1975, 07-17 Permit: L0845 RemodelFarm 370R-131dg. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT commix/AL NUMBER L 0845 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Dinztiogi ignimics mom Hit Land Use or Structure Permit Property Address MIR 22 LOFFITT ROAD Group g Type .v -s.. Zone MatcaStalLy.suB, Permit for. tneuaimmagit.amen.iii.jawn 1111111411 alaaTilla MORON CS 121131110. Owner LORI-Italla Address nen 22..joiner....0 99206. Phone. _9244495 Architect ,. Address Phone Contractor IMIRIF/Rialat Addressimms saa..iiimpuir. paw .99206. Phone 924..2495 Location ifiallpflaallas 165434562 -Ire-.41.tligliAli-101 Opporteettraeffitt1i--Sub: 131- --NUFF-0011110111110-1411HINIDITIOR3-0E-01Millik--441--OF-1111--8Patillit-001MIT-Z01111/3-ORDDIAES--(OEF.. --DilTION-111h--,6411111/11110OUPA/1011)-MID-#11111/111111-APPLICALLS-0011IFFI-MID-STATS-60010. AN - -A-R PROViii)--1171141.- - -IISNICTION --IS- - illAQVIIIND AM -,0 -111$11411016- -OP - -GlirfIFICATS-- OF -00CUPANGT . _ Bldg. Zone / Fire Zone../z/ Size of Lot ities. It...19.4 Sewage. adating Stories..le Material Sm. Dimensions W. is..4st Total Sq. Ft onsatiAg Valuationl31i200.00 Rooms Aidakting Basement aft* Foundation...dipting Chimney.j/A Fireplace.N/A_Heating' Systemtiag Certificate of Occupancy Issued for.latutailettarier..frandeling....p._ . .bs..agliatiat.aedres.6 Remarks 14;61-001,0111-14-A&L-SPOSAND-INVIII RUILDZIR-01111R . ELOS-STAGS-OF.-CON.-- --sTRuaTzoit--muist.aut-ausnornms-aassavroa,--asionganwit 4Nsigv---.4-7Zliar-mmoscriall--o1 -.Tiaii-ISORINT-21-$1103111141•11-0010LISIOS-AND-ALIOR--I0-1a111-014111-BRIVII-SROP.PACZLZ71101. --F014--kLL-121$11,01101111--07-1111111-1141110MOT4-0612,---456-3415--R1/66- i -4.m.--oa . THIS PERMIT 15 granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is Issued hall con5dm in all respe he County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings In Spokane County, and may be revoked Sime,up ther2riplation di, ees, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. 4e184 7.d In consideration of the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said a act_ -y Coun Ai s he —, expiration of the permit u n less regularly renewed, This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire c from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authori.,•• ly B SU IBMS $US OF THIS PERK/T FOR DETAILS OF THE BUILDI CODE ' rirrazat Permit Expires... -1976 By.. / Fee Paid $._12.-00 Olt Date Issued yhdy..17,,. 1975... MODELING AUISTIBG 32$ z 121 BEN= I/ MBININIS POI t18T /L3 ♦ Min WON 1. Installing net restrains 2. Installing door in 11 raw. 3. IMtalling ontaide entrance int feeme loadress. 4. Iettalling two (2) weft bolas 'is Some beirson. 5. Installing mobaunt fin la now irestinsa. b. Xyietallirig new wsw ben dg w11. ?//&/71 O r', 1141,c . 6') 4 '4