1979, 04-11 Tax SegregationTAX SEGREGATION APPLICATION FORM (Applicable to the division of one or more parcels of real property into two or more parcels under different ownerships, also applies to aggregation of parcels.) NAME ADDRESS IIJ-21 leP^-- PHONE NUMBER !J ` DATE DELINQUENT TAXES PARCEL NO(S) I. Enter legal descriptions of all portions to be segregated. Also include legal description of portions remaining (use supplemental sheet if needed). II. Make drawing of entire property. Indicate approximate dimensions of all property lines. Indicate on which portions of property any buildings should remain. If a copy of a survey is available, please attach to this form. Ill. This application is to be completed in its entirety before processing. NOTE: The approval of this application by the County Assessor or his appointee shall not be construed as authorizing the division of lands for the purposes of sale or subdivision in violation of RCW 58.17 (Plat and Subdivision Act). The taxpayer is hereby advised that no segregation will take place until this form is completed. Applicant Signature THIS AREA FOR USE BY APPLICANT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND DRAWINGS. USE REVERSE SIDE IF NEEDED. 1c:5, V N ►10,5' c 0 �— I O J l I I U U Tt- q -) n b 61 �, ) V 1 W 19