1980, 01-11 Permit: 80A-9899 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR NSE W SET BACKS TYPE OF WORK �j FINAL INSPECTION: CZZ•-'"R,, . DATE REMARKS: 1k.o45 `)1\ Pia G. g.4572, cc r - 'Flak.. — Gp !L-- PLAN NUMBER APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH SI 1 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99160 / 1600) 666.3676 APPLICANTCOMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 4 COPIES 3. 5. 'L;AMI WAN AOOR ESS C'''TnTTC$.0 AD S 3550C1 DES/G ER ONE P , LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED 1PARCEL NuMBER/S Repulsed Set Racks In set North ONE Sue Pasco, Crib q)1/ ZIP CAC*" PHONE TYpe Const. Va Ration East INest Zone Classification OycupancY 5pH...ea Oyes Eno 0 Pieced. Building Area in SQ. Ft. AODRESS ZIP OWL Area Basement Aree Arse I Storage CHANGE OF USE FROM TO 1 Split Entry Split Level rP 0 NEW 0 ALT. 0 000. 0 RPL. 0 MVE. 7 OF 0000 0 el, 0 PLMB. 0 MECH: 0 M.H. 0 POOL 0 OTHER No. Baths No. Fioors No. Rooms Rec. Room CERTIFICATE of EXEMPTION ot Reg d. 8. DESCRieE vvoRK dcbS.14Kr I oat.. I VALLI ON CL.C.S.Lre SE ER I hereby cer of}, that have reed and examined this application and have read the "NO I ICL 10ovorons included Ws reverse 000, and know the sarne to De Inrc arld 000001. All provorino 01 laws ;aro 111110,1111 tr., guar.:mina this type of work will be compiled with whether specrlied herein of not 1 he triatinny of per roil does not presume tO give authority to violate Or cancel the provorons of any other stale local law regolatcor construction or the performance of construction. sicAolluni SPECIAL APPROVALS DEPT. REQ., REC., Env. Health Pisenine .000 Marshall GO4nnIneer Utilities SPECIAL CONDITIONS: P • I ao' 1001 000 EsTu's FEES COLLECTED Single $ Etlikfing Plumbing Mach. Plan Check SEPA Mobile Home Other ISpecifv) TOTAL G- 9,o -A - DATE 04* *1200 .1200 *12006 *000 9898R 01-08-80 4 6479. 03 •.