1977, 04-14 Permit: M0485 Duplex(a. xr, cre f SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 � RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M 04785 Land Use or Structure Permit / Property Address MMISSIONf EAST'1 t16. -1031a Group I Type V Zone % Agricultural Suburbalpermit for Oupl.ex,...gar.age._tn_Rzasment-,-.deek..att. /• owne3t 4A...Enterprlses A Architect a Oppactor 144 t bitei4t1i 'y1y. •a Oa }'�,Alkiress" $pokano-;14N;;77. 99'06... , • _-aim-.3224-0240 Location: Parcel Number iii=25 44. Patter ...90' of...E..-.1 J'\,4f:N%Of " -- Ong' 99 a�`= 0€Trac4-14. Y soping\:set backs:t-frdel,al.l-..property--l-tiles-.: Fr-ont:.ya at:,;least--25'- .side..yard..af..At..teast..MM,.,...1.0' far�2�stor-y--bu1iding,---1511anktn9---streets--and---25' rear -yards .are..dequl.red.,..or.tura,...tf--requlr-ed!by`Zvnitvar-Bul-ldtag- endifire-codear-Sriekeleteeter li .requl.red. • X .ptn.._of-..17541--9013, - '" .._ -. • Bldg. Zone l_Fire Zone 3--Siie of Lot 90!462'+ •Sewage.s$eptie 'Const fee. • Stories Sp1Eensions 24_x72; Total seglet 2544 Val uatione.tr4p:.Goo woo • Rms , 6..Baths/RR 2' Basement._ 01..Foundation concrete _Chimney - br_Fireplace 2....Htg. System elec--bb E Type of Roofing. cusp ' Ext. Finish ...AMA Int. Wall Finish sheetroeit Bdrms 2_.e,, Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see above --plumbs.ng-.perattts-.er-e--required, EACF--STAGE-OF--C-ON- ITemarks..$TRU.CTION..MUST...HAVE_INSPECTIONS-CALLED.-FORT--AS•-REQUIRED- BY --CODE„ MUST -CONFORM -T -G --ALL .COUNTY..CODE...REQUIRENENTS.-_FINAL-.INSPECTION-NUST••$E- CALLE114014- UPON-•6OMRLETION ,AID ---PRIOR TO...O.CCUPANCY...Of..RESIDENCE....CALL.--456=8675-.- pr..tor.:to -10:00--awm.--A--1/Ar- rat -ed --fire -wall .-separation..requl.red..betneen-.residence-.and--gar.age.. 044-4 by1-0.1:1:1::-Fergen 411 -No ., -- , _ :rfa7A0gUUi ‘Address.9611--E, $prageew 99206 Phone..424..0840 it • Address Phone THIS PERMIT Is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit isissued shall conform i all respects to •all -i e--gqcd�lnances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, useand occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at zany time upon the violation of any of thqetptyaf�glonstnf said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. indl91SKr In consideration of the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by'County•OtlicIals ne emove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within.......... k from this date; after which time this permit will be voiid.. Authorizeda:by—Building, ificial_BUILDINQgEOSE DEPARTMENT Permit ExpiresAprll 140 1978 C:y By Fee Paid $g9'® Inc Date Issued 4/14/77 Building INSPECTOR fOUNDATION leghe/ 7T41: — ..--....•......__ • ' '.... • ' • . •:;3.'' TRAMIN ...L. .._7'.. . • . ....r.r.H,. 20-.1 • ,,, ', .. :`,, ,-,-, ,*. • , : . ,••,, 'ii,'t.,,:'; 7..7i. 4. LATHING..L • 5. • .6.... CHIMNEY r. • er.?Ct- . tr. a • : •t ,"; .11 • a , 4 111.1( cr. 04.1n:c FIREPLACES; " !* . • , ' • - GARAGE ... .. : . oHOYCII --- I) • VP • , . •. • ,r • . • • , 1. •n- C an,