2007, 03-21 Permit App: 07000883 ResidenceProj ect'Number: 07000883 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 3/21/2007 Page I of 3 Project Information: Permit Use: SFR W/ATT GAR Contact: LEXINGTON HOMES INC Address: PO BOX 141749 C - S - Z: SPOKANE, WA 99214 Setbacks: Front 28 Left: 5 Right: 5 Rear: 57 Phone: (509) 924-1519 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: Name: Range District: Sout Parcel Number: 45345.9149 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 3810 S MCDONALD LN Owner: Name: LEXINGTON HOMES INC Address: PO BOX 141749 Location:: CSV SPOKANE, WA 99214 Zoning: UR -3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 007 MODEL Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Hold: Li Review Information: Review Building Plan Review Released By: Driveway/Approach Originally Released: 3/21/2007 By: TMELBOU Released By: - - Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditions Released By: Sewer Review Permits: Released Byi-. Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 3/21/2007 Project Number: 07000883 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 03/30/2007 Page 1 of 3 Project Information: Permit Use: SFR W/ATT GAR Contact: LEXINGTON HOMES INC Address: PO BOX 141749 C - S - Z: SPOKANE, WA 99214 Setbacks: Front 28 Left: 5 Right: 5 Rear: 57 Phone: (509) 924-1519 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: Name: Range District: Sout Parcel Number: 45345.9149 Block: SiteAddress: 3810 S MCDONALD LN Location:: CSV Zoning: UR -3.5 Water District: 007 Area: 0 Sq Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Urban Residential 3.5 MODEL Ft Width: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Lot: Owner: Name: LEXINGTON HOMES INC Address: PO BOX 141749 SPOKANE, WA 99214 Hold: ❑ Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Review Information: Review Building Plan Review Released By: Originally Released: Driveway/Approach 03/21/2007 By: TMELBOU Released By: Originally Released: 03/30/2007 By: jdavis Landuse/Zoning/HE Conditions ReleasedBy: Sewer Review Permits: Originally Released: 03/30/2007 By: SKUHTA Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 03/30/2007 Project Number: 07000883 Inv: 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 03/30/2007 Page 2 of 3 Building Permit Contractor: LEXINGTON HOMES Firm: LEXINGTON HOMES Address: P O BOX 141749 Phone: (509) 924-1519 SPOKANE, WA 99214 This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Sq Ft Valuation Su Ft Valuation 1&2 FAMILY R-3 VB 976 $89,167.36 976 $89,167.36 2ND FLOOR R-3 VB 1,399 $104,477.32 1,399 $104,477.32 BASEMENTU R-3 VB 948 $14,220.00 948 $14,220.00 DECK OPEN R-3 VB 120 $1,800.00 120 $1,800.00 GARAGE U-1 VB 792 $15,048.00 792 $15,048.00 Item Description RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE WSBC SURCHARGE SF PLNS RVW < 7999 SQ FT Totals: 4,235 $224,712.68 4,235 $224,712.68 Units Unit Desc Fee Amount 1 SELECT $1,693.75 1 SELECT $4.50 1 SELECT $677.50 Permit Total Fees: Mechanical Permit $2,375.75 Contractor: LEXINGTON HOMES Firm: LEXINGTON HOMES Address: P O BOX 141749 Phone: (509) 924-1519 SPOKANE, WA 99214 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount GAS WATER HEATER 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU 1 NUMBER OF $12.00 GAS PIPING 3 # OF UNITS $3.00 VENTILATING FANS 4 NUMBER OF $40.00 CLOTHES DRYER 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 RANGE 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 HOOD -TYPE 11 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 Operator: JD Printed By: JD Permit Total Fees: $105.00 Print Date: 03/30/2007 P roj ect'Number: 07000883 Inv: I Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 03/30/2007 Page 3 of 3 Contractor Address: LEXINGTON HOMES PO BOX 141749 SPOKANE, WA 99214 Item Description TOILETS/BIDETS SINKS SHOWERS TUBS DISH WASHERS GARBAGE DISPOSAL CLOTHES WASHER FLOOR DRAINS CROSS CONNECTION DEVICES MISCELLANEOUS FIXTURES Units 4 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 Plumbing Permit Firm: LEXINGTON HOMES Phone: (509) 924-1519 Unit Desc NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Fee Amount $24.00 $30.00 $18.00 $18.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $18.00 Permit Total Fees: $138.00 Notes: . -- - Payment Summary: Permit Type Building Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Fee Amount $2,375.75 $105.00 $138.00 Invoice Amount $2,375.75 $105.00 $138.00 $2,618.75 $2,618.75 Amount Paid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Amount Owing $2,375.75 $105.00 $138.00 $0.00 $2,618.75 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: JD Printed By: JD Print Date: 03/30/2007 Spokane Valley Community Development Permit Center 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FA}fZ(502)688�0037° WWW. spokan valley,orr_.corrivi I— Li 11 Residential Constructipn Permit Application D L MAK 1 WPERNIIFF gMBEiL r New Construction p c ddrhon/Remodel o Other: - o Accessory Bldg o Deck S A(DD'RESS A�SS`O�SvFt D;,1. (Q LSI,�-A±- wq Ecc(ig S 3 4 e LEGAL DESCRED rConta azy- son tea. IZML5 (CS Name: Phone: Describe the scope of work in d l: - -cX •�) _._ .#4& -- = rSudd ngCowner Name: Qq,JI -12,05 -I Phone: I9 - iso Cjry Faa�Date:Lt Lit No: INRiO 5 /le&x:cc Address: IMPERV OUS URFACE AREA: -3002_ FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: City: DECK/GOV. PATIO SAT: Zip: Phone: Fax: TLLSOUJ2C€: ,y /� rConta azy- son tea. IZML5 (CS Name: Phone: Describe the scope of work in d l: - -cX Cost of Project: **************The following MUST be complete: (write N/A if not applicable)********************** HEIGHT TO PEAK: Conracor'-A' _tl�1 Name. XI I n it 1 E IXIC ' ,N4y- Address: D f) A 141 61 City: K I -F'1 V rf Zip: qt7 14 Qq,JI -12,05 -I Phone: I9 - iso Cjry Faa�Date:Lt Lit No: INRiO 5 /le&x:cc City Business Lic No: GT # DOO i Cost of Project: **************The following MUST be complete: (write N/A if not applicable)********************** HEIGHT TO PEAK: DIMENSIONS: # OF STORIES: io;Z TOT HABIT S3A MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: Q /� 2Nu FLOOR SQ. FTG:__� %3 f �l r<, UNNNFIIN/BASEMENT SQ. FTG: %`/8- 87 IMPERV OUS URFACE AREA: -3002_ FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: GARAGE SQ. FTG' `f 9/ 2ri DECK/GOV. PATIO SAT: 30% SLOPES ON ,-. PROFERTY: # OF BEDROOMS: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TLLSOUJ2C€: ,y /� EWER R SEPTIC? DISCLAIMER The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted, and subsequently approved before this application can be processedr —,� /! Signature Date Method of Payment: (Faxed permit applications will only be accepted with major bankcard) 0 Cash 0 Check 0 Mastercard ❑ VISA Bankcard #: Expires: VIN#: ❑ Other Authorized Signature: REVISED 6252005 Sfi kane .0,010Valley- Community Development , Permit Center 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)688-0036 FAX: (509)688-0037 www.soolcanevallev.ora.com Residential Plan Submittal Minimums ❑ Completed Building, Plumbing & Mechanical application with: Accurate address, Parcel Number and/or Legal Description, description of work, owner and contractor information, signature, and date. ❑ Two sets of plans including Site Plan, elevations, floor plans, foundation plans With details, roof plan, framing plans & details. o Show the height of any proposed buildings or accessory structures. ❑ Floor plan for each floor: Dimension to scale (minimum 1/8") and label each Room (including sq. footage of house and garage on plans) Show each level of existing house and square footage of any additions. ❑ All braced wall panel types: show locations and details of installation, including engineered design. ❑ Egress windows: Provide at least one window or exterior door approved for Emergency escape or rescue from a basement and in every room for sleeping. ❑ Smoke detector locations ❑ 22" X 30" attic access location ❑ 18" X 24" crawl space access: ❑ One-hour separation detail: between house and garage ❑ Floor framing details: Joist type, size, spacing and installation details ❑ Roof framing plan and details ❑ Fumace and hot water heater location. ❑ All header locations: type, size, and connections ❑ Foundation plan O Insulation information 1 4 Project • "dat, Owner: /Jar •inAllaMarsnarM Mailing er • d :-- I or 49 / 0 contractor: 74fl.. _fr-i-F,Any1. Mailing Address* l i J__2 . itj MECHANICAL PERMIT APPUCATION City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department BuildingDivision 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ' • Phone: (509) 688-0036; Fax: (509) 688-0037 FOR INSPECTIONS, CALL (509) 688-0054 ermit Use: one (Da me Contact): Licepfie / • 4' -41,1fly State Phone C ded 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DESCRIPTION OFINORK S OF UNITS COST State TOTAL AMOUNT FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE e TEL BURNING APPLIANCE Equal ta or less than 100,000 x S15.00 More than 100 003 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (Additional Fee) Equal to ix less than 400,000 119.00 150.00 UNLISTED APPLIANCE (Additional Fee) uaw APPUANC-E IWSEC min. AFUE . nano) USED AppUANCE (WSEC min. AFUE More than 400,000 . . • Equzd to or less lhan 400,000 X X 1100.00 $50.00 pp Code Mom than 400.000 X 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 BOILER/REFRIGERATION BOILERMET1IIGERNTION 1 - 100M BTU 101 - 500M BTU 3100.00 315.03 BOILEFUREFRIGERATION BOILEFUREFRIGERATION 501 - 1 000M BTU BaLEFUREFRIGERATION 1 00r - 1 750M BTU More than 1 750M BTU 128.00 539.00 157.00 X *95.00 GAS LOG GAS INSERT GAS FIREPLACE RANGE DRYER 110.00 3 x 510.00 X 110.00 FUEL BURNING WATER HEATER X 510.00 MISC. FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE GAS PIPING (each outlet) DUCT SYSTEMS X $10.00 X 11.00 VENTILATING FANS AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include ducting) AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT include ducting) EVAPORATIVE COOLERS TYPE 111000 Equal to or less than 10 GOO CFM Greater Man 10 000 CFM Li 510.00 X X 510.00 51100 X 519.00 X 110.00 TYPE 11 11000 1 X 55a.00 X 110.00 HEAT POMP/AIR CONOMONER AIR CONDMONER 0-3 TON X 312.00 3-15 TON X 520.00 AIR CONOMONER AIR CONDMONER AIR CONDITIONER 15-30 TON X 325.00 30-50 TON X 535.00 More than 50 TON X 360.00 LPG STORAGE TANK X 110.00 WOOD OR PELLET STOVFJINSERT WOOD STOVE -FREE STANDING METHOD OF PAYMENT: X 110.00 X 125.00 SUBTOTAL. PROCESSING FEE CI CASrl ..:13;:; !t V1GApFAG7., aDALs: 6tzliz '-‘44 TOTAl.pERpay FEE DUE: 135.00 ^"ft' -."7 ..• Salaam 1141:kiy 38 LO o1 Project Ad Owner. Mailing Address: 1/I ,1 til e Lam a / (4l7 9 S. AO ✓u 4- Contractor. Mailing Add PLUMBING PERMIT APPUCATION City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department BwldingDivision 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 688-0036; Fax: (509) 688-0037 FOR INSPECTIONS, CALL (509) 688-0054 Permit Use: :Phone (Daytime Contact): t 16/g, I apse. nse #. Cry i ate 1190, i_ Ain I State AP Zip Code DESCRIPTION OF WORK. -. •OF UN;„ X COST 4.AMOUNT TOTAL 1 TOILETS WATER CLOSET, BIDETS N X 56.00 2.._ Am. 9B1$ __ - _- --_-".^_? _._*65.80 r. —' 3 TUBS X 16.00 .. = .. k_ 4 SHOWERS (PER TRAP) BATH, STALL, ONSITE BUILT .'6 X 1E60 5 SINKS LAVSIBASINS, BAR FLOOR KTTCHEN, LAUNDRY, UTILITY, JANITOR PHOTO, X-RAY, FOOD, JANITOR PREWCULINARY/MEAT . X 16-00 t -- 6 DISHWASHER - / X 56.00 = 7 CLOTHES WASHER - .. '} X 16.00 = 8 GARBAGE DISPOSAL .. ., i - X X 18.00 *6.00 = . 9 WATER SOFTENER 10 ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK NOTE IF GAS, SEE MECHANICAL X 16.00 = 11 FLOOR GRAINS AREA CASE COIL TRENCH,/ CONDENSATE X 16.00 . = 12 ROOF DRAWS/OVERFLOW DRAINS X $6.00 = 19 FOUNTAINS, DRINKING X *6l0 = 14 WATER PIPING/DRAIN-IN WASTE, VENT, PLUMBING, REVERSAL INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REVERSALS X $6..00 = 15 SEWAGE EJECTOR GRINDER, SUMP PUMP X 16.00 = 16 WATER USING DEVICE - ICE AN/OR COFFEE MAKER HOSE BO, STEAMER, PROOFER, CARBONATOR, SWAMP COOLER 3 X 16.00 = . 17 CR CONNECTION DEVICE i W� lI je% VACUUM BREAKER, CHECK VALVE VTS, T O RPBOILERS VATS, TANKS, ROLLERS / X 18.00 = 18 1 RCEPTORS ' . GREASE TRAP, SAND TRAP, CHEMICAL HOLDING TANK X 56.00 = 19 MEDICAL GAS (peroutleQ NITROUS, OXYGEN X 18.00 = 20 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING FIXTURE X 16.00 _, METHOD OF PAYMENT: 0 CASH 0 CHECK DATE-• - 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD EXPIRES: - . . SUBTOTAL PROCESSING FEE $35.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEEDUE AP Zip Code Q 500°14'25'W 37.50' OZ = L :31VOS m p 03 X WZ 1.kO cn X000 N g m PLANNING DEPT, APPROVED DA mE rm. 11 1 .111 v'II Lm11 4 514" co N o / 5'-5"