04-010.00 WSTIB: Fuel Tax Distribution Boone Ave to Barker Bridge~,~,sgeo„ Q~r• E ~~ " ' ~` ~•-~er~t.,~ . TIB Members rrodlrncnrbar V1Jliran Ganl9y C~tiafr, CAy o18ot21s Ground Got„missianer Lao Bowmen V,lcs Chek, BenCm~ County hV. JchnAkers, P.L City of El~ensburp fN. Thornes Ballard. P.[. A'orav County Na. Borad9 Berk 9ork end Assodstes OJa. Geogio Cress Atvt d Lon9vie•.v l4s. KethCeen Dovts WSDO7 ~a. Den D:c~t>v CIe1'am Iran;4 Washington Sfafe Transportation Improvement Board Transmittal Letter February 5, 2004 Mr. Neil Karsten Public Works Director City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Arterial Improvement Program TIB Project Number 8-3-208(001)-1 Barker Road Boone Ave to Barker Rd Bridge Design Phase Approval Cc,,,ne~.nerttear Idory Oates City of Fcdsrel Way Ms. Paula Hammo ~~T Counclt Presldc ~ o~ ~ ~ ~Rd Counalmamtrer R~K,'ng~Counry IJ1. Duw't htcKlrJoy C,{y pf ®efA'nghem htr. Oava Nelson Gent County 11s. Dave O'Cormoti Mason County Mr. Paul Roberts City of EveraN Corn,risslonerfN~i nd Gou. ry htr. Amo10 Toa•.3c 9icycfo AA'iante of Washingron Mr. day Vdobar :aunty Rcatl potrdnisn-slion Boons AAr. Theo Yu O,ri~ of Financal fAanapcmenl hts. K)rn Zontz, P.E. Spokano Transii Autiwrlh~ rr.. 5tovan G~rrsste Exetudive Diraetc P.O. Box 4090 pNrrpie,vdA 98504-090 Plpne: ;160.580.1 i4 Faye 3ryU-SBB-t t www.db_Me,9r This is to confirm that the TIB has authorize enc osedlFuel Tax Grant Distr bution effective February 5, 2004. Please sign th marts will be Agreement and return t uted Fuel TaxhGralB Distribution Agreement is received processed after an exec by the TIB. You may request reimbursement from TIB beginning July 1, 200 . A Value Engineering (VE) Study is required fos nearpin I thirtyypercelnt. Contact conduct a VE study when dee~9ent coml plat on to arrange a study for the project. the TIB office ,prior to thirty p . Future Requirements lease send a construction 1. Upon completion of the design phase, p prospectus, ahalf-size set of plans, specifications and the final engines royal. estimate to your TIB project zednb ethe TIB Executive D ~ectorhif the project This approval may be author y meets the following criteria: a. There is no change in the approved project scope. b. The total TIB funds anticip vte dhe mount at projectlselect on. no more than 15°/D or $750,000 abo All other projects must be approved by the Board 2. Submit a TIB Reimbursement Form to request payment for incurred eligible project costs. Requests for reimbursemen ~~r bmbursements htm nically at www.tib.wa.gov/serviceslreimbu rsemen For assistance with your project, contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586-1143 or via a-mail at GloriaB@TIB.wa.gov. .....__.:~~ :.. „nrrr• rnralrr~mmunify CvL~I ~ ~ ~/or "'~ Washington State Transportation tmprovernent Boar ~~ Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement LEAD AGENCY: City of Spokane Valley PROJECT NUMBER: 8-3-208(001)-1 PROJECT TITLE: Barker Road PROJECT TERMINI: Boone Ave to Barker Rd Bridge 1.0 PURPOSE The Washington State Transportation Improecfed i Bthe attached documentstland as "TIB") hereby grants funds for the project sp be subsequently amended, subject to the terms eronnent shall governtthe use and °f may the parties, 716 and the grant recipient, that this gre the project distribution of the grant funds through alp Phe attachme ns hereto and inlcorporated specific information shall be contained herein, as the project progresses through each phase. This A reement, together with the attachments hee 479 mash n'gton Adm nistrat ve 26 9 Revised Code of Washington, the provisions of t~ Code, and TIB Policies, constitutes the entirenents between the partiesarties and supersedes all previous written or oral ogre 2.0 PARTIES TO AGREEMENT reement are TIB, or its successor, and the grant recipient, or its The parties to this Ag successor, as specified in the attachments. 3.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective upon executS tebm nae dnsooner as prov ded herein. completion of each phase of the protect, unles 4.0 AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Sucersonnel amendments shall not be binding~iesess they are in writing and signed by p authorized to bind each of the pa 5.0 ASSIGNMENT The grant recipient shall not assign or transfern~ of TIB The glrant rec pientt~ s d erred this Agreement without the prior written copse to consent to assignment of this Agreement by TIB other rightssunder this Agreement nt shall not constitute a waiver of the grant recipient 6.0 GOVERNANCE & VENUE This Agreement shall be construed and interpret ud hi hereunder shall be nl the Superior state of Washington and venue of any action ~bro g Court for Thurston County. Rev. 211412403 Page 1 of 3 TIB Form i94-500 ,~-, ~' Washington State Transportafion Jmprovement Board ~~~ Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement 7.0 TERMINATION 7.1 UNILATERAL TERMINATION ma terminate this Agreement upon 30 days' prior written notice to Either party Y arties shall be liable only the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the p for performance rendered or costs incurred nationrdance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of t 7.2 TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT may terminate this contract in whole or in part, at any time, by mutual Either party to the other. agreement with a 30 calendar day written notice from one party 7.3 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event TIB determines the grant recipient has failed to comply with the conditions of this Agreement in a timeloytm the granBrec pient in wtriting ofthe °r terminate this Agreement. TIB shall n fy need to take corrective action. If correcti ryes the right totsuspenld all o0r part of he Agreement may be terminated. TIB rese rant recipient from the Agreement, wl ~hoblidations of funds dur'ngthe investigation of the alleged incurring additions 9 rant reci ient or a compliance breach a urinate the Agreement cThe grant recipient shall be liable decision by TIB to ter but not limited to, repayment of for damages as authorized by law including, misused grant funds. The terminations haalreee Ipiene (1)bwas not at faultno~(2) Convenience if it is determined that th g failure to perform was outside of thv ded in thislAgreement areanot exclusive and The rights and remedies of TIB pro are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. 7.4 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE ' ten 10 da s written notice, beginning on the second day after the TIB may, by ( ) Y mailing, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, beTIB'seobl gat onssoa for funds are no longer available for the purpose of TIB shall be liable only for any reason. If this Agreement is so terminated, payment required under this Agreement for performance rendered or costs incurred prior to the effective date of termination. 7.5 TERMINATION PROCEDURE the grant recipient shall stop work and/or Upon receipt of notice of be directed by TIB. take such action as may Rev. 2!1412043 Page 2 Of 3 TIB FOrm 190-SO0 l ~~ f ~ ` ~~ Washington State Transportation improvement Board ~~~ Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement 8.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 specifies the grant program applicable to this project, identifies the grant recipient, and contains the list of additional documents specific to the project which will be attached and incorporated into this Agreement, together with subsequent amendments, as the project progresses through each phase of design and construction. Approved as to Form This 14th Day of February, 2003 Christine O. Gregoire Attorney General By: Signature on file Jeanne A. Cushman Assistant Attorney General Lead Agency s ~/ey ignature oC~ _ _ ~ yon Daie Print Name Transportation Improvement Board 2 c~ 2~y Ez olive Director Date Stevan Gorcester Print Name Page 3 of 3 Rev. 2l1Af2043 TIB Form 190-5i)0 Attachment 1 Urban Programs Project Description and List of Documents to be Attached to this Agreement for each Phase of the Project Project Information Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Project Number: 8-3-208(001)-1 Project Title: Barker Road Project Termini: Boone Ave to Barker Rd Bridge TIB funds for the project are as follows: Phase TIB Funds Design 912,320 Construction (requires future approval) 1,486,240 Total Grant 2,398,560 Documents Required at Construction Phase O Construction Prospectus and Certification Form (completed and signed) O Plans and Specifications package O Final engineer's estimate Documents Required at Bid Award Phase O Bid Award Updated Cost Estimate Form O Bid Tabulations O Cost Change Justification Documents Required at Contract Completion Phase O Contract Completion Updated Cost Estimate Form O Final Summary Quantities and Ledger O Cost Change Justification Amendments to Agreement (if any) Rev; 7J14l2~03 TIB Form 19~Q-600