04-029.00 Tan Moore Architects: CenterPlace ProjectL ~.- ~ 1, AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Public Works Department 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Agreement Amendment Number: 7 Agreement/Project Number: P3983 Date: August 30, 2004 Department: Public Works Agreement Title: Architectural Services, Mirabeau Point CenterPlace Project Consultant: Tan Moore Architects, P.C., 416 W. Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 You are hereby directed to make the changes listed below in the subject agreement. Nature of the change: The agreement is modified as fcllcws: Item 1: Article 20: Scope of Work, Section B: Basis of Compensation, Subsection 3: Reimbursable Expenses: Add the following item as an Additional Reimbursable Expense: • Development of a furnishings procurement package for Centerplace based on the scope of work and process outlined in the attached letter from Marian B. Evenson, ASID, of Madsen, Mitchell Evenson 8~ Conrad, PLLC. The Fee for these services shall be on a time and materials basis with a maximum amount not exceed $30,500.00. The changes result in the following adjustment of the agreement price and time: AGREEMENT AMOUNT Agreement price prior to this change order $693,655.65 Agreement price (increase) resulting from this change order $30,500.00 Agreement price including this change order shall not exceed $724,155.65 AGREEMENT TIME Estimated Agreement completion date prior to the change order July 31, 2006 Agreement time (increase/decrease) resulting from this change order 0 months Estimated Agreement completion date including this change order July 31, 2006 THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) ARE ACCEPTED THE ABOVE CHANGE(S) HAVE BEEN APPROVED Tan Moore Architects, P.C. Spokane Valley City Manager ~~~~ ate - Dave Mercier, ~~~~ Dated: August 30, 2004 P3983, Amendment 7 Page 1 ~d~-~9~ . ~~ Madsen Mitchel I At-gust 16, 2004 Evenson &Gonrad r,ik' Mike Jackson and Steve Worley The City of Spokane Valley Architecture 11707 ). Sprague - Interiors Spokane ~~alley, WA 99206 Construction Manasement RI;: Furnishings Package Dear Mike and Stcvc It was a pleasure meeting with the both of you to discuss the furnishings requirements for the CcnterPlacc project. We are very excited about this opportunity to complete the design by selecting furniture items that will not only be functional but will enhance the design as well. Listed below is an outline of our proposed process with estimated hours for completion and an outline schedule for accomplishing the work. bur fee structure as you will see is directly tied to the hourly effort for each of the tasks. This proposal and schedule is based on t:hc information gathered from our initial meeting, and review of Ron 'fan's schematic design drawing that illustrated a fumishings layout. The Schedule is generous and allows for some flexibility. Existing Furniture Inventory: As we discussed, there may be furniture that can be reused/refurbished and placed in the new facility. 't'his is a task that can be completed by volunteers with some direction from our office. 1. Tour the spaces that may have furniture to be reused. (4 hrs.) 2. Meet with volunteers -outline tasks to be completed, inventory, tagging, photographing, distribute inventory sheets, inventory tags and explain how to use them. (4 hrs.) 3. Review completed information to establish the recommended items for reuse. (S h r~.l 4. Insert dimensional information of existing pieces into the floor plans at well as the 21G North Houacrl items inventory number. (12 hrs.) 5. Coordinate refirbishing of existing furnihlre to be reused (32 hrs) Sky»hlk Level TO'1'E1L -Inventory 60 hours Spokane, Washington 992ot Should iwlurrteers rrot he avai{able for this i~tverlto;•y process, the tivill providc.~ a separate fee 509.6?-6n00 proposal fc~r that sen~ice. Fax 509•G2$•bT6T madmitch.ctim Furniture Selection: • 1. Review options for all required furniture. (60 hrs.) 4933TSobel•IZnadFasx 2. Meet with CcnterPlacc representatives to select final items for specifications. (4 F.O. Box 102 hrs.) Ettvrall, ~~lashingtnn TOTAL - Furnihlrc Select-ion 64 hours 99003 509-236.231E fax 509-276.2451 madmitch.curn }' Furniiuee peciiication: 1. Develop Furniture specifications that define a furniture type that represe3~ts tl~e quality and the design of each furniture item. X80 hrs.) ~. R~vieav pe~ificxtion with ~enterPlace representatives. (4 hrs.) 3. ~4iake sny changes. ($ hrs,} Biddini;: 4. ~+iake ~peci#~cations avail2~ble to .Furniture Dealers For bidding, ~~} ~. Answer any questions during the bidding period. { 12} TOT_A.L - Fue~~iture specification ] {]~i hours Re~~ie~~ of Fotsntial Alternative recomn~endations: The review of this ir~fbrmation is critical to e~~aluate quality of substituted alternatives e estirt~ate (~.~ hrs} for this effort. Review ofevaluatian with CenterPlace representatives (~ hrs) T~Tr~Z, - Re~iekv of A~ternati~~es 28 fours ~nstailation Oversight: Revie~~r the. ii~s#allation of selected furnishings for accurate placement grid over~-11 quality of deli~•ered items- V'Jill generate a "punch list" defining any potential defects in the furniture, TpTAL -installation Oversight 32 hours ~l'roposed ~~ees: The foliav,~ing fee is based on the above outlined scope of services. ~'Ve will discuss vrith you and change in scope p~•inr to proceeding that wo4~ld affect the Fee. - iLiventary ~6~ hours 6,30 * =Furniture Selection ~G4 hours) $ 6,720 i -F~amitL~re pecif'icationlBidding{106 hours} ~$11,13U • ~h~evie Alternatives X28 hours ~ x,940 • - T :°t~^.llw:l".w ~.nr r.d3fi f'~'1 1, n, ~~\ ~ J }~J~~ ~a' ~~- ~~Q'f'otal HoLlrs} 530,40 Total Fee The abo~'c fees are maxiinurn not to exceed numbers. Tie totals are based ran my billing i~Lte as 1 plan on accomplishing most of the tasks myself, hov.~evet, I will use individu€tls at a lesser billing rate ,~+here appropriate resultin~F in a Inrn fee. Below is a listing oi:~ our hotkrly rLtes: Principal ~ 1 ~~-~~ Project Ilcsi~rner SU.~O Intern Architect ~ R.~~ Tecluiical ~~upport ~ 60.0 Adntiinistra#ivc 42.00 -- -. YROPUSFU SCH~DUI.>~ This schedule has been prepared to demonstrate potential key dates for upcoming work with a targeted furnishings installation date of June 1, 2005 and a open for business date of June 20, 2005. Should the dates change for building availability on the l s` of June, order/dcaivery dates may need to change so that the City is not paying for storage of delivered items not ready for installation. LwentorV• September 15, 2004 September 20, 2004 October 4 - 8, 2004 October 11.2004 Furniture Selection: October 12 - 2G, 2004 October 27, 2004 Furniture Spcciation: October 28 -Nov 17, 2004 November 18, 2004 November 19 - 24 Begin project. vteet with volunteers to review process. $egin Inventory. MMEC to review im~entory and make reconunendations. Rcvietiv recommendations with CenterPlace Representatives. Select new Furniture options. R.evicw with CenterPlace representatives. Generate Selected furnishings specifications. Review with CenterPlace representatives Generate final Specification Send out Specifications to Furniture Dealers: November 29, 2004 Distribute Specification to Furniture Dealers November 29 - l~ec 20, 2004 }aid Period Review Alternatives: January 3 - 17, 2005 Evaluate Alternatives January 18, 2005 Review approved alternates with CenterPlace representatives Rlward Packages to Furniture Dealers: January 21, 2005 Award contracts to Furnilurc Dcalcrs January 24 -Feb. 14, 2005 Negotiations of purchasing agreements with the City of Spokane Valley with selected Furniture DealersNendors Order Placement: March 1 - 30, 2005 Furniture Dealers to make order placem-cots for June 1, 2005 deliveries. Install Furniture: June 1 - 17 2005 Review T.nstallation and generate punch list items. Furniture Dealers with have approximately 4-6 weeks to complete punch list requirements. Move In: June 18 & 19, 2005 (weekend) ivivve people into CenterPlace -CenterPlace open for business on June 20, 2005. If you require more information regarding this proposal or schedule, please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Thanks again for this opportunity. Very truly yours, ~,~ `U ~~~ Marian B. Evenson AS1D Principal -Madsen Mitchell Evcnson & Conrad This Taocument may sense as an agreement for the project. 1'Vith your approval please sign below and return a copy to ot-r office. Approved By: Date: