1977, 11-03 Permit: M3985 DuplexForm 370R•BIdg. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Group Type V Zone Agricultural SUb RESIDENTIAL M 3 85 Property AddressMISSIONe EAST 14721 and 14723 Permit forP1ex»-.garage sttat itlldy' kusi •r Owner Burnetts General Construction Address 15-404 MICA, View.._Drive ORVINACMSPhAr> # 24-$$42 + Phone Architect. Address Sam D Phone S Contract Address Location: Parcel Number 14541"D911e-----Lot...11-,..BLOck...l,.--Veradale_lisig tts--$tb--Add. Minimum -Zoning - set -backs from all. property lines. Front..yard-.af--et--least--25-'--,---side- yerd--of---l-t--bast--51 ti 10' for 2 atory.:b_ui_1-slir g, 15'_-4lslnking..streets--ancl..25' r-ear--yards--ars--rec iwiredy---or.-mere,---#f. requi.. ...kX__7aning_.__Su_i-lding_--a d/.or----F-ir-e-- 3es, Smoke--datec-tor(c)---requ4red. A--1/hr---retrd--- fira_xrll_separation--r-equir-ed__be_tween-.r-esidancs--and--garage-. Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone____3 Size of Lot103'-x177' Sewage S.pticConst frame Stories 'Dimensions 261X811' Total Sq. Ft Valuation466.0900i00 Rms 4 leathsiRR_2--li____Basement..-_f111-1-Foundation_:-_CONCrat Chimney as_Fireplace 1_-_ Htg. System •1eec--bE1- Type of Roofing COUPExt. Finish T4--11 Int. Wall Finish___-$ rock---&---fr13nt-Bdrms 2 ea Certificate of Occupancy Issued for :i }vi -.--plumbing-- 3R1m1-t required.--- EACM-STAGE -Of -CONSTRUCTION -- RemarksMUST-__HAVE__INSPECTION$--C1ALLED--FORN-,SIS--REQUIRED--BT--CODE. MST Ct NFORM-- TO- ALt--C NTY CODE-_REQUIREMENTS,---Final---l-nspection--requfred-j Ca1-1--456-3675, prior --to- -10t 0O a.tai -er*--a1-1 inspections.- THIS nspectionsr THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or I Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spoka failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of from this date; after which time this permit will be void. November 3. 1978 Permit Expires e permit is issued -shat, con?orMAIPIr $fr"Pek'ie'Et3"to all the ordinances of the County of nd may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or ee must place the said signs where directed by ork within six months, and the Author By entire County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the completion thereof within year icial BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 57.50 mmc 11/ 77 Building Fee Paid $ Date Issued INSPECTOR L l'UWlUAIlUt1 Y. STIER ... ._._. 1. FRAMING i. LATHING. 1, • F!EPEr4''TS . ..o,. 31 MU ItI M: Y TP13MT ?CIrtn''?. iDliiiCir `j'TIA110Q t ?See notgnifl2&vi • :ensAtigG I S $il 19(1 • 9101)111i? 10 .9?tii e 4' '11'11-t'"iei { .1104v ['Flo a, A.ott' 159 GARAGE' ._...�.. HEATING SYSTEM_ ,,..,.....,.�..