1980, 05-01 Permit: 80-3114 Inspectt INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: ET BACKS DATE REMARKS: i o 2-2�r/ 1 uM•E � / APPLI LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEEATTACHED ARD LN /3 a,r3—i9/! 2 R PFIONE 407 // 0LK .Z MICA PARK ADO j..Prues Set Backs In fat y � CcYlTRACT R PHONE SRe of PRul Y � 29ne CNOI�1<erlef 4.02 ' AD peYe !IP TYm Conn. Oxow CY [erink od GYM ON.❑ Reese. D O [A MION[ Veluetlon LO WIMIM ArMrS Ft E' ADORW ZIP IMIn FI VePw "" 1e112" prr S,:yM ANO[ oP WE FEW— TO n a — TIM C{NEW C] ALT. ❑ AD -N. ❑ RPL O MVE No. Beme Na. Srplx No. Rooms No. of Dwellings i. BAR Gf •LD. ❑ PLM[. 0..... [3 M.N. O POOL OTHER CERTIFI ATE ea a. -d. ,(, w of EXEMPTION • M Enum. DIR. cation tprnt a FEES COLLECTED EOUgp/C[ OA6 EL CTRIC WAT[R KW OwmrM1P W[ COD[ LITIU PueR<OPrAwN EINI S I here y certify that I hwe reed and examined thls eppllcetlon and hove nod the "N01 ICE" provillonl included govning thla OR nvern Inde, and know the ume to he I— and Cornot. All provlllonl of levy end ordinance' er type of work will be complied with whether NMWfled herein or not. The granting of a varm)t dose not prom. EulMlle to give euthorlty to violate or cancel the provisions of any other (tate or local sew inqulating conitruotlon or the performance of constructlon. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REOUIRED INSPECTIONS NembIN DATE OF APPLICATION 4 -'Z -9e SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT h. SPECIAL APPROVALS SPECIAL CONDITIONS: NAM! DATE w Ren Check nv, to SEPA r en • WWI. Home or"r lSce<Ify) Glo vanigas-� - TOTAL a 7 / l%—e