1992, 04-28 Permit: 92002869 MHSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions 9)any , ate or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT d DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 92002869 VOID ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 04/28/92 PAGE= 01 * )i• •}+: 1!• 1{• it * Y+: * •R P: * )! * •.• •}{ •}t• •}{ }l• N: S+: * N• :A: 9t *• *• *• pERmIT :r ._ ,.... - • rt .!. !y •• i..) � i �'! (alt .!. E.,. ! 1 K• 9±• ii. ){• * i+• 9 P J± }+ N N !+ )k •A: •1±• :n. •i±• i+: 4±• P::k i+: R• )4 )+: 9+: N: SITE STREET= -1:.:{:?t1!:? E LIBERTY Ali V E E:' i i"; l: i-. i...:"::::: 06554-0809 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= .::.::_ !-;!::.!"!._!•1t.:1::.!"!t:.!'s ! OF DOUBLE WIDE !biiJ?.:S.!.t...i-. HOME EAST PLATO= :?4i;7C; rs PLAT {•,Ft1!'?�:..... j[ij�l:xl:`,I{:i I1 !::.F•1,:� t• BLOCK= 7 LOT= 9 ZONE = i.ij;_..- AREA= F; A::: F WIDTH= ;too KOF BLDG;: : NDWELLINGS= xEi:rN;;:`WATER Ii:%4'•i OWNER= E.:E :::: E Fri 1Ri.iP, JOHN,, RUTH STREET= .18305 E LIBERTY AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE Wr'1 99216 CONTACT NAME= :•I ,. S MOBILE HOME INC BUILDING T}INtG Si::.TBACK FRONT= '77, LEFT= 15 PHONE= D1ST:A:::_ .1 500 i•t` / iJ,l = PHONE NUMBER= Ct R,J9 244 5423 RIGHT= 5 REAR= 5 :...;_.:::;:'.:::•.:;:::::_.:::•.::.:,..;;.:;:..•,:::;.::::..:.:.::;:•. ' ••« "';• E. .. R - Jr •r::+ J± n A u $ Y R 1± P n J± Jr } J a a a+. J± J J± J+ }� }± }± n u !''1 E_i t:.!. !... +... 1•ti f 1 !�'! i::. �"' E': t°; •rE r .:::::: : : :..::. .... . t � �. _i h. •u .x..h..J±• a+: )+: a{• )±• a)±• t+: -J4• )k •h: )c u• Pi) }± J± J± J n J+ J+ CONTRACTOR= OWNER YR/MAKE= 1992 MC,iIiE:.i...=:: E''hiRi< RIVER WIDTH= 'A LENGTH= 60 HEIGHT= = ±;0 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE:. AMOUNT INSPECTION FEE 2 1o0 00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 COUNTY SURCHARGE v 18.00 3)33* )t• 3* )?• )t * * )i.' )t )t * 3)k • )i•... )t• ft' 3!' R• )t * R• PAYMENT SUMMARY **************************K* PAYMENT MEN- DATE: RECEIPTO PAYMENT AMOUNT 04/27/92 072 122.50 TOTAL «JI E ,.... .00 TOTAL -.A.«. 122.50 2:yt:0 PERMIT i i Yi`E FEE:. AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING '122.,50 ,,J( 122.50 '1 ' ...50 .00 !••{•it,i:..:E;,o-'_ ? BY: :JfF!"!.!. ! t';:t.itw i t.:!"!: ROBIN PRINTED BY: t:!!::.!N„E:.l... , Gi...t.!i' I: A • -- * •}s: )?• )+r A• )t: * •P: * .u. * .}5..K. * * p+ * )+i •}t• * )i• h: *)i• * •P: )+; .};..u.*.p.. THANK yOU rr hr * * * -}i * * * )+i i'+: '* * * :,.. _. a. J ...,i * * * * * .!t y,, * .* MOBILE iIt+t"iE PMT 122.50