15-138.00 Irvin Water District 6: Pines & Grace Intersection Safety 15-136 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND IRVIN WATER DISTRICT NO. 6 FOR THE RELOCATION OF TWO HYDRANTS AND INSTALLATION OF A WATER SERVICE,AND ASSOCIATED WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SR 27(PINES RD)AND GRACE AVE. INTERSECTION SAFETY PROJECT (CIP 0166) WHEREAS, as a part of its Amended 2015 Transportation Improvement Program, the City of Spokane Valley (the City) intends to construct the SR27 (Pines Road) and Grace Avenue Intersection Safety Project(the Road Project) in 2016. The work includes widening the travelled way on the east side of Pines Road from Buckeye Avenue to 400 feet north of Grace Avenue to install left hand turn lanes on either side of the Grace Avenue intersection; and WHEREAS, Irvin Water District 6 (Irvin Water District) has installed and is operating existing waterlines within property that the City is acquiring for additional right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the Road Project will require relocation of two existing hydrants and installation of a water service to irrigate a storm water treatment swale at the northeast corner of Pines Road and Grace Avenue(Water System Work); and WHEREAS, the City and Irvin Water District agree that the Road Project and the Water System Work will benefit the ratepayers, taxpayers, and the traveling public; and WHEREAS, the City and Irvin Water District desire to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish the mutually agreed terms to accomplish the tasks set forth herein. NOW,THEREFORE, the City and Irvin Water District do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 —RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY 1.1 Plans and specifications for the Road Project have been prepared by the City, and the City intends to construct the Road Project in 2016. The City has prepared plans for the Water System Work incorporating Irvin Water District Standard Plans and Specifications. The City shall include the Water System Work plans, technical specifications, and associated bid items in the bid documents for the Road Project. 1.2 The City shall publicly bid the Water System Work as part of the Road Project in accordance with state laws. 1.3 The City, upon awarding a contract for the Road Project, shall have full control over the resultant construction contract and shall be the administrator for the Road Project, including the Water System Work. The City shall assign a Project Engineer to be the "responsible person" who shall represent the City's interest during construction of the Road Project. Page 1 of 3 1.4 The City shall be responsible for inspection for all aspects of the Road Project, except inspection of the Water System Work, which shall be the sole responsibility of Irvin Water District. 1.5 The City shall coordinate any modifications or changes to the Water System Work with Irvin Water District prior to implementation. 1.6 The City shall make payments to the contractor in accordance with the contract terms, so work may proceed according to schedule. ARTICLE 2—RESPONSIBILITIES OF IRVIN WATER DISTRICT 2.1 Irvin Water District shall review, request changes when necessary, and approve the plans and specifications for the Water System Work that have been prepared by the City. 2.2 Irvin Water District shall designate a responsible person who shall represent the District's interest during the construction of the Water System Work, and shall coordinate with the Project Engineer regarding any modifications or changes needed by Irvin Water District in conjunction with the Water System Work. 2.3 Irvin Water District shall be responsible for the inspection and testing of all work and materials which are solely related to construction of the Water System Work, except compaction testing, which the City shall inspect and test. Irvin Water District shall provide a representative to perform inspection duties relative to the construction of the Water System Work, as discussed above. The District's representative shall be available to provide inspection services when given at least two business days prior written notice by the City. Written notice for the purposes of Article 2.3 may be by email, FAX or phone. 2.4 Irvin Water District shall notify the Project Engineer of any inspection work that will exceed the estimated Water System Work inspection cost in this MOU,prior to performing the work that would incur the excess cost. ARTICLE 3—ALLOCATION OF COSTS 3.1 This MOU, once fully executed, shall establish a commitment by the City to reimburse Irvin Water District for the following costs: a. Commercial water hook up charge for a one inch meter - $2,050; b. Approval cost and fees including engineer and legal review- $1,000; c. Inspection fees—Not to exceed$2,000; d. Monthly water use charges pursuant to the Irvin Water District rate schedule. 3.2 The City shall pay Irvin Water District a $2,050 hook up charge with submittal of Water System Work plans and specifications. Page 2 of 3 3.3 Upon approval of the Water System Work plans and specifications by Irvin Water District, Irvin Water District shall invoice the City the remainder of the application for water service fees and the commercial water hook up charge for a one inch meter of$2,050. The City shall pay Irvin Water District within 40 days of receipt of the Irvin Water District invoice. 3.4 Upon completion of the Water System Work, Irvin Water District shall prepare and invoice detailing the time, equipment and materials for the Water System Work inspection costs. The City shall pay Irvin Water District within 40 days of recei t of the Irvin Water District invoice. The Parties have executed this Agreement thi day of Ae---aiva-e--t—• ,2015. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IRVIN WATER DISTRICT: %6 Mike Jac .o , City Manager By: Its: Authorized Representative ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: / / ayChristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Officcthe i ttorney Page 3 of 3 f ga o+n./ i itJ".., E _ 1 ki. ii � I a1h 10111111 ;1 ; i i i i®1 ; 1 ® i fitA ';; . 0 g ilimi 1 3 ILI o *o F� i 4,4. ii a ;f hll>ill WW i 1 1 I I <5 K i H II ,14 Cs � EI 1 aa( al33VNJ EI i I . i a 00000.. ---- 111.- vw 1, - iirni _nzi._ ,!„ ,. _ ., a11 �j x i, (j_4P1P 4 ala l"a iia ` ;� �� �b aaa Le swab.; �� �E ii f x L ,.,i , / 1 s n i Pg R if j al , - oll 1?, , 44 kil ii 2. i 15a ,.ia . -..� 0.._' 300309 Stz \, IpO b n N ii 1122 II 1 K R- 11 Y N WI/4013035W I 1 ° k 1 i i 1 I ie ® L n# ! 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Nov 17 2015 T:0E11.) 4 liai) Coe'45-', Expenditure Accounts I Budget PE Description Current I Change New 303.303.166.595.10.10.00 Salaries &Wages 34,407 25,000 59,407 303.303.166.595.10.10.99 Overtime - - 303.303.166.595.10.20.00 Employee Benefits 13,793 7,000 20,793 303.303.166.595.10.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 303.303.166.595.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural - - 303.303.166.595.10.41.06 Prof.Svcs -Survey 16,508 16,508 303.303.166.595.10.41.07 Prof.Svcs. -Geotech - - 303.303.166.595.10.41.17 Advertising 1,000 1,000 303.303.166.595.10.49.03 Printing & Binding 1,000 1,000 303.303.166.595.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services - 12,000 12,000 303.303.166.595.10.99.99 PE Contingency 1,492 (1,492) - . ------- . I - I Sub Total: 68,200 42,508 110,708 RW Description Current I Change New 303.303.166.595.20.10.00 Salaries &Wages 5,000 5,000 303.303.166.595.20.20.00 Employee Benefits 2,000 2,000 303.303.166.595.20.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 303.303.166.595.20.41.05 Professional Services 28,765 5,000 33,765 303.303.166.595.20.61.01 ROW Acquisition 103,752 (5,000) 98,752 303.303.166.595.20.61.02 RW-Land Improvements - - 303.303.166.595.20.99.99 RW Contingency 819 819 402.000.166.595.20.10.00 Salaries &Wages - - 402.000.166.595.20.20.00 Employee Benefits - - 402.000.166.595.20.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 402.000.166.595.20.41.05 Professional Services - - 402.000.166.595.20.61.01 ROW Acquisition - - 402.000.166.595.20.61.02 RW-Land Improvements - - 402.000.166.595.20.99.99 RW Contingency - - 3 - I Sub Total: 140,336 - 140,336 Ciste, rP ' ,,',N *i;i , :,,.! *:;74-Pr;4 AlPfigiVtidif"Z ''r " ", ' 'Y.e:Ur0 fiTtcr 5Change 7,= .a 4;',NeW 303.303.166.595.30.10.00 Salaries&Wages 20,000 20,000 303.303.166.595.30.20.00 Employee Benefits 7,000 7,000 303.303.166.595.30.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 303.303.166.595.30.41.08 Prof. Svcs. Mat.Testing 20,000 20,000 303.303.166.595.30.41.10 Prof. Svcs. -Consulting - - 303.303.166.595.30.41.17 Advertising 1,000 1,000 303.303.166.595.30.49.03 Printing & Binding 1,000 1,000 303.303.166.595.30.63.00 Construction 387,716 (140,565) 247,151 303.303.166.595.30.99.99 CN Contingency 77,543 (40,470) 37,073 402.000.166.595.40.10.00 Salaries &Wages - - I 402.000.166.595.40.10.99 Overtime - - 402.000.166.595.40.20.00 Employee Benefits - - 402.000.166.595.40.20.99 Employee Benefits - - 402.000.166.595.40.41.08 Prof.Svcs. Mat.Testing - - 402.000.166.595.40.41.10 Prof.Svcs. -Consulting - - 402.000.166.595.40.63.00 Construction -Drainage - 129,407 129,407 402.000.166.595.40.99.99 CN Contingency - 19,411 19,411 3. Sub Total: 514,259 (32,217) 482,042 Project Total: ( 722,795 I 10,291 733,086 Funding Accounts Budget PE Description Current Change New 0333.2020 HSIP 671,050 671,050 0397.3020 302 - - 0397.4020 402 51,745 10,291 62,036 I Project Total: 722,795 10,291 733,086 APPROVALS Project Manager Date Sr Capital Proj Eng Date Public Works Director Date Finance Director Date 3 Accounting will look up BARS code according to Description Notes 11/17/2015 Revised budget to cover increased Design costs with increased Fund 402 share. 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