1975, 04-01 Permit: D8629 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division No. D RESIDENTIAL SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 8629 County Court House, Spokane, Washington Property Address ---- -- MIsSIoN,. - -LAST- - 14416-_--_._---------- -___ PERMIT 4416- --- PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR Permit for_--._ -- pL.jftjBM_ _j*ST,&L",Wj(Res... (co» ........ Owner. -----------Cary Col -Lina------- --------- ---- --- -------------------- Address-- -E, -1418-17th--Avo, Phone------------...... --- . Contractor. --- PR&CISLON --- PLUMBING- - PLBG-a - DIVISION Address ----- P_ - 0 -Box -1.40-94 - - ----- "214_ --- Phone -..534.-723-7 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets. -_1_.._..--- ----- ----- Bath Tubs ---- I -------- Sinks ------ I --- -- Slop Sinks........._-_- Wash Basins_ .- 1 ------ T) Laundry Trays Urinals___.__...__. Separate Shower Baths - ------- --------- Rain Leaders.___........_.-..._ Garbage Disposal Units - Floor Drains. ..... I ---- Fountains....-------_- Bar Connections_.-_.._._.__.. Dental Cuspidor ............. .... Automatic Washing Machines-. ------------- Mechanical Dishwasher--- I ------------ Refrigerators ............ umps -------- ... Water Softeners_........._..... Hot Water Tanks ....._._I............____ Sprinkler -------I ........ ------ Sprinkler System_ ...... 0, ......... ---------------­---- - ----- ..... .... ............... -- - --- ------------ ........ .. . . . .......... . .......................... __� . ....... --- ----------- Fee Paid$.....LqM-.-------...__._-._____.__.. Authorized �by 136'ildingi c Wia PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date Issued., ---Apr-i2--- --------- Vh .............. .......................... Inspect _d -------------- By --- Inspector Inspected By & Date----------------- ---------------- ................................... -------- .......................................... -----