1960, 08-26 Permit: E2450 Residence•1
Court House, Spokane, Washington
Land Use or Structure Permit
Group I Type V Zone Agri
Property Address Hamer Road, South 1806
Permit for Residence, double gar. att.
Owned R: Zabel Address 1806 S• rimer Phone
Architect Address Phone
Contractors V. Decker_ & Son, Ince,- ddr ss13514 Beast 26th• Snok_ ane Pone A.6 7624
Locatio N I%5 of- exc. E. 201 of-Aoc�.192, Vera. Seo. ('1=45=444. A"fto n yttd bf
at leaet 251, a side yard of at least 5' (15' from flanking streets) and --251 rear yards are
Settle tonic and cesspool Bldg. Zone1' Fire Zone Size of Lot Sewage 1
gg r
Mater;afr�e Dimensions 67x23+ Total Sq. Ft 1542 Valuatioil� '00
fUlFoundation concrete Chimney Fireplace 2Heating System Electric
Miscellaneous •
Certificate of Occupancy Isctita garage attached — when completed
Rooms 5 & bath Basement
THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express conditon that the building or land use for which (he permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances
of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and -may be resoked at any time upon the violation of any of the
provisions of said ordinances, or failumc of plans, as appraised, to comply with said ordinances.
In consideration of the issuance of die permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs ashore directed by County Officials and shall !TIN .
said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. i
This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entir- comple ereof within.. ......
from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authoriz d .y B:llfficial
September, 1961
Permit Expires By Aosta
Fee Paid $ 20.00 no
(Farm 370R—Bldg. Code—SAM-5,5a)