2014, 06-16 Permit: BLD-2014-1391 Water HeaterSpokane' ersUalley9 City of Spokane Valley Community Development 11703 E. Sprague Ave., Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5240 perm itcentea sookaneval I ev. orq BLD -2014-1391 BLD -PLUM PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 06/16/2014 SITE ADDRESS: 10202 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE VALLEY EXPIRES: 06/16/2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC WATER HEATER PARCEL: 45171.0504 APPLICANT: SPOKANE FALLS PLUMBING OWNER: MCLEOD, KATHY A 5220 N ELTON CT SPOKANE, WA 99212 10202 E MISSION AVE 509-951-6507 SPOKANE, WA 99206 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SPOKANE FALLS PLUMBING 5220 N ELTON CT SPOKANE, WA 99212 509-951-6507 License: SPOKANEFP922JZ Expires: 04/09/2016 FEES: Plumbing Permit Paid $43.00 Due $0.00 Totals : $43.00 $0.00 FIXTURES Qty Plumbing Fixtures 1 Water heater The ownership of a Spokane Valley Development Permit will inure to the property owner. The permit applicant, by definition, is the property owner or an authorized agent of the property owner. It is the responsibility of the applicant / permittee that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request inspections as listed below and obtain the ne ary approvals before progressing beyond the point where inspections are required and may n essi e removal of c ain parts of the construction are the applicant's / permittee's or property owne s expe se. Owner/Agent 1 / Date: (0///,1047 Staff Approval Date: Printed by Tamara Faurot on. 06/16/2014 11 24 AM Page 1 of 1