2015, 10-27 Regular Meeting MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff: Dean Grafos, Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Interim Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem John Hohman, Comm. Development Dir. Mike Basinger, Economic Develop. Coordinator ABSENT: Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Arne Woodard, Deputy City Manager Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Sid Johnson from the Spokane Valley Baptist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scouts from Troop 420 and 481 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Deputy Mayor Woodard. It was moved by Councilmember Pace, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Woodard from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. Mayor Grafos announced that Council will have an executive session at the end of this meeting. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Higgins: said that other than the weekly Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs meeting, he had no report. Councilmember Pace: no report Councilmember Hafner: said he attended the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Operations committee where they discussed the capital budget and operating; they talked about central city lines; said the line would be from the Community College to the downtown business section, and as such, said he feels that is a Spokane project so they should pay for it; said a central city line would cost $4.1 million annually to operate; reported that he also attended a Visit Spokane meeting where the sportsplex was a topic, said it would cost about$33 million,and would be located north of the arena;attended the Valley Chamber annual breakfast; went to another Visit Spokane meeting where a group of seven will work with state legislators to see if they can come up with a visitor's center for the state, as funds for that project were removed from the state budget; said Oregon has $8-9 million for tourism, as does Idaho but Washington state has no funding; went to a SCOPE meeting to discuss problems and how to help the Sheriff's Office; went to another meeting about the sportsplex with a consultant from Florida whose job would be to determine how well that facility would work in Spokane,and again said the cost of the project would be about$32 million, and said he thought it was a"con job"but the future would tell; also attended another STA meeting about budget; and went to a SCOPE sponsored crime prevention conference. Councilmember Gothmann: said he attended the Chamber's meeting about tourism; said that the State of California has asked businesses to contribute to a private organization to provide funds for state tourism, Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 10-27-2015 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 11-10-2015 and that Visit Spokane and others will try to get a similar system going here; attended a cycle celebration planning meeting for next year's bike ride; and went to the crime prevention conference today where they talked about officer involved shootings. Councilmember Wick: said the LTAC (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee) met about a week ago to determine recommended funding allocations for requests amounting to about $900,000 with a budget of $560,000 and said this will be coming to Council soon;attended a Tourism Promotion Area meeting where they talked about grant funding, and that their process goes through the Board of County Commissioners, with most of the revenues being split between Visit Spokane and the Sports Commission; said the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) is getting ready to work on transportation issues and said they have seven openings; attended the weekly Chamber Government Action meeting where they talked about a legislative platform of what to advocate for in Washington,D.C.,and said he shared some of our concerns, such as the Barker grade separation,and that he thinks it will make it on their agenda,as well as the nuisance abatement. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Grafos reported that he also attended the Chamber's Government Action meeting. PROCLAMATION: n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comments. Cindy Hallet: spoke regarding trucks parking in residential neighborhoods, and said she wished Council would research this issue as it is easy to find statistics about pedestrian accidents on public roads with trucks; she read from some articles about pedestrians walking around trucks, especially those with wide loads; also mentioned that a semi is parked in her neighborhood and there are visibility issues; said it is difficult for truck drivers to see bicycle riders and pedestrians; feels Council should take the reasonability to inform the public of what to do or not to do around trucks, and said the City knowingly puts residents at risk by allowing trucks to travel in neighborhoods; and said she wants to remove this type of commercial business. Marilyn Cline: also spoke regarding trucks parking in residential neighborhoods;said nothing has changed; that she went to the Crime prevention seminar with law enforcement;said Council is not following through on the comprehensive plan for the residents and that eighteen-wheelers are still allowed on residential streets;said diesel exhaust poses the highest cancer causing risk of any toxic;said she is president of SCOPE Board of Directors and they work to inform students in school, and parents about the hazards of eighteen- wheelers; said a trucker violates the noise ordinance and the City does nothing;that last year she and others submitted over one hundred citizen action requests but nothing was done. Paul Lugo: said he lives in Spokane and that he has driven trucks; said school buses need to be classified the same as a large semi as both require eight feet in front in order to see somebody in front of their vehicle; said kids have been taught this but pedestrians take advantage and think they have the right-of-way, but said they only have the right-of-way if they can be seen. 1.PUBLIC HEARING: Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG)—Mike Basinger Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Basinger went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining the proposed sidewalk project,as well as the annual CDBG Program. Mr.Basinger also stated that Spokane County is aware the amount exceeds our set-aside amount, and said the project would be adjusted as necessary. Mayor Grafos invited public comments;no comments were offered and Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. 2.PUBLIC HEARING: Marijuana Moratorium—Erik Lamb Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Deputy City Attorney Lamb went over the background of the marijuana recreational/medical reconciliation, all as noted on his October 27, 2015 Request for Council Action form, including the Planning Commission's considerations of this issue, and the effect of this moratorium, including what it would not affect; he explained that the moratorium will Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 10-27-2015 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 11-10-2015 have an impact on getting a new license as those applying will have to wait until permanent regulations are adopted. Mr. Lamb said this moratorium would not have an impact on personal use. Mr. Lamb also noted that state law allows this moratorium to be adopted without advance notice provided a public hearing is held within sixty days; and said notice of tonight's hearing was published October 9, 16 and 23. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. 1. Paul Lugo: said he feels the moratorium is almost pointless as the City passed the moratorium and there were applications in process, but the City ignored those for the last four to six months as they have been operating against the moratorium and they continue to produce and nothing's been done about it. 2. Jason Dixon: said he resides in Otis Orchards but owns a business on Indiana and his service is exclusively medical marijuana; said this is all about the merger of medical and recreational marijuana and he has an interest in preserving small business, and being anti-small business is anti-American; said there are no limits on how many stores can sell beer and wine; and by doing this moratorium it opens the doors to the black markets; said the amount of shops is already limited by state legislation;there are only five to six medical dispensaries and once this all"pans out"it'll only mean five to six more shops;he asked Council to lift the moratorium to save families and businesses; said brick and mortar businesses should be allowed to receive their licenses as they will check for identification,as opposed to having this on the black market. 3. Pam Lemon: said she is involved in both medical and recreational businesses; has a mother who has Alzheimer's and the research is very important; and she urged Council to look into the research. 4. Sean Green: said he is a business owner in Spokane Valley and as a business owner, is asking for help; said the actions in the moratorium have a negative impact on his business; that it is Council's job to represent the public and make informed decisions on behalf of the public;said the public doesn't want these moratoriums;that over the last nineteen meetings, forty-seven people stood up against these moratoriums, and fourteen asked to support two moratoriums; said if Council was doing its job, these moratoriums wouldn't be in place; said there is no reason why a policy couldn't be addressed tonight as there is a room full of people, and suggested everyone make some policy and clean up old business before the election. 5. Tara Harris: said she is a City citizen and has health concerns of the City and the citizens; that patients now mostly are older people seeking legitimate safe medication as they are tired of taking opiates and narcotics;said there is not a lot of good information out there for tourisms or those who are just now looking into this; said we need to make sure they have access to those medications; that some patients find what they need in recreational stores, but they are being taxed for that; said these people are desperate;that this business supports tourism and is a great opportunity to promote these businesses as it will bring in a plethora of resources and businesses buying supplies,food and gasoline; said it is a very valuable asset. 6. Linda Thompson: said she is with the Greater Substance Abuse Council and speaks in support of the moratorium; said recreational marijuana works because we were able to take time to see how this works; that she talks to citizens and it is very important to have voices heard;that there were lots of promises from 1502 and not all have been realized; said there are some funds from the Department of Health prevention but not many; said there is very little prevention to be spread across this state as they talk to young people about being drug free; said the retail system works and we know what's in that product, and that we want to make sure the medical works the same way;that this was done very quickly by the Cannabis Board; and said that there will be rules and regulations in the end and that she and others are talking to state legislators. 7. Justin Johnson: said he owns a medical shop here in town and has several hundred customers; said he is against the moratorium and wants to see the medical and retail combined but done in a safe manner and doesn't want to see these people back out on the streets;that he applied for a retail license here in Spokane Valley; and said that most of his customers are fifty-five or older. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 10-27-2015 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 11-10-2015 8. Scott Phillips: said he has a medical dispensary in the Valley; that he paid all the state and federal taxes and followed all the rules with the Cannabis board; that he understands Council doesn't want stores everywhere; but they are licensed and were here before the recreational stores, and said he doesn't see a problem why they can't remain where they are; that his patients will have to go to the retail store or the black market and the retail stores are not educated like the medical stores are; said his customers don't want to get the wrong medicine,and don't want to go to a recreational store and stand next to someone who just wants to get high; the medical stores are there to help people and he thinks the medical shops that are following all the rules should have first consideration. 9.Nina Fluegal: said she lives in Spokane Valley;that she is not anti-pot but doesn't want Spokane Valley to be the center of pot for Washington State, or even Spokane; said we haven't addressed the property owners that will be near these places; that we need limits and the more limit the more control; said we are trying to attract tourists and there are many who don't want to be next to marijuana stores. 10. Stephanie Feick: said she lives in Spokane;the medical dispensaries are already established here in the Valley and it is important to keep in mind those already established stores. 11. James Johnson: said he lives in Spokane Valley; that the October 6 Council minutes had a statement that the surgeon general hasn't supported medical marijuana; said that is easily researched and that statement should be corrected; said when he was 19 and 20 years old, that he wasn't limited on alcohol access and that is what we're looking at as it only takes a few minutes to drive across city limits; suggested Council let the market factors work and if Council lifts the moratorium, there can be better control about where the retail outlets will be. There were no further public comments. Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. and called for a short recess; he reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of vouchers on October 27,2015 Request for Council Action Form Totaling$952,263.72 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending October 15,2015: $329,698.88 c. Approval of October 6,2015 Study Session Format Council Meeting Minutes d. Approval of October 13, 2015 Formal Format Council Meeting Minutes e. Approval of October 20, 2015 Study Session Format Council Meeting Minutes It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 15-018 Amending 2015 Budget—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wick and seconded to approve Ordinance 15-018 amending Ordinance 14-015 which adopted a budget for the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. After Ms. Taylor briefly went over the background of this proposal, Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Community Development Block Grant Program Project List—Mike Basinger It was moved by Councilmember Wick and seconded to authorize staff to prepare CDBG applications for the proposed sidewalk project on the east side of Blake Road from 8th Avenue to Appleway Trail. After Mr. Basinger briefly went over the proposed project, Mayor Grafos invited public comment.Nina Fluegal said she is confused about why there would only be sidewalk on one side and why go to the trail that hasn't even been built yet; said 4th Avenue has much more traffic and said she thinks the money could be better spent elsewhere. There were no further comments. In response to Councilmember Wick's question of why this Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 10-27-2015 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 11-10-2015 project was selected,Mr.Basinger explained that for this project,the City would not have to purchase right- of-way; that in choosing this particular project, we are trying to make connections from a residential neighborhood to the trial going north and south;said there is a lot of need for sidewalks but we have limited funds and are trying to prioritize these based on methods used in the past. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 6. Advance Agenda-Mayor Grafos There were no suggested changed to the Advance Agenda. INFORMATION ONLY: 7. Department Monthly Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Deputy City Manager Calhoun had no additional comments. It was moved by Councihnember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately fifteen minutes to discuss pending litigation, and that no action would be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:38 p.m. At 7:52 p.m., Mayor Grafos declared Council out of executive session, after which it was moved by Councilmember Higgins, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. 440 A S : Dean Grafos, Ma r 4-04( )vi Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 10-27-2015 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 11-10-2015 SUPERIOR COURT of WASHINGTON for SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Spokane Valley NO. October 27,2015 Marijuana Moratorium LEGAL NOTICE STATE of WASHINGTON County of Spokane MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 9th day of October,2015,and ending on the 23rd day of October,2015,all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: City of Spokane Valley Notice Public Hearing Pursuantt RCW CW 357..633.22 20 and 35.07.390,and Section 4 of Ordinance 15-0117,the Spokane Valley City Council will conduct a public hearing Tuesday, October 27,2015,beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible,to receive SUB: ' J?, 'WORN to before me public input on the City's moratorium upon the"establishment of all new marijuana This 23rd da of October,2015 producers,marijuana processors,marijuana State of Washington retailers,marijuana researchers,marijuana transport and delivery uses,and marijuana 0{{ County Spokane cooperatives,licensed by or registered with ®` // ofP the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis ®®` RAE Board." The moratorium was adopted •••••••• c pursuant to Ordinance 15-017,a copy of i M+••yoN E,*A�•�/� � I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that which is available upon request to the City ((,e f. Clerk,and is also on the City's website at v••Stk q�• Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before me, be www.spokanevalley.org.rg. Public input may ' •� N• s be made in person or in writing.Written Ir p� :• 'O. � and said person acknowledged that he signed this comments should be submitted to the City :a oTA Clerk and must be received prior to 5:00 N instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and p.m.October 27,2015. The public hear- t PI MUG ;O ing will be held in City Council Chambers, ` voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the • • e 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane i / • instrum 't. Valley,WA,99206.NOTICE:Individuals ,."_•••• O�•i e planning to attend the meeting who require ••••05.1v'••• ` special assistance to accommodate physi- r n O �`,��`� cal,hearing,or other impairments,please ! C `` contact thCity Clerk at(509)720-5102 //// A `�� as soon as possible so that arrangements "if % Jolene Rae Wentz may be mae. ///"{{{�, Christine Bainbridge,MMC Title:Notary-Public Spokane Valley City Clerk appointmentexpires:Dates: October 9, 16 and 23, My P fres:OS-16 2019 1 I C 2015 'LI tD I C Lta./C • Friday, October 23, 2015 Page 4 Section 2 Spokane Valley News Herald - -- --•, _., -•n. ,,,,e,.,,,,,.eneaung me Irene prior to the sale.VIII.The effect of the e..,a,...,,,nn mie rime property,the purchaser shall provide a ten- Trustee's sale.X. NOTICE TO OCCU- sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all .....--,-,..x_-- _,,,,,„owne ior assistance and referral frame,the claim is forever barred,except ant with written notice in accordance with PANTS.OR TENANTS-The purchaser at those who hold by,through or under the COUNTY OF SPOKANE to housing counselors recommended by the as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 RCW 61.24.060.To access sale informs- the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession Grantor of all their interest in the above Case No.:15-2-01409-3 Housing Finance Commission:Telephone: and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to tion,please go to salestrack.tdsf.com or cell of the property on the 20th day following the described property.IX.Anyone having any NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A (877)894-4663 or(800)606-4819 Website: claims against both the decedent's probate the automated sales line at:888-988-6736. sale,as against the Grantor under the Deed objections to this sale on any grounds what- CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY www.wshfc.org The United States Depart- and nonprobate assets. Dated: June 30, 2015 North Cascade of Trust(the owner)and anyone having an soever will be afforded an opportunity to be Plaintiff, ment of Housing and Urban Development: DATE OF FILING COPY OF NOTICE TO Trustee Services Inc.,Duly Appointed Suc- interest junior to the Deed of Trust,including heard as to those objections if they bring a vs. Telephone:(800)569-4287 Website:www. CREDITORS with Clerk of Court: cessor Trustee By Ryan Watkins,Autho- occupants who are not tenants.Atter the lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW GARY C.CRONN,DECEASED;JOAYNE hud.gov The statewide civil legal aid hotline October 1.2015, rized Signatory 801 Second Avenue,Suite 20th day following the sale the purchaser 61.24.130.Failure to bring such a lawsuit B.CRONN;JAMES 0.CRONN;SECRE- for assistance and referrals to other Nous- DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 600 Seattle,Washington 98104 Telephone has the right to evict occupants who are not may result in a waiver of any proper grounds TARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEL- ing counselors and attorneys:Telephone: October 9,2015. 1-855-676-9686 Tac#978659 Pub Dates: tenants by summary proceedings under for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. OPMENT;UNKNOWN HEIRS,SPOUSE, (800)606-4819 Website:www.homeown- ROBERT ANDREW PRATT, 10/02/15,10/23/15 Chapter 59.12 RCW.For tenant-occupied NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS LEGATEES AND DEVISEES OF GARY C. ership.wa.gov NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS Address for Mailing or Service: property,the purchaser shall provide a ten- —The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is CRONN,DECEASED;DOES 1-ID INCLU- OR TENANTS-The purchaser at the Attorney for Estate: - -_.._.- ant with written notice in accordance with entitled to possession of the properly on the SIVE;UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF THE Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of Herman,Herman&Jolley,P.S. RCW 61.24.060.The trustee's rules of sue- 20th day following the sale,as against the SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY;PARTIES IN the property on the 20th day following the By:J.Steve Jolley,WSBA No.12982 tion may be accessed at www.northwest- Grantor under the deed of trust(the owner) POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT REAL sale,as against the Grantor under the Deed Attorney for Personal Representative trustee.com and are Incorporated by this end anyone having an interest junior to the PROPERTY;PARTIES CLAIMING ARIGHT of Trust(the owner)and anyone having en 12340 E.Valleyway City of Spokane Valley reference.You may also access sale status deed of trust,including occupants and ten- TO POSSESSION OF THE SUBJECT interest junior to the Deed of Trust,including Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Notice of Public Hearing at www.northwesttrustee.com and www. ants After the 20th day following the sale the • PROPERTY;AND ALSO, ALL OTHER occupants who are not tenants. After the 10/9,10/16,10/23 Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and USA-Foreclosure.com.Date Executed: purchaser has the right to evict occupants UNKNOWN PERSONS OR PARTIES 20th day following the sale the purchaser 36.70A.390,and Section 4 of Ordinance Northwest Trustee Services,inc.,Trustee and tenants by summary proceedings under CLAIMING ANY RiGHT,TITLE,ESTATE, has the right to evict occupants who are 15-017,the Spokane Valley City Council Authorized Signature 13555 SE 36th St. the Unlawful Detainer Act,Chapter 59.12 LIEN,OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ES- not tenants by summary proceedings under will conduct a public hearing Tuesday, Suite 100 Bellevue,WA 98006 Contact: ROW.NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: TATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT the Unlawful Detainer Act,Chapter 59.12 October 27,2015,beginning at 6:00 p.m. Heather L.Smith(425)586-1900.(Bunch, We request certified funds at sale be pay- HEREIN RCW. For tenant-occupied property,the • ores soon thereafter as possible,to receive Cindy R TS#7037.106726)1002.280521- able directly to SEASIDE TRUSTEE INC.to Defendants. purchaser shall provide a tenant with written publid input on the City's moratorium upon File No, avoid delays in issuing the final deed.THIS To:Gary C.Cronn,Deceased;UNKNOWN notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060; TS#60128-23143-NJ-WAAPN#16191,903 the'establishment of all new marijuana 10/2&10/23 NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE HEIRS,SPOUSE,LEGATEES AND DEVI- Dated:June 17,2015 MTC Financial Inc. OTitlekTSG1407WAS1931994 Reference producers,marijuana processors,marijuana THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR SEES OF GARY C.CRONN,DECEASED; dba Trustee Corps,as Duly Appointed Number.5484374 Abbreviated Legal:PTN retailers,marijuana researchers,marijuana HOME.You have only 20 DAYS from the DOES 1-10 inclusive;UNKNOWN OCCU- Successor Trustee By:Athena Vaughn, OF NW1/40F THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 9, transport and delivery uses,and marijuana recording date on this notice to pursue PANTS of the subject real property;PAR- Authorized Signatory MTC Financial Inc. TOWNSHIP 26 N,RANGE 41 E Grantor: cooperatives,licensed by or registered with mediation.DO NOT DELAY.CONTACT A TIES IN POSSESSION of the subject real dba Trustee Corps 1700 Seventh Avenue, SARAH D.LORENZ Grantee:North Cas- the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTOR- property;PARTIES CLAIMING A RIGHT Suite 2100 Seattle WA 98101 Phone: TO:AllherebPaternaly Interests. TO POSSESSION of the subjectproperty; (800)409-7530 (800)833-6388 For code Trustee Services Inc.Original Benefi- Board." The moratorium was adopted You are hereby notified that there has NEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW Supe- and also,all other unknown personr pr- Reinstatement/Pay TDD: ff Qotes,contact TR ou to ciaT ONMORTGAGE SYSTEMS,INC., OLE SOLELYCTRONIC IS-ASwhichpursuaistt available upon request to tho Ordinance 15-017,a e City dbor oied CauseIn the Spokane County Supe• media ion iassess f you arour e eligible and it mauation and refer yy help ties claiming any right,title,estate,lien,or MTC Financial Inc. DBA Trustee CorpsClerk,and is also on the City's website at dor Court, Nos.14.7-02486-2 and you save our home.See below for safe interest in the real estate described in the TRUSTEE'S SALE INFORMATION CAN NOMINEE FOR DECISION ONE MORT- y 14.7-02487.1 a Petition for Termination your-home. taint herein BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www.Auction. GAGE COMPANY NOTICE OF TRUST- be made i npersonorg. Public Input may of the Parent-Child Relationship between sources of help.SEEKING ASSISTANCE P EE'SSALE PURSUANT TOTHE•REVISED be made in person or in writing.Written Kassandra Cabarloc born on March 25, Housing counselors and legal assistance THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE corn.Order No.WAI5.0007881,Pub Dates CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 1.24 comments should be submitted to the City may be available at little or no cost to you, SAID DEFENDANTS: 10/02/2015,10/23/2015 $ 2003 and Malys Cabarloc born on June 5, You are hereby summoned to appear ET.SEQ.This is an attempt tocollact a-debt Clerk and must be received prior to 5:00 2000 in Spokane Washington and Anyone 1f you would like assistance in determining and any information obtained will be used p.m.October 27.2015. The public hear- Claimingyour rights and opportunities to keep your within sixty days after the date of the first ing will be held in City Council Chambers, a Paternal Interest A court hear- house,you may contact the following:The publication of for that purpose.THIS NOTICE IS THE ing on the matter will be on November 19, • 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Spokane statewide foreclosure eclo housing tlinefor assistance this summons,to wit,within sixty days after FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLO- Valley,WA,99206. NOTICE: Individuals 2015,late 9:00 am in the Spokane County and referral to counselors recom- the 2nd day of October,2015,and defend SURE SALE OF YOUR HOME.You have Juvenile Court,1208 W.Mallon,Spokane, the above entitled action in the above Cf of Spokane Valleyonly 20 DAYS from the recording date on planning to attend the meeting who require Washington 99201. mended by the Housing Finance Commis- only entitled court,and answer the complaint of Notice of Public Hearithis notice to pursue mediation.DO NOT special assistance to accommodate physi- You have the right to be represented by an sten:Telephone:(877)894-4663,Website: P 9 cal,hearing,or other impairments,please Stales meownership,wa,gov The United the Plaintiff,NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE The Spokane Valley City Council will con- SE OR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN contact the City Clerk at(509)720-5102 attorney. y you be appointed affordf an u. Your States Department of Housing and Urban LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COM- duct a public hearingon Tuesday,Octoberan attorney will r for you. Your PANY,and serve a copy of your answer 27,2015,to receivtestimony on WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situs- asos be madeossible so that arrangements failure to appear at this hearing or respond Websllo: www.hument: dhgov one:The)statew de upon the undersigned attorneystorPlnswe, projects to bepublictin an ap- lion and refer you to mediation ii you are Christine Bainbridge,MMC to this notice orfile aclaim ofpaternityunder civil legal aid hotline for assistance and McCarthyenthe undersigned potential for CommunityIncluded io merit eligible and it may help-you save your home. RCW 26.26 may result in a default order plication P See below for safe sources of helpSEEK- Spokane Valley City Clerk referrals to other housing counselors and stated;and in case of your failure so to Block Grant funding. The public hearing Publish Dates: October 9, 16 and 23, to permanentlyhevname terminatingcall of your rights attorneys:Telephone: (6881 201.1014. do,judgment will be rendered againstyou will be held in CityCouncil Chambers,11707 ING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and to the above-named child. 1 9 9 legal assistance may be available at little or 2015 10/16,10/23,10/30 Website:http:r/nwjustice.org THIS IS AN according to the demand of the complaint, East Sprague Avenue,Spokane Valley WA, no cost to you.If you would like assistance -' ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY which has been filed with the clerk of said 99206,starting at 6:00 p.m.or as soon in determining your rights and opportunities INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED court.The basis for the complaint is a fore- thereafter as practical.NOTICE:Individuals FOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED:6/29/2015 to keep your house,you may contact the • closure of the property commonly known as planning to attend the meeting who require tollowlna:TI, ...,.'.r.eon.ea .. ' T„v,ve 0,11,-...,.,,..-.-•. 1001:1001:0( 4-1,112,....,on , 00 4-1 6704 W 53rd Avenue,Spokane,WA99224, snecial assis,a•..•o.^ -^ GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT �( SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, October 27, 2015 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT f Rc(_c\e-•\v-N cc\fv\\o/\,---F( Q\cs Please Mote that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. ri g\ SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET October 27, 2015 SUBJECT: Marijuana Moratorium Please sign below if you would like to speak at the PUBLIC HEARING. PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. There may be a time limit for your comments. Any documents for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribution. NAME Your City of Residence PLEASE PRINT A61 -"707 5 "04-4, 7-cc.. D;x_orN ?out /v osVat(e�' 4`}i Gf cikapc,ion y Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. .� c,� o .T\\\N.\ �s� C> ` mss C> <"o Spokane Valley City Council Request/Consideration ey � �`S October 27, 2015 — Public Hearing on CDBG For a sidewalk to be installed, starting at 7707 East Mission Avenue and heading east towards Vista, Spokane Valley, WA 99212. Exact Location: One block East of Seth Woodard Elementary School at Park/Mission To: Mayor Grafos and Members of the City Council: This is an additional sidewalk request and not intended in any way to undermine the efforts of Mr. Basinger's presentation. It is merely an additional request for your support and consideration. This request is primarily due to a safety issue with a semi trailer that has been parking in the right-of-way for a week at a time at 7711 East Mission Avenue on and off since Spring 2015 and also because it is very close to an elementary school (Seth Woodard) and nearby middle school (Centennial). It is possible that the demographics of this neighborhood and low to moderate incomes would also qualify for a grant or other funding. Justification/Reasons for this Request include: 1- Would make it safer for all pedestrians (including young children and teenagers walking to school), joggers, people walking their dogs, etc., so they do not have to go out into the street, as the semi trailer is in the right-of-way and there is no where else for them to walk. There has been a West Valley School Patrol present in the morning hours to safely assist the kids to walk around the long trailer to get to school.Also,vehicles passing by headed West would have to slow down or stop to avoid the pedestrians; 2- Would provide a safe, walkable neighborhood on a major arterial; 3- I personally have limited visibility from the East due to the semi trailer being parked on Mission to turn west onto Mission from Center Road; and 4- This would benefit the whole neighborhood and provide a long-lasting and safe way for everyone to walk Thank you very much for your time and consideration of my request. Sincerely, , � Karin Moriris Spokane Valley,WA karin morris19@hotmail.com Pictures Enclosed i .1 -'4'lililiil---- ` • rxr- rf j w c • .•4';'="'-'4,. Y } k � �,_.,,..♦ .w #3 r AA��� -'V ra '`L F..• -t ',,,kms: "kL _., .�� ani • Rk' ` 1" ..,• v , '4i„t�FS-.,4-,..y....,..., S .. -,--t,,,- fi t, •''. 4' ,e►C.' 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