1998, 05-21 Building Permit Lettert1812 N. krAlciti i)1t» R BUILDING AND PLANNING JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR Robert Krum 111 N. McMillan Greenacres, WA 99016 A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DENNIS M. SCOTT, P.E., DIRECTOR May 21, 1998 RE: Building Permits to Relocate Structures Dear Mr. Krum: As you are aware, Spokane County has required that you remove any encroachments from county right-of-way within approximately two (2) years. The intent of this letter is to remind you that if you intend to relocate or replace the structures on your property, permits and review/approval are required from our department prior to the occurrence of such activity. As part of that process we will be reviewing your proposal for consistency with existing frontage and shoreline variance approvals as well as other appropriate regulations. We recommend that you contact us in advance of preparing any definitive plans. Should you have any questions please contact me at 456-3675. JEF:csh Sincerely, Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 PHONE: (509) 456-3675 • FAX: (509) 456-4703 TDD: (509) 324-3166