1977, 05-13 Permit App: M1803 MH*POD •6PI9 mg wio$ 3Tmaad 2u Tng /PanssI )g'/ C L / F a I 3N11 SIM M0138 3118M 1ON 00 sgaemag awning UTmiad aeemag aq TIT& ssaappe peals moa 1.1 dr N 1 SIHI 'S3ON31•11•10O N0I1O11111SNOO 380138 S3SIW311d 3H1 NO 38 1SAW 11W113d 3811101181S 10 3 aNV, V alga 3uaey .10 Jaw •uelogs ss 3daoxa S3aadoad sTg3 uo pa3800' saan30na3s Jaw on ass aaag3 p' 3oaaa sT �;lr3%3Tmgns uoT .I& UT Speo gaaag I H1 nos Pa1TeW sUBTa do Pajoki susTa pauan3aa swam paxoeu0 simid paA1a3' sushi ;TUU d a22MaS ;nuaaa BuTwag 3Iuuaad 3uTquinTa a3lIn8311 1V102I3WW00-1VI1N301S321 •ON .400Y •BuI 'PuI •oN asuaOT•l a;ols 1- N 4 •sauTT STddns aa3sa pus mai -sas aftaas ;o uoT;sooT (g) Is2u'p'Tnq ;0 9uoTsuamTp (g) !s3aaa3s pus sauTT S3aadoad o aous;sTp (;) 's2uTPTTnq pasodoad pus 2uT3s'xa ;o uoL3s00' (E) :snoF3aooT psoa ao 3aa.i s (Z) 'sauTT a3aadoad (T) :2UTJwgs suoTsuamTp g4TM go;a)s raga NV1d 101d swooJpe9'-'shun JO 'ON !U!j 111M 'iul / eoeldoJ! j— Aeuw!40 (.DoZ7 t' /,,u�o!ien101 o p e ". J9 '4 o3 D Su0 i 0UO2 8.1!A d " OUOZ ij 'bs leak I9 isuo0 uopepunoj '6PI9 !o esn Bu!;oog ;o edAj ; - eisAS leet1 (OuOU 'iJed '1)nj iuewese9 swag swcg suo!Suew!0 % se!lo4S e4SAS O6BMes Bu!Aoyy Iepowei J�c,J x r— / 40n ;o ez!S uolilppV L� MMN�i.)IIHOM d0 NOIId180S30 f / ► r //,----"-47-"JaqwnN Iaoied (•34 euo4d eu04d eu04d ')�/_S 'J (1 eu04d ;dleoei xei 'peep woJ; uo!id!rasep eield oo OA!9) A4JedoJd;o uo!Iduose0 18601 1/06, , v(.ovW 4 sseJpp' ' ss0Jppv sseJppv ssei 3N1 SIHI M0138 NI 11Id 1NVOI'1ddY •suoT3soTpap ao 33118uas00 aoo to o3 noT3os 2uTaq 3011 use STMT°T;;O S3uno3 •uoT30s 'TATO genoagq a'gsaaao;ua age q°Tqa Past 041 q3Ta 2uTuuna s3uamassa pus suoT3soTpap ao s3usuaAoo ;o suoTsTAoad goago pjnogs saaPITng '9ZNVN3A03 SAIZOIZLL939 •3Tmaad a3saadas s aaTnbaa (•o3a 'spaqs 'sa2eas2) s9uTpTTnq Saos9aooV 'S0NICIIO9 39099330V •3uam3aedaQ Sang2TH a3s3S ao/pus aaa1T2u3 S3uno0 egg moa; pauTs3go aq 3snm aousasaTo 'SBrgeTH 03839 ao S3uno3 a uo pasom ST 2uTPTTnq a uagg '2uTPTTnq 2UT3sTxa us asom 1 paaTnbaa sT 3Tmaad V '9DNIQ'IIflfl dO ONIAOW •aaauT2u3 S3uno3 aq3 Sq pasoadds eq gonm ssaa2a pus ssaa2uT ;o s3UTod •savels 13Ta aouspa000s aT pamaolaad aq 3snm gawk pus 3uam3aeda( pang S3ano0 Sq pags3s TT3un pamaojaad aq 3011 Ssm Sea -;o-3041 3aaa39 uo gaoll 'SQVOU AINf100 •ssaa2a pus SsaalluT pus gosq-les o3 2uTu4s3aad pauTs3Qo aq 3snm aousasaTo 'Ssag2TH ems a slugs a2n3ona3s aq3 aaagb '91VMHJIH 31VLS •paaTnbaa eae pass aeaa ,gZ a pus '3aaa3s 2uT1usT; s moa; Pala apTs .5I `pass apTs ,g s 'paaTnbaa ST .SZ 3ssa' 3s ;o 'auTT S3aadoad 3uoaj aq3 moa; Aosq-las s 'saous3smnoaTo 3som aapun pus sauoz sow uI 'S3NI'I A.L'N9dO1d NO9d AOV9-12S 'SEZ'Lb pusSEi-S3 's0W suoT 3nTosag S3uno3 Sq lasso "8 uT paaTnbaa eau s3Tmaad 'W3ZS7LS 39VN2S 'aoT;;O s,aaauJen3 S3uno3 eA3 moa; pau[a3go aq 3snm aoTssTmaad 'spsob S3ano3 ;o Sago3Tp ao saap'nogs 'aos;ms aq3 sgan3sTp suoT3oauuoa aa38r ao 1.10A aaagb •s3uam3aadaQ g3isaH s33 pub S3ano3 aq3 Sq paAoadds aq 3snm S'ddns Jam 'I13LVa •aoT3aadsuT 03 3oafgns ST uoT3ona3sno3 •aousuTplo 2uTuoZ pus apo3 2uTPITou 4un03 ana;odg aq3 q3T* maoluoa 3snm noT3ana3sao3 •asn pus' s a2usgo 03 ao 'pa3oaaa Speaats am3ona3s ao 2UTp'Tnq Sus aa3Ts ao puTA ane ;o aan3ona3s ao 2UTp'Tnq s 30aaa 03 noT3n'osag S3ano3 Sq paa'nbaa sT ;Tmaad am30na3s ao asn pus T V 'UalIInb0H .LIW1Bd 33d 11W113d S1N31•1311100311 1V113N30 ±I14113d 3bfl3nb1S vO 3St1 ONd1 1101 N0LLYO11ddY L0Z66 NOIDNIHSVM '3NV)IOdS "NOS1:13333r LL8 'N '1N31111IHVd3O Saa00 JNI011f18 uo1buiyseM 'euelodS 10 Alum) ` a .y ng; May 2, 1977 Ilinutes May16° 1977 CONDITIO.TAL T.WOrf, FE, GJ -2-77Q ta):a.7esidanca (,-.4:111"41-4,1STORDECI.50l.,T,: To approve° for thefollowing raasori$ and alAbject tOths follz)v:?ing coriditions: A a ESON 1. The proposed mobile home is co.mpatible with tha tilitTounriAlz land ticaa. 2.. The proposed mob;;.'1,3 home use is consistent with tjaa reqUirements of. the Spo%ana County Zoning Ordinance, 'OCNNDIVT.ONS: Tha appt.cant rit,u31 raccve appmval of a :;..e.gregation of tha property from the Spokane Courity P.ssassor's office prior to isau.aricte of a building permit, Tha trai3.er shall he located. on the prOperty uslibateritial conformance with 'ale "approved" plot plan or file with this application° and in trly cam, shall observe the yard (setback) requiray.lenn for a aingle family dwelling aS prescribed in Sactioa 4.05.113 (a) of the T:oriing Orlinance Spokanz-?.. County, 3. ThiZ- appmval is crantsid m May 2 19&2, whit time ary parrnit issued pursuant to thia approval shall bamme null and vold. 4. The trailer shall ba skirted with a fir, rasir,tant material. 5. Th trailer Ahall not be mounted on, a permanent foundation in stitch marnec & to constitute a peg:mane-At :resid-Iv. 6 „ Tha trailer she,' riot La attached to other fesidential or accessoiy St;L:Zutsis; ly!stal canopies, tip outs, end awnings r_.7,.y ts attached to the tra.ler, however, all wooden strlacMires and accessory 3,1:oapt open corches„ must he dataQhed ai4d placed at least three (3) friet from the trailer. 7, The trwler sliall have, an owner -ship title and be listed as personal property with the Ccunty Ilssessof. OBTEC.rf::?6, OF PI:CORD: None. Do GENERAL DMA: a. Location; Eectoa 7, Township 25,, Rance 16 ,M3 1.0d 2 ac,res of the 14 1/2 of Bloe p, ergg • the F., 138.15 end th 3 15? t. Parcel No. 07553-0102 (prion 29plkozItivi Prov -1l.'.: 777.1a. c -42:,3%-.17,4171-3s A; 2:111(1 1/ a ac:a e •S'Vv.;iy* tr4 w o e. -,;.eatler razida.rtaa tIte Azn.c3.411.,111:111 Zone c,q,v.kpter 4 .C4.1, ?aut:.crt . „170 DVCL Z0111714 P.6%-itz.s,...or