2002, 12-11 Permit App: 02010967 Pole BldgProject Number. 02010967 Inv: 1 Application TI -IIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 12/11/2002 Page 1 of 2 Project Information: Permit Use 30 X 40 POLE BUILDING W/ 12 X 40 LEAN TO Setbacks• Front 36 Left 6 Right: 35 Rear: 6 Site Information: Contact CLEARY BUILDING CORP Address: 7118 E SELTICE WAY C- S- Z POST FALLS 1 D 83854 Phone' (509) 456-4670 Group Name Project Name. Plat Key: 002875 Name. WEST VALLEY ADD NO 3 District: Parcel Number. 45182.0225 Block: Lot. SiteAddress. 8020 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE, WA 99212 Location:: SPO Zoning. UR -3.5 Water Distract - Urban Residential 3.5 Owner: Nance PATTERSON, JOIINATHAN Address. 8020 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE, WA 99212 Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sy Ft Width. 93 Depth: 120 Right Of Way (ft) 611 Nbr of Bldgs. 0 Nbr of Dwellings 1 Review Information: Review Site Plan Review Plan Review Permits: Released earecieni b4As0r Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 12/11/2002 Project Number: 02010967 Inv' 1 Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 12/11/2002 Page 2 of 2 Contractor. CLEARY BUILDING Address: PO BOX 930220 VERONA, WI 53593-0220 Building Characteristics Building Permit Firm: CLEARY BUILDING CORPORATI Phone: (800) 373-5550 Const CategoryNew Group: Nbr Of Dwellings Occupant Load. Bldg W x D: s Building Sq Ft: Rcq Parking: Handicap Parking: Description Grp CARPORT U-1 GARAGE U -I Type Notes VN VN Item Description RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Notes: Payment Summary: Permit Type Building Permit Type: Building Height Sprinklers Stories: Critical Materials. ❑ This Application: Total Project: Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 480 $2.160.00 480 $2.160.00 1,200 $14,400.00 1.200 $14.40000 Totals: 1.680 $16.560 00 1.680 $16.560.00 Units Unit Dcsc Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Fee Amount 5250.50 $4.50 $55.11 Permit Total Fees: $310.11 Fee Amount Invoice Amount 5310.11 $310.11 $310.11 $310.11 Amount Paid $0.00 Amount Owing $310.11 50.00 $310.11 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(%) authorized by the (owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 12/11/2002 ATI ti ®k Spoww Coles PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 1026 \\VEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, \\4\ 99260 509-477-3675 SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Addre 80 E MIsSIDO-F SPOCevvE uta 992/Q. Pax Parcel Number(s): Legal Description: Project Description ,QLa 8u/La'/4 3 x LtO w )c x {o Lcct4t O Budding Poirot O Change in Usc O Grading O Manufactured Home Permit O Relocation O Sign O Tenant (New/Change) O Other Dcpartment'Usc Only,,,," , water District/Purveeur; Serer Di triet/Punktair , .. Road width- 'Setbacks" a -„ i Franc • Rear. Ick - Right -School District... - " ,. I Fin Dtstncc_ :•7.'.. - Zoning OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION 0 Inrinule u!,o alined/ be .nnladed '. anli"e (lira Pngetl 0 cT, net Ph,nc 5:°99‘22 —9gV,Z AbJ $ PA 7fRS01!y 0 Applicant SP in t. Plaine1OHNPsT 1:a, Mailing Mare, Boao L 1141sS/o/J Mailing ,ware.._ Dimensions Yzxyo x// City, State, hp SPOKANE- WA 99a / g - (r,, Stare, Zip Finished basement .ay ft 5a 5a Conttaoor Phone CLEAR;) 8u/LA/Nt Fax El archnect/Engnecr ALL/AA-1C6. " ENC /NEf2A 1'Iro(5o3)5W/7Q.7 Fa, Mailing midi -cid. , 7o0 E SEL_T/Ct i0A I Mailing acidic,- 730 flawi-kornd.- 11e ii source (electric. gas, etc.) Cin, State Lap Post FAu s 1.DA rtD Gyp, St tic zap SGLA crr, ©re, 97301 WA State Contractor hcen,c ft CGS -4-01/ 6071/ 7 CLE-Fl12_BGo4'9NE enntact ii,nne PROJECT INFORMATION " Building Information . • ' - Budding height in peak # of stunts 1 Main Ilea tr ey it I(0 SO Unluushed basement try ft. Dimensions Yzxyo x// "rural habitable space T"t chug ,y ft 4- --- Finished basement .ay ft ( )ccupuncy group Cunsm u:non type 1 f-. /c—ke Qar o t� Garage sq. n Deck sy it. co. of project J 1 15 4"A9 11e ii source (electric. gas, etc.) R • Manufactured Home Sign width, I xngth. What Is the square footage of the sign face? 1 low high is the sign? Year Plakc: # of signs Arca of existing signs Imp:cron Proposed use Value ❑ Relocation Fire.S'afety" Firm Name Previous address Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat arca? 0 Don't know 0 Ycs la No Fere Sprinkler Tent Paint booth I+ne Alarm 14rcworks display _ Imp:cron Proposed use Value ❑ Ycs Special'Inspections Required?,,. Non_Residential,Epergy;Code,Compliance?.- Firm Name What is the current use of this property? Pr.ve _*e 1-k o me_ Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat arca? 0 Don't know 0 Ycs la No Phone Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? tors. idenkfr on site plantt ❑ \ laybe 0 Don't know ❑ Yes Wf No An: or will there be wells located on the property? If yes. ident� on the me p/nn 0 Yes V No Plan. I:.aininer Phone . Imp:cron Are critical or haeardnus nmtenals used or stored on site? 0 Ycs 521( No ❑ Ycs ❑ No - Address Is the property inside the PSSA? — ❑ Ycs El No -Is the property Ideated 'within 1000•feet'of aNatural.Resouice Arca?. ❑ Ycs ❑ No - , .. .. In.pcuor Phone ❑ Concrete 0 Welding 0 Bolting 0 Reinforcement Marc.. ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Are there srructures on the property? tn+ Ycs 0 No If Pet, :dentin, on .ate pion What is the current properry size.? (square feet or acres) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shorchnc If yes, identij• on site plan 0 Yes p,. No What is the current use of this property? Pr.ve _*e 1-k o me_ Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat arca? 0 Don't know 0 Ycs la No \Will the site be sen -ed by a septic system? 0 Ycs }71.‘No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? tors. idenkfr on site plantt ❑ \ laybe 0 Don't know ❑ Yes Wf No An: or will there be wells located on the property? If yes. ident� on the me p/nn 0 Yes V No Are there any wetlands , streams or ponds within 200 fret of the property? If yes. IAentrfy on sitep/an 0 Ycs }21 No Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? ❑ Yes .Z No Are there slopes gi cater than 3(1% on the pmperry? (30 fr rise in 100 ft) ( (,....-----°o) 0 Ycs )(Nn Are critical or haeardnus nmtenals used or stored on site? 0 Ycs 521( No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stomwater Conrrbl Arca? .. ❑ - Ycs O No Is public sewer'available to thc site? - -' ' ❑ 1Ycs ❑, No , .,,. ..., ... . ' , ., r • Is the property inside the ASA?. ; ' ❑ lyes' ❑. No' Is public water adailable,to the'site?, " Tt . "'❑':Yes i ❑ No - ' ❑ Ycs ❑ No - .. . :; • s Is the property inside the PSSA? — ❑ Ycs El No -Is the property Ideated 'within 1000•feet'of aNatural.Resouice Arca?. ❑ Ycs ❑ No - , .. .. t . 1)atc Reccn cd Stn If Rupm.en hunt METHOD OF PAYMENT VISA ❑ CASI I ❑ C111ich ❑ ❑ I, 0 DIJC•VER" FAXED PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACEPTED WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD I ATR: i-x1'I It ES: BANKCARD NUhIRIOt' A DTI I1)R17.1.1) SIGNI: \ FUR!. SUBTOTAL ' TOTAL FEE MINIMUM PERUIT FEE IS $35.0011. F.I SE • MAKE (:I IECKS PAYABLE 10 SPOKANE n •; COUNTY PI:011'f CENll'il r JAN -73-2003 11:22 AM POSTFALLS -.eL Jan 08 03 08r50a Alliance Engineering AL"The Pole Building Engineering Company 1 208 773 9626 P.02 5035891728 P•1 LWiCE ENGINriij'i�il►jG a���� January 7, 2003 Justin Norlender Cleary Buildings Corp -Post Falls 708 E Sekice Way Post Falls, ID 83854 ENGINEERING CHANGE NOTICE Alliance Engineering Job No.: 210142 Building Owner. John B. Patterson Building Address: 8020 E Mission Ave &p' o ed�ne, WA 98212 Dear Justin: I have examined the structural calculations for the post frame building located at the above address. As discussed, the following changes may be made: 1. The poetholes may be 3'-0" deep provided they ere backfilled with concrete full depth. Install all other components of the building as described in the engineering package. This change will not reduce the structural capacity of the building or reduce the economic or service life of the structure. If you have any questions, please contact me. Since Nichola; per, PE 730 Hawthorne Ave, N.E. Salem, OR 97301 tot, Alliance Engineering of Oregon, LLC Phone: (603) 588-1727 www.poiebulldingenglnsenng.com Fax; (603) 589-1728 C. 9(ttpo set htt blas IV To FcM l� 4 35r MI s s I 0 A this site plan is being submitted for the purpose of btaining a building pennii air. is a ,rue and correct representation of the proposal All known property lines/dimensions. curb lines. structures and easements have be-. ideAlso indicated are wetlands, bodies if w.�ep ,,.y!as or other critical areas. Signed: Data 1 .2. 0 2 4WEf2.LI,.aES ADDRESS E • Miss toN ZONE _Ale.' 'SS ROAD WIDTH $ FRONT 3S. FLANKING COMMErTS- REVIEWED Project Receipt Summary Stondal', December 16, 2002 Tender Type Checkl Receipt Nbr: 9823 Page 2 oft $310 11 $310.11 Amount Paid Payer $371.00 A-1 CLOSING & ESCROW. INC Transaction Date/Time: 12/11/2002 4:34:57 PM Acct Account Transaction Description Total Due Amount Paid 00120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS C $0.00 ($218.51) P0120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS C $0.00 ($87.10) 00150 STATE SURCHARGE C $000 ($4.50) $000 ($310.11) Tender Type Checkl Receipt Nbr: 9824 Acct Account Description P0120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS 00120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS 00150 STATE SURCHARGE Amount Paid Payer ($371.00) A-1 CLOSING & ESCROW, INC Transaction Date/Time: 12/11/2002 4:37:28 PM Transaction P P P Tender Type Checkl Total Due $87.10 $218.51 $4.50 $310.11 Amount Paid Payer $371.11 A-1 CLOSING & ESCROW, INC Amount Paid $87.10 $218.51 $4 50 $310.11 ijj"'� . ,. ili: F ;PAN HOWARD PT0fRD _^_._ - _11+,Ste r.h34931.•r ',`:• "_� 'o atijill __-Project Number_ 02010957}'yD _— ,.)•,;,) Project Group: .... Name: 1 r '.'" .Ss: :Ni-2s:✓^.'s.'.:, y..n �'T- .:-:r ':i2�Y1�+'.;. "etTs`.diL�S"'3.i:%i."tii.�... `e✓c'"a:''auid.S`1.+i'+�::�'„1'.: ,', ApplieanY5Ie Addles t I A In o ce 5blus',kg-Re boni'"!,' l; FMilestones ) - Conditions: I',Teed ` Inspectioni P Y a t Hlayer r �lyt' tR al l.` -?sl rpj fU Ch t t ''T )' { E nt Lo9'' .�: Rl .g'- ..'/., ,kS'du 1 `3c.+'e!rsrve x; 5,:1./,., .rnx.;. _ w. :'>y -- r, l Receipt Nbr. 9824 Tran Type Payment ; Invoice NM t i _Tronsection Date , 12/11 '780? 1.37:22 PM I -_ ,9918.; Notes :cK I0R PROD e112.189G7 WRIT rEN $81.88 OVCR.------ --' Teller IN ! V/endel Ref Rept Nbr ' i y , • 1 ARK iensadinin etal lj3' iPFE%tgistatiiMm-maigt;. -,�v �+ J .. .. cy... l�i Rept Nb"3R��J Date/Time tIom' Use, ID �GWedei� Tran Type: �PaYmct I S .___�...l _Rel- �—u;ti'-..: ,.-'.:J.,..__r..f.�t{'�,{x.s'•".5.:,'.^>C• `.;`.;t"'z. . ^.[i ^ sF.r'e._�y. Tiasrsactim Dct.- i5i l..�:he: -,%,:_ '.f` i -9910. �..:.. .`.-"(x PrioraCoilieS�Inv“: teelteicil,riny%"�.. '?{ 02/11036/ 1 1 F1F IDENTIALPM ^Y'..:I 2121110957 _ i'. .i1'RE SIDENTIAL PMTS �.____ '11?111091;7 i L;S IAIC �SURCHARGE � .'TiacAmt`y �s21051 I 297.10 14.50 _ f y I?YPi'ji`k amit"ryj,? .4_Doi ID -;))21;',:-‘" .-` JTen_d¢r{^'- IK tCheckl ja753 S37111 ;';E -- -- Paye•iA-1 0 USING & E' - - yv- t1't1?aNe Tendeed: 1371 I1��7o1a1 _ a':rRicls I $310 11 _ .`�i.�' • ."`t`�.' � :?i'. i:i>:'...Y ' _ ':� •k:''i.Y ni,;.f "'_. Change: SO p0 Net Tendel¢d: 1371.11 endeie____—_._.__1.__—__. "•°'4�E -.Reason:- -i - 02-11136/ W11111 EN ICK FOR PHUJ 0 na_ OVER Iola! •otai Mize: - _ ISRI . .• x.. ..:, t:. ...Tran Over/(Shod): tit l_00 Pil, I i=at?...':. •J, � 4' .-._ _ Het Transaction: S371.11 "tJ'`d AMOUNT REFUNDED W/PPS VOUCHER 00168381. PAP Monday, December 16, 2002 Page 1 oft Project Receipt Summary PROJECT#: 02010967 Address 8020 E MISSION AVE.; SPOKANE WA 99212 Owners Name' PATTERSON, JOHNATHAN Address: 8020 E MISSION AVE.; SPOKANE, WA 99212 Occupant: Phone. Applicant: CLEARY BUILDING CORP Use: 30 X 40 POLE BUILDING W/ 12 X 40 LEAN TO Application Date: 12/11/2002 Receipt Nbr: 9797 Acct Account Description 00150 STATE SURCHARGE 00120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS P0120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS Phone. (509) 922-9842 Phone: (509) 456-4670 Permit Issue Date: 12/11/2002 Transaction Date/Time: 12/11/2002 9:40:42 AM Transaction P P P Total Due $4.50 $218 51 $87.10 $310.11 Amount Paid $4.50 $218.51 $87.10 $310.11 Tender Type Amount Paid Payer Checkl $310.11 A-1 CLOSING & ESCROW, INC Receipt Nbr: 9821 Transaction Date/Time: 12/11/2002 4.04:35 PM Acct Account Transaction Description Total Due Amount Paid P0120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS C $0.00 ($87.10) 00120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS C $0.00 ($218.51) 00150 STATE SURCHARGE C $0 00 ($4 50) $000 ($310.11) Tender Type Amount Paid Payer Checkl ($310.11) A-1 CLOSING & ESCROW, INC Receipt Nbr: 9822 Transaction Date/Time: 12/11/2002 4:0753 PM Acct Account Transaction Description Total Due Amount Paid 00150 STATE SURCHARGE P $4.50 $4 50 00120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS P $218.51 $218.51 P0120 RESIDENTIAL PMTS P $87.10 $87.10 Voucher ID 00168381 Vendor ID A-10CLES Invoice # RCPT # 9824 Dept ID , VENDOR: A -I Closing & Escrow Inc 5007 E Commerce Ave Spokane WA 99212 Vendor ContacdTel SPOKANE COUNTY PAYMENT DOCUMENT SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR SHIP TO: BILL TO: PAGE I OF 1 Rel Velir RC# ENTERED DATE : 12/16/2002 PO DATE: ACCTG. PERIOD: 12/2002 ENTERED BY: Patty Eickstadt BUYER: PURCHASING DIRECTOR: BELA G. KOVACS LINE N0. DESCRIPTION 1 ITEM ID QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT PO# CHG ORD# PO LINE# PO SCHED# CONTRACT# I00% -REFUNDED - OVERPD BY CK 0 0 0.0000 0 0.00 61.00 LINE NO. DISTRIB LINE ACCOUNT FUND DEPTID PROGRAM CLASS RPT CAT BDPER PC UNIT PAY THIS AMOUNT PROJECT ACTIVITY 'RES. TYPE CATEGORY SUB CAT AM UNIT PROFILE ASSET FLG ASSET ID 1 BACE 240 36981 406 REFND 0300008 Comments: 100% = REFUNDED DUE TO OVERPAYMENT BY CHECK FOR RECEIPT # 9824 = PRJ # 02-10967 SITE LOCATION: 8020 E MISSION AVE.; SPOKANE, WA 99212 2002 PROJA N DISCOUNT TOTAL: FREIGHT TOTAL: SALES TAX TOTAL: SUBTOTAL: USE TAX TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL: 61.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.00 0.00 61.00 TOTAL TO VENDOR: 61.00 RECEIVING CERTIFICATION PAYMENT CERTIFICATION TRAVEL CERTIFICATION Materials noted in quantity • hoe been recen ed in good condition or I, the undersigned do hereby retails ander penalty of perjury Ilim sufficient funds hate been budgeted I hereby certify under penalty af perjury that this contracted for for this a bee rnrnisked, secures rendered or labor perforated as described n a tare and coma claim for necessary expenses ._herein o contracted fo that the el. s a just, doe and unpaid obbgmon against Spokane County Incurred by me and that no payment has been recen ed or fund nge r indicated x Vie; dun I am authorized to authenticate and nen fy to said claim. by nit on account thereof. DATE 12/16/07 TITLE ACCT TECH 4 DATE SIGNED 12/16/02 TITLE'. OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR DATE TITLE