1977, 02-10 Permit: L6902 Duplex'fP SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 nd Use or Structure Permit oup RESIDENTIAL Property Address NUMBER L 6902 MISSION, EAST 1Q4204211Mj 1 Type • V zone ..Agrlcyl.tural---Suburban 'Permit for Qup1.eX,--.90-rA96-.attached - Owner H. W. Noel ler k x Address... 1-903--11....-9th Spokane. 99204 Phone --.-II.-7---9044.-. 1 Architect Address , Phone'"° hi - -r Contractor It W. f4oeller Address Spokane, NO..,99204.f Phone RI --7-.9044' Location Parcel No; 17541, -44912... -E -.---.1.Q9' of the-.Eh--of--.the-.N'--of Tr--act.-14-.-.Oppor-_tuni.ty.. klinitrt ;--Zoning--set-backs-frota1-all...property--.jibes. Front--yardr-25), side -yard, 5'. TOL-for-2- story-buil-di-nos-15' €-1-ank-4ntg--strgets---and--2r'rear--ya is--are--required, or -nor -e,':4€- required by--Zoning-,---Bui-14ing-•and/or- Fire --Codes. Stoke--deteetcrs-r -.. -- ' ' aqui-red,-. - ` : . Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone 3 ---Size of Lot..lont300' SeWage-..csepi c. -teak. --Stories 1 Material -...frame Dimensions 28'-x94' g.r-X-2detal Sq. Ft 2550 - Valuationss6foOa _Oa Rooms...4. Z -bath. -each Basement -..4ui4.Foundation....concrete Chimney.--41r.-.Fireplace.2 Heating Systemges .c.a. Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see- -abojae----PlutmbMng--and. heating --p rmits--are-required..,,EACW-STAC£-0 Remarks---CONSTi UCTION-MUST_t4AVE---I#SPECTIONS--CPM:.ra--FOR, -AS---REQUIRE#} OW- C00E: --. IST CMFCR4-T4-- ALL---COt3NTY--CODE--REQUIREt4ENTS. FINAL-IIISPtCTIOrc-PIUST--K'CALiED--fORe..lJPON COMPL€TIgN AUO--?fll&R • TO--OCCUPAt4CYt-.OF--RES.I-r` -NSE: CALL -456-3675, prior-ta-1f1.4tt--a:ref.�_:E�:--1/br=-rated---fire-'iib-11+. sO{r, aratiorr--t lui-red betweelr--res-4dence--and garage THIS PERMIT s granted upon the express condition that the building or Ian use for which the permit is issued shalt conform In all respects to all the ordinanc a olithe'County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provislonsotieald ordinances, or Ixllure of plans an approved, t0 comply with said ordinances. _ -• u�l i In c nslderatlon' of the issuance of the permit for 1M1a erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County olliclala and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within 1 year from this date; after which time this permit will be void. ' Authorized -by -Building -Official al/Cit: BUILDINQ#CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires February 10, 1978 y----74;),Vx-, B-, . 59.00 resat 2/10/77 Building Fee Paid $ Date Issued INSPECTOR t. FOUNDATION 2. STEEL /< . 3. FRAMING,.../. 4. LATHING' FINAL _4 _x'i4 iEn • wr Afr O CGS, , 6.. CHIMNEY • 7. FIREPLACES _! 82 GARAGE 9. HEATING., SYSTEM • r N