue form which is to be used by the applicant to secure water district approval prior to the issuance of any building permits for this plat. Again, this form is to be returned to the Building Department. Thank you for your efforts to inform the applicant of these provisions. Sincerely, Astge Lorne Lakshas PLanner 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4715 • TDD (509) 324-3166 S P O K A N E DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS • C O U N T Y A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L MANSON, C.B.O , DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, P E . DIRECTOR November 17, 1994 Art Erickson, Inspections Supervisor Spokane County Division of Buildings Re: Footings poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th. The location will be the future plat known as Dhanenens Square Phase 1. Dear Art, Thank you for discussing the above situation with Tom Davis and myself yesterday. As you know, because I am still receiving calls regarding the footings, I need to know if a stop work order has been placed on the project. I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know today. Sincerely, Xwie Maidad Lorne Lakshas Code Compliance 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4715 • TDD (509) 324-3166 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR November 17, 1994 Art Erickson, Inspections Supervisor Spokane County Division of Buildings Re: Footings poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th. The location will be the future plat known as Dhanenens Square Phase 1. Dear Art. Thank you for discussing the above situation with Tom Davis and myself yesterday. As you know, because I am still receiving calls regarding the footings, I need to know if a stop work order has been placed on the project. would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know today. Sincerely, Lorne Lakshas Code Compliance r CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0550 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR November 14, 1994 Reed Ockey, Building Inspector Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane WA 99260 A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR Re: (1) Footings poured without a permit located near Evergreen and 16th. The location will be the future plat known as Dhaenens Square Phase I. Re: (2) Residence changed into a sales office located at 1404 S. Evergreen Road without a valid permit. Violation could not be confirmed as of November 8, 1994. ON 1l/ Re: (3) Approximately 144 s..Istructure adde17d/toq/- an exlstfng'out building •- . L oCa-T Arr S . 12OAD Dear Reed, Thank you for your inspection effects regarding the above issue No. (1). As I described to you this morning, Mike Nichols of the Spokane County Planning Department, reported to me on November 11, 1994, that Dhanenens Square Phase I has not been finaled. In fact, Mike told me that the plat could be finaled no sooner then November 23, 1994, and may be filed later than November 23, 1994 depending on when the County Engineers sign -off on the plat. Mike told me that the final miler has been presented to the Office of the Engineer, but that he (Mike) has -heard nothing about how long the review from the County Engineer might take. As you know, during the week of November 7, 1994, I received complaints about footings being poured without a permit at 16th and Evergreen. In fact, I received a call today (November 14, 1994) at approximately 4:30pm telling me that more footings were being poured as we spoke! The complainant has reason to believe, with good cause, that the footings are being poured after the inspectors have gone home and cannot be called out to the property. I thought you should know about the latest report I received today. It would help me a great deal in tracking this case if you could write down what measures will be taken regarding the pouring of the footings before a permit. I have attached a 'copy of an inspectors report form which helps me in tracking CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0550 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-4703 11- ,q Pita seo CoRRec-rep ADDRESS tks l.,ote�1Y2. enforcement issues. When I receive calls on an issue, I can inform the complainant as to what steps are being taken if I am assisted with an inspector's report. For example, in this case, has a stop work order been placed on the project? As you may recall, another complaint (No. 2 referenced above) was reported near the same area located at 1404 S. Evergreen Road. The complaint had to do with a residence being changed and remodeled into an office without the proper permit. The complainant reported that homes and homesites for Dhaenens Square Phase 1 and other subdivisions were being sold from the office/residence without a change of use permit. The complainant also reported that a commercial sign was posted on the residence. After inspection, on approximately November 8, 1994, the violation was not able to be comfirmed from the outside of the residence. I have a copy of your report. Thank you for your time in looking into this. Finally, there isBnow a third complaint (No. 3 referenced above) located near the same area on €n Road. The following complaint was reported to me today: an addition has been added to an existing out building without a permit. The addition appears to be a lean-to of approximately 144 s.f. (12x12). The addition to the out building is located at r-' I would appreciate any information you can report to me about this addition. Thank you for the time you have given to these inspections. Sincerely, Lorne Lakshas Code Compliance cc: Mike Nichols, Spokane County Planning Department "ROAD Owner/Occupant: � O "fes AR1 Requested By: LRL.AKsH>Ns Date: I I I7'q� Investigation By: TZDate: Nature of Investigation: Ad ° -01'• S iTl. •UT - (t1LtI/J. r t�� CALLED TO SEE -YOU WANTS :TO SEE' -YOU klT'olAAEArr BUILDING & SAFETY REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION Location: ?Z4- Owner/Occupant : 1 O :OD /i%) Requested By: 1-1--Z LAVSE 1'v Date: I 11171q� Investigation By: Date: Nature of Investigation: 7A1 P z (.0.-?- 4- . -es-F . f\NRcx 14 SF STRuc-coR_ kptEt E\ a\lq "Su1L N , `2 x I Z Findings: ?'rte Rel D. — /// /1)/9. y $714fen" 4/, fbit. v DL ofticP 8//---./�, ni/f.d" liv/P/ /s ack4 a /Pa., - llas >OlP - ex's , y r- / A/l:c if lr.1, „de/ late 4,- 74- e es STO ` W I RK ORDER Spokane County Department of Buildings 1026 W. Broadway Avenue �zz�q� (509) 456-3675 iSth (./ 6 Address Contractor Name Of known) nvyt r -ft 1-46/114_4O, Date �7.0 We are unable to locate a valid permit for the work being done at this address. A permit is required for this project. Work shall not continue until a permit has been obtained and the work inspected for conformance with applicable codes and ordinances. If you have already obtained the permit, please contact us at 456-3675 with the project number so we can revise our records. If you have any questions, please call. AN INVESTIGATIVE FEE EQUAL AND IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE HAS BEEN ASSESSED. Thank You. Inspector Please submit the following in conjunction with your application for a permit: f Building Plans/Floor Plan Legal Description/Parcel Number Site Plan Other 4 At r to -La aQ This stop work order is to remain posted until its removal is authorized by the Building Official. o6 Job Status: 6' j. S P 0 K. A N IE Tr'r'n�ErI�,I 'il�wl. C O U N m Y DEPARTMENT OF I3UILDINGS • JAMES L MANSON, C.ti 0 , DIRECTOR WRS & Associates Post Office Box 14084 Spokane, Washington 99214 A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P E , DIRECTOR November 23, 1994 RE: Stop Work Order - 13614 East 15th Avenue To whom it may concern: As you are aware, on November 17, 1994 a stop work order was placed on the project (residence) located at the above referenced address, because the appropriate building permit(s) had not been issued/obtained. Therefore, we must require that you take immediate steps to obtain a permit for this project. Please be advised that in addition to any other permit fees associated with this project, Section 304(e)2 of the Uniform Building Code requires that an investigation fee equal to the amount of the building permit fee be collected whenever any work on a project has commenced without first obtaining a permit. This additional fee is intended to offset costs associated with any investigative work involved, and is further intended to encourage those contemplating construction to obtain the necessary permits in advance. The code further specifies that the work shall not recommence until authorized by this department. A recheck of our records will be conducted ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Unless arrangements have been made by that time to correct this situation, this matter will be forwarded to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office without further notice from this office for the appropriate legal action. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call us at 456- 3675 if you have any questions or need further information regar ling this matter. TLD: fmh Sincere Thomas L. Davis Code Compliance Coordinator c: Steve Holyk, Building/Fire Prevention Inspectors WEST 1026 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509)456-3675 FAX (509) 456-0703 * SPECTION REPOTT DIVISION OF BUILDINGS Spokane County Public Works Department West 1303 Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260-0050 (509) 456-3675 TYPE: Fire Prevention - Building - Other BUSINESS NAME CONTACT PERSON PROPERTY ADDRESS PHONE NO ' APPROVED: DATEI INITIALS REQUIRED CORRECTIONS This inspection has been conducted in the interest of your safety and the ordinances and laws adopted by Spokane County. Your cooperation in correcting the above-mentioned hazards and/or violations is appreciated. The above -listed items will be reinspected on or before If you have any questions concerning this inspection or if you feel the reinspection date is not adequate for compliance, please contact this office at 456-3675. PAGE OF INSPECTOR. DATE- L STOP WO.!:K ORIE Spokane County Department of Buildings 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Avv\a4" (509) 456-3675 Address Contractor Name (if known) 1/,l 795" Date 'SIX rig S5 Cat 72 - We are unable to locate a valid permit for the work being done at this address. A permit is required for this project. Work shall not continue until a permit has been obtained and the work inspected for conformance with applicable codes and ordinances. If you have already obtained the permit, please contact us at 456-3675 with the project number so we can revise our records. If you have any questions, please call. AN INVESTIGATIVE FEE EQUAL AND IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE HAS BEEN ASSESSED. Thank You. Inspector Please submit the following in conjunction with your application for a permit: --- Building Plans/Floor Plan Legal Description/Parcel Number Site Plan Other This This stop work order is to remain posted until its removal is authorized by the Building Official. Job Status: rp unv_4Q_ 7( L9 L cam, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L. MANSON, C.B 0 , DIRECTOR • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P E , DIRECTOR November 23, 1994 WRS & Associates Post Office Box 14084 Spokane, Washington 99214 RE: Stop Work Order - 1516 South Mamer Road To whom it may concern: As you are aware, on November 17, 1994 a stop work order was placed on the project (residence) located at the above referenced address, because the appropriate building permit(s) had not been issued/obtained. Therefore, we must require that you take immediate steps to obtain a permit for this project. Please be advised that in addition to any other permit fees associated with this project, Section 304(e)2 of the Uniform Building Code requires that an investigation fee equal to the amount of the building permit fee be collected whenever any work on a project has commenced without first obtaining a permit. This additional fee is intended to offset costs associated with any investigative work involved, and is further intended to encourage those contemplating construction to obtain the necessary permits in advance. The code further specifies that the work shall not recommence until authorized by this department. A recheck of our records will be conducted ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Unless arrangements have been made by that time to correct this situation, this matter will be forwarded to the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office without further notice from this office for the appropriate legal action. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call us at 456- 3675 if you have any questions or need further information reg 'ding this matter. TLD:fmh c: kkL. Davi Code Compliance Coordinator Steve Holyk, Building/Fire Prevention Inspectors WEST 1026 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 4564703 NATER & POWER December 7, 1994 Mr. Tom Davis Spokane County Building Department West 1026 Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 Re: PE -1731-93, Water System, Dhaenens Square Dear Mr. Davis: 601 N Evergreen Road P.O. Box 630 Veradale, WA 99037-0630 (509) 924-3800 RECBEWED EPONAWEEMAIRVI DECO 9 MWSCONOESUILDINGS We understand that a water system must be installed prior to the issuance of any building permits for this project. Due to the unusually heavy construction schedule that Vera's water crew experienced during the summer and early fall of 1994, we asked the developer if this project be scheduled for late fall or next spring, and it was scheduled for late fall. With the early winter that we have experienced, it was impossible to complete this project prior to the ground becoming unworkable. There exists on this property a water service, currently being billed to the developer, that may be utilized for the installation of a temporary water system for the 10 houses that are being proposed for construction this winter. This meter has the capacity to provide domestic water to these homes and has been accepted. Vera has no objection to the utilizing of this water meter for a temporary water system, provided that the permanent system be installed prior to June 30, 1995. If you have any further questions please call. Sincerely, VERT ATER & POWER evin M. Wells General Manager Agency Acceptance By: Washington State Deo. ! entofH at a ail Spokane County H. th District cc. Bill Smith Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 1