1991, 01-24 Permit: 90006984 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS • W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel throvisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. • SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT APPLICATION DATE I •RO.IE CT NUMBER= 9000,0 6964. . )e • K************ -EATER=:..)1 7 24 /91 - . PAGE:::, ( '1 ISSUED PERMIT )e:�epk:ti fY)jdPERMIT INFORMATION al .ty 9 ir r )) t d#4 qddTni. i–E iHii R'ijA PAPCEL:g:=_ 27541-1020 SITE STREET= 171( S MAMER .P0 ADDRESS= VERADAi.-E: WA 99037 PERMIT USE= FI_AT;;_ I:1L_OCK= AREA =- 01 RL_OGS= OWNER= STREET= ADDRESS= RESIDENCE — -y7 5 ,7 VV PI_A F NAME= VERA LOT= ZONE= F!A= F WIDTH= DWELLINGS= i - KEVIN MADDEN CONSTRUC' 1 ":;_' 1 '4 .>PROrFESS RD VER%p:iFWA '99e;i ON CONTACT NAME=FRANK MADDEN - T:1L1:I L.r) I: NG S'J�i:r1i+r':ICK,E : FRoNT= 30 . LEFT= .42 ,. a.))iao-§i)i.iraiai i)t..x..u.n..u.;exrn;)iai)i..x.aiar..x.;i..x..yarat 1{L1 .I: L..Ti.l:1lt: CONTRACTOR= -KEVIN- MADDEN CON;'T'RUC'T :'ON STREET= 1214 is PROGRESS Id" ADDRESS= 4'I:::RADAI...F WA 99037 NEW= X DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X-0 REG! PARKING== .p,..li.:,i. 6ESCRIPT1:ON BASEMENT U GARAGE RESIDENCE- REMODEL= ES1DI:::NCE:: REMODEI_= —OCCLIP. L..I'i= �. — — SCJ FT= - • ;HANDICAP== GRI:OUF. TYPE.:: R-3' VN M-1 - VN _ i:,.... VN. IT'E:M DESi:: RIv-T,ION... F E ii:I:DENT:i:Ai... VALUATION- STATE A=iL:.0 TION- S'TATE ;:iii{rj..i('tE?f;l:_ -- ._. AG`UD DIST ":=:: Er —i250 DEPTH== 300' R/W= PkONE= 509 926 6713. PHONE NUMBER= 509 92.4 6497- RIr;Fji 1,?, ' RltAR-::: 242 - - i-'I'j I:i NE::::: ) n: ri::,p )i..li.:.)i..p).yi..q.:ri:.h..-,; .-, - -..) ,).:a:;,. ,i" ,i: yi. ADDITION= BLDG HGT=:: 1020" SPRINKLER= N - - CR- T TCAI_ MAT= N { .^," ft f -"i • VALUATION 9100,00 3234-00 44080,00 • FEF: AMOUNT CHANGE OF' USE== STORIES= f .1.020- OUANTITY (.•) )t -1,r •X--ii*r,*)cii-) - :—*)'*)e* -X- *n; -t )o- ME: I:: 1.11,1 NT(:'.''t L.. I''Ii::I::' MI' T' .--t x. di98ridi)6n Y} ri..A..j-*.Ii. CONTRACTOR= TiAFF'C0N "t1EAT':I:NG &' A/ C STREET= 11802 rr: •P-1(-SN,:f :LL1_.I) Fi'dl ADDEi1::::S1SFOKAiJE:. WA 99206 _ ITEM DESCRIF•TT0'iJ GAS WATER HEATER GAS HTG EQUIP< 1002 000>B'T'U GAS PIPING .)i.)@.g. "g .).ii dt )(******* CONTRACTOR= TOWN STREET= RT 1 ADDRESS=. E::L.:i'. Id COUNTRY 129 A 9,9009 ITEM DESCRIPTION :rON TOILETS SINKS BATH TiJB 1).rtil-I h; 1— F -1E -:f;- IA .0Ti HES. WASHER 1: NC 4 ,-PHONE= r;(:,`:' 92:) 5000 QUANTITY , I E_E AMOUNT I PLUMBING PERMIT .R • PLUMBING gIJANT7TY ' 1t).0(-) 12.00 2.00 .R.ii"**:-i-:*3e$* E--ii*h)t***rru:i PHONE= 509 292 8307. FEE AMOUNT . 6,i,t,) 77,00\ 6. 0ii 6 . (-) 0 6 . 00 , 9i9i)ii4 diiu6 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303'BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specitied herein or not l understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. - SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMRI:::T:= 5'000984 *4@#d(di)e)(4E = 01/24/91. 24/91 PAGE= 02 ,ED 'ERMIT itir it iedf df 3dddir dm-°i m"d iSUMMARY reyuA*yy :H:i(#t*F *n.u.e r r y.�n z is 1•i 4: iii "IE:1)-f DATE. • G;L:a.'I:i::I:P_f. TOTAL .DUE= :'.)t'i - 'TOTAL PAID= PERMIT TYPE . BUILDING: PERMIT i• SECHANIICAL 'RMT PLUMBING PERMIT EEE ANTTUN: 587,0-8. PROCE, SED BY:' WENDEI.-, GLORIA PRINTED t Yi: IWEND)EL. , GLORIA i ai�i(..a..a�)r:ai� .. -.+ I di.a:.•.:x:h:*.d(..),..)i.*..a..a..g..g..a.)i)( )¢ !h a* dPkyi9iit a* ay yr )(�a.)i..ri ri)eii-a��ni **********k )(m_ii )(a� T'I-I h, iV.h Yi.l 1. ..-.. .-- PAYMENT AMOUNT '•:: 4444...... ................. 537,08- AMOUNT 3r,08- AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING: --4444_, ._._._...._...__.....,_.... 527,08 ,00 24,00 .00 - 36.00 .00 587.08 00