1992, 04-14 Permit: 92002508 Water Heater, Pipingr SPOKANE COUNTY D*PAPTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 t Ind ify that haveauthorize examined this perm County too ethat the rocessing. In additd ion, itavtl read and by me or athe t INSPECTIle ONate QUIRpermit/applicationMNS/is ICE and correct, and Spokane County to proceed with processing. In add dion, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE ENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not l understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of an or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE / OWNER OR AGENT eaa ENT ((�i//JJ 'tt:i._JE::C T NUMBER= 92002500 ie****--****** SITE STREET= ADDRESS= PERMIT USE= PLATO= BLOCK= AREA=: OF BI._DGS= OWNER= STREET= --ADDRESS= APPLICATI DDRE_1S'- APPLICATION c_ y,_q, C_ DATE 7 7 ISSUED PEERiM IT * * PERMIT INFORMATION 7407 E MONTGOMERY RD SPOKANE WA 99212 C;AS WATER HEATER & PIPING 003001 PLAT NAME= 19 LOT=:: F/A== 2 t DWELLINGS= ,JOHNSON, TERRY 7407 E MONTGOMERY RD SPOKANE WA 99212 DATE= 04/14/92 PAGE== 01 x ie ie'iF'ii'iFieie*if'iei:'ieiiieii'ri'iiii'ii' sif ie'u PARC EL= 12.-4 6256 1ST (Tpto EDGERTON OIN ONE= AC; DI.S'i: F iuID H= iia Df.=F'TH= 100 WATER DIST PHONE= 509 926 91530 bI__ 50 CONTACT NAME= TERRY I... JOHNSON i'HONE NIJMBEI:.= 39 924 95=0 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= N/A LEFT= N/A R[(IIT=- N/A REAR= N/A lt'3l'*3i'9:i1'illi'Ak'.h'il.'ll'.h.'k.ii.il..h..hk'R'Ji'1l'1f'******* MECHANICAL. PERMIT '*'il' ilA!fb.'H'ilit'i ****.11'il'i('****'*'*** CONTRACTOR= OWNER ITEM DESCRIPTION PROCESSING FEE GAS WATER HEATER GAS PIPING 3f3tt iE3i'3f3f3E3f#) *****-********3'**3e**if 3i PAYMENT Pr'trME:NT DATE 04/14/92 TOTAL DUE= PE::RMIT TYPE MECHANICAL ['RMT —.._ PROCESSED BY PRINTED BY u * 3i. is h.. k.. u.' H..ji..h..a. QIJAJT1T ¥ i IM (. **********************1 PHONE= FEE AMOUNT 91 90 10.00 P1::0E.IP I4 2691 .00 TOTAL PAID= FEE AMOUNT 36400 36.00 DOMITROVICH, DOMITROVICH, ROBIN ROBIN 3h 3i' i':' # 3{:yi-3i' * ri-3i * AMOUNT PAID 36400 THANK YOU 36.00 FA IE::NT tl" TUNT 36.00 36, 00 AMOUNT OWING :ww .0e' **********************44.**********