1976, 10-29 Permit: L6069 DuplexPorm 370R Bldg• SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL NUMBER 6069 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit �� Property Address MISSION, EAST 8519 8 8521 I' V Agricultural Du le ..._._> ;,"""1"' nif�A }j ref Group Type Zone Permit for P exx, gar and deck 8 to a �pyd Wiel , c' 3918 N. Post __. 0 n Address Phe.T2...._i Architect Address's Phone ,._- ...,_.--.,---------' Contractor...Kermen..H...ASoellar -- -Address 19x3--t�lest---9Lkt-, _-fP,hpiltia.I_9044 Location...... Par.Cel..ilo....D7544e9056.. Parcel.-.Bw That-ptn-e---af--the-Sttl<..ef---the--SE}s-ofSec. 1.2£-44, des. as fol.; Beg at the SW..cor.of_the-.Swill#-.ef.--the--.SFS--of=.Sec.---7-- te,,. Minin --m ing--set sacks:..fron _all...property_lines. Front yard of at least 2S', side ard-5'`-.;1` Nf t story 5uilding...1S' flanking..streets--and_25' r-ear..-yards-art--regy-lrsd-.--or--ptore,---if--required---by* Bldg. Zone 2 Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot 9a'x140' SewageSepyic.,tp .I;:;.Stgles 1 Material.fralne---- ....3ft.:x64' _ Dimension22.'.x24' -gar 12'x15T0Sq. Ft. 2060 Valuation... 0 Rooms.4._ta_bath each Basement ful-Toundation concrete Chir-heyc-regg.Fireplace 2HeatjgMSlystem.. lac-f..a.,. Certificate of Occupancy Issued for...See..81To.Kt --plumb-ing..-ant-hea-ting---permits. an requ1red. J -.STAGE Remarks Of CONS.TRIICTIIPLMIIST..HAVE_ILISP.ECTIONS---CALLSD-.FORS.,�S.REQUIRE4--13Y--£QDE-.- 4.13T--COiFORP?--- TO..AL1..COUNTY_COQE..REQU.IREMEnTS....E.INAL-INSPECTION)UST--BE--CALLED fOR,-. 040l1iPPLETION---AND PRIOR..TO...OCCUPANCY(..OF..DEPLEx....CALL..Il55=357-5,--pr-00---tc,-::10._00--a.tar Spoke--detectors--required, THIS PERMIT isgranted upon the condition' that the building r land use for which thepermit Is Issued shall conform i all res ects m of the---o)dIn3Kes of the •Cou nt p express c g e D y or Spokane, regulating as app construction,d,tocomplyuse ith a d ordry el bullCings in Spokane Lou nty, and may be revoked et any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said orelnancea, er fella In o1 psider ioasof t ted. so ceof wthe said ortheordinances. Ia c not t h bon of tun Issuregu of tre peemit far the erection of signs the grantee must place the said^aigna.vhen directed by County 0111cia is anel`slwhl remove the said sign at the expiration al the permit unless regularly renewed. - ""'-----....� ���� i r hr This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within...1...yegt±. from.this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official October 29. 1977 //v Permit Expires By .4:2. INSPECTOR UILD IyG.-CODE-DEPARTMENT Fee Paid $ 65.00 ttmic Date Issued10/29/76 Building t, foUNQA{IUN 2. •Y • 3, FRAMING ...... r • I.:.lA7HING .:... ._._........ 5:"'FINAL..:............ 'i _ .. 6. CHIMNEY, • ?; ,FIREPLACES .,... - ......... . :8.. GARAGE..•••-•••----•••••••---- • - _ • 9: HEATING, _ _�-- SYSTEM..._ IJ , .•+J