1995, 01-09 Permit: 94004850 InspectJANUARY 9, 1995 ROSS E. MILLIKEN MARIE L. MILLIKEN 3607 S. MERCY COURT SPOKANE, WA 99206 SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDINGS 1026 W BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE WA 99260 RE: PERMIT NUMBER 94-004850: DETACCHED GARAGE Dear Marcia: Enclosed is the inspection ticket for the footings on the detached garage. I am sorry that it took me so long to find it. We are requesting an extension on the project. Please contact me between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. if there is anything that you need from us. I can be contacted at 458-2890 extension 4626. I can then relay the message. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, // 4.cC //Cce/Cc Marie Milliken AREA SPOKANE COUNTY NOTICE OF INSPECTION PROPERTY Ai*R S: /1 t PROJECT I ; NI OWNER� � 0: iNXILf ra CONTRACTOR INSPECTI.N TYPE: WORK LISTED ABOVE HAS BEEN: APPROVED Redeem NOTES QUESTIONS? CALL OUR OFFICE: DIVISION OF BUILDINGS (509) 456-3675 CALLED IN: DATETIME6//q I