1987, 01-08 Permit: 87000037 FurnaceSPOKANEc UNTY DEP_rATO BUILDING AND SAFETY .Nmmr,JEFFE 9». SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 w_ .w_,mmw_ __. information submitted w_,e� agent _permit have read _.__.w,ne_,«_ herein _.,_w with _e.« _,,_ and__�of __�*w__m___mm�Gmm,._m�_,_� ordinances ority to violate or cancel provisions,any state , local law regulating construction , the performance ,construction. bit . SIGNATURE OF . . APPLICATION OWNER eACEr . - DATE 307=01/02/; PROJECT NUMBER= PERMIT « zcEgRD: ADDRESS r AT BLOCK= GG: t+ BLDGS= GRi STREET= ADDRESS= CONTACT NAME= ------ PERMIT INFORMATION -- 87000037 G«R NUMBER=,' a,m REPLACE G;+m»R 0130„:r DEMBG AVE SPOKANE q )1180 PLAT »+y (001 : LOT= 00011508 . 4 DWELLINGS= HAMILTON, »# M. 013019 E +MBG SPOKANE. WA DAIS Q# 99216 RGTR0M 0001 G+= F :q»= 0001 921 NUE D mqt 0084 '-HONG= AVE PAGE= g em. DIST4= DEPTH= # 50 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 0000 LEFT= 0000 RIGHT= 0000 REAR= 0000 REQUIRED REVIEWS= RANRDmw: »G;= ENVIRONMENTAL= CRITICAL CON TR CONTRACTOR= FIRM NAME= ARCHR= STREET= GANG. NORm q,7ORZ r2.rggJ, mmnHEATING ! SOURCE: ELECTRIC= CAS= YON ECHANICAL PERMIT wa «, PHONE= 509 534 .4975 PHONE COAL= WOOD? PERMIT Ra ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE' PROOF.... LNG FEE GAS q;gmG,k2k9A NUMBER OF Y OR RaE 2#+97 DATE 0i/08/07 QUANTITY 7 , ,AMT PAID= RECEIPT SUMMARY � RRmG MAT= SOLAR= «R m+= FEE AMOUNT 9%/ 24.00 24.00 ' PAYMENT AMOUNT 24.00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 • (509) 456-3675 • I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and 'correct. :f1 addition, I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. SIGNATURE OF • APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE DATE= 01/08/87 PROJI:-t_ r NUMBER= 87000037 7 PARCEL.. NUMBER= 1 55 SITE STREET=: 01:019 E I)IPSME:T ADDRESS,, SPOKANE, WA '99216 aea.#a£d£)£d£ END OF REPORT .k#)£• : AVE 2.00 PAGE= 02 0A -ID )0(0 TE 9-4--c---? a 0 J M 1 PLBM MECH MOBILE HOME DEMO RELOC z 0 H MISC PROJECT FINAL