1992, 10-02 Permit: 92008406 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPAhTMEIZIT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE - SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in n and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not l understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of an state or local law re ula • r as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGEN ��rierallir DATE /P / m PROJECT : { 08406 ISSUED PERMIT DATE=0/02/92 PA R.,...._ . . iS 9i ii d�di i•:)i di ie di'irii�ae �?edi'�14 iti x'dr ii�di�dr irdi��ti'df.ri. ii t'.I'ti i"I .i.! ..P I'i:j F; i"I flia.ilr, )res * dE 4h iE *** of i:*dr diMXo: os do ****X*** I::AF. Ti,I..!�..:;;:i..., 3 _:: � 1 .car.; •I:: ADE AVE 4iri •y y:?'i 2 RMIT USE= PARTIAL.. RE -ROOF F'I..AT:g:::_ 00128R CIC EA- OF 'r:- OF BL.DC;S= lu ST ADDRr PLAT NAME- H(.ITCH-iINSO ;' S ADD LOT= ZONE= Fir'a-: F WIDTH= 124 Di:a''i i;::- i3; R/W 4 DIWFa..i_.i:NC;,S-- WATER DIET ._. TPA' DON OK ANE WA PHONE= 509 CONTACT tl -":: 0 WHITE t 1 ."9 ry JL 5 0709 BUILDING z:i::.T.T:IA(:;{i:::: FRONT= NA I...i::a: T NA RIGHT= NA (if::r1" NA- ********-******************** 1 `1r1- .'u..XX**n:'#-X**rr#:*.*ikv:*-,-**'Y:X#-a:v:iiiiii.?i..X..X.1 BUILDING PERMIT 'X.XM C:-Ii41Rr`,i 1T(.Ih' I"; i.) WHITE GENERAL l.:l.JNI{Ai... i "I :' i::,..ii.ii i=.' _a;:r 32''' 0709 STREET= 4so7 N WALNUT ST (-i l_, !./IT!::.J J°" SPOKANE Wt -7 YYxC'!.'`? NEW= DLJEL.L. UNI I S BLDG LI X. 0 :::. REQ PAR1(i NG=:: Diii:;'(::i{is PE -R00 h;I.:.'r'1ODE:.i...:1:. LD - SO Fr T = i-iANniC.AP GROUP R-3 ITEM DESCRIPTION ._. ........:. N it:,,ai.I. P9 ._ 'd 1.y L.. JF9I :. lJIV T f9 T CI R C: {"{ (-, i:J_r I'. REM;E:p T i:Ai... :=:i.iRCi-1A:=Gi:= TYPE VN DDIi]:iON=" CHANGE OFBLDG MG SPRINKLE ,.. CRITIC( i -IAT _ P7 tR FT VALUATION yil)„)t, QUANTITY FEF:: AMOUNT .) r:) 5:, Y .. X.. . . ....... .X. **....... ** i 3 ,,, ......: . . ....XX *.... ..X . aen'nh�a: �le �m n"nRx'n�')i��ni ai�Ji�;a :r n: m: er a�;�a�X�'M)ii'dk 9G �M)ik i''p:1rl''i i::. I' 30MMARY ii')r i@')i�refr ec'm �m'a:re :r :r mn: n')&* * or'n'n% F'i'i(.ii: PAYMENT DATE TOTAL.. DU RECEIPT* i='IiiPmr. T TYPE FEE F: r"'ir1C(liNT ....,:I, ,..,...,,. 45,00 45,?0 )kfiiii:}i:X W L_iv!J DE 1:_I. GLORIA i{.I t`t ,..,, r. ..., i,1 L -.r.,11:. L., GLORIA FAYM.rN'i ,1 i.1 fIi 11'1 SO i_i __ j 1 (11_ PAID '+5,0,_ AMOUNT PAID FJJr>O iN'OWING 45.80 :00 45,30 .illi :,1.91':-----9--x--).ii:xhdt M X&)iXX'iiX)t'iiXXX-)(- THANK eou ***u--µ.31')l"....Yi.:P:X")l'1l'x-Xd@il. d@.X .X"X ]l':It' 'X"4 il'il..X..X.:,l.