1977, 06-24 Permit: M2035 ResidenceForm 370R•Blds. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M Property Addrest4ISSION. EAST 18605 Group 1 Type If Zone.. Agricul.tural Permit for. residences garaile_attscho0 owner...Hersaan..Pleeller Address 1903...W... Nioth,..49204 Phone.747.-9444 Architect , , Address. Phone ContractorS11111t. Address SIM Phone ..SLURO Location: Parcel Number.07.65k4631,...pto....of.....110...E....100.,of..theit...3951 of .tha S...140' of. Tract..4.11 Plat.A......Greaoacros,...Irr....NINIMUS..ZONIIILSET...BACKS..FRON.ALLIROPERTY...I.INES. "AOKI YARD OF At..loost.2.5.1..s...sida..yard...of...at...1.east..5.!..,10' fir 2..stor,y. but.l.ding,...11' flankirvg .streits. and 2' rear..yards..aro..orquirod. or more., if. roquirod..4..7.oning+ Building. aodior.Fl.ro..C.odes. .Smoke..dotector(s)..requirod. A libr..ratod.fircisol.1...soparotton..requirod..Ltebreen..ros..&..gar Bldg. Zone 1...Fire Zone 3. Size of Lot...1.00.!Al4V Sewage SeptIC Const trifle Stories 1 Dimensions 30.x431 241122Total Sq. Ft 1728 Valuation $469000.00. Rms.6 Baths/RR...2. .Basement fUltundation...0011CretAlk Chimney .br...Fireplace. .2...Htg. System. glIS . I. ostroc Type of Roofing. ..comp . Ext. Finish.. '1'.111.. nt. Wall Finish.shk Bdrms 1. Certificate of Occupancy Issued for soo..abovo...#.43.1.umbl.ng...and..boating..pormil.ti SPir roquired........EACH..STAGE... Remarks..0,...CONSTILUCTION. MUST.. HIVE.. INSPECTIONS. .CAU.ED..POlt...AS .REQUIRED..BY..CODE. MUST...CONFOINI... TO.ALL..C.OWITY. MOE ..REQUIREMENTS....PINAL...11SPECTIMI..MUST..6E. GALLED-FOIL---UPON-COMPLETION-AND PRIOR..7.0.00CUPANCT Of RESIKICE.......CALL._456,3675..pr1or...to..10.100_ ILIA. THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conlorm In all respects to all the ordinances 01 the County of Spokane. regulating !he construction. use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County, and may be revoked at any lime upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or tallure of plana as approved, to comply with said ordinances. „ In consideration ol the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by -niftily Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. ' This 'permit will be good only for commencement of from this date; after which time this permit will be vo Jun. 24. 1978 Permit Expires work within six m6nths, and the entire completion thereof within..1.4air.. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT By Fee Paid $ 46.00 mmc ate Issued /24/77 Building INSPECTOR NUMMI lUi Z. STEEL . 3. FRAMING ft. LATHING.... .. _----.---...,......_....- ' C:-.' ii•! ; 5. .F,INPA. --.---'-• --_......-..1.-- 7. FIRMACES '4. HEATING : , / CiWtkiX6 GARAGE. -- ...".."../.....'. .'all;14.1 f-D4:71alitill C • n A 1r. 414441 4.44.4 -L:L?)Tvt, .64 / a' J ' *