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1999, 11-05 Permit App: 99010762 Storage Bldg
Ptoject Number: 99010762 Inv: 1 . Appiicatian • • THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 11/05/19 Page I of 2 Project Information: Permit Use. 30 X 40 METAL STORAGE BLDG Site Information: Setbacks: Front 400 Left: 50 Right: 12 Rear: 100 Contact: ALDERETE, MARTIN & RON Address. 3003 N LOCUST C - S - Z SPOKANE, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 924-2978 Plat Key: 002044 Name. PLAT"A" GREENACRES IRR.DIS District: G Parcel Number: 55073.0209 SiteAddress: 17510 E MONTGOMERY A CREENACRES, WA 99016 Location:: GRE Zoning: SR -1 Water District Area: 1 Sq Ft Suburban Residential 1 Owner: Name: ALDERETE, MARTIN & ROND Address: 3003 N LOCUST SPOKANE, WA 99206 Hold: ❑ Width: 100 Depth: 630 Right Of Way (ft): 60 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information: Department BUILDING BUILDING Continents: Continents HEALTHDISTRICT Comments ENGINEER Comments PLANNING Permits: r Comments. Review Site Plan Review Plan Review Septic System Review ii -.S- 77 ,approach /Drainage �( /�"e%rl.-f C` Landuse/Zoning g--99 A zoNI i W kWed_rd risf. opproa& Project Number: 99010762 Inv: 1 • Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Building Permit Date: 11/05/19 Page 2 of 2 Contractor: BUILDING AMERICA INC Address: 7610 N FREYA SPOKANE, WA 99217 Building Characteristics Firm: BUILDING AMERICA INC Phone: (509) 462-0535 Const Category: New Nbr Of Dwellings: Occupant Load: Bldg W x D: 30 x 40 Building Sq Ft: Req Parking: Handicap Parking: Description Grp Type Notes GARAGE U-1 VN Item Description RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Payment Summar,: Building Height: 15 Stories: 1 1200 Sprinklers:0 Critical Materials: ❑ This Application: Total Project: Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation 1,200 $14,400.00 1,200 $14,400.00 Totals: • 1,200 $14,400.00 1,200 $14,400.00 Units Unit Desc Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Y OR BLANK Permit Total Fees: Fee Amount $225.50 $4.50 $49.61 $279.61 Operator: €4EF 4Y40 Printed By: CKF Permit Type Building Permit Notes: Pi int Date: 11/05/1999 Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owine $279.61 $279.61 $0.00 $279.61 5279.61 5279.61 $0.00 $279.61 S Z SPOKANE, WA 99206, .7} ./ • " / Setbacks: Frond 400 .7Left " 50 ; Right: 12 . Rear: 100 C- • " Rhone: (509) 924-2978;4', • Site Infohnationiv-c: , di" " ,." st.,t.:•4 • • 1, plat Key: 002044 ...-Naine: PLATP.A7'GRE'ENACRES IRR.DIS -.; 'District :Th • Parcel Number:- 55073.0209 ' -4= ' ; ' . 4 ..„. •'i, -,-. . I. ' SiteAddress: '17510 t MON,TGOMERY A • Owner: Name: ALDEWCE,MARTIN & RON • ., .:„,, . 4, . • . ':. -:ii• -.17,2,14' T. -.II" •S.-‘'';;....;• ;; • . •• Ll. • ' -: •• '• t: • ••• ^•.:4 7; - • • • • .4 ' 'l • " . . , fr. '',...t.' .. ' .'- GREENACRES; WA 99016 C • 4. ' . • Address:, 3003 N LOCUST ' ,L. ••`‘ ;1 '. :-.;,'.; .."...f.!:., 7'.1.i;.7-::,--•.- . (i•-•:. ' -.7 V..Locatiori::GRE, ,; `,1. , \.,, ,,, , 1., ' :I. ' , , ' ...:' •., : ' , ,, . SPOKA ,V ,A99266 ,.. .,:..,. NO7.71'-•- : Zoning y '7-.--j'i I '11(11Attearl.,,,.,.. '1 Sq Ft '. ' :', 7(.1.• Width: 100 A.; .1Depth:. 630.• • , Right Of Way (11):..,611.k.; ''Pc..--41Ptr. • . • : , d oz.e SRI , t -7...J.1:Suburban Residential 1 , 1 Ai . -.., l." ''‘. • .4 ..:" ..": • ' ,,..3....i. iil " . ;i ':ill: f.: :.: .'-',' 2 .1 • • • i . . ...... .. 4‘...7:7`7.10' ',. 1744 "l4Watei bistiiriF; ;.77.-1‘. ' i-..-7•1':•. - , .4.-r, sly I. !. 7. .'n 7,, • : • Hold:,0 -5. •,-,!... st„., . 7 I-- - - • 1 7 '1/2- • -Nbr ofeldgs. •1 e -1F- Nbr ofDwellings 0 .; • , .: •;, • '. 3.- \ .. ". , ti• .. , ,, • 1,,,...,`' fi- t-AilCi 'Crrer- • ' '" ‘4"ii ' .. '. ',:i l , • , '1 ..,, '-•':- •e.o...,. 1... ` ,'1 • • i•ift. i • ';'.g •V.. : Revieiv In forth/it:ow y . • ' .. - •-., epartment 424; •., • ,',!..k", ; • . e ;;; ••. • -Coinmerns: • eview • .... • -ty • Site•Plan.Reviewt., • 't Z. • • — BUILDING L J"' Plan Review ' •• ;Ye,. • 2,..eorprnentslt!p:;;; 4"" 1el• C • 111'• " • , HEALTHDISTRICT.>" ,SeptitSysteni Review; • ?12.•••„, '•• - • t•i• •,el- • :comments.; , . spy- • •-,•;'•7' ":1‘ •`Tt , dee, ...•"'"it 11; ;t.- '-; 2.1cc.tn Iv •of , e . '-' L.'''. k; - -'t 7- - t • -r “;-.1.-- --' ENGINEER -r1,......n.. it- i•-• . Approach / Drainage 1 .41 „. , . „ .• -,,' --1-.....-p.• ...; • y, . .... :: n., q•i...• ". ,,,,...t -e I . - - .471-l. - ' r".. :i!, • -.74, „ 1.- IQ ., ,,..1 '• • • I , ta _ _1.7 ' t\ •*" ' . '''' 4^thaTh,2,1:2•S' A;10,1,5'rA. AspAY:?' a . af,CYtti IVVLAN\-44-0421.„,.,.,..,,,.... wit . fl"-fr, .. :} 1/4,j,4,f11.]:" - ii 1—''.. • .:::-./.... . ,,, ; ...:.:c. - - - ''''' . . ." • - -"'-'4'' ?CI , . PLANNISId.-„'•:;:jo,2,. ;•••-Landuse/Zoning • . .... . ,. 0 ,, r • ' r - 4 .•t•41-•,•:.- :-%;.,; -y:r.Q,;i.4.,, ; . •K..(;..i -4 i 7...:•4::.,,,, .r • - ::, ., .,,,‘ 44 r , . ' r. It} • 1. ''''.4 Conuhents: • '• . f• . • .. . , - ,,c.-. ot, • • • ';.,4 )4,.-1...,:1',,. lti24,• .,?•{ i ,;., i,„.,.....k.::,...1. ,, V, - et, , • • 4? ,;?-• sr ..,,,., „ ,.., ./..,-,. .•. .1„. . . .-.,• ,,-...:,r:.•,,, (..t, \;4: ,;,");..:', -t",e4, -,t;c.,.i •:N-4, .-', • t.,.-,.:.,;..-::._ 4 , ,•-•(,,' ;.; . -. ..,i.)..., .": ,... ..e.. ,,:,,.. ,..t.„...- .1,...,, .1,17: liFer.:;11:511,=% i '0,:: -',',4:' •": ALL SETBACKS INDICATED ARE FROM THE PROPERTY UNE OR CENTER UNE OF RIGHT- OF -WAY WHICHEVER IS MOST RESTRICTIVE THE CURB IS NOT NECESSARILY THE PROPERTY LINE 1 V) ADDRESS: (757 n esi RCYt%f,�11 ZONE: k I ROAD WIDTH. I FRONT .I FLANK k COMMENTS REVIEWEEjBW Arlo i. n This site plan is being submitted for the purpose of obtaining a building permit and is a true and correct representation of the proposal. All known property lines/dimensions, curb fines, structures and easements have been identified. Also indicated are wetlands. bodies oye steep lopes other critical ar{Gas. Signed: 1 /In JQ d Q A 0.( fL Date: 1 - s'c9 0 0 0 -we- 1) y 0 0 m 7 1 OOT -2 1999 THU 04:45 FM t { UCT-21-99 THU • 1x:15 Post Frame Building Martin Aldrete 17510 E. Montgomery Greenacres Spokane County, WA Building Span. Building Length Eave Height Roof Pitch Average Roof Height: r... SERV u 1 5Lttv E. c./lR ELL SY,STE1S tC945_--4e Schedules Prepared For: Design per 1997 UBC Seismic Zone: 2E F. 01/05 P. C1 Roof Load ( Snow ) 40 Roof Dead Load: 3.3 psf 30' Ceiling Dead Load: 1 psf 40' Wind Load ; 75 mph 12' Exposure B 4/12 Soil : 2000 / 200 14'6" Enclosed Structure .... p J D/ Minimum Endwall Steel : 8'10.3" NOTE : Requires a Concrete Floor -- See LTL 1/A-2 Endwall Column Spacing : 1'9"-3'6"-l'S.5"--16'7"-6'8.5" ( front ) NOTE : Entry Door in 3'6" bay NOTE : 4-1/8"x4-1/8" Rough Hem-Fir(N) #1/#i2 each side of entry door NOTE : Overhead Door in 16'7" bay : 10' ( rear ) Endwail Column Grade : 6 x 4 Rough Hem -Fir n2 °ave Wall Wall Roof Girls/Ridge Purlins Girts (31-1/4" BETWEEN): (31-1/4" BETWEEN): (29-11/16" BETWEEN): Girts To Columns Purlins ( 10' bays ) 2 x 5 M-10 1.2E MEL 2 x 3 43 1.2E 2x3;#21.3E 2 x 5 M-10 1.2E MEL 3 - 10d commons 2 r. 5 M-19 1.6E MEL Q 24" oc Eurlin End split limited to 1.5" or : 2 x 6 1650f -1.5E MSR 0 31.5" oc NOTE : Deflection limitations prohibit sheetrock from being attached to purlins. Sidewall Column Spacing Sidewall Colturn Grade Column Depth Column Hole Diameter 1'9" bays ) 6'8-5" S" bays ) 10' bays ) 10' 6 x 34" 19" Interior Truss to Column Endwail Truss to Corner Column 2x6x13.5" End Truss Bearing Block 4 Rough Hem -Fir ft2 ( Minimum ) ( Minimum ) : 1 6 25 - 50d - l0d - 10d Threaded Hardened commons commons WARNING : Added insulation, ceiling materials, lighting and HVAC equipment or other, loads imposed upon the roof system BEYOND those stated above will reduce' the overall capacity of the structure and its ability to resist the required design snow loads. PROVIDE DIAGRAMS AND ENGINEERING LAYOUTS FOR ROOF TRUSSES, BEAMS AND FLOOR SYSTEMS PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTIONS ob Name: MARTIN ALDRETE Truss ID: T -I Fan X -11C 1472'1 Slab: 1 0. 2-122 664., r. ie" 1 2)- 9- 4 0115 5.50" 7C 11.1131". Ayl, Ifn IDI 1 -16451 . s(. .11 .-•4 2 -11 17 .27 .91 1 -1162/ .1"1 .51 .6/ 4 - 13921 .Y1 51 .6:1 5 -11711 .27 .50 .76 6 -11,454 IYl NIT): i01, 'co 1::1 1 15)93 7f. .u9 .6'. 9`):2 .4) .10 .41 I Y..57 .47 .10 .E3 4 4529) .76 .09 .85 14Q11) '1L' 2,6 SU' 11-19'(741. 5.21^ IC 2x1 (411) 11-19 (741. 5.21" 4811 1:1 114. (13 2,1 114. 112 9-4, 4 -Il Ian1 i tdt-.r ;J1aaal)len ane Ire 141: -91. f sr1,) f..: 1r1 PM' I131.. bel "511(11.1.::` 1 -rale alt ?incl with. Imo (2) tv1 mu '•' .cd. pinch %Iran: Irrlisid'o•I. "70 II' l.c•t• •,+trtiolas of 2W'o lit 11r: Venin _1 .n 'lY , -dcml laIMJer with 1411tti10 win RITE <s! 1411 1411,1-: r -b -n4', .14 4-11 5717 1-9 -2111 Art b-11 -0!'11 1.9 5147 .11 (. 11 -136.%5 MIX 11111E -11Q1 Irlu'1 1/476 11111)1 9-10 Oral • Jvi.L luny.ian .*- 1 0- 0- 0 7 J0- 0- 0 2 5-8-9 9 0-0.0 3 IQ- 4- 4 9 30- 4- 4 4 15. 0. 0 10 16- 0- 0 S 19-7-12 11 19- 7-]2 4 24- 1- 8 12 30- 0- 0 St PARA TEO. QcY: Pl.d. its[( .qvc: 11211%11.1 - '1995 '1111:: 11.151611 C] '111 U:4Cy:r111 (131) 3' LA' 11 1:11111r. 11111) (MIA. 11701111 1111//11441/41V.1 drool novo trvxiJ Uu:( al 11n tnbm oma et ial al. nv la ts.rir O. 11/11E 'J IPS 1111 I(IU 14..,N1111 l44IU6r 11160/. (14.71/01 I1ND ! 1-):1(11 (111111tH _ ItJ . 7 15P, (1, .7, f 1.0 2-&1,YI Ilril "4(1411611, r/ yptu! 1tme1-9/ 12) in '11.3- 4/(1 IC- 2/11 41115- 2/11. 5-8-8 J-7-12 _-, 4-7:12 467-12 1 4-7-12 5-8-11 111-4-4 15.0-0 19-7-12 24-3-8 - 1 .- 15-0-J I5JLQ 2-1'I. 1 2 REQUIRED I 4.00 3 4 5 6 5--,3 30-0-0 7 6 Drwg: C099293251-00 1 '111iu tun,' lamed m d.nl Inx4,-g n 11L01 MT )re 101Insul7 ncihxi.lo: InrC o.c. Elan Lo 'IC 24.0' 0- 0- r1 311- 0- 0 7[• 120.0' 0- 0- 0 10- 0- 0 UR,IPP I+O'1.11(1I(S) : xplxat 1 -116111 at vat 2 -11616 'Ihla httwo ili t iterxl.sI,rj the ICC (2ste. 111a13 61r:io >! - Rd 7rrr_ .- 14.1 lllr Coo r/7txat tiro . 131 Et catrslca- 43141 Inas). - 40.00(:, BMJ 1f<L) " )O.00 tksnt too' )rJr_fL - 14.7141. 1411 - t ' C7-avolftcat.i,n " 4, L1n! Iml - 4.0 ref 6.8 7-4 5- :41 5.5-0 j�` ti111P 7-4 S=I15N75 7.8 a BUILDING UZSPESa AM[RICA ;AUSI!11.11111' 61/1 r H IIuN.lvrl, Or .' •M cyrin[,. t61 Nr/.07 T14.0 Vol -pion 04.05.99 14 1I,i. b • Al n4.L 111.0-1) 11) 11 104_4 , 11-3.8_1 I0--4.4 19-7-12 12 10-4'1 30-0-0 ,nu Platen aro 20 rya. unleno shown b/ '_8'(10 ga ) or poaitiolted per 3..inL Report. (:I rclerl platen and (aloe ltd oatna a.. °Loom above. 241 all notes on this sheet and give n copy of it to Use Urcclrng Contractor. .•ur L0l.li is componeln. 11 has been bused no. one( lleatinnt pmvvled Iry skc ptnpadnl r=mulncmnr and done in . vc: atm of 7P1 and APPA J. 'go slawbrd:. No rcvpul.il.ility it ecunncd for 4ilnuninnl accllrycy Ii.ncalom are to he •.166.1"' Imtr: hilar hr1i1•iv,g dcupl<t prior to fabriral not. The bulhling dnigner ,! ,Il nxorn.in Ileo .he 10.11111/1114C11 s4 au >n In Wmg ilnprwwl by the Iwd building code. It i' amain! IIIA she imp J=1d it Lgnally braced by din 1A.f or floor • l-':'1 u Nattily 'mend hl• n rigid d.radung uwa[inl Ju el:Ily wooed, a.kn otherwise maul. liacing ?Town It for Item <r.i r+vbly lo wdna hex thug In1g'h, 'Ihi, co11N,,nrn1 \111 111R be placed In my ecwi ronnent Thal will ran.e the anoint= 19% ond/w noun ranlcwar pLds com.iwe. P.Micar, 16.66111, ilvd.dl awl bolos IMI nuts in =andlwcc .illi 111e following ',111 61.', by lnllw4I, (It1/0.17Y (.Y)N11101. YrANOARO 14)11MI<iAl.1'111'1'11C(PINIi('r1:O\V000TkLI.111I1'- .-4170.r.lNU ANI. 111tA1'INI4 AIII'rAt.11.411! ('ONXICIRII WV001,'I R11.9SIL%' - (11111-91).md'11111 91 SUMMARY -.1 Ito: In.lin,lc 611'1) i. I,xvmd at S1, t U-1,(11).Ilrivc,61.,)111, W4cwo-in'1119.'I Ito 4r um iron P.nc1)oral Paper ;ciao' Il V) c'wn Vrtii '11 Ave. Ntv, Un: 210, V7.d,i1lybe. 1 u "70114_ 10/20/99 Scales 5/32" - 1' TOP. 60.7 Chico Dognr, pfd` - 13 1(0: 144I)RILIE Cna tuner Hemet BA T(1 !Ave 7C Road nc Live. 110 Pond 'RYfhl. 40.0 puE 3.3 pof .0 pat 1.0 pot 44.3 p1, OnrPano 1..1.15 P-1.15 Hop 14.r tlrul 1.00 O.C.Spncing 10- 0- 0 Oenlgn Open UDC 1111 Rat- dol 4/210 le: 7/240 Job Name: MARTIN ALDRETE 191: x-111 NN:I' :1177: 1401) it, 7xfi IIF 10001'-1 .GE 1 0- 2- 0 'AI 4.00" 1.50" 1C• 2815 5114 14-10 (TN. l 1- 9- 0 212 4.00" 1.51" 111) 2x0 III. IU l 5- 3- 0 711 4.00" 1.50' lodes sitar al lanblen arc pen' 100-97. 4 6- 8- A 2193 4 00" 1.06" Platilg q)ec : r1P1/11'1 - 1995 5 23- 3- 0 2073 4.11" 4.13" 11115 1€57(11 18 JIE CVU06f le Iezi:r CF 6 29-10- 0 710 4.I30" 1.70' II1T1PLE I(AO (14.23. 11:Nt1213 14.0.11144111113 drkn ale Irvxxl (1I(f R: Inc A'•2, If t) (SI m (In t1,n, material at each bolt -sat. 1 13 .0< `J S 11/(11c. VNIRI 1113 1(11) P1.'111%11(11 Mitt II161/. 1 412 .01) 54 '.1 1137131.1,' I(YJI11411111 C1tr114<1A: I -iv,' .111 .11 . 11 Pr a 1,7 RA?, CB - .7, l - 1 .0 4 -1 SIC .01 ff. .51 711 knior rep era t er tmgorary drrllrl nut 667 .14 rn .`4 le in plane Iefeo c eregtl,n akin t4uic. 214 .02 .40 .2t Is' lift( MI. 131) (:11 1 0 .(O .01 .01 2 121 0.' .01 .01 1 102 .(n .12 32 1 lOH .111 .11 211 ▪ 1714 .19 .05 .25 6 1214 .19 .01 .72 7 1214 .19 .05 .25 9 1030 -1'2 .06 .26 5 366 .01; .00 .13 1441 1310: C11 1-5 -501 .)4 1-9 -160 .113 2-9 -225 32 2-10 r-743 .21 2-11 -593 .21 )-1: -2111 .82 J -12 4111 .19 4-12 -517 ,79 1411 I116'1: 4-1A 289 1-15 -534 5-15 416 5-16 -2249 6-16 -1111 6-17 -477 7-17 -SID 1Y/% fEYIEITIQI Ir{w 1 11997 IN Ifli 12.31 (111.15 -+� Jolt Ia,J:la» -r 1 0- 0- 0 10 5. 1. 0 2 5- 3- 0 11 6- 0- 8 3 10- 0- 0 12 10- U- 0 4 15-.0- 0 Il 15- 0- O 5 20- 0. 0 14 16- 0- 0 6 25- 0- 0 l5 20- 0- 0 7 30. 0. 0 16 21- 1- e a 0- 0- 0 1.7 30- 0- 0 'J I- 9- 11 a BUILDING (::1 .13 .n0 .20 .87 .48 AMERICA 1441 tient "l1 nt 0e .1`a. ]r ,ix 4,. CO Bnw41 Tp5.0 Vnrn1on 06.05.99 5-3-0 10-0.0 t __MAIL_ 2 3 4-00 "I Truss ID: TGF Qty: Jx4 srt.i ,ns. In/ot al I4-1) leat:irr 1dp), k91 ,nilexl w/2-lal, lrryt'e.l for afyl sxx-/lrttn. (.11 2re1 'T" brace. rrrilet_1 flat Lo erly9 of stab w/loi a 8- o.c. CR n (cab 3,1110 as vis) Dal lett to ft.. of v.C4s '4/10d at 8" o.c, If 2 ate xarplinl. attach P' to Ugh nIJus or 1x41) to Izth CYLW. It 3 m nom ale req., 3m., (111. •I' n int utnl: Ye 70% of rtJ, 1n11114 art 71)6 1f 119) In 14'-0". (10 <b/./u n in rtlul'I<Iin1 4:nl,yr:r. Ir,.le� Ian JO 1::1-uvuar,JI rrrl. 1<1.1,. I Ixld.iaar of itl Britt- Ixnrirrpt Jud<I In_ clearly ontlaxl a1 CA(11 Livros. It'd 600E lcslln <ln1<yCAI flu- axial 1orbs ualy. 1911 test tee Ls 1141. out a-lntlrl al av Cr ICIlM UJt, tomo plotile- (if :nr;) f ncpIre -/tial luxe trm)Ip) cxs N1(lnatial :ly (ihau) for la/ cent fact,./ cle In wilt ct- tr'nnin luv l) tar Ur- Irlildmj. 54/-0 _I 5.11_9_1 15.0-0 2U-11.0 5 50:0__1 75-0.4) 130-11 54LO 1 3011-0 6 74 Drwg: CO9929325 f -002 'Ilio clmicpr local tar (Iced la.r:irg l pile] per tie lollo4to ninhle: but o.c. nun to "IC 24.0" 0- 0- n 30- 0- 0 Irl 72.0" 0- 0- 0 30- 0- 0 ltt.l Fr Ih7CTl01(S) : • lei;'At 1 -560 .1.31x41 2 -37# tw !prat 3 -1150 nl7ctt 4 -4/011 1sr-tt 5 -5/511 ' rooppczt 6 -t<70 '110o lit uu Is clvi!yei new the I1C (3.1,. 11141 flr9sx-xi .. Ym,I Ad arc - 14 110i�esax-/(Liza) lira - 14 enteric/Ey - fl Illdj In.fJt = 40.0J(t, 1s1<�1 ?hell/ - 30.0011. Mean ao[ h.ig1L - 15.29ft, INF: - 75 C'Janoifinttia, a 9, 11341 Ica! = 4,0 ref 10-0.0 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 I.9 -U t 3.6-0_11 4:2-0 , 5=011 ( 5-0m , 11,8 6-8-8 1-9-0 - 5-3-0 104.0 15-41-0 20.0.0 23-3.8 30-0-0 Trunwal Syntemo Plateu aro 20 yavoles° oLcrwu by "10" (16 ga.) or "10 (16 9a.), positioned per Joint Report, Circled platen and (aloe ne (rae plates are positioned an shown above. 6-7-() 1-7-0 OVER 6 SUPPORTS WitltNING item: tiff notes on this.fflret OM; give n copy of it to the Erecting C,ii r i,tnr, ?his &Alio is far :lit I3JivIdnal [wilding eonpnocm. 11 lot bc411 bled uuprcilic:noms pim•i.te4 by Ile c41i1116oent awlu,htblror m-1 .lixso in accordance wilt/ dic rlurtne vcnims of 1'r 1 alnl A OTA Jo iv/ sorol.Inh. No 1opi,uibilily ix awm:od for J imrm Imul'curacy. Nirnclubot art Isle twiic4 by 1Iw c0mpmnt n7meamn r and/or beibing designer print m (ab,icmion. flit building (:signer sM1i marlaln Rae rhe loads miring 111 ibis 41,-4,zn med or exceed <11< loading imposed by 010 14x.-4 Wilding cote. It is annuls' Ilse rhe lop dead Ir IUon11y bnexd by the mot or flour i hcaihing and the hotIon /6011 Is telertlly boxed by.. rigid .11ealhing Inaleetil ditel Oy:Macht,l. holds olbawixe nnlcd. Orating shown is for bieo1 cappon of onnpwents neolhot 1109 111 aW,cc In,Qling k(y16. 11116 ton,pfknl dell nal Le placed in any environment Ih.d will (43111 the nmistme eroded of the woo/1 t steed 1996 aadlur ante wenrnors/1mo cnnrains. 1-0,61 i<aey 412,1)1, inn311 and bract Ihi1 Inisc In aecmdance with th. fel Imving )onJ.OP' '34311SCONl MANUAL , Ly 'Ibnwal,'01.1A1 IrY (.nN (ROI. STANDARD FOR M lr1'AI.11.4T0 COIINI!(:3111) WOOD 11311J.4SR.4- (0ST-81/, -NANDI INN INSTAI.I.IN13 A Nil 1111411 NU t11I'l'Al. 1'1 ATI! 1.01231'('([13) W0/11)TRONSI!S - (11111-91) and'11111 91 SI)IIh1ARY SI 11111" IO" 111'1. 1111 Tnls_. plane Im,'huic (iT1) u b.a.10 I tic 3311 On thnr, In 1) ieg M."from, 1Vieont,o .53/19. The Amrl it n Pau,1 and ISper Asnn Cm<n (API'A) i, loco/Mal 1254) emn,nlnn Ave. MY, Sir Tr11, \Vaddllyuoc, UC ?4x)46 SIlIP 10/20/99 Scaler 5/32- - 1' TUF: 94.0 mkt OngT.rt (the - 43 1'IOt 14A(1)RE-I'E 01ntonnr damn• 1 TC Lave 70 Dead 330 Lief. Ott Dowd Trlar. 40.0 pot 3.3 pof .0 pof 1.0 pof 44,3 pot ITrrpeoa (..1.15 11.1.1 Rep M1,r Beef 1.00 O.C.Opening , 5- 0- 0 Ona l(pr Spam IMC Dell Rat' lo: .1/240 'ft: I/24 Job Name: MARTIN ALDRETE 1721 .1 -Il C 14' ?CT SI )1: ItIU'F) 'ICJ 2-46 IF 1450=1.5E .,I 2x1 at it Inc. in 1.•i eta! 11311 owns ((11)), 1 U- 2- 0 111', 4.110" 1.76" IC 2x5 111V )4-10 1.141. VI nlilol w/2-101, ]acted tui 11 11.11 on;intn. 1 (0- ('- 0 1101 4.50" 1,95" 11l) 2)01 1H, 112 <It 201 "f" Inane [called flat L'o Dire of wait 1 :0- 0. 0 2101 4.511" 3.97" 2x3 11.1, 113 IL-4, 11-6 '.'/1141 al: 0" o.e. (F a lath (Is -t11: :w vaJ)) 4 29-10- 0 11 IS 4.130" 1 76" leder olror 41onxiden are per Ito -7l- lei Ian lo face cf wi, ..,111 l at: 8" o.c. If 11 %.i, gxc : NP11/114 - 495 2 ate nap tit ol, :1-1x11 'I" to l rl'It t=ire cr 11' 1,1111: 1.1l. 041 Ca 91115 16TI(1( I0 '11LC (C1l[Clll'IE i - iJr 11' (-Alb to halt f.rxn. 11 1 or man ala Mi.. I .41',0 .nl .11 .4'; 1111'1112ICED !T`7:9. nee (III. "P' lr,xx) nnk. In 54ft ct w)) t.A9 0- ill. .14 IJOVI(11; Inl,(1t1444941 i 010,11 are based (I41W lyttid) i0Mil ."'-r K.6 tf 'A i deal 9. 141 -0". 671) t ry 1 . tlI . t[ tri rn Inn 1 lwn arterial at mr-It ]xs)rin3. ' Y 4 72o .01 + .59 104 1'0 fca 10 ME trrvcrarrn eat: 301.. 111(114 V7dlI3 1111 1131) 14219Vdil 1Etnlf 111607. Irvatinl of 04 Brice IvstrIDp tlrvld Is I1.12 n-rl'11(Y4) 61.,011 11(fl111iA: AI Il 57 11:1:, Ch - . , 1 = 1.0 11.6 .nl v, .44 clearly Darla+l m tr,d) Lnwo. Ittemict taunt: csr Letlxaaty edexvij ItlwL (.96 I .T1 A4 In ii place before ennd.by thin t.nwo. 8 -14`111 .IA.41 .4S Truss ID: TGR Qty: K: RIO: 1 1111 2 -10 3 •li3 4 1761 VAI 14 ICE: 1 11 -190; 1-11 -1416 '--11 -1011 101, .(n CO ,(1( .613 (:11 ')1 5) 1111 (31 4') .•19 4') 01 '.2 49 49 RIFF (_7[ 5-13 ave .99 6-11 -1446 .51 0 -Ll -1905 .94 t9J. 1E11W-11111 (tiros/ : 1/124 111 E111 12-'3 (L.11.4:) L• - .36" It -.14" 7s - .39" 3041: Ictal 1 0- 0- 0 0 24- 3- 6 2 5- 8- 0 9 30- 0- 0 1 7- 7- 1 10 0- 0- 0 10- A- 0 31 10- U- 0 5 15- 0- 0 12 1.1- 0- 0 6 10- 0- 0 tI 20- 0- 0 7 25 4-15 14 3U- 0- 0 • 5-8.8 4-3-8( 5-8.8 10-0-0 1 1 2 3 4 5-6-1 4.6 Io -6-I 3-4 5.II:0 5-0:0_ 1S-0-0 20-0-0 24-3-8 5-7 2-4 ti =5.7 0 4S -S-7 3-4 it. Imo() -0 6 7 8 -4.001 t Drwg: 0099293251-003 5.8-8 30-0-0 9 [ -11 =- n R ti=d !r 3-101 10-0-0 in -0-0 20-0-0! .14'45!_ 10 IU -0.13_1 10-0-0 11 12 9111as ,1m4.µ I m•+1 c n d rad !main 9 airline! per tie (OLlo'Ly axinallln: PDX 0.c. fnm to 'Rl 24.0" 0- 0- 0 30- 0- 0 El: 72.0" 0- 0- 0 30- 0- 0 L111.It r 149Y:ITU41.8I t+ipral. 1 -1711/ at4ra l: 2 -51011 .,99x01. T -51041 ra ixrt 4 -37311 loin 1nm 1n rha(p-ted teit9 lle II C CIate. 111&) IirLonexl - Yen, nil ?tn = IID lgvrlmune/O:xrul Dice - C1l . 1•_ C;1<fa= II y lllcil InU1 - 40.0011. Ula <TJt = IO .00(t Malt, aen ma 'eight - 14.751t., 5it1'9111 = 75 Clxmitiatin) - 4, nal ]nai - 4.0 pof 5-6-1 4-6 Eli TU6-1 13 10.11-0 20.11-0 Trunwa1 lJyotamn Plates are 20 ga. unleoo ohoanl by "10" (10 ga.) or "FI" (16 9a.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plate,' and taloe frame plates are pool Goued a0 shown 'boor 131.111 -DING 1. AruRICA 41111CNe1 .<1'CI I:L1S 411% ILnIP•a n....'(Lr apnnp. 191 bMli :4)5.0, Vocnlen 06.05.99 14 10-0.0_ 30-0-1) OVER 4 O(3220R'tY1 Wit J?N!NG Ren(: all rtolef an this sheet and give a copy of i7 to the Erecting Contractor. 111, duign I+for au individual bnildiug rump...!.. It Imo been board uwpecilia.dnna lanolcd by Ilk, cnllupunre 1amnLmtmar nod 4noe in as m dnrc wish to (Invent vnvitau of '1'1'1 and AFI'A Jragn OunMrds. No 1npunh6i1Ny Ie ntsu med IDI Jimendutnl ..eco ncy. Dimensions me to be set6<1 by 0he (un'p0v(3, snannlu truer andys building &signer Niue to L.hliwn.n. The building designer skill elltl pin ILA dm Iwd) WIIVed 01 ibis design vent or exceed Ulo loading inpenrd by the local ballellag code.. It 1..nnnn0l Mai the tap chop J it tonally Lmrtd by d¢ rood .I4 Om)r lhrmhmg u1A the ',Mom 0100J is Laterally boated by a .1gi4 sllcalhing mmnial 'Meetly .mxhcdl, unlrn wlhnwuc rxnN. Omrng ahrun in kr Imaml ninon of componcoI* members only to its blaIliog 10011. This component Kdl nal be pt" td in any (.,Vino!moo dun will (cue Ila mnismro Cont. Ala the waw/ ca(<441 191t miJrnr (awe connect.. pL.lc 4; lIDe:.n,. ('.,brie.!., .,idle, 9,.,'.,11 .nd bras thin ems In accendanec tsillt the foltmnuvd .und1ir ,: "3 N IIXCY)M MANI IAI: , by Tmm102I. 'QUALITY CONTROLS FANOANI I FOR MIl l'A1.1'1-11 C CoN NR(TPI) WOOF) T'RtISSUS' - (t)U'-o9,'IIAN11I.I110 INSI'AIJ.IK0 ANIL011ACIN11 IlrrA1. 1'IATECONNF.1101) WOOD '1111.ISSES' - (11111-94 and'1110 91 SIIMMARY SHIM!' I' by 11.1. lLe'fnt y 1'I.ne Im,IIuIc (119) is I,r,ded at .3)0 0.4)11t41in Ot ire- blmlino, Wiceoluin 307(9. lbr Amuie+u Vinod and Ibper Mt.ri.,i'"1(All'A) Is lnunol at 12.313 Cmuxrticnt Ave. NW. Sic 700, W.ohingl n. O(' 01116. 111Yt 74.0 Chit Dnglr 1 111.x_ . 19 WO [(MIA= 0lntoner Nxae1 IN (mrI,on L-1.15 2-1.1' Rep EO,r Md 1.00 0.C.3pecing 5- 0- 0 Ilonlgn Spec IO3C Dell Rin. it": 1/14 Te: I/24 TC Livo TC Dowd IIC Linn 11C Dona 7UI'AI. 40.0 paf 3.3 pelf .0 pot 1.0 pnf 44.3 par