04-033.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace-A't ~ ~ . 1997 Edition -Electronic Format AIA Document A101-1997 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis o~ payment is a STIPULATED SLIM AGRE EMENT made as of the Twenty fourth day of March in the year of Two Thousand and TH15000UMENT HAS fMPORTANT LFGAI Four CONSEOUENCFS. CONSlJLTATIO,V WfTN (In r+'ords, h,dicaleday, monthar,d yrar) ANATTORNFYlS EA~COURAGEO r1JtTH RFSAFCi T01T5 COMPLETJON OR BETWEEN theO~vner: MonlFreaTroN.AUTHFNrrCATIONOF TNlS £LECTROi\ICALLY ORAFTfO AlA (~~rame, ;,,;'drea• r,nd o1,?irinfnrnrorion) DOCUMENT MAY BF MADF 8Y USli1~G AIA Cit of S okane Valle . Washin tOn -Y P Y g DOCUMENT OQOJ. cJo Public Works D oartment 11707 E. Sprague Avenue. Suite 106 NA Document A201-1997, General Spokane Valley,, Washington 99?06 Condilrons of fhc Contrail for Construction, is adoptedin tJ,is document and the Contractor: by reference. Oo rwt use with other (N;,rne, address:,nrl utlrerinfnrm.~trao) genera! cortditioru unless this document is AgooJ~?y & Pugh Cont. actors Inc. r"°difie°. 5307 C. Cataldo Avenue This dotuntent has been approved and Spokane V~Iley, Washington 99212 endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. The Project is: (n:rr„e :,nil loc~troo) CenterPlace at k4irabe u Point Park ProiECt # 04-001 'the Architect is: (A~3Riq UddIY'S881Pd Othfl fR~OrlrTOllOf,) Tan R4oore A chitects 416 West Sprague Avenue Spokane. Washington 99201 '1`hc Owner and Contractor aKree as fi~llows. ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 't'he G~ntract l7ocuments consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions}, L7rawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to ~ esccutirin of this Agreement, other documents listed tin this Agreement and Mndifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these fiirm I Ice Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the ~ , entire and inlekrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersede:. prior negotiations, ~., . _ ,.~ representations err agreetnents, either written nr oral. An enumeration of the Contract ~` 17ocuments, other than 1v4odificalions,AppeArs in Article 8. 01997 AIAO ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 The Contractor shall fully execute tl-e Work described ut the Contract llocwnents, except to OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Uoeumente to be the responsibility of others. The American Institute of Architects ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 1735 New York Avenue, N_w. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 ® 191 18, 1925, 1 3 , 1951, 1958, 1, 19E3, 19 ', 74, 1977, 19 , (s7 1997 y e mencan Institute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions wittlout written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecutioni_ WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U5 copyright laws and will subject the violator fo legal prosecution. Phis document ,.vas electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can he reproduced in aeeordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: centerplace x101 v1.0 -- 3/11/2004. AIA License Number 1145193, which expires on 10/30!1004. C'ay 3~ 3.1 The date of eontmenceme»l of the Work shall he the date of this r~greetnent unless a different date is stated belo++° or provision is made for the dale to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued ~y the O+rner. (Insert thed:,ieo1 convnrrn:emrnt itir dil,Ters frvrn the d,~teofthrsAgmrr,rrrf or, if•~pplresble, slate that the r{ste 14711 he Fixn1 in U notice to plrxrnd.) The date of commencement shall be stated in the Notice to Proceed by the Owner. If, prior to the commencement of the \+1tc,rk, the Owt-cr teduires time to file ntartga~es, mechanic's liens and other security interests, the O+vtter's time requirement shall he a, follo+vs: TNtS DOCl1MENT f•fA5 lMPOR TANT LEGAL 3.2 `t'he Contract Time shall tre measured From the date Of commencement. C0~1~SEOUFNCES. CO~VSULTATJO,V U/1TH ANATTOR111EY f5 ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMALETlOtJ OR 3.3 'Che Contractor shall achie+~e Substantial Completion of the entire ~~ltorh nut later than I~AODlFtCATlON. AUTFfENTJCATfON OF four hundred twenty (420) calendar da1~s from the date of commencement, ur as fOllo+v5: TF115 ELECTRONrCALLY DRAFTED AEA (Insert nrrmfier of calerrd:,r days. Ahe~7tati~eh~, a calrixh,r d•rte nr.?v tae usc~i whrn coorzlim,re,i rl~th the date of DOCUMENT MAY 8E MADE BY USING AJA COmArerk:emm~t. Lln/ess sTule+d ~/.cei+here in thr Contract Da:umenrs, ins~rY any rrrrtrlrt:mentc far e~dier SuLuYanli:,/ D,OCUNPfNT D4'Ol. G'nn,pletia, ulecrtr,iri 1>ortrons c,frirr l4rvrk. A!A Documerd A2D~-1997, General subject to adjustments c,f this Contract Time as provided in the Contract llocutrtenls. Conditronsof 1heContract far CorutruUron, is adopted rn this document (lirsrrr' pmvlsrons, if „rty, lur Iigulcl<•,tni dsm.~;cs rrlaling to (•,ilure to complete un burr or for hnnus p,7,vments for ' + by reference. Do no- use wrrh other early comp c•rlon o! the 4v ork) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Time is of the essence on this contract. Delays generar' conditions unless Mats document is inconvenience tkle public and interfere with and delay commerce Delays also~ost n'°,°l;fied. tax payers undue s ms of money adding time needed for administration 1Trls document has been aplrroved and engineering~inSpection. and supervision. Accordingly. the Contractor agr~s: ena'orsedby TIIeAssoclaterlGeneral 1. To pay ~5,Q00 liquidated da ages for each ca ender day beyond th number Contractors of America. of calendar days established for Su stantial Completion,~t d~ 2. To authorize the City to deduct t ese liquidated damages from any more ue or coming_due to the Contractor. When the contract work has progressed to the extent t t the City has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities. both from the o~rational and sa eta ~-endpoint. and only_minor incidental. work, replacemen of temporary+ subsftute facilities or correction or repair remaibs fQphysically com etc the total contract the C~ty~tav determine the contract work is "substantially" cot' plete for the p~u poses of this section. The City will notify the Contractor in writing of the substantial completion date. For overruns in contract time occurring after the to so established. the jj<ct~dated damages indicated above will not appal r For overruns in coat act time occurring after the slbstantial completion date liquidated damages shall be assessed on the basis of direct engineering and_ related costs a signable to the p~gject until the actual physical completion date of all the contract work. The Contractor shall com etc the remaining work as pro,~p~(y as possible. U own request b t}~he City. the Contrac or shall furnish a written schedule for com Feting the p~y~ual work on the contract. Liquidated damages will not be assessed f r env days for which an extension of ~~ #~is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will. in arty_degree. !. _ .. release the contractor from further obli_o.~tions and lie. ilities to complete the entire ~" coat OY997 AIAt7 AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 4.1 'the Owner shall pa}~ the Contractor the C:onlract Sum in current funds for the Contractor's performance uC the C:orNract. The C::nntract Sum shall be Seven million ive The American Institute of Architects hundred ninety thousand, and sixty-two including tax llollars (s 7 590 0 ), subject to 1735 New York Avenue, N.w. Washington, D,C. 20006-5292 additions and deductions as pro+~ided in the Contract Doc:unents. ® 1915, 1 925, 1937, 1, 1958, 19 63, 1967, 19 977, 1987, R~ y T e A+nerlcan Institute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the dale of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: centerplace a101 v2.0 -- 382/2004. AIA License Number 11A5293, which expires on 10/3412004. . ' 1 , 4.2 'the Contract Sum is Uased upon the folio+ving alternates, if any, which are ac,cribed in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (State the numtxrs or otheridentilicstlon ofaceepteYl ;rJtem:rtcs. Ifdct~sions on ntheraltemntes err to ~ made tn~ the Di+Trcrscrttccrlueru mthe execution utlhls Agn~ement, :rtta~h ~ , chrrtule ofsurh other allert+.4ter shorrdrrg the nnrount fir etch rurd the date rvhetr char vmoun! er1~iresJ Alternate #1 Alternate #2 4g3 ~trtit--grit-~~Fa~~v, aims-felt= ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1.1 Rased upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in tl-e Contract llocutnents. 5.1.2 '1`I-e period covered by each application for Payment shall he one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: In accordance with Article 9 of the General Conditions AIA document A201-1997 and itsits s_upnlemental conditions. F!i!S DOCUivJENT JiAS !l~RPOR PANT LEGAL CONSEOUFNCfS. CONSUL PATlON WITH AN ATTORNEY !S fNCOtJRAGED Wl TN RESPECT TO !TS COJ~f!'L£T10iV OR MODJF1CATtON. AUTNiNTICATlON OF THIS ELECTRONICAClY DRAFTED AIA DOCUMENT GRAY 8E MADE 8Y US1NG AlA DOCUMENT D401, A1A Document AX11.1997, Genera! Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this docutrrent by referents. Oo rlor use svith othcv gerneraf conditions unless this doturnent is nw~dified. This document has been ap}troved arnrf 5.1.3 ~c~wcled-t~hflE-e~li~~+t+An-fir:-F~yrr~e~t~s~~t-t>y-t•I~e ."'--Rt;-nttct-ttHt-laTerdhe-r- P~orsed by TheAssoclatedGenera! ,t,.,,a.,.,„r.,,,,,..,rt,_rs,~~t....,.,sh.,u,,,.,4a,,., ....,,;,_,~,~c.,,,tr.,~r~.«.,.r1„s,,..,t,.,.trk,.~_d.,~.--r ConJractorsofArnerica. ~d ~tieve; -pa}~n~i r~t• 3ltaft -tom -na acte -t~ -Ett2 -9wtlet~ -tact -cater -t htrtt - -days ~ft~r•-the ." --~t~ - r_•__~•.•~_-thef>lpplicatiet~-ferx~t•- Payment shall be made in arrears for work performed provided that a minimum of one properly repared request for payment utilizing an ADalication For Payment form is delivered to the Architect for certification and approv I no later than the 10th day of a month the Owner shall make ~yment to the Contractor not later than the 10th day of the following month. If an Application for Pay__ent is received by t e Architect after the pplication date fixed above. payment- shall be made by the Owner not later th n 30 days after t e Architect receives a ~ro~periy_prepared Application for Payment. A prop~jy._p_repared AoDlic lion for Payment is one that contains no significant errors and that is signed a d certified as required T e Owner shall be a final judge as to what constitutes a significant error All requests will reference the_Owner's project nutn er. 5.1.4 1:~1ch Application for Payment shalt be based on lhi: tnosl recent schedule of Values ~ submitted b}' the Contractor in accordat-ce with the Contract Oocuments. 'Cho schedule of "- values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. '!he schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as for Architect mery reyuire. 'I'bis schedule, unless objected ter L~}' the. Architect, shall !~ ,~ be used as a basis for reviewing the C:ontractor's applications for Payment. s'+~~ti~ 5.1.5 Applications foe Pa~•ment shall-ndicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the tlpplication for Pa}~menl. 5.1.6 Subject io ollrer provisions of the C.'ontract Documents, the amount of each progress paytrlent shad be computed as folloti+~s: .1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as detexnlined b}~ multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work h}' the share of the total ~:ontract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the schedule of values, less retainage of )~ percent (5 %) plus 100% of the Tax oust. fending final detertnulation of cost to the Owner of changes in the \Nork, C~ 19 418, 1925, 1 1951, 1958, 1963, 19 1977, 1987, 97 y The Arnencan Institute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written perrission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject t41e violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: centerplace al0i v2.0 •- 3/228004. AIA license Number 1145293, which expires on 1013012004. - m1991 Al A4) AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. x0006-5292 amounts not in dispute shall be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.$ of AIA Document rizot-ty97. 2 Add that portion of the Contract Sutra propeely allocable to materials ar-d equipment delivered and suitably stored at the. site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitabl}~ stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage of five percent { 5%)_OIUS 100% of the Tax amount; .3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Oti~'ner; and .4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has witlilteld or nullified Certificate far Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.g of AIA Document trot-tyy7. 5.1.7 '!"he progress payment amount deterntit-ed in accordance ~,~ith Subparagraph 5.t.6 shall be further modified under the follo+n~ing circumstances: TNrs DOCUMENT F1A5 l1~4PORTANT LEGAL CONSfOUFh'CES. CONSULTAT10h~ W1TN AN AT70RlJEY f5 ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO lT5 COMPLETION OR MOL)lFJCA TJON. AUTNFNT1CATi0N OF ThUS ft.fCTRONICALLYDRAFT~D AfA WCUMENT MAYBE MAD£ BY USING AEA DocuMENr DSOI. 1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sulficient to increase the total ArA (Jocumenr A~Ot-1997, General payments to ninety-five 95° )s?f the Work plus 100% of the Tax amount. the- Conditions of the contract for ~all~faeut}t-ef-t#e-F,o+i!•ract-Sttn~, less such amounts as the t\rchitett shall determine Corurructton,isadopleclrnfhisrlocurrmnt for incomplete Work> r~Et~yttag~-a{~t~4acal~le-tcj-sac-lt-~et~lFand unsettled claims; and by reference. Dv trot use with other (SuG/x,ragr:rph 9.5.5 ofA/A Darumo»l ~izo~-t99~ rc+7rrires release of~ppli :rGJr refaitrrge upa» Srrlxsr.s»riu! ge»eraf cornlrtions unless this rloturr>ent is Conrpl~tia» of I/vrk I+~rh corrsenr ofsurer}; ifrrrr}:J IA°tli/i2o. .2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault Thrsdocvrrrerrthasbcertaivprovedar,d of the Contractor, an}' additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph endorsed by The Associated General to. of the General Conditions will be sub ect to statuto Ilm t~atlons. tkft1- Contractors of America. 9• 3 J rY-' ~Heut-tl~ert99i- 5.1.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if an}',shall be as follows: (Ifit is interrJcYl, prior to Sul.~ra»fisl Comp/rtio» of the entire tVerk, ro nducd or lindt the tet~in.~c resulri»g fro»r rLe jlar~cnf.~ges i»scr,n{ i» C:lau.•~c g.yG.r arh~ S.r.d.= aL,ol•r, slrrc! this is trot erp+nirrctl rl.~'rwhtre ur the C.'n»r,:~cr l~arumr»te•, insert here proi~sions torsuch rcY/uetr~u orlirttitarion.l None 5.1.9 Except with the Owner's prior approval, the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment ~ti'Itich have not been delivered and stored at the site. 5.2 FINAL PAYMENT 5.2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Swtt, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when: .1 the Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for the. Contractor's responsibility to correct ~~rork as provided in Subparagraph rz_z.z of AIA Document ;1zoi-1997, and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which extend beyond final ~. .~ payment; and i'~t~~ .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. ~~ 5.2.2 ~-l1@-e1~nl'FS n~ t0 i1'•-cnctiviiiirct~ FSITQlI I......,.,.I....:._1 ~~jg{.t~y 'lftllS- ~Y997 AIkO -ft~aY1}~~ *-~*~~.~ater -~s-+ AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 t~-issuQnc-P-ef-the :4['EI~Nec-i~s-frHt+l-EeH•i#ie+ate-fef~ttet3tz-F-f-E-s-feller:-- The Owner's OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT retai_naoe payment will not be paid sooner than 45 days after n~tject acceptance by the C' y._of SSpokane Valley. Projec cceptance begins the 45-day Retainage Period, The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. ARTICLE 6 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION washirzgton, D.C. 20006-5292 5, 1918, 19 37, 1951, 195 1, 1963, 1967, , 1977, 1987, y T e American nstitute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed phorocopying violates US copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as Hated below. expiration as noted below. User Document: centerplace x101 v2.0 -- 3/Z2/2004. AIA license Number 1145293, which expires on 1iN30l~004. 6.1 The Contract spay be terminated by the O~+~ner or the Contractor as provided in Article t4 of r\[A Uacument A2ot-1997. 6.2 The \4rork may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article t4 of AIA 17ocument r\20t-i99J• ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where reference is made. its this t\greement to a provision of t~IA IaocumEnt a2ot-t997 ar another Contract pacument, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented b}~ outer provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 payments due and unpaid under the contract shall hear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated bolo+v, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing From time to time at the place ~+~here the Project is located. (lnscrt rate ofirrttrr„cf :rgtred rr jxrn, ifany. ) The interest rate payable will be per Washt]gton State statute. llsurylar~s and mrtufiCnrenrs rrrrder the Fcrlervl Tiv(h in Lending Act, similarstal~arxlloo::l eonsumereredit law,•<tftd otl~errrgulutions zt the CJevner's and Contrzctor's pnnci~al pleries ufbusiness, the location ofher Arointt acrd elses,here rnav aJ3e~:t thr vuJiJity olllris provicron. tcgal advice eho.rlcl h,s• olirsincd +~ath rrs7+cet to claretinrrs or modifi.~rians, and also rcg;rreling rct)rrJrements suc5 rrs wriPtctt discJoques or rv.~ircrs.) 7.3 the•9rvtie~s-r~}x~sentativ~-is=- (A:•rrrre, ttdrlrtas arrd otherlrr&~rnr:eriorr) 7.4 ~-he~C'strir~tet's-r~p~ent~rtive-is~ (~~.•rrtra, rrddia ss and other infunnatiortJ 7.5 i~ICitfleF-the-gi+`fi~r~~r-i•tll-~HijH'itEtAf-S-r2~h'SeFl~Ett•tW2-Sft211t}t°,2F1-Nrt~ttEjHk~2'tl- days ~-rfTe•E)l-}i~r-thtEt'y- 7.6 Other provisions: No officer or employg~ of the City having the power or duty tQperform an official act or action related to this agreement. shall have or ac uiq ~re any interest in t is agreement or have solicited accepted or granted a present or future g~ avor Service or oth rig of value from or to ankperson involved in thjs agreement THJS DOCUMENT MAS !iti?AORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. CONSULTATION lN1TN AN ATTORNEY 1S ENCOURAGED 1N1TN RESPECT TO 1TS COMPLETION OR MOD1f1CATlON. AUTHENT'lCAT10N Of TN1S ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AfA DOCUMENT MAY 8E MADE 8Y U51NG A1A DQCUME~vT Dao1. AlA Dotument A201-1997, General Conditions of the Coritratt for Corutruction, is adopted in rlus document by reference. Do rant use with other ~eneraJ conditior>s unless this document is modified. This document has beers approved and errcJorsed by The Associated Gerteraf Contractors of America. ARTICLE 8 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 8.1 '!'Ice Conlrtct Docwnents; -e~~l~t -(er ~4ec#ificat~tts -issued -a~er• -e.~c~t-tea -t~-iris - t~reetTtet3l~ arc enumerated as follows: 1. Change Orders: and 2. Notice To Proceed: and 3. Notice of Award: and 4. Acreement: and 5. Addenda: and 6. The provisions of Sgokane Valley Bid No. 04-_ 01 including drawings and_ specifications: and 7. The bid proposal of the contactor 8.1.1 The Ayreetnent is this exixuled tg97 edition of the Standard Farm of Agreement Between Otvrter and Contractor, AIA I7ocwnent Ator-tg97. ® 1915, 18, 1925, 1 951, 1958, , 1963, 19 7, 4, 1977, 1987, 997 y T e American Institute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and avill subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US eopyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as nosed belovr. User DOCUment: centerplace al0i v2.0 -- 3122/2004. AIA License Number 1145293, which expires on 10!3072004. - ~, .:~ tttt~ 01997 Arm AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 8.1.2 The General Gondritons are. the 1997 edtlton of the General GttndtUOns of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document r12ot-t997• 8.1.3 The Supplementar}~ and other Conditions of the C:~ntract are those contained in the Project Adanual dated ,and are as follows: Uourment Title Pasev 8.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project ~4anual dated as in Subparagraph R.t.3, and are as follows: (tither list the Sprcifrcations here or refer in an exhibit attached to this arc ement) Section Title Pages 8.1.5 The ijrawings are as follows, and arc dated unless a different date is sho+vn below: (Eithrrfist the Drr~+7rrgs herz nrreFer to an aihibil rrltaCPred to this Agreement.) Number 't'itle. hale 8.1.6 'Che Adder-da> if any, are as follows: tvumber 17ate Pages Addenda #1 February 20. 2004 Addenda #2 February 26. 2004 l'orlions of Addenda relating to bidd'u~F requirements are not part of the Contrsct 17ocutnents unless the bidding requirements are also entunerated in this Article R. 8.1.7 Other doeununts, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List hcri• anv additiorraf cla~auu~'rtc thst sre intenJerf try 1ornr fa.'rrt ofthe ('onfrJCt UtrCtrtrrerrfs. A/A 1Jucurnent A2or- ry~ pro+rJes Ih:rt b;ifding requiremrrrts such as advsrtiscmerrt or invitaflotr Jo F,id, Instructions to BiJefers, r:mpte lunuc and the Contractor"s Ix7l;rre not fin of the Contract Docurnenrs unless enum:rutrd in lfris Ag/cement They ,shnrrld far fistnl here rinfy i(intcrrdcd to be par! oFthe Gontrrct Ducvments.J Modifications to a Standard Form of Agreement for Project Number 04-001 attached hereto and included herein by reference. THIS DOCrJA9ENT MitS 1MPORTANT LEGAL CONSEOUFNCES. COiVSULTATLON WITH ANATTORiVEY fS ENCOURAGFD twl7TPi RESPECT TO 1T5 COMPLFTlON OR MODIFICATION. AUTffENT1CATfON OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AEA DOCUMFPIT fvtAY BE MADE 8Y ilSfNG AEA OOCUMFN7 Dr,Df. AEA Document A2O1-!497, Genera! Conditioru of the Contract for Corutructron, is atfopfea 1n tfrfs document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is tnodffierf. This document has been approved and erndorsed by The Associated General Contrar_tors of America. 'I'bis Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first ~+Titten above and is executed in one . ori_inal copy vrhich will be returned to the Owner. The original execut d Agreement ~_~ will be filed vrith the City Clerk. one cony will be provided to the Contractor. Architect._ and Spokane Valley Public Works Department Cedified copies if needed may be obtained at the expense of the requestor from the City Clerk. at,-least:-ttx~eeal- ,, Eerm~-c-~-~tZittt-~,ne-is-t~-~-elea+vet~t-to-tFie •-~.~.-.~.;~tm;-errs-Eer-ttre~~triteeF-fete-use-i-~~#e- ~... - .- aci+}i~+tisFratiei~-e~the•6etTtraet•~trn~+;;det-in-Nt• ~~ mtv9~ a+ao AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 O NER (Signature) CONT OR (Sf rat reJ WNER•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT The American Institute of Architects 1735 Ne'.v York Avenue, N.W. ~ ~ `~ (~ LVashinYton, D.G 20006-5292 ( ritrtnlnanrearxltfdr) (!'rintcrinameandtit J ~~`L. O 1915, i91 25, 1937, i9 8, 1961, 1963, 1974, 1977, 1 1997 y T e Arnertcan Institute o Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US copyright laws and avill subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with yo+.rr license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as Hated below. User Document: centerplace al0i v2,0 -- 3J2212004, AIA License Number 1145293, which expires on 1OC30f2004. TNYS DOCUiytfNT rIAS 1MPORTANT LEGAL CONSFOUFNCES. CONSULTATJONWITN AN ATTORNEY i5 ENCOURAGED W1TN RESPECT TO 1 TS COMPLETION OR M0DtF1CAT1ON. AUTHENTICATION OF PNJS ELECTROhYCALLY DRAFTED A1A DOCUMFiYT MAY BF MADE 8Y USIMG AEA O0CUIti9FNT D40i, A[A Document A101-1997, Gerveraf Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adoAted in this document by reference. fao not use svith othcv general conditions unless ties document is rradified_ This document has been a pproved and endorsed by The Associated Genera! Contractors of America. ., . ~~ ,~ i'+~~ ;: ritti O1S97 AIA® AIA DOCUMENT A101-1997 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT The American Institute of Architects 1735 NcEV York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 915, 1918, 1925, i9 58, 1961, 1963, 19 7, 1 4, 987, ®1997 y T e American nstitute o Architects, Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlieensed photocopying violates US copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: centerplace x101 v2.0 -- 382/2004. AIA License Number 1195293, which expires on 10/308004.