1985, 10-01 Permit: 00003793 InspectSPOKANE COUNTY Department of Building & Safety 456-3675 Property Address _; JJ,' 2 Project No. 3 7 ; & Inspection Requested For, Date: Contractor C.• ,;4,-,,;•( //w 717 Type of inspection: Owner 1J NOTICE OF BUILDING INSPECTION Work Listed Above Has Been: (Mark Appropriate Box) R EJ EFffl� APPROyE[3 Date / S By P_ Inspector k SPOKANE COUNTY Department of Building & Safety 456-3675 //4' Property 1 Address _/�e�•,1e/ 1- 1.3.)/. -- Project a,)/'%Project No. _ ____3 Inspection Requested For, Date: /6 (• Owner /fl -t„, l 47 Contractor .. _ Type of inspection: j--/II(4 ( NOTICE OF BUILDING INSPECTION Work Listed Above Has Been: (Mark Appropriate Box.;: REJECTED / APED `DateziL`f 5 _ By -?-'-s Cci,•. ;--. --- Inspector wwr eia ncY, ll Ta GENERAL MEMORANDUM TO 34A\ . T DATE ./ M ADDR E5S 1EL RNONED REMARKS! 4 TIME /I u 4P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ACC4UNT Nc„,,,,,,, 11111t1111,,,,,l,,,,,,I,<<<,,,,,,,,, PH ON E RETURNED YOUR CELL 1 W11.1. CALL AGAIN OLEAN! !ALL 4 S\ tt!,.%1 c,� c.►,�, -wY1�-C 4t,1 \Act-�+. *\t'-5 ,1,,),,,y‘,�C.lt;.,y�(n, L. y � ..e, N1 - `r`C� YYN E 7*�, ,r. -- btArVil .e.„ kInCtli W C+ p la `, v. E-M,,.l - v .moi c \ C NNctt•Me.- ©iC-c — V., c , A tci_L -7\►..t ctiy p e.w,'\ WItclsDit IL-1.1, ---r'I BY