2007, 03-21 Safety Inspect Ltr11703 E Sprague Ave Suite B-3• Spokane Valley WA 99206 4509.688.0036 ♦ Fax: 509.688.0037 • March 21, 2007 Mr. Joseph Berube 10926 E. Maxwell Spokane Valley, WA. 99206-2500 RE: Safety Inspection — Chimney Liner and Wood Stove Insert Mr. Berube, On March 2, 2007 I met with your representative on site at 10926 E. Maxwell to inspect the chimney liner and wood stove insert installed under permit number 05-004218. The woodstove/insert permit was issued on November 11, 2005 our records show that no inspections were made under this permit. At your request a safety inspection permit was issued on February 23, 2007 (permit number 07000531). An inspection of the completed installation was made to determine code compliance. The following items will need to be corrected and listings of appliance and equipment verified prior to final approval. 1) Chimney liner needs to be replaced and installed per manufacture's installation requirements as required in the following code section. 2003 International Residential Code - Chapter 10 — Chimneys and Fireplaces, Section R1001.8 - Flue lining (material) — Masonry chimneys shall be lined. The lining material shall be appropriate for the type of appliance connected, according to terms of the appliance listing and manufacture's instructions. Subsection R1001.8.1 Residential -type appliances (general). Flue lining systems shall comply with one of the following: 1) Clay flue lining complying with the requirement of ASTM C 315 or equivalent. 2) Listed chimney lining systems complying with UL 1777. 3) Factory -built chimneys or chimney units listed for installation within masonry chimneys. 4) Other approved materials that will resist corrosion, erosion, softening, or cracking from flue gases and condensate at temperatures up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. 2) Wood stove insert — Solid fuel burning appliances need to be installed per the manufacture's installation requirements and be certified with the United States Environmental Protection Agency as required in the Washington State Amendments to the 2003 International Residential Code. 2003 International Residential Code, Chapter 3 Section R303.8.3 Solid fuel burning devices. No used solid fuel burning device shall be installed in new or existing buildings unless such device is United States Environmental Protection Agency certified or a pellet stove either certified or exempt from certification by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Exception: Antique wood cook stoves and heaters manufactured prior to 1940. 3) Solid fuel burning appliances also need to comply with the 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code. 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code — Chapter 4 — Indoor Air Quality - Solid Fuel Burning Appliances and Fireplaces. Solid fuel burning appliances and fireplaces shall satisfy one of the following criteria. Subsection — 402.2 Solid Fuel Burning Appliances: Solid fuel buming appliances shall be provided with the following: a. Tight fitting metal or ceramic glass doors. b. A source of outside combustion air provided to the appliance or room the appliance is located as required in the two options as shown in the attached documents. The items mentioned above will need to be addressed prior to final approval by this office. Enclosed please find copies of the code sections referenced above. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions and/or concerns. You may reach me at our office at 509-688- 0205 or via e-mail at dpowell@spokanevalley.org. Thank you. Sincerely, Douglas Powell, Building Inspector II CHAPTER 10 CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES SECTION R1001 MASONRY CHIMNEYS R1001.1 General. Masonry chimneys shall be constructed, an- chored, supported and reinforced as required in this chapter and the applicable provisions of Chapters 3, 4 and 6. In Seismic De- sign Categories DI and D2, masonry and concrete chimneys shall be reinforced and anchored as detailed in Section R1003 for chimneys serving fireplaces. In 'Seismic Design Category A, B or C, reinforcement and seismic anchorage is not required. Chimneys shall be structurally sound, durable, smoke -tight and capable of conveying flue gases to the exterior safely. R1001.1.1 Support. Masonry chimneys shall be supported on foundations of solid masonry or concrete at least 12 inches (305 mm) thick and at least 6 inches (152 nun) be- yond each side of the exterior dimensions of the chimney. Footings shall be founded on natural, undisturbed earth be- low the frostline. In areas not subject to freezing, footings shall be located a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) below finished grade. R1001.2 Corbeling. Masonry chimneys shall not be corbeled more than one-half of the chimney's wall thickness from a wall or foundation, nor shall a chimney be corbeled from a wall or foundation that is less than 12 inches (305 mm) in thickness un- less it projects equally on each.side of the wall, except that on the second story of a two-story dwelling, corbeling of chim- neys on the exterior of the enclosing walls may equal the wall thickness. The projection of a single course shall not exceed one-half the unit height or one-third of the unit bed depth, whichever is less. • 141001.3 Changes in dimension. The chimney wall or chim- ney flue lining shall not change in size or shape within 6 inches (152 mm) above or below where the chimney passes through floor components, ceiling components or roof components. 121001.4 Offsets. Where a masonry chimney is constructed with a fireclay flue liner surrounded by one wythe of masonry, the maximum offset shall be such that the centerline of the flue above the offset does not extend beyond the center of the chim- ney wall below the offset. Where the chimney offset is sup- ported by masonry below the offset in an approved manner, the maximum offset limitations shall not apply. Each individual corbeled masonry course of the offset shall not exceed the pro- jection limitations specified in Section R1001.2. 141001.5 Additional load., Chimneys shall not support loads other than their own weight unless they are designed and con- structed to support the additional load. Masonry chimneys shall be permitted to be constructed as part of the masonry walls or reinforced concrete walls of the building. R1001.6 Termination. Chimneys shall extend at least 2 feet (610 mm) higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet (1048 mm), but shall not be less than 3 feet (914 mm) above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof. R1001.6.1 Spark arrestors. Where a spark arrestor is in- stalled on a masonry chimney, the spark arrestor shall meet all of the following requirements: . • 1. The net free area of the arrestor shall not be less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney flue it serves. 2. The arrestor screen shall have heat and corrosion re- sistance equivalent to 19 -gage galvanized steel or 24 -gage stainless steel. 3. Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres hav- ing a diameter greater than '/, inch (12.7 mm) nor block the passage of spheres having a diameter less than 3/, inch (9.5 mm). 4. The spark arrestor shall be accessible for cleaning and the screen or chimney cap shall be removable to allow for cleaning of the chimney flue. R1001.7 Wall thickness. Masonry chimney walls shall be con- structed of solid masonry units or hollow masonry units grouted solid with not less than a 4 -inch (102 mm) nominal thickness. R1001.8 Flue lining (material). Masonry chimneys shall be lined. The lining material shall be appropriate for the type of appliance connected, according to the terms of the appliance listing and manufacturer's instructions. R1001.8.1 Residential -type appliances (general). Flue lining systems shall comply with one of the following: 1. Clay flue lining complying with the requirements of ASTM C 315 or equivalent. 2. Listed chimney lining systems complying with UL 1777. . 3. Factory -built chimneys or chimney units listed for in- stallation within masonry chimneys. • 4. Other approved materials that will resist corrosion, erosion, softening, or cracking from flue gases and condensate at temperatures up to 1,800°F (982°C). R1001.8.2 Flue linings for specific appliances. Flue lin- ings other than these covered in Section R1001.8.1, in- tended for use with specific types of appliances, shall comply with Sections R1001.8.3 through R1001.8.6. R1001.8.3 Gas appliances. Flue lining systems for gas ap- pliances shall be in accordance with Chapter 24. R1001.8.4 Pellet fuel -burning appliances. Flue lining and vent systems for use in masonry chimneys with pellet fuel -burning appliances shall be limited to the following: 1. Flue lining systems complying with Section RI001.8.1. 2. Pellet vents listed for installation within masonry chimneys. (See Section R1001.8.6 for marking.) 2003 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® 261 CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES R1001.8.5 Oil -fired appliances approved for use with Type L vent. Flue lining and vent systems for use in ma- sonry chimneys with oil -fired appliances approved for use with Type L vent shall be limited to the following: 1. Flue lining systems complying with Section R1001.8.1. 2. Listed chimney liners complying with UL 641. (See Section R1001.8.6 for marking.) R1001.8.6 Notice of usage. When a flue is relined with a material not complying with Section R1001.8.1, the chim- ney shall be plainly and permanently identified by a label at- tached to a wall, ceiling or other conspicuous location adjacent to where the connector enters the chimney. The la- bel shall include the following message or equivalent lan- guage: THIS CHIMNEY FLUE IS FOR USE ONLY WITH [TYPE OR CATEGORY OF APPLIANCE] APPLI- ANCES THAT BURN [TYPE OF FUEL]. DO NOT CON- NECT OTHER TYPES OF APPLIANCES. R1001.9 Flue lining (installation). Flue liners shall be in- stalled in accordance with ASTM C 1283 and extend from a point not less than 8 inches (203 mm) below the lowest inlet or, in the case of fireplaces, from the top of the smoke chamber to a point above the enclosing walls. The lining shall be carried up vertically, with a maximum slope no greater than 30 degrees from the vertical. Fireclay flue liners shall be laid in medium duty refractory mortar conforming to ASTM C 199 with tight mortar joints left smooth on the inside and installed to maintain an air space or insulation not to exceed the thickness of the flue liner separat- ing the flue liners from the interior face of the chimney ma- sonry walls. Flue lining shall be supported on all sides. Only enough mortar shall be placed to make the joint and hold the liners in position. 121001.9.1 Listed materials. Listed materials used as flue linings shall be installed in accordance with the terms of their listings and manufacturer's instructions. R1001.9.2 Space around lining. The space surrounding a chimney lining system or vent installed within a masonry chimney shall not be used to vent any other appliance. Exception: This shall not prevent the installation of a separate flue lining in accordance with the manufac- turer's installation instructions. R1001.10 Multiple flues. When two or more flues are located in the same chimney, masonry wythes shall be built between adjacent flue linings. The masonry wythes shall be at least 4 inches (102 mm) thick and bonded into the walls of the chim- ney. Exception: When venting only one appliance, two flues may adjoin each other in the same chimney with only the flue lining separation between them. The joints of the adja- cent flue linings shall be staggered at least 4 inches (102 mm). R1001.11 Flue area (appliance). Chimney flues shall not be smaller in area than that of the area of the connector from the appliance [see Tables R1001.11(1) and R1001.11(2)1. The siz- ing of a chimney flue to which multiple appliance venting sys- tems are connected shall be in accordance with Section M1805.3. TABLE R1001.11(1) NET CROSS—SECTIONAL AREA OF ROUND FLUE SIZES' FLUE SIZE, INSIDE DIAMETER (inches) CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA (square Inches) 6 28 7 38 8 50 10 78 103/4 90 12 113 15 176 18 254 For 51: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 square inch = 645.16 mm2. a. Flue sizes are based on ASTM C 315. TABLE R1001.11(2) NET CROSS—SECTIONAL AREA OF SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR FLUE SIZES' FLUE SIZE, OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS (Inches) CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA (square inches) 41/2 x 13 34 71/2x 71/2 37 81/2 x 81/2 47 71/2 x 111/2 58 81/2 x 13 74 71/2 x 151/2 82 111/2 x 111/2 91 81/2 x 171/2 101 13 x 13 122 111/2 x 151/2 124 13 x 171/2 165 151/2 x 151/2 168 151/2 x 191/2 214 171/2 x 171/2 226 191/2 x 191/2 269 20 x 20 286 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 square inch = 645.16 mm2. a. Flue sizes are based on ASTM C 315. R1001.12 Flue area (masonry fireplace). Flue sizing for chimneys serving fireplaces shall be in accordance with Sec- tion R1001.12.1 or Section R1001.12.2. R1001.12.1 Option 1. Round chimney flues shall have a minimum net cross-sectional area of at least 1112 of the fire- place opening. Square chimney flues shall have a minimum net cross-sectional area of 1/10 of the fireplace opening. Rect- angular chimney flues with an aspect ratio less than 2 to 1 262 2003 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® CHAPTER 4 INDOOR AIR QUALITY SECTION 401—POLLUTANT SOURCE CONTROL 401.1 Formaldehyde Reduction Measures: All structural panel components within the conditioned space such as plywood, particle board, wafer board, and oriented strand board shall be identified as "EXPOSURE 1", "EXTERIOR" or "HUD -APPROVED". SECTION 402 — SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES AND FIREPLACES: Solid fuel buming appliances and fireplaces shall satisfy one of the following criteria. 402.2 Solid Fuel Burning Appliances: Solid fuel burning appliances shall be provided with the following: a. Tight fitting metal or ceramic glass doors. b. 1. A source from outside the structure of primary combustion air, connected to the appliance as per manufacturer's specification. The air inlet shall originate at a point below the fire box. The duct shall be 4 inches or greater in diameter, not exceed 20 feet in length, and be installed as per manufacturer's instructions; or ;. The appliance and manufacturer's recommended combustion air supply, as an installed unit, shall be certified by an independent testing laboratory to have passed Test No. 11 -Negative Pressure Test, Section 12.3, of ULC S627 -M1984 "Space Heaters for Use with Solid Fuels," modified as follows: A. Negative pressure of 8 Pascal shall be initially established with the chamber sealed and the air supply, if not directly connected to the appliance, closed off. B. The air supply if not directly connected to the appliance, shall then be opened. C. The maximum allowable air exchange rate from chamber leakage and intentional air supply for the unit (appliance with combustion air supply) in the test chamber is 3.5 air changes per hour, or 28 cfin (cubic feet of air per minute), whichever is less. EXCEPTION: Combustion air may be supplied to the room in which the solid fuel buming appliance is located in lieu of direct ducting, provided that one of the following conditions is met: Washington State Ventilation And Indoor Air Quality Code I. The solid fuel burning appliance is part of a central heating plant and installed in an unconditioned space in conformance with the International Mechanical Code; or 2. The solid fuel burning appliance is installed in existing construction directly on a concrete floor or surrounded by masonry materials as in a fireplace. The combustion air terminus shall be located as close to the solid fuel burning appliance as possible and shall be provided with a barometric damper or equivalent The combustion air source shall be specified by the manufacturer or no less than 4 inches in diameter or the equivalent in area or as approved. 402.3 Fireplaces: Fireplaces shall be provided with each of the following: a. Tightly fitting flue dampers, operated by a readily accessible manual or approved automatic control. EXCEPTION: Fireplaces with gas logs shall be installed in accordance with the International Mechanical Code Section 901, except that the standards for liquefied petroleum gas installations shall be NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code) and NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code). b. An outside source for combustion air ducted into the firebox. The duct shall be at least 6 square inches, and shall be provided with an operable outside air duct damper. EXCEPTION: Washington certified fireplaces shall be installed with the combustion air systems necessary for their safe and efficient combustion and specified by the manufacturer in accordance with the Washington State Building Standard 31-2 (WAC 51-50-31200) and IBC Section 2114 (WAC 51-50-2114). c. Site built fireplaces shall have tight fitting glass or metal doors, or a flue draft induction fan or as approved for minimizing back -drafting. Factory built fireplaces shall use doors listed for the installed appliance. 402.4 Masonry Heaters: Masonry heaters shall be approved by the Department of Ecology and shall contain both of the following: a. Primary combustion air ducted from the outside of the structure to the appliance. b. Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors. Flue damper, when provided, shall have an external control and when in the closed position shall have a net free area of not less than 5% of the flue cross sectional area. Effective 7/01/04 19 1 R303.8.1 Definitions. For the purposes of this section only, the following definitions apply. DESIGNATED AREAS are those areas designated by a county to be an urban growth area in Chapter 36.70A RCW and those areas designated by the US . Environmental Protection Agency as being in nonattainment for particulate matter. SUBSTANTIALLY REMODELED means any alteration or restoration of a building exceeding 60 percent of the appraised value of such building within a 12 month period. For the purpose of this section, the appraised value is the estimated cost to replace the building and structure in kind, based on current replacement costs. R303.8.2 Primary heating source. Primary heating sources in all new and substantially remodeled buildings in designated areas shall not be dependent upon wood stoves. R303.83 Solid fuel burning devices. No used solid fuel burning device shall be installed in new or existing buildings unless such device is United States Environmental Protection Agency certified or a pellet stove either certified or exempt from certification by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Exception: Antique wood cook stoves and heaters manufactured prior to 1940. WASHINGTON STATE AMENDMENTS Effective 7/01/04 TO: DONNA 926-9943 DATE: 12-10-2006 ADDRESS: REPORT: THE SOOT SLAYER -CHIMNEY SPECIALIST 3310 N. PARK ROAD SPOKANE WA. 99212 (509)927-0509 FAX: (509)922-5940 BID 10926 E. MAXWELL Install of new liner because liner that was installed is not safe to use and installed incorrectly. 1. Remove damaged stainless steel liner (6 'A in liner was forced through a 5 ''4 in opening). 2. Remove the rest of flue tiles ( 5- 6+ feet are presently missing at the top) 3. Install 20 feet of ridged insulated 6in stainless steel liner. 4. Add enough flexible lines to hook up to new insert with 30 degree elbow. 5. Seal top off with stainless steel top plate, support clamp, storm collar and rain cap. 6. Haul away all debris. Pictures enclosed of current install. TOTAL: $2000.00-2200.00+shipping+ tax SINCERELY YOURS RICHARD AUEN Project Nbr: 05004218 Group Name: Project Name: + GoSite ProTo , GojToect J I _ ` 1 ; t; Use: WOOD/PELLET STOVE INSERT I Parcel Number 45162.1405 Site Address • - 10926 E MAXWELL AVE . Loc Zip Code CSV 99206 Contact: Name: Address City, State, Zip Phone: E -Mail ACCENT STOVE & SPA 1622 N DIVISION ST SPOKANE, WA 99207 (509) 325-8800 Issue Dt: Last Actvy Dt: Final Insp Dt: 11/07/2005 Type Description ME Mechanical Permit Enter Inspections Setbacks: Front: Rear: Left: Right: Res !Comm Code Project Nbr: 07000531 Group Name: Project Name: SAFETY INSPECTION Go To I Go To Site Project Use: SAFETY INSPECTION --CHIMNEY DAMAGE Parcel Number 45162.1405 Site Address 10926 E MAXWELL AVE Loc Zip Code CSV 99206 Contact: Name: Address City, State, Zip Phone: E -Mail BERUBE JOSEPH H & ANTONIA 10926 E MAXWELL AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206-2500 (509) 979-3316 Issue Dt: Last Actvy Dt: Final Insp Dt: 02/23/2( 03102/2( Type Description BU Building Permit In: Setbacks: Front: Rear: Left: Right: Res / Comm Code R NOTES User ID / Date -Time To much snow on roof, not able to access for inspection. dgpowell 02/26/2007 3:11:41 PM Project Nbr: 07000531 Group Name: Project Name: SAFETY INSPECTION Go To 1 Go To 1 . 11 Site Project �« Use: SAFETY INSPECTION—CHIMNEY DAMAGE Parcel Number 45162.1405 Site Address 10926 E MAXWELL AVE Loc Zip Code CSV 99206 Contact: Name: Address City, State, Zip Phone: E -Mail BERUBE JOSEPH H & ANTONIA 10926 E MAXWELL AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206-2500 (509) 979-3316 Issue Dt: Last Actvy Dt: Final Insp Dt: 02/23/2007 03/0212007 Type Description BU Building Permit Enter Inspections Setbacks: Front Rear: Left: Right: Res 1 Comm Code R Date Type 02/2812007 99999 03/02/2007 00110 Occ Inits Status In Out Description 0 dgp N 15:10 15:10 FINAL 0 dgp 1 14:47 14:47 FIREPLACE/CHIMNEY BU Pmt Typ Final r_.