1987, 12-21 Incorrect Address LtrDecember 21, 1987 Spokane County IDcparnvicnt of Building & Safcty MR. C. D. UTECHT South 1100 Barker Road Greenacres, Washington 99016 Re: Incorrect Address Posted Dear Mr. Wagoner: JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR This letter is to inform you that you are using the address East 17204 Riverway Street for your residence located on parcel number 07553-0511. However, our records indicate that the address for this property should be East 17204 Montgomery Avenue. It is extremely important for emergency vehicle purposes that your address, as required in Section 10.208 of the Uniform Fire Code, be in alignment with the surrounding residences. If emergency vehicles; i.e., police, fire, ambulance, are hindered in responding to a call because of a wrong address, you could be held liable. Your cooperation in resolving this matter would be appreciated. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., weekdays. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY Fa Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF:jas NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 4563675 1 1 Spokane County Department of Building & Safety December 17, 1987 MR. THOMAS H. WAGONER East 17204 Riverway Street Greenacres, Washington 99016 Re: Incorrect Address Posted Dear Mr. Wagoner: JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR This letter is to inform you that you are using the address East 17204 Riverway Street for your residence located on parcel number 07553-0511. However, our records indicate that the address for this property should be East 17204 Montgomery Avenue. It is extremely important for emergency vehicle purposes that your address, as required in Section 10.208 of the Uniform Fire Code, be in alignment with the surrounding residences. If emergency vehicles; i.e., police, fire, ambulance, are hindered in responding to a call because of a wrong address, you could be held liable. Your cooperation in resolving this matter would be appreciated. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., weekdays. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY jaS Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF:jas NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260•0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675