1995, 08-23 Permit App: 95006597 ResidencePROJECT NUMBER= 95006597 APPLICATION DATE= 08/23/95 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 4415 N MCDONALD RD PARCEL#= 45032.1203 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE / NAT GAS PLAT#= 005554 PLAT NAME= SP -938-93 BLOCK= 1 LOT= 1 ZONE= UR -3.5 DIST#= H AREA= F/A= F WIDTH= 1100 DEPTH= 115 R/W= 50 # OF BLDGS= 1 # DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST = MODERN OWNER= MERRILL, ROBERT & SYLVIA STREET= 12922 E SEMRO AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99214 PHONE= 509 924 5026 CONTACT NAME= RANDY MERRILL PHONE NUMBER= 509 456 9996 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 30 LEFT= 10 RIGHT= 49 REAR= 25 ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED COMMENTS: BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED APPROVAL: J LARSON DATE: 08/23/95 ENGINEER APPROACH/FLOOD PLAIN/DRAINAGE COMMENTS: HEALTHDIST NEW OR ADDITIONAL WASTE WATER COMMENTS: PLANNING UNPLATTED/SEGREGATED PROPERTY APPROVAL: SP -93-938 DATE: 08/23/95 ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT ******************************* CONTRACTOR= R R MERRILL CONSTRUCTION CO STREET= 12922 E SEMRO AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PHONE= 509 924 5026 NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= PROJECT NUMBER= 95006597 APPLICATION DATE= 08/23/95 PAGE= 02 DWELL UNITS= 1 OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT= 24 STORIES= 2 BLDG W X D = 26 X 52 SQ FT= 2184 SPRINKLER= N REQ PARKING= #HANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT VALUATION BASEMENT U R-3 VN 728 8008.00 GARAGE U-1 VN 572 6864.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 728 42224.00 2ND FLOOR R-3 VN 728 40040.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 630.50 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 113.49 IMPACT FEE= PARKS - SFR Y 500.00 ******************************* MECHANICAL PERMIT *****+*********+* CONTRACTOR= WYATT'S HEATING & COOLING STREET= P 0 BOX 11402 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 ITEM DESCRIPTION PHONE= 509 535 9427 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU 1 12.00 RANGE 1 10.00 CLOTHES DRYER 1 10.00 GAS WATER HEATER 1 10.00 GAS PIPING 2 2.00 VENTILATING FANS 3 30.00 HOOD -TYPE II 1 10.00 ***************************** PLUMBING PERMIT ****************************** CONTRACTOR= ALPHA PLUMBING & HEATING STREET= 5605 E SHARP AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 ITEM DESCRIPTION PHONE= 509 535 0727 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT TOILETS/BIDETS 2 12.00 TUBS 1 6.00 SINKS 4 24.00 DISH WASHERS 1 6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 6.00 WATER USING DEVICES 2 12.00 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 1248.49 .00 1248.49 PROJECT NUMBER= 95006597 APPLICATION PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID DATE= 08/23/95 PAGE= 03 AMOUNT OWING MECHANICAL PRMT 84.00 .00 84.00 PLUMBING PERMIT 66.00 .00 66.00 1398.49 PROCESSED BY: JOHN LARSON PRINTED BY: JOHN LARSON .00 1398.49 ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT' ADDRESS: /,1 I c ji OWNER:- 06,,.1 R I11Pvr,s.2 S- L0:n MAILING ADDRESS: 1734 7 > 5 (street) CONTRACTOR: LO ,i MAILING ADDRESS: N' M P C R It , IPHONE DAYTIME CONTACT Saki/ LL')It- (c,ty/state) qc�l C (ziP) LICENSE: PHONE: (street) (city/state) (zip) Tel. No. (509) 456-3675 • Fax No. (509) 324-3198 • TDD No. (509) 324-3166 Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or act 7/6'93 mka.nesarere v1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A OF UNITS MULTI- t.®. COS( /UNIT Ruud AMOUNT BO2 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE = or <100,000 512 - $ 803 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE > 100,000 i 515 - s 804 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (ADDITIONAL CHARG = or <400,000 550 - s B05 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (ADDITIONAL CHARG >400,000 5100 - s 806 USED APPLIANCE (Must meet WSEC's min. AFU = or <400,000 . 550 - s 807 USED APPLIANCE (Must meet WSEC's min. AFU >400,000 5100 - s 808 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 1-100M BTU 512 - s 1309 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 101-500M BTu $20 - s 810 BOILER/REFRIGERATION 501-1,000M BTU . 525 - s 811 BOILER/REFRIGERATION . ` 1,001-1,750M BTU . $35 5 1312 BOILER/REFRIGERATION +1,750M BTU 560 - s 813 GAS LOG, GAS INSERT, AND/OR GAS FIREPLA - 510 - s B14 RANGE - / 510 - s B15 DRYER - / 510 - s 816 FUEL BURNING WATER HEATER - 1 510 - s B(9 MISCELLANEOUS FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE - . 510 - s BIS GAS PIPING (ea. outlet) - 51 - BS DUCT SYSTEMS - 310 - s 826 VENTILATING FANS - 510 - s 821 AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include duct systems) = or <10,000 CFM 512 - s 822 AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include duct systems) >10,000 cFM 515 - s 823 EVAPORATIVE COOLERS _ - , . 510 - s 824 TYPE I HOOD 350 - s B25 TYPE II HOOD - , . 510 - s 826 HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER 0-5 TONS 512 - s 827 AIR CONDITIONER 6-15 TONS . 520 - s 82$ AIR CONDITIONER 16-30 TONS . 525 - 1329 AIR CONDITIONER 31-50 TONS $35 _ s B30 AIR CONDITIONER +50 TONS . $60 - s 831 LPG STORAGE TANK - . 510 - s 832 WOOD OR PELLET STOVE/INSERT - $25 - s Spokane 1026 NOTE: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE IS $35.00 SIGNATURE: Subtotal PLUS: PROCESSING FEE $25.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE $ County Department of Building & Planning W. Broadway • Spokane, WA 99260 :PLEASE MAKE CHECKS.PAYABLE TOi. ' SPOKANE.COUNTY PERMIT CENTEtt Tel. No. (509) 456-3675 • Fax No. (509) 324-3198 • TDD No. (509) 324-3166 Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or act 7/6'93 mka.nesarere v1 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS: <RI is Ai 44c 113 fel* 1Y 1144 %Er/ OWNElirrQ- PHONE: DAYTIME CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS: 1 2-1./ 2 tSre- CONTRACTOR TA L& 4 n MAILING ADDRESS: ats--cra (sptreet) ctri k -ea -Q- (Oh (city/state) (zip) LICENSE: PHONE: 6 --. 3 c/72-7 (street) (city/state) (zip) Tel. No. (509) 456-3675 • Fax No. (509) 324-3198 41 TDD No. (509) 324-3166 Spokane County docs not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. 7/6•931autar \ plume Mel PLUMBING DESCRIPTION 1, IX 1 UKES DETAIL If OF UNITS MULTI- LIED 1 COSI /UNIT SQUA141 AMOUNT 130 TOILETS WATER CLOSETS. BIDETS „Z x $6 = $ BO URINALS- x $6 = $ ki TUBS BATH. JACUZZI, SPA. GARDEN • / x $6 = $ 116 SHOWERS (per trap) BASE. STALL ONSITE BUILD x $6 = $ BO SINKS 07 LAVS/RASINS. BAR. FLOOR. KITCHEN,' ri x $6 = $ / LAUNDRY. UTILITY. JANITOR, PHOTO, X-RAY. FOOD (PREP/CULINARY/MEAT) 80 DISHWASHER - / x $6 = $ BOCLOTHESWASHER- / x $6 = $ BO GARBAGE DISPOSAL/GRINDER ‘. x $6 = $ RI WATER SOFTENER . , . x $6 = $ BF ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANKS (NOTE: if ps water tank. me mechanical) X $6 = $ BI FLOOR DRAINS AREA. CASE, COIL TRENCH. CONDENSATE • x $6 = $ SiROOF DRAINS/OVERFLOW DRAIN - x $6 = $ III FOUNTAINS, DRINKING- x $6 = $ B1 WATER PIPING/DRAIN-WASTE-VE ;.', PLUMBING REVERSALS INSTALLATION. ALTERATION. REPAIR, REVERSALS X $6 = $ tit SEWAGE EJECTORS GRINDER, SUMP PUMP x $6 = $ RI'WATER • .::., USING DEVICES : 2 X $6 = $ ICE AND/OR COPIth MAKER. HOSE BIB STEAMER, PROOFER. •"•-eXIMTATOR. SWAMP COOLERS RI CROSS -CONNECTION DEVICES VACUUM BREAKER, CHECK VALVE, AND R.P.B.P.D. FOR: VATS, SUMPS. TANKS. BOILERS. & SPRINKLER SYSTEMS x $6 = $ 10- INTERCEPTORS .i•i.• GREASE TRAP, SAND TRAP. CHEMICAL HOLDING TANK x $6 = $ 32 MEDICAL GAS (per outlet/bottle stati NITROUS, OXYGEN X $6 = $ 132 MISCELLANEOUS FIXTURES x $6 = $ Spokane 1026 NOTE: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE IS $35.00 SIGNATURE: Subtotal PLUS: PROCESSING FE $25.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE DU $ County Department of Building & Planning W. Broadway Avenue • Spokane, WA 99260 PLEASE Win- CHECKS PAYABLE TO :SPO41*otigictfitittylit.ctikt0. ' Tel. No. (509) 456-3675 • Fax No. (509) 324-3198 41 TDD No. (509) 324-3166 Spokane County docs not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. 7/6•931autar \ plume Mel N 0, a 00 APPLICATION INFORMATION 'What is the JOB SITE address? ASSESSOR'S tax parcel number? 44- 15 N Iikcixia, n =A Legal description as it appears on the property deed A C -VV ---IS S Obi1• .1 i<,t, :Ph Ami i 1-.R1Z C{D i 3-C7C P At:nl,-m,,Zti. Q4fl'C& I4Rc i1 ‘--1)01.: 5r/ :I z.,:,,, w NCF- LT 1 lgi/,.6I i 1 OWNER or OCCUPANT / Phone rcr %t .t -SZ12�, L-,, 4- .7—? V-IZ-Rift. if �cfLO/n A) A7Bcoifi— GSry c99H Mailing address �^t City, state Zip / 2 z/ Z— 2 �-e.i.. ,4o.O Who should we contact regarding this project? Phone 9741-Sa24; <4 -z -V Z 7 el? e.»JD,.. biteQ.(c. What work is being done Res. 1Dt'...-.-Z_ (2) /C:• under this permit? A n -fl eC_ Lone Inspector distnct - Property saes.;. - Hight ot.way width • • Water d,stnct .... ., Building -' Building height as , #of stories ?3 Contractor n Dimensions Pc.'Xz.-5_ )25' TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE IS er-�1,;-_C. WA State Contractor license # ?R MIT2.4:c0 14 Main floor area . `Icc' XZS' --7z. es Unfinished basement area 23.� Mailing address 12.)) 2.2. rt '--„-42-0 C-- '2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer 'Mrrk LOA- 4 2/t Garage area LP') Y 3-6, S2- Size of decks, etc. Whj,is the heat source? L -,s c. What is the cost of your project? �'1JZ wo r e. c a. -n Manufactured -Horne Sign :....--- Width: Length: What is the square footage of the sign face? How high is the sign? Year: Make: Installer Contractor . Wa State Contractor license # Wa State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address - Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent _ _ Paint booth _ Fire Alarm _ Fireworks display VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor license # - WA State Contractor license # *- Mailing Mailing address Mailing address Fuel Storage Tanks `: Swimming Pool . (Circle one) Above -ground Underground Size / gallons Private Contents of tank(s) Size / gallons _ Public/semi-private Contractor Contractor Wa State Contractor license # WA State Contractor license # Mailing address . Mailing address COMPLETE ALL Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programa or activities. d OFFICE OF SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 1026 W. BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 PHONE (509) 456-3600 PERMIT TO PERFORM WORK ON'COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AUG 23 1995 Permit # 95 - FNA695 RANDY MERRILL / ROBERT MERRILL 12922 E SEMRO AVE SPOKANE WA 99214 456-9996 924-5024 The applicant hereby applies for permission to CONSTRUCT RURAL APPROACH TO NEW RESIDENCE AT 4415 N MCDONALD RD, LOT A, OF SP -938. GRAVEL APPROACH IN THE NW 1/4 3-25-44. Date work to start AUG 24 1995 The estimated time required for completion of the above work is 75 days which the petitioner agrees to prosecute with all dilegence and speed with due regard for the rights, interests and conveniences of the public. Petitioner further agrees to perform the work in strict compliance with the provisions enumerated below and states that he has read and will adhere to the general provisions applicable to permits contained on the reverse side of this form. The undersigned guarantees that if the backfill, street surfacing or improvement fails within two years from the date of final inspection by Spokane County, he shall pay the cost of the County for making repairs or restoration of the roadway and improvements In consideration of the granting of this permit it is agreed by the applicant that the County of Spokane and any officer or employee thereof shall be saved harmless by the applicant from any liability of responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property, happening or occurring as the proximate result of any of the work undertaken under the terms of this application and the permit or permits which may be granted in response thereto, and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the applicant. It is further agreed that if any part of this installation interferes with the future use of the highway by the general public, it must be removed or relocated as designated by the engineer at the expense of the permittee or his successor in interest. SIGNED PERMIT Subject to all the terms, conditions, and provisions written or printed below or on any part of this form. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED the above applicant to: PERFORM WORK TO COUNTY STANDARDS. INSPECTOR TO CHECK LOCATION FOR SIGHT DISTANCE, GRADE, DRAINAGE AND ADVISE. CULVERT AND BOND TO BE PROVIDED IF REQUIRED. APPROACH VISIBILITY - SIGHT DISTANCE AT THE POINT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS SHOULD BE 10 TIMES THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF THE ROAD. DRIVEWAY GRADES WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL NOT EXCEED 8% IN URBAN AREA, OR 2% IN RURAL AREAS. CHANGE IN GRADE: UPGRADE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 12% WITHIN ANY 10' OF DISTANCE. DOWNGRADE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 8% WITHIN ANY 10' OF DISTANCE. MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED GRADE FOR DRIVEWAY OUTSIDE RIGHT OF WAY - 12 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE FOR DRIVEWAY OUTSIDE RIGHT OF WAY - 14%. THE OWNERS OF LOT A, SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING OPEN AND MAINTAINING THE PATH OF THE NATURAL OR MANMADE DRAINAGE FLOW OVER AND ACROSS THE PROPERTY. THE LOWEST BUILDING OPENING, INCLUDING BASEMENT OPENING, FOR ANY BUILDING IN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE HIGH ENOUGH TO ALLOW A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 3% AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. ALL DRAINAGE SHALL BE ROUTED AWAY FROM THE BUILDING TO NATURAL DRAINAGES OR OTHER LAWFUL DRAINAGE FEATURES. Permit fee $ 10 Inspection fee $ 20 Total $ 30 Paid byBLDGS This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed before NOV 071995 INSPECTION REQUIRED — 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED Call Permit Office 456-3_600 to notify when work begins and schedule inspection. COUNTY ENGINEER BY Suzanne Jft DATE 08/23/95 It is the responsibility of the a.•• ant to notify all utilities and private property owners when such property is liable to injury damage through the performa e of the above work and the applicant shall make all necessary arrangements relative to the protection of such property and/or utilities. Traffic control signing and barricades shall be furnished by Permittee in strict conformance with "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices". This permit must be available on the work site and is valid only for the dates shown above. IJTI1 ITV DAMAGE IS COSTLY — CALL BEFORE YOU DIG — 456-8000 • INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS Applicants for permits to occupy county property with utilities, or holders of granted franchise rights contemplating work upon, along, over. under or across any county road, bridge. wharf. trestle, public place, street, avenue or alley on property in the County, shall first file with the County Engineer his or their application to do such work Such applications shall he in tr !plicate and accompanied by drawings, also in triplicate if required by the County Engineer. Drawings shall be to a working scale showing position and location of work, names or numbers and width of roads. streets. etc , showing their location in plats, or subdivisions of sections, township and range, showing the relative position of such work to existing utilities constructed, laid, installed or erected upon such roads, streets or public places The applicant shall specify the type of construction by submitting plans showing the class of material and the manner in which the work is to be accomplished All such materials and equipment shall be of the highest quality and the manner of excavation, fills, construction, installation, erection of temporary structures, traffic turnouts, road obstruction, barricades. etc.. shall meet with provisions of the County Utility Accommodation Policy MAC 136 40) and shall meet approval by the County Engineer Signs. barricades and traffic control in the vicinity of the work shall strictly conform to provisions of "The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to Streets and Highways." The applicant shall pay to the County all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination. inspection and supervision of such work on account of the granting of said permits. The actual location of the work to be done under this permit, its depth below or above surface or grade of any County structure, road. street, avenue, alley or public place shall be approved by the County Engineer before any work shall be done by the petitioner. PERMIT CONDITIONS 1 The petitioner designated herein as the "grantee", his successors and assigns, shall have the right and authority to enter upon the right of way of the County road. street, alley, public place or structure as indicated on the front of this form, for the purpose of doing such work as applied for, and approved by the County Engineer 2 The location. type of work. materials and equipment used, manner of erection or construction. safeguarding of public traffic during work or after doing same, mode of operation and mariner of maintenance of protect petruoned for shall he approved by the County Engineer prior to start of work and shall be subject to the inspection of the County Engineer so as to assure proper compliance with the terms of this permit 3. The grantee shall commence work within one (1) week after the granting of this permit If at the end of stated completion date grantee shall have not completed the installation. then the rights herein confer red shall cease and terminate Grantee will then be obliged to apply for a new permit if work is not accomplished within allotted working days 4. The grantee shall leave all roads, streets. alleys. public places and structures after installation and operation or removal of utility, in as good and safe a condition in all respects as same were in before commencement of work by grantee. 5 In case of any damage to any roads, streets, public places, structures. or public property of any kind on account of said work by the grantee, he will at once repair said damage at his own sole cost and expense. 6 The County Engineer, his agents or representatives may do, order, or have done any and all work considered necessary to restore to a safe condition any street, alley, public place or structure which is in a condition dangerous to a life or property resulting from the Grantee's facility or its installation as permitted herein, and upon demand the grantee shall pay to the County all costs of such work and material. 7 If at any time the County deems if advisable to widen, grade, regrade, plank, pave. improve, alter or repair any road, street, public place or structure, the grantee upon written notice by the County Engineer, his representatives or agents, will at his own sole cost and expense. raise, lower, change, move or reconstruct such installations to conform to the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County 8. If upon written notice by the County Engineer the grantee tails to relocate any portion or all of the project as granted under this permit, the County, its agents or representatives may do any work at the cost and expense of the grantee, and all costs to remove or reconstruct same, shall be borne by the grantee. 9. All such changes, reconstruction or relocation by the grantees shall be done in such manner as will cause the least interference with any of the County's work and shall be subject to the same provisions which control an original installation. The County shall in no way be held Liable for any damage to the grantee by reason of any such work by the County, its agents or representatives or by the exercise of any rights by the County upon roads. streets, public places or structures in question. The grantee shall have twenty-four (24) hours written notice by the County Engineer or his representatives or agents of any blasting contiguous to the grantee's permit rights in order that he may protect his interests 10. This grant or privilege shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive franchise, nor prohibit the County from granting other permits or franchise rights of like or other nature to other public or private utilities, nor shall it prevent the County from using any of its roads, streets, public places for any and all public use, or affect its jurisdiction over all or any part of them 11. All the provisions. conditions, regulations, and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the grantee and all privileges of the grantee shall inure to such successors and assigns as if they were specifically mentioned. 12. The County Engineer may revoke. annul or terminate this permit if grantee tails to comply with any or all of its provisions, requirements or regulations as herein set forth or through willful or unreasonable neglect, fails to heed or comply with notices given him or if the work herein permitted is not installed or operated and maintained in conformity herewith or at all 13 The Board of County Commissioners may at any time. change, amend, modify, amplify or terminate any of the conditions herein enumerated so as to conform to any state statute or county regulation pertaining to the public welfare, safety, health or highway regulations as are or may hereinafter be enacted, adopted or amended,:etc The Board may terminate this permit if grantee fails to comply with any such changes _ 14. Petitioner by accepting this permit agrees to notify and check with all utilities regarding their installations before commencing work, together with private property owners when such property is liable to injury or damage through the performance of such work, and the applicant shall make all necessary arrangements relative to the protection of such property and/or utilities 15 In accepting this permit the petitioner, his successors and assigns agree to protect and save harmless the County from all claims, actions or damages of any kind, and description which may accrue to or be suffered by any person or persons, corporation or property by reason of the performance of any such work, character of materials used or manner of installation, maintenance and operation or by the improper occupancy of right of way or public place or public structure, and in case any such suit or action is brought against sad County for damages arising out of or by reason of any of the above causes, the petitioner, his successors or assigns will upon notice to him or them or commencement of such action defend the same at his or their sole cost and expense and will fully satisfy any judgment after the said suit or action shall have finally been determined if adversely to the County.