1962, 09-04 Permit: F00986 Residence•
Court House, Spokane, Washington
Land Use or Structure Permit
Group.--] TypAj Zonegrj,
NUMBER , E-00986
Property AddressMoDonald, North 4515
Permit for.Jae]def tail_carport .attgehed
OwlierEtin,Schitakee Address ...East --811--P1n0tteesi RoAtilli.15a Phone
Architect Seim Address. Phone
Contractor gmrnq Address- Phone
Location.2 RPLip--Sso.--3-25*44.---&--250 nf-.n.-.2/3..nf-.E,--1038/ A.f--)ZQt--3 of A front yard of
at--loast--251;--a-tido--yard_cf--at-.leaat--5' (159 fr-om_flankirie--a este) and 7.51 rear yards are
required;, Envoa-su;tt--not-ovzerhang--Emre _than.21 in..front --and side_Yards,
Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone Size of Lot250x1038 Sewage.Sept1C-_tef3Alt Stories ---k_ -.--_
Material..l}Mme---------------------_-._...-------Dimension40825 Total Sq- Ft 1350 Valuation l2A500.0b
Rooms---5..eg..1 f. semen[-- }----Foundation[ pese Chimney Fireplace_1Heating Systemgaa
Miscellaneous: ---Ems.- a--of--Donatnction4maote- lave•-inCpoct-ions..nalled--P-Cr-p--as_reguirod by Co40.
Certificate of Occupancy Issued foDyolyjgQ..eearport--Etteched- -- h ea.-aoiap1eted.
THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express conditon that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordimmees
of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the
provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans, as approved, to comply with said or dinances.
said sign
In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed ` County Offi, and shall remove the
at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed.
his permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and, 'a entire co Ietiot`teof wIthIn.1...YePr
from this date; after which time this permit will be void.-----uthorized by -1 ng ffa 11
Permit Expires Oatgberp--1963
Fee Paid $18..05--Intw
(Fors 3708 -Bldg. Code -5.1M-11-61)
Assistant Building INSPECTOR
Date' 9/4/62