15-154.00 Cobblestone Catering & Events i5 - 15(d AGREEMENT FOR CENTERPLACE FOOD SERVICES Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley,a code City of the State of Washington,hereinafter"City"and Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC,hereinafter"Contractor,"sometimes jointly referred to as"Parties." IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the Parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Catering/Concessions Privilege. The City grants Contractor exclusive authority for the sale of food and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, and provision of food and beverage services associated with such sales(collectively"food services")within CenterPlace as set forth in the Scope of Services,attached as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by reference, and more specifically as set forth immediately below. A.Events booked after the termination date of this Agreement. Contractor agrees it shall not collect any fee or deposit from any third party for any event at CenterPlace that is booked for a date after the termination date of this Agreement,unless authorized in writing by the Parks and Recreation Director (the"Director"). B. Special Events. The City reserves the right to permit an event presenter(s), or its designee to sell and/or give away food and beverages in connection with Special Event for up to five Special Events in CenterPlace during each calendar year, subject to the discretion of the Director. C. Administration. The Director or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. D.Representations. The City has relied upon the qualifications of the Contractor in entering into this Agreement. By execution of this Agreement,Contractor represents it possesses the ability,skill and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws,rules and regulations which reasonably relate to the services contracted for. No substitutions of agreed-upon personnel shall be made without the written consent of the City. Contractor shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Contractor shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City furnished information. E. Modifications. The City may modify this Agreement whenever necessary or advisable. The Contractor shall accept modifications when ordered in writing by the Director or designee. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the Parties. 2. Term of Contract. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2016. There are up to five additional one-year renewal options, which may be exercised at the sole discretion of the City by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The City shall notify the Contractor by November 1 of each year whether the following option year will be exercised. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by at least 30 days'written notice to the other Party. In the event of such termination, the City shall pay the Contractor for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 1 of 6 performed prior to the termination date. Contractor shall fulfill all contracts with third parties booked at CenterPlace prior to termination as called for in this paragraph. 3. Event Pricing/Compensation. A.Event Pricing. Event pricing by the Contractor shall be as set forth in the Event Pricing,which is attached as Exhibit 2 and incorporated herein by reference. B.Compensation.Payment by the Contractor shall be as set forth in the Compensation Terms,which is attached as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Facilities Access and Use. Access and use to the facilities shall be as set forth in Exhibit 4, which is attached and incorporated herein by reference. 5. Payment. The City shall be paid as set forth in Exhibit 3. 6. Notice. Notice shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONTRACTOR: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC Phone Number: (509)921-1000 Phone Number: (509)344-9004 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Address: 5118 West Manor Crest Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane,WA 99205 7.Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties,in the performance of this Agreement,agree to comply with all applicable federal, state,and local laws and regulations. Contractor warrants that its designs,documents, and services shall conform to all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. 8. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A.By executing this Agreement,the Contractor certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief,that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2.Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission or fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records, making false statements,or receiving stolen property; 3.Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 2 of 6 paragraph(A)(2)of this certification;and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions(federal, state, or local)terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 9. Relationship of the Parties. It is understood, agreed and declared that the Contractor shall be an independent Contractor and not the agent or employee of the City,that the City is interested in only the results to be achieved,and that the right to control the particular manner,method and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of the Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to the City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of the Contractor.The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 10.Ownership of Documents. All drawings,plans,specifications,and other related documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other applicable public record laws. The written,graphic,mapped,photographic,or visual documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement shall,unless otherwise provided,be deemed the property of City. City shall be permitted to retain these documents, including reproducible camera-ready originals of reports, reproduction quality mylars of maps, and copies in the form of computer files, for the City's use. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish,disclose,distribute and otherwise use,in whole or in part, any reports, data, drawings, images or other material prepared under this Agreement, provided that Contractor shall have no liability for the use of Contractor's work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose. 11.Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of the Contractor's records with respect to all matters covered in this contract. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit,examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, invoices,materials,payrolls and record of matters covered by this contract for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 12. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1.Automobile liability insurance covering all owned,non-owned,hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO)form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. City shall be named as an insured under Contractor's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 3 of 6 3.Workers' compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1.Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than$1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 3. Liquor liability insurance in the amount of$1,000,000 each occurrence. The City is to be named as an additional insured on Liquor Liability insurance. Host liquor liability coverage may be substituted when alcohol is consumed and not sold on premises with the prior written approval of the City. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for automobile liability,professional liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1. Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to City. Any insurance,self-insurance,or insurance pool coverage maintained by City shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. Contractor shall fax or send electronically in .pdf format a copy of insurer's cancellation notice within two business days of receipt by Contractor. D.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City Clerk at the time Contractor returns the signed Agreement. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds, and will include applicable policy endorsements, and the deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to City. Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions, and/or self-insurance. 13.Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Contractor shall,at its sole expense,defend,indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs,attorney's fees and costs of litigation,expenses,injuries,and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts,errors or omissions in the services provided by Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 4 of 6 Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless City shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of such services caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of City or City's agents or employees. Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless City against liability for damages arising out of such services caused by the concurrent negligence of(a) City or City's agents or employees, and(b) Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence of Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees. Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify and hold City harmless shall include,as to all claims,demands,losses and liability to which it applies, City's personnel-related costs,reasonable attorneys'fees,and the reasonable value of any services rendered by the office of the City Attorney,outside consultant costs,court costs,fees for collection, and all other claim-related expenses. Contractor specifically and expressly waives any immunity that may be granted it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act,Title 51 RCW. These indemnification obligations shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefits acts. Provided, that Contractor's waiver of immunity under this provision extends only to claims against Contractor by City,and does not include, or extend to,any claims by Contractor's employees directly against Contractor. Contractor hereby certifies that this indemnification provision was mutually negotiated. 14. Waiver. No officer,employee,agent or other individual acting on behalf of either Party has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 15. Assignment and Delegation. Neither Party shall assign, transfer or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the other Party. 16. Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein,the Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of the City. 17. Confidentiality. Contractor may,from time to time,receive information which is deemed by the City to be confidential. Contractor shall not disclose such information without the express written consent of the City or upon order of a Court of competent jurisdiction. 18. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County, Washington. Disputes between City and Contractor shall be resolved in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in Spokane County. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Contractor agrees that it may,at City's request,be joined as a party in any arbitration proceeding between City and any third party that includes a claim or claims that arise out of,or that are related to Contractor's services under this Agreement. Contractor further agrees that the Arbitrator(s) decision therein shall be final and binding on Contractor and that judgment may be entered upon it in any court Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 5 of 6 • having jurisdiction thereof. 19. Cost and Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration arising out of this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs of such litigation(including expert witness fees). 20. Entire Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed,modified or altered except in writing signed by the Parties hereto. 21.Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of the City,having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 22.Business Registration. Prior to commencement of work under this Agreement,Contractor shall register with the City as a business. 23. Severability. If any section,sentence,clause or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Agreement. 24. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: 1. Scope of Services 2. Event Pricing 3. Compensation Terms 4. Facilities Access and Use 5. Insurance Certificates The Parties have executed this Agreement this 2c - ay of December, 2015. '' OF POKANE VALLEY Contrraa�ctor: « 2/ULA Mike J.Won, City Manager By: Its: Authorized Represe e ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I Christine Bainbridge,City Cle Office fI e C' rney Agreement for CenterPlace Food Services—Cobblestone Catering&Events LLC-Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Food Services A. Cobblestone Catering & Events LLC ("Contractor") shall make sales of foods and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, and provide associated food and beverage services (collectively"food services") for local and regional groups which utilize CenterPlace Regional Event Center, as provided herein. B. Contractor shall make CenterPlace its sole venue and it shall not provide services at any other venue by utilizing any of the facilities at CenterPlace unless approved in writing beforehand by the City. C. Contractor shall provide examples of menus with various pricing strategies to meet the needs of CenterPlace guests. D. Contractor shall at all times maintain a high level of customer service and high quality of food and food service. E. Contractor shall inspect and monitor its own products and service levels by its staff. F. Contractor and the City shall develop a communication and meeting schedule that is mutually agreeable. a. A representative of Contractor shall communicate or be available for communication on ongoing and upcoming events with the City on a daily basis during business hours of CenterPlace. Contractor's representative shall be available for contact by the City by phone. b. Contractor shall provide an outside phone line and maintain it throughout the duration of this agreement for CenterPlace customer food service inquires. G. Contractor shall provide food services that range from traditional continental breakfasts to full- service multi-course dinners. Such services shall be of a type that may range from formal (e.g., wedding)to informal (e.g., birthday party or conference) settings. H. Contractor shall be available to provide services at the facility during all hours CenterPlace is open as may be required to provide the services described herein. I. Contractor shall perform all services under this Agreement being mindful of and not interrupting the ongoing public use of CenterPlace. Contractor and its employees and staff shall be courteous and respectful to all clientele and staff of CenterPlace at all times. J. Contractor shall hold and maintain a Washington State Master Business license with a spirits license or have the ability to obtain it within three months of the award of this contract. K. CenterPlace staff shall set up, arrange and cover with tablecloth the tables and chairs for banquet food services. The tables, chairs and related food service equipment or materials shall be clean, in good working order and quality. Should Contractor be required to provide persons to assist in setting up, taking down, dishes, etc. the City agrees to pay the reasonable cost for such persons as mutually agreed. L. Contractor shall, as may be requested by the City, open concession stands during events, provided CenterPlace shall not be requested to open a concession stand more than two hours in advance of any event. M. Contractor shall provide uniforms to be approved by the Director and shall require its employees to wear such uniforms at all events at CenterPlace. N. Contractor shall respond to any CenterPlace caterer or event referral within 24 hours or the next business day. Exhibit 1 —Page 1 of 3 O. The City shall have access on a quarterly basis to review any customer satisfaction surveys conducted by Contractor. 2. Exclusivity Contractor shall have the exclusive right to provide food services to guests and users of CenterPlace during open hours Monday through Saturday; provided that guests and users may bring small amounts of food and beverages (e.g., pastry tray and coffee) for meetings and small gatherings of 20 attendees or less. On Sundays, guests and users of CenterPlace may provide their own food or work with our caterer to provide food services for their events or gatherings; provided, however, the kitchen shall not be available for guest or outside caterer use and shall only be available for use by Contractor. 3. Vendor Responsible For All Support Facilities The City shall not be responsible for nor shall it provide large equipment storage, work space, or office space as a part of this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all support facilities at another location. 4. Kitchen Use Contractor shall have sole use of the kitchen at the CenterPlace facility except that CenterPlace staff shall have access to the kitchen for warming meals, obtaining ice, brewing coffee, storing lunches, etc. No other outside use of the kitchen is permitted with the exception of trade shows or food shows that require use of the space. In that event a reasonable fee would be paid by the third party customer for limited use and would by supervised by Contractor staff. Outside groups are allowed to bring their own food into the building on Sundays but would have no access to the kitchen. 5. Rental of Kitchen In addition to the services provided by Contractor for CenterPlace, Contractor is authorized to rent the CenterPlace kitchen to provide food services for non-CenterPlace events served by Contractor. Contractor shall not use CenterPlace kitchen more than three times per month for outside events, except as authorized in writing by the Director. Contractor shall pay City a kitchen rental fee as specified on Exhibit 3. 6. CenterPlace Agent During the term of this agreement, Contractor shall provide an in house catering sales person to handle planning and sales of food services for CenterPlace. 7. Weddings Weddings that take place at CenterPlace on Sundays shall utilize the CenterPlace caterer to prepare and serve food to guests. The Contractor shall work directly with these weddings to serve authentic dishes to these customers. 8. Kitchen Cleaning During the term of this agreement, Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning of the kitchen. The kitchen shall be in good condition at all times and meeting all health requirements. Duties include: • Daily Cleaning o Collect and properly dispose of all kitchen grease. Exhibit 1 —Page 2 of 3 o Remove any dishes from walk-in cooler and wash, which will require Contractor and CenterPlace staff sharing the area at times. o Put away any cooking utensils and/or appliances. o Spot clean hard surfaces and counters. o Clean Dish Pit area after use, including interior of dish machine. Remove any and all food debris from interior and exterior strainers. Contractor is not responsible for Meals on Wheels mess. o Power down dish machine after use and inspect for damage or irregular conditions. Report these to CenterPlace staff. o Turn off any fans, equipment or appliances. o Remove mats from the floor. o Report any damage or malfunctioning equipment. • Clean and Shine Weekly o Wipe down all hard surfaces, top to bottom. o Shine stainless steel tables, shelving and appliances. o Wipe down appliance doors, handles and shelving. o Wipe down and clean exterior and interior of garbage cans. • Monthly o Spot clean interior of appliances. o Clean stovetop oven. • Quarterly o Deep clean stovetop and grill, to include any catch basins or pans. o Clean hood filters above the grilling area. o Clean grill. • Bi-Annually o Shine stainless steel hood systems interior and exterior. o Deep clean interior and exterior of appliances, to include racks. • Yearly o De-grease and detail the entire kitchen (excluding floors) to include walls, appliances and walk-in coolers. • CenterPlace Janitorial Contractor o Will be responsible to clean the kitchen restroom, damp mop the kitchen floor twice a week November to April and four times a week May to October and twice a week they will degrease the kitchen floor. • CenterPlace Staff o Will be responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the ice machine. Exhibit 1 —Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 2 EVENT PRICING Upon the effective date of this Agreement, Cobblestone Catering & Events LLC ("Contractor") shall submit to the City, for approval by the Director, the menus and prices of primary food and beverage items which shall be utilized by Contractor during the term of this Agreement. This submittal is not intended to be a complete list of the menu and beverage items which may be served by Contractor during the term of this Agreement. The Parties agree that Contractor may create additional menu items to be added from time to time by Contractor in response to customer demand. Contractor shall exercise its best efforts to maintain a pricing practice consistent with the pricing set forth at the commencement of the Agreement. Contractor shall maintain records supporting the prices charged for new menu and beverage items. The Director reserves the exclusive right to review and approve the cost of providing food services under this Agreement, which specifically includes the prices charged for food, beverages, concessions and catering. Contractor, pursuant to its reasonable business judgment and in consideration of prevailing market conditions in similar facilities located in the Spokane region, may request that the Director approve food, beverage, concession and catering price changes with such approval by the Director subject to his reasonable discretion. To support a requested price change, Contractor shall provide the Director with a written request, identifying the current and proposed prices, a survey of the prices charged in similar types of facilities within comparable markets, and such other information deemed relevant by the Director. Unless agreed otherwise, price changes shall be effective 30 days following approval by the Director. Exhibit 2—Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 3 COMPENSATION TERMS 1. Payment. Cobblestone Catering & Events LLC ("Contractor") agrees to pay the City a commission equal to the percentage of monthly Adjusted Gross Receipts for the following areas: 1) Food at 17% for the Great Room, Small Dining Room, Fireside Lounge, and 10% for all conference rooms; and 2) Alcohol at 5% for the Great Room, Small Dining Room, Fireside Lounge, and all conference rooms. 2. Kitchen Rental. In the event Contractor rents/utilizes the kitchen to provide services to a non-CenterPlace event, Contractor shall pay the City a kitchen rental fee in the amount of$100 per event. 3. Kitchen Equipment Reserve. Contractor shall pay the City $2000 annually to be placed into a reserve fund to be used for repair and maintenance to the kitchen equipment at CenterPlace. Payment shall be made by check to the City within 45 days after the effective date of this Agreement. Contractor shall work with CenterPlace staff to assist in coordination of preventive maintenance programs for the kitchen equipment. CenterPlace agrees to keep the inventory of the kitchen the same as it is at the commencement of this agreement. 4. Date/Form of Payment. The percentage of each month's Adjusted Gross Receipts shall be computed and payment of the appropriate percentage sum shall be made by the 10th day of each month based upon the preceding month's Adjusted Gross Receipts. Payment shall be made to the City by delivery of a check to the Director. 5. Accounting Records. Contractor shall maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall report gross revenues and Adjusted Gross Receipts to the City. Reporting of Contractor business activity in CenterPlace shall be monthly and shall separately set forth each activity. 6. Adjusted Gross .Receipts. For purposes of this Agreement, "Adjusted Gross Receipts" equals the total gross revenue received by Contractor for services provided pursuant to this Agreement, excluding any applicable sales taxes, any standard hospitality service charges, and any service charges or premiums charged in connection with the use of credit or debit cards. Contractor shall, within 90 days of the termination date of this Agreement, submit to the City a statement of total Adjusted Gross Receipts and the rents payable thereon for the Adjusted Gross Receipts for the term of this Agreement, which statement shall be accompanied by an opinion of a certified or licensed public accountant. Exhibit 3 —Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 4 FACILITY ACCESS AND USE 1. Cobblestone Catering & Events LLC ("Contractor") is granted exclusive permission to use and enter designated areas of CenterPlace Regional Event Center for the provision of food services as provided in this Agreement. The City shall permit Contractor to occupy the food service area for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. The food service area shall mean those areas in CenterPlace which are designated or otherwise authorized by the Director to be used for the operation of food services, which include, but are not limited to, the kitchen, banquet areas, classrooms, Fireside Lounge or other small meeting rooms where food and beverages may be consumed. 2. The City shall have the right to make inspections of the food service area to ensure compliance with this agreement. Further, the City reserves the right of ingress and egress through the food service area for the purpose of operating, maintaining and inspecting CenterPlace. Contractor shall return the facilities to a clean and sanitary condition at the end of each event. 3. In addition to the indemnification provided in Section 13 of the Agreement, in the event of third party damage or vandalism not the result of the negligence of Contractor, the City shall bear the cost of repair to CenterPlace and City-owned furnishings, fixtures, and equipment, and Contractor shall bear its costs of repair to its facilities and equipment including fixtures and furnishings that may have been installed by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. 4. Within 30 days from the effective date of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide to the City an inventory of all furnishings, fixtures, or other items of personal property used or to be used by Contractor in providing food services. As of the date of this Agreement, the City has identified the following as its inventory of City kitchen furnishings, fixtures, and equipment: A. Hood and Ansul system B. Wolf flat grill C. Wolf broiler D. Wolf stove/oven E. Wolf double stack convection ovens (3) F. Wolf salamander oven G. Microwave oven: Panasonic H. Food warmer: tall - FWE I. Food warmer: short- FWE J. Hobart mixer K. Hobart dishwasher-model number C44AW L. Robot Coupe M. Ice machine: Manitowoc Exhibit 4—Page 1 of 2 N. Meat slicer: Globe 0. Walk in cooler: American(2) P. Walk in freezer: American Q. Rational self-cooking center R. Garbage disposal: Salvador Upon termination of this Agreement, each of the Parties shall retain their respective furnishings, fixtures, and equipment. Contractor shall identify any necessary repair or maintenance that is required, or damage caused by someone other than the Contractor to City furnishings during the term of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, any damage to City inventory shall be presumed to have been caused by Contractor unless otherwise identified by the Contractor as provided above, and City may require Contractor to pay for all costs of repair at Contractor's sole expense. 5. Contractor shall have access and use of Room 134 and Room 228 for their office and dry storage needs as well as use of one refrigerator and freezer. 6. Keys for access to CenterPlace shall be issued to Contractor by the Director as necessary to allow for efficient event preparation. Exhibit 4—Page 2 of 2 RE AL- VED I 1 I Iti; ,-,--.w: I Phone: (509)720-5400 Fax:(509)688-0188 I DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) ACOREI CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE L...------ !PARKS RECREATION DC 1 06/03/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE7S1SU D AS—A1GMATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAMEACT Steve Florance INLAND NORTHWEST INSURANCE, INC. (A/c No.Ext): (509)892-6373 FAX (A/C, (509)926-0621 12319 E BROADWAY AVENUE ADDRESS: stevef@inlandnwi.com SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99216 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# License#: 155923 INSURER A: MUTUAL OF ENUMCLAW 14761 INSURED INSURER B: COBBLESTONE CATERING& EVENTS LLC INSURER C: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL INSURERD: SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99216 INSURERE: . INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 00000000-53192 REVISION NUMBER: 4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INS° WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) A X COMMERCIAL GENERALLIABILITY Y CPP0018281 06/01/2015 06/01/2016 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 TO CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREMISES(Ea occuErrrence) $ 300,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY $ Included GEN'LAGGREGATE UMITAPPUESPER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X POLICY JEC I I LOC — PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: Liquor $ 1,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y CPP0018281 06/01/2015 06/01/2016 (�acBadeD)INGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ALL OWNED _SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS X AUTOSPROPERTY DAMAGE X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED UTOS (Per accident) $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB - OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE • AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PEROTTUTE ETH_ AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE N/A EL EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE$ If yes,describe under EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Certificate Holder is named as an Additional Insured per policy attached form EG9901 &EA99111113 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Spokane Valley ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 2426 N. Discovery Place SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99216 AUTHORIZED PR✓ESE TATIVE I / 1%--,/(1:// / / (SDF) / i 0'19888-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Printed by SDF on June 03,2015 at 05:05PM COMMERCIAL AUTO EA 99 11 11 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SPECIAL BUSINESS AUTO ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement,the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. The following changes revise SECTION I — COVERED The coverage that applies is the same as the AUTOS coverage provided for the vehicle being replaced. Paragraph C.1. is deleted and replaced with the Physical Damage Coverage is extended to the following: temporary substitute auto for the lesser of the 1. Trailers following number of days: a. "Trailers" with a load capacity of 2,000 1. The number of days reasonably required to pounds or less designed primarily for travel repair or replace the covered "auto" that is out on public roads; or of service;or b. "Trailers" designed primarily for travel on 2. 30 days. public roads when: The following changes revise SECTION II — LIABILITY (1) Pulled by an owned private passenger COVERAGE auto specifically described in Item The following is added to Paragraph A.1.: Three of the Declarations as a covered d. Blanket Additional Insured "auto" for Liability Coverage under this Coverage Form; and Any person or organization that you are required to include as an additional insured (2) Not used for business, farming or on this Coverage Form in a written contract ranching purposes. or agreement that is signed and executed Private passenger auto means a motor by you before the"bodily injury"or"property vehicle of the private passenger, station damage" occurs and that is in effect during wagon, pickup or van type designed for use the policy period is an "insured"for Liability on public highways and subject to motor Coverage, but only for damages to which vehicle registration. this insurance applies. The following is added: A person's or organization's status as an D. Temporary Substitute Autos—Physical Damage additional insured under this endorsement ends when your contract or agreement with If Physical Damage Coverage is provided by this such person or organization ends. Coverage Form, the following types of vehicles are also covered "autos" for Physical Damage The Limits of Insurance applicable to the Coverage: Additional Insured are those specified in the written contract or agreement but not more Any "auto" you do not own while used with the than the Limits of Insurance specified in the permission of its owner as a temporary substitute Declarations of this policy. The Limits of for a covered "auto" you own that is out of service Insurance applicable to the Additional because of its: Insured are inclusive of and not in addition 1. Breakdown; to the Limits of Insurance shown in the declarations for the Named Insured. 2. Repair; 3. Servicing; This Coverage does not apply to lessors of leased"autos". 4. "Loss";or 5. Destruction. EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 1 of 6 ( e. Broadened Named Insured This coverage is excess over Any business entity newly acquired or a. any limit shown in the Declarations for formed by you during the policy period towing and labor costs; and provided you own 51% or more of the b. any other collectible insurance. business entity and the business is not separately insured for Business Auto This coverage applies only for an "auto" Coverage. Coverage is extended up to a covered on this policy for maximum of 180 days following acquisition c. Comprehensive or Specified Causes of or formation of the business entity or until Loss Coverage;and the end of the policy period, whichever d. Collision Coverage. comes first. f. Employee Hired Auto The following is added to Paragraph A.3 An"employee"of yours is an"insured"while Glass Repair—Waiver of Deductible operating an "auto" hired or rented under a No deductible will apply to glass breakage if contract or agreement in that "employee's" such glass is repaired in a manner acceptable name, with your permission, while to us rather than replaced. performing duties related to the conduct of Paragraph A.4.a. is deleted and replaced with the your business. following: Paragraphs A.2.a.(2) and A.2.a.(4) are deleted and 4. Coverage Extensions replaced with the following: a. Limited Rental Reimbursement or Travel 2. Coverage Extensions Expense a. Supplementary Payments We will pay up to $75 per day to a (2) Up to $5,000 for cost of bail bonds maximum of $2,250 for rental (including bonds for related traffic law reimbursement expenses for the rental of violations) required because of an an "auto" or other transportation expense "accident"we cover.We do not have to incurred by you because of "loss" to a furnish these bonds. covered "auto" which is covered by expensesComprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss, (4) All reasonable incurred b y or Collision coverage under this policy. No the "insured" at our request, including deductible applies to this coverage. actual loss of earnings up to$500 a day because of time off from work. (1) We will pay only for those expenses Paragraph B.5. is deleted and replaced with the incurred as a result of a covered "loss" following: occurring during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the"loss" and 5. Fellow Employee ending, regardless of the policy's "Bodily Injury" to any fellow "employee" of the expiration, with the lesser of the "insured"arising out of and in the course of the following number of days: fellow "employee's" employment or while (a) The number of days reasonably performing duties related to the conduct of your required to repair or replace the business. This exclusion does not apply to an covered "auto". If"loss" is caused "insured"who occupies a position as an officer, by theft, this number of days is manager or supervisor. added to the number of days it The following changes revise SECTION III—PHYSICAL takes to locate the covered "auto" DAMAGE COVERAGE and return it to you; or This coverage applies only for a covered "auto" for (b) 30 days. which Physical Damage Coverage is provided for on (2) Our payment under this Coverage this policy. Extension (4.a.) is limited to the lesser Paragraph A.2. is deleted and replaced with the of the necessary and actual expenses following: incurred or the maximum amount A. COVERAGE shown, $2,250. 2. Towing (3) Coverage under this Coverage Extension (4.a.) does not apply while We will pay up to $200 for a covered "auto" for there are spare or reserve "autos" towing and labor costs incurred each time the available to you for your operations. covered "auto" is disabled. However, the labor must be performed at the place of disablement. EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 2 of 6 (4) If a covered "auto" is described or (b) We will pay with respect to a designated as a covered "auto" on covered "auto" described in the endorsement EA 99 01, the coverage Schedule for "loss" to any provided by this extension is excess accessories used with the over coverage provided by electronic equipment described in endorsement EA 99 01. Paragraph (1)(a) above. However, The following is added to paragraph A.4. this does not include tapes, records or discs. c. Tapes, Records and Discs We will pay for "loss" to tapes, records, (2) Exclusions compact discs, or other similar devices The exclusions that apply to Physical used with audio, visual or data electronic Damage Coverage, except for the devices. exclusion relating to Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment, also apply (1) We will pay only if the tapes, records, to coverage provided by this extension. compact discs, or other similar devices: In addition, the following exclusions (a) Are your property or that of a family apply: member;or We will not pay, under this extension, (b) Are the property of an "employee" for either any electronic equipment or using a covered "auto" in your accessories used with such electronic business affairs at the time of the equipment that is: "loss";and (a) Necessary for the normal operation (c) Are in a covered "auto" which of the covered "auto" or the sustains other covered "loss" under monitoring of the covered "auto's" Comprehensive or Collision operating system; or coverage at the time of the"loss"to (b) An integral part of the same unit tapes, records, compact discs, or housing any sound reproducing other similar devices. equipment designed solely for the (2) The most we will pay for "loss" under reproduction of sound if the sound this Coverage Extension(4.c.)is$200. reproducing equipment is (3) Physical Damage Coverage provisions permanently installed in the apply to this coverage, except that any covered "auto"in the opening of the deductible applicable to dash or console normally used by Comprehensive or Collision coverage the manufacturer for the installation does not apply to this Coverage of a radio. Extension (4.c.). (3) Limit of Insurance d. Audio, Visual and Data Electronic With respect to coverage under this Equipment extension the Limit of Insurance (1) Coverage provision of Physical Damage Coverage is replaced by the following: (a) We will pay with respect to a (a) The most we will pay for all"loss"to covered "auto" described in the audio, visual or data electronic Schedule for"loss"to any electronic equipment that receives or equipment and any accessories used with this equipment as a result transmits audio, visual or data of any one "accident" is the lesser signals and that is not designed solely for the reproduction of sound. of: This coverage applies only if the (i) The actual cash value of the equipment is permanently installed damaged or stolen property as in the covered "auto" at the time of of the time of the"loss"; the "loss" or the equipment is (ii) The cost of repairing or removable from a housing unit replacing the damaged or which is permanently installed in stolen property with other the covered"auto"at the time of the property of like kind and quality; "loss", and such equipment is or designed to be solely operated by (iii)$500. use of the power from the "auto's" electrical system, in or upon the covered "auto". EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 3 of 6 ` l i (b) An adjustment for depreciation and When a Travel Trailer, "Camper" or Motor physical condition will be made in Home is a scheduled auto for physical determining actual cash value at damage coverage,we will pay up to $1,000 the time of the"loss". for "loss" to personal property belonging to (c) If a repair or replacement results in you or a family member that is within the better than like kind or quality, we Travel Trailer, "Camper" or Motor Home. will not pay for the amount of We will pay up to$250 for"loss"to personal betterment. property belonging to you or a family member that is outside the Travel Trailer, (4) Deductible "Camper"or Motor Home. No deductible applies to this coverage. (1) We will not pay for"loss"to: The insurance provided by this extension is (a) Articles carried or held for sale, excess over any other collectible insurance. storage or repairs, or for later e. Custom Signs and Decorations delivery;goods kept to show or sell; Physical Damage coverage on a covered or theatrical wardrobes. "auto" may be extended to "loss"to custom (b) Business,store of office furniture or signs and decorations including custom equipment. murals, paintings or other decals or (c) Records or accounts, money, graphics. bullion, deeds,contracts, evidences Our limit of liability for loss to custom signs of debt, securities,tokens or tickets, and decorations shall be the least of: stamps in current use or (1) Actual cash value of the stolen or manuscripts. damaged property; (d) Animals, private passenger"autos," (2) Amount necessary to repair or replace motorcycles, aircrafts, boats or any the property; or other motorized vehicles or their equipment, furnishings or (3) $500. appurtenances. f. Personal Effects Coverage (e) Equipment or accessories while (1) Physical Damage Coverage on a your Travel Trailer, "Camper" or covered "auto" may be extended to Motor Home is leased or rented to "loss" to your "personal effects" or, if any organization or any person you are an individual, the "personal other than you or a family member. effects" of a family member, that are in (2) The maximum we will pay for "loss" is the covered "auto" at the time of the the lesser of: "loss". (a) The actual cash value of the (2) "Personal effects" as used in this personal property at the time of extension means tangible property that "loss"; is worn or carried by the "insured". (b) The cost of repairing the damage; "Personal effects" does not include tools, jewelry, money, securities, radar or or laser detectors, or tapes, records, (c) The cost of replacing the damaged discs or similar audio, visual or data personal property with other electronic equipment. personal property of like kind, (3) The most we will pay for any one "loss" condition, quality and value. under this coverage extension is$500. i. Vacation Expense Allowance No deductible applies to this extension. We will pay you $50 per day to a maximum The insurance provided by this extension is of $500 for extra expenses when a Travel Trailer, "Camper" or Motor Home is a excess over any other collectible insurance. scheduled auto for physical damage g. Camper Bodies coverage, and the Travel Trailer, "Camper" In the event of a "loss" to a detached or Motor Home: "camper," physical damage coverage will (1) Is damaged or destroyed and is apply as if it were part of the covered "auto" uninhabitable; and on which it is rated. (2) While being used for vacation purposes h. Contents of a Travel Trailer, Camper or within the policy period. Motor Home EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 4 of 6 Extra expenses must by supported by d. Subject to the above limit, deductible and receipts or other valid evidence. excess provisions, we will provide coverage The following is added to Paragraph A.: equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any covered "auto"you own. 5. Extra Expense—Broadened Coverage If a limit for Hired Auto Physical Damage is We will pay for the direct expense of returning a indicated in the Declarations, then that limit stolen covered "auto" to you. We will pay only replaces, and is not in addition to, the $50,000 for those covered "autos" for which you carry limit indicated above. Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss Coverage. This coverage will only apply to The following is added to Paragraph B.3.a.: vehicles recovered inside the 48 contiguous Airbag Coverage—Accidental Deployment United States. This coverage does not apply to However, this exclusion does not apply to the an"auto"we deem a total"loss". unintended inflation of an airbag if the inflation 6. Auto Loan/Lease Gap Coverage is caused by mechanical or electrical In the event of a'covered total "loss" to a breakdown. covered "auto" described or designated in the The following is added to Paragraph C.2. Schedule or in the Declarations, we will pay up New Vehicle Replacement Cost to $2,000 for any unpaid amount due on the lease or loan for a covered"auto" less: If, however, we deem a covered "auto"to be a total a. The paid under Physical "loss"within 180 days of your purchase of the"auto" Damage AmountCnpaid section theA. of the and it has not been previously titled under the motor Dolma; and vehicle law of any state, we will pay at your option: pb. Any: a. the cost to replace the covered "auto" with a new"auto"of like make, model and year; or (1) Overdue lease/loan payments at the b. an amount equal to the original purchase price time of the"loss"; you paid to acquire the vehicle, including taxes, (2) Financial penalties imposed under a but excluding any extended warranties and lease for excessive use,abnormal wear licensing fees. and tear or high mileage; This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" of (3) Security deposits not returned by the the private passenger, light truck or medium truck Lessor; type(20,000 lbs. or less gross vehicle weight). (4) Costs for extended warranties, Credit The following changes revise SECTION IV — Life Insurance, Health, Accident or BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS Disability Insurance purchased with the The following is added to Paragraph A.2.a.: loan or lease;and (5) Carry-over balances from previous Amended Duties in the Event of an Accident, Claim, Lawsuit or Loss loans or leases. 7. Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage However, this duty is only required when the "accident"is known to: If hired "autos" are covered "autos"for Liability (1) You, if you are an individual; Coverage and if Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or Collision Coverages are (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; provided under this coverage form for any (3) A member, if you are a limited liability company; "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage or Coverages provided are extended to "autos" (4) An executive officer or insurance manager, if you hire of like kind and use, subject to the you are a corporation. following: a. The most we will pay for any one "loss" is The following is added to Paragraph A.: $50,000 or the actual cash value or the cost 6. Blanket Waiver of Subrogation to repair and replace, whichever is less, We waive any right of recovery we may have minus a deductible; against any person or organization to the extent b. The deductible will be equal to the largest required of you by a written contract executed prior deductible applicable to any owned "auto" to any"accident"because of payments we make for for that coverage; damages under this coverage form. c. Hired Auto Physical Damage coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance; and EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 5 of 6 The following is added to Paragraph B.2.: The following changes revise SECTION V — Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards DEFINITIONS The following is added: Any unintentional failure to disclose all exposures or hazards existing as of the effective date of the Q. "Camper" means a portable dwelling unit without Business Auto Coverage Form or at any time during axles or wheels that has been manufactured for the policy period will not invalidate or adversely attachment on the bed of a pickup truck to be used affect the coverage for such exposure or hazard. for casual travel or camping. However,you must report the undisclosed exposure or hazard to us as soon as reasonably possible after its discovery. Paragraph B.5.b. is deleted and replaced with the following: a. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage, the following are deemed to be covered "autos" you own: (1) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, rent or borrow; and (2) Any covered "auto" hired or rented by your "employee" under a contract in that individual "employee's"name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, any "auto"that is leased, hired, rented or borrowed with a driver is not a covered"auto". The following is added to Paragraph B.5. d. To the extent required by an "insured contract", this insurance is primary on behalf of the additional insured, and any other insurance maintained by the additional insured is excess and not contributory with this insurance. If the "insured contract" does not require this provision,then Paragraph a.above will apply. EA 99 11 11 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission Page 6 of 6 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EG 99 01 12 04 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SPECIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Schprlulp 1. Incidental Malpractice Liability Included 2. Expected Or Intended Injury Included 3. Non-Owned Watercraft Up to 51 Feet in Length 4. Non-Owned Aircraft Included 5. Property Damage Liability • By Use of Elevators Included "Borrowed Personal Property" • $25,000 (Deductible: $1000) • Premises Rented to You or Temporarily Occupied by You With Permission of Owner • $300,000 6. Product Recall Expense $100,000 7. Medical Payments $10,000 8. Supplementary Payments-Increased Limits • Bail Bonds $1,000 • Loss of Earnings $500 a day 9. Broad Form Named Insured Included 10.Newly Formed Or Acquired Organizations-Covered up to 180 days Included 11.Additional Insured-Broad Form Vendors Included 12.Knowledge of Occurrence Included 13.Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards Included 14.Definitions 15.Employment-Related Practices Liability $15,000 each injury/$15,000 aggregate (Deductible: $3,000) EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. Page 1 of 11 ( I 1. INCIDENTAL MALPRACTICE LIABILITY 5. PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY A. The definition of"bodily injury" in Section A. Exclusion j. under COVERAGE A (Section I) V- Definitions is amended to include injury is revised as follows: arising out of the rendering or failure to 1. The paragraph immediately following render medical or paramedical services to paragraph (6) is replaced by the persons by any physician, dentist, nurse, following: emergency medical technician or paramedic who is employed by you to provide such Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this services. exclusion do not apply to "property B. Paragraph 2.a. 1 d under WHO IS INSURED damage" (other than damage by fire, ( )( ) explosion,smoke or leakage from fire (Section II)does not apply to nurses, protection systems) to premises, emergency medical technicians or including the contents of such paramedics referred to in a. above. premises, rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. A This coverage does not apply if you are engaged separate limit of insurance applies to in the business or occupation of providing any Damage To Premises Rented To You services referred to in paragraph A.above. as described in Section III—Limits Of 2. EXPECTED OR INTENDED INJURY Insurance. I) is 2. The following paragraphs are added to Exclusion a. under COVERAGE A (Section Exclusion g. under COVERAGE A replaced by the following: (Section I): a. "Bodilyinjury" or "property damage" Paragraphs (3) and (4) of do not 1 rY P P Y 9 apply to the use of elevators. expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. Paragraph (4) of this exclusion does I to "bodilynot apply to "property damage" to This exclusion does nota apply "borrowed personal property"while: injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect (a) The "borrowed personal prop- persons or property. erty" is on premises occupied by 3. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT you and owned, leased or rented by you; and Paragraph (2) of Exclusion g. under COVERAGE (b) "Property damage" insurance A(Section I) is replaced by the following: under this policy applies to the This exclusion does not apply to: premises. (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: Subject to paragraph 2. under (a) Less than 51 feet long; and LIMITS OF INSURANCE (Section III), (b) Not being used to carry persons the most we will pay for "property or property for a charge. damage" to "borrowed personal rah (2) applies to anyperson, property" is $25,000 any one Paragraph P pp "occurrence". Our obligation to pay who with your expressed or implied damages on your behalf applies only consent, either uses or is responsible to the amount of damages in excess for the use of the watercraft; of $1,000. The deductible amount 4. NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT applies to all damages because of "property damage" as the result of The following is added to Exclusion g. any one "occurrence" regardless of o the number of persons or under COVERAGE A. (Section I): organizations who sustain damages Thisapplybecause of that "occurrence". We exclusion does not to may pay any part or the entire (6) An aircraft that is: deductible amount to effect (a) Hired, chartered or borrowed settlement of any claim or "suit" with a paid crew; and and, upon notification of the action (b) Not owned by any insured. taken, you shall promptly reimburse However, paragraph (6) does not us for such part of the deductible 9 P amount as has been paid by us. apply if other insurance is available to the insured for a loss we cover The insurance provided for "property under paragraph (6), whether damage" from the use of elevators primary, excess, contingent or any and for "property damage" to other basis. "borrowed personal property" is Page 2 of 11 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. EG 99 01 12 04 I i excess over any other valid and or from use by any person or collectible property insurance organization because of a known or (including any deductible portion suspected defect, deficiency, inade- thereof) available to any insured quacy or dangerous condition in it. whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. This exclusion does not apply to "product recall expenses" that you B. The last paragraph under Exclusions (Section incur for the "covered recall" of"your -Coverage A) is replaced by the following: product," except for "product recall expenses" resulting from or due to: Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire, explosion, smoke or (1) Failure To Conform To Intended leakage from fire protection systems to Purpose premises while rented to you or The failure of "your product" to temporarily occupied by you with accomplish its intended purpose. permission of the owner.A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as (2) Breach of Warranty described in paragraph 6. under LIMITS Breach of warranty of fitness, OF INSURANCE(Section III). quality, durability or performance, whether written or implied. C. Paragraph 6. under LIMITS OF INSURANCE (Section III) is replaced by the following: (3) Loss of Customer Approval Loss of customer approval, or any 6. Subject to 5. above, the Damage To cost incurred to regain customer Premises Rented To You Limit of approval. $300,000 is the most we will pay under COVERAGE A for damages (4) Redistribution or Replacement of because of "property damage" to any Recalled Product one premises, while rented to you, or The redistribution or replacement in the case of damage by fire, of "your product" which has been explosion, smoke or leakage from fire recalled, by like products or protection systems, while rented to substitutes. you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. (5) Known Defect or Condition A defect or condition known to D. Paragraph 4.b.(1)(b) under COMMERCIAL exist by the by the named insured GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS (Section or the named insured's "executive IV) is replaced by the following: officers", prior to the date when this Coverage Part was first issued (b) That is Fire, Explosion, Smoke Or to you or prior to the time "your Leakage From Fire Protective Systems product" leaves your control or insurance for premises rented to you or possession; temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (6) Expiration of Shelf Life The expiration of the designated 6. PRODUCT RECALL EXPENSE shelf life of"your product". NOTICE: COVERAGE FOR "DEFENSE EXPEN- (7) Deterioration, Decomposition, Or SES" IS SUBJECT TO THE LIMIT OF Chemical Transformation INSURANCE, NOT IN ADDITION TO THE LIMIT Transformation of a chemical OF INSURANCE. THIS MEANS THAT PAYMENT nature, deterioration or decompo- FOR "DEFENSE EXPENSES" REDUCES THE sitions of"your product". This ex- AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO PAY FOR DAMAGES. clusion does not apply if it is caused by: A. Exclusion n. under COVERAGE A (Section (i) An error in manufacturing, I) -is replaced by the following: design or processing; (ii) Transportation of"your product"; n. Recall Of Products, Work Or Impaired or Property (iii) Product tampering. Damages claimed for any loss, cost or (8) Otherwise Excluded Products expense incurred by you or others for Recall of any specific products for the loss of use, withdrawal, recall, which "bodily injury" or "property inspection, repair, replacement, damage" is excluded under adjustment, removal or disposal of Coverage A (Section I) by "your product" if "your product" is endorsement. withdrawn or recalled from the market EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. Page 3 of 11 (9) Government Ban "your product" and the reason for A recall of "your product" or a withdrawal or recall; component contained within "your product"which has been: (2) Cease any further release, shipment, (i) Banned from the market by an consignment or any other method of I authorized government entity distribution of like or similar products prior to the policy period; or until it has been determined that all (ii) Distributed or sold by you such products are free from defects subsequent to any government- that could be a cause of loss under al ban. this insurance. (10)Third Party Damages, Fines And 7. MEDICAL PAYMENTS Penalties Any compensatory damages, A. Paragraph 1.a. under COVERAGE C — fines, penalties, punitive or exem- MEDICAL PAYMENTS (Section I) is replaced plary or other non-compensatory by the following: damages imposed upon the in- sured. 1. Insuring Agreement reement a. We will pay medical expenses as B. The following is added to paragraph 3 under described below for "bodily WHO IS INSURED (Section II): injury"caused by an accident: (1) On premises you own or COVERAGE A does not apply to rent; "product recall expense" arising out of (2) On ways next to premises any withdrawal or recall that occurred you own or rent; or before you acquired or formed the (3) Because of your operations; organization. provided that: C. LIMITS OF INSURANCE(Section III) is replaced by the following: (1) The accident takes place in the "coverage territory" and 3. The Products-Completed Operations during the policy period; Aggregate Limit is the most we will (2) The expenses are incurred pay for the sum of: and reported to us within a. Damages under Coverage A three years of the date of the because of "bodily injury" and accident; and "property damage" included in (3) The injured person submits to the "products completed opera- examination, at our expense, tions hazard"; by physicians of our choice as often as we reasonably b. "Product recall expenses"; and require. c. "Defense expenses".: B. Paragraph 7. under LIMITS OF INSURANCE (Section III) is replaced by the following: D. The following is added under LIMITS OF INSURANCE (Section III): 7. Subject to 5. above, the Medical Expense Limit of$10,000 is the most Subject to 5. above, $100,000 is the we will pay under Coverage C for all most we will pay for all "product recall medical expenses because of "bodily expenses" and "defense expenses" injury"sustained by any one person. arising out of the same known or suspected defect, deficiency, inadequacy 8. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS or dangerous condition in "your product". Paragraph 1 under SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS— COVERAGES A AND B (Section I) E. The following is added under COMMERCIAL is revised as follows: GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS (Section IV): We will pay, with respect to any claim we investigate or settle, or any"suit" against an You must see to it that the following are insured we defend: done in the event of an actual or anticipated "covered recall" that may b. Up to$1,000 for cost of bail required result in "product recall expense"; because of accidents or traffic laws violations arising out of the use of any (1) Give us prompt notice of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury discovery or notification that "your Liability Coverage applies. We do not product" must be withdrawn or have to furnish these bonds. recalled. Include a description of Page 4 of 11 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. EG 99 01 12 04 i d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the absence of the contract or insured at our request to assist us in the agreement. investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including actual loss of earnings (2) Express Warranty up $500 a day because of time off from Any express warranty unauthorized work. by you. 9. BROAD FORM NAMED INSURED (3) Physical or Chemical Change Any physical or chemical change in The following is added to paragraph 2. under the product made intentionally by the WHO IS INSURED (Section II): vendor. Any subsidiary and subsidiary thereof which (4) Repackaging is a legally incorporated entity of which you Repackaging, unless unpacked solely own a financial interest of more than 50% of for the purpose of inspection, the voting stock on the effective date of the demonstration, testing or Coverage Part.The insurance afforded herein substitution of parts under for any subsidiary not named in the instructions from the manufacturer, Coverage Part as a named insured does not and then repackaged in the original apply to injury or damage with respect to container. which an insured under this Coverage Part is also an insured under another policy or (5) Failure to Make Inspections, would be an insured under such policy but Adjustments,Tests or Servicing for its termination or the exhaustion of its Any failure to make such limits of insurance. inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to 10.NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED make or normally undertakes to make ORGANIZATIONS in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or Paragraph 3.a. under WHO IS INSURED(Section sale of the products. II) is replaced by the following: (6) Demonstration, Installation, Servicing a. Coverage under this provision is afforded or Repair only until the 180th day after you Demonstration, installation, servicing acquire or form the organization or the or repair operations, except such end of the policy period, whichever is operations performed at the vendor's earlier; premises in connection with the sale of the product. 11.ADDITIONAL INSURED - BROAD FORM VENDORS (7) Labeling, Re-labeling or Other Use of Products After Distribution The following is added to WHO IS INSURED Products which, after distribution or (Section II): sale by you, have been labeled or re-labeled or used as a container, Any person or organization with whom you part or ingredient of any other thing have agreed, because of a written contract or substance by or for the vendor. or agreement to provide insurance, but only with respect to "bodily injury" or "property b. This insurance does not apply to any damage" arising out of "your products" insured person or organization, from which are distributed or sold in the regular whom you have acquired such products, course of the vendor's business, subject to or any ingredient, part or container, the following additional exclusions: entering into, accompanying or containing such products. a. Exclusions The insurance afforded the vendor does c. This insurance does not apply if"bodily not apply to: injury"or"property damage" included within the "products-completed (1) Contractual Liability operations hazard" is excluded either by "Bodily injury" or "property damage" the provisions of the Coverage Part or by for which the vendor is obligated to endorsement. pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract 12.KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that The following is added to paragraph 2 under the vendor would have in the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS (Section IV): EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. Page 5 of 11 I 1 Knowledge of an "occurrence", offense, the owner is not an "insured claim or "suit" by any agent, servant or contract"; employee of any insured, or receipt by any b. A sidetrack agreement; agent,servant or employee of any insured of c. Any easement or license agreement, any demand, notice, summons or other legal except in connection with paper in connection with a claim or "suit", construction or demolition operations shall not in itself constitute knowledge of on or within 50 feet of a railroad; any insured or receipt by any insured unless d. An obligation, as required by such "occurrence", offense, claim, or "suit" ordinance, to indemnify a is known to or received by: municipality, except in connection with work for a municipality; (1) You, if you are an individual; e. An elevator maintenance agreement; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; f. That part of any other contract or (3) A manager, if you are a limited liability agreement pertaining to your company; or business (including an (4) An "executive officer" or insurance indemnification of a municipality in manager, if you are a corporation. connection with work performed for a municipality) under which you 13.UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE assume the liability of another party HAZARDS to pay for "bodily injury" or "property damage" to a third person Paragraph 6. under COMMERCIAL GENERAL or organization. LIABILITY CONDITIONS (Section IV) is replaced by the following: Paragraph f. does not include that part of any contract or agreement: 6. Representations a. By accepting this policy,you agree: (1) That indemnifies a railroad for bodily injury" or "property (1) The statements in the Decla- damage" arising out of rations are accurate and corn- construction or demolition plete; operations, within 50 feet of any (2) Those statements are based railroad property and affecting upon representations you made any railroad bridge or trestle, to us; and tracks, roadbeds, tunnel, or(3) We have issued this policy in (2) Thatrpass indemnfessia architect, reliance upon your represen- engineer or surveyor for injury or tations. damage arising out of: b. We will not deny coverage under this (a) Preparing, approving or failing Coverage Part because of your to prepare or approve maps, unintentional failure to disclose all shop drawings, opinions, existing hazards at the inception date reports, surveys, field orders, of your policy. change orders or drawings and specifications; or 14. DEFINITIONS (b) Giving directions or instructions, or failing to give A. The following definitions are revised under them, if that is the primary DEFINITIONS (Section V): cause of the injury or damage;or 1. Bodily Injury (3) Under which the insured, if an "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, architect, engineer or surveyor, sickness or diseased sustained by a assumes liability for an injury or person, including mental anguish or damage arising out of the death resulting from any of these at any insureds rendering or failure to time. render professional services, including those listed in (2) 2. Insured Contract above and supervisory, means: inspection, architectural or Insured contract" a. A contract for a lease of premises. engineering activities. However,that portion of the contract 3. Mobile Equipment for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or Paragraph 12.f.(1)(a)(b)(c) does not organization for damage by fire, apply to self-propelled vehicles of less explosion,smoke or leakage from fire than 1000 pounds gross vehicle weight. protection systems to premises while 4. Personal and Advertising Injury rented to you or temporarily The following is added to the "personal occupied by you with permission of and advertising injury"definition: Page 6 of 11 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. EG 99 01 12 04 "Personal and advertising injury" (2) Shipping the recalled products includes discrimination or humiliation from any purchaser, distributor that results in injury to the feelings or or user to the place or places reputation of a designated by you; natural person, but only if such (3) Remuneration paid to your regular discrimination or humiliation is: "employees" for necessary (1) Not done intentionally by or at the (4) overtime; drection of; Hiring additional persons, other a. Any insured; or than regular"employees"; b. Any "executive officer," director, (5) Expenses incurred by "employ- stockholder, partner or member ees" including transportation and of the insured; and accommodations; (6) Expenses to rent additional (2) Not directly or indirectly related to warehouse or storage space; the employment, prospective (7) Disposal of "your product," but employment or termination of only to the extent that specific employment of any person or methods of destruction other persons by any insured. than those employed for trash discarding or disposal are B. The following definitions are added under required to avoid "bodily injury" DEFINTIONS(Section V): or"property damage"as a result of such disposal; and 1. Borrowed Personal Property b. Your lost profit resulting from such "Borrowed personal property" means "covered recall." personal property other than "auto" which you receive from another for 4. Defense Expenses temporary use in your business with the Solely for the of Products Recall intent to return it or its equivalent. Coverage, "defense expenses" means payments allocated to a specific "claim" "Borrowed personal property" does not we investigate, settle or defend, for its include: investigation, settlement or defense, a. Personal property owned by: including: (1) You or your spouse if you are an (a) Fees and salaries of attorneys and individual; paralegals we retain, including (2) Your members, partners or their attorneys and paralegals who are our spouses if you are a partnership "employees."Feeoattorneys the insured retains or joint venture; (b) y (3) Your members or managers if when, by our mutual agreement or you are a limited liability court order (or when required by company; administrative hearing or proceed- (4) Your "executive officers" or ing), the insured is given the right to directors if you are an retain defense counsel to defend organization other than a against a "claim." partnership, joint venture or (c) All other litigation or administrative limited liability company; or hearing expenses, including fees or b. Personal property that is rented, expenses of expert witnesses hired leased or hired. either by us or by the defense attorney retained by an insured. 2. Covered Recall (d) Reasonable expenses incurred by the "Covered recall" means a recall made insured at our request to assist us in necessary because you or a government the investigation or defense of the body has determined that a known or "claim," including actual loss of suspected defect, deficiency, inadequacy earnings up to $500 a day because or dangerous condition in"your product" of time off from work. has resulted or will result in "bodily (e) Costs taxed against the insured in injury"or"property damage." the "suit." 3. Product Recall Expense "Defense expense" does not include "Product recall expense" means: salaries and expenses of our a. The following necessary and "employees" or the insured's reasonable expenses you incur "employees" other than those described exclusively for the purpose of in Paragraphs(a)and(d)above. recalling "your product": (1) Communications, including radio 15.COVERAGE D—EMPLOYMENT-RELATED or television announcements or PRACTICES LIABILITY printed advertisements including stationery, envelopes and NOTICE: COVERAGE FOR "DEFENSE EX- postage; PENSES" IS SUBJECT TO THE LIMIT OF EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. Page 7 of 11 ( l INSURANCE, NOT IN ADDITION TO THE LIMIT malicious act or omission or has OF INSURANCE. THIS MEANS THAT PAYMENT instructed, directed or provided approval FOR "DEFENSE EXPENSES" REDUCES THE for another concerning such acts or AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO PAY FOR DAMAGES. omissions. Employment- Related Practices Liability coverage (2) Contractual Liability is added as follows: "Injury" for which the insured is obligated to pay damages by reason of A. Insuring Agreement the assumption of liability in a contract (1) We will pay those sums the insured or agreement. This exclusion does not becomes legally obligated to pay as apply to liability for damages that the damages resulting from "injury"to which insured would have in the absence of the this insurance applies. We will have the contract or agreement. right and duty to defend the insured against any "suit" seeking those (3) Workers Compensation And Similar Laws damages. However, we will have no Any obligation of the insured under a duty to defend the insured against any workers compensation, disability benefits "suit" seeking damages because of an or unemployment compensation law or "injury"to which this insurance does not any similar law. apply. We may, at our discretion, investigate any incident that may result (4) Americans With Disabilities Acts in "injury." We may, with your written "Injury" arising out of your failure to consent, settle any "claim" that may comply with any of the accommodations result. But: for the disabled required of you by, or a. The amount we will pay for damages any expenses incurred as the result of or "defense expenses" is limited as modifications made to accommodate any described herein; person pursuant to, the Americans With b. The coverage and duty to defend Disabilities Act, or any amendments provided by this policy will end when thereto, or any similar state or local we have used up the applicable limit statutes, rules or regulations to the of insurance for "defense expenses" extent that they prescribe responsibilities or the payment of judgments or or duties concerning the same acts or settlements. omissions. No other obligation or liability to pay (5) Violation Of Laws Applicable To sums, such as civil or criminal fines, Employers imposed on you or any other insured, or A violation of your responsibilities or to perform acts or services is covered duties required by any other federal, unless explicitly provided for under state or local statutes, rules or Supplementary Payments. regulations, and any rules or regulations promulgated therefor or amendments (2) This insurance applies to "injury"only if: thereto, except for the following: Title a. The "injury" arises out of an offense VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and that takes place in the "coverage amendments thereto, the Age territory"; and Discrimination in Employment Act, the b. The offense out of which the "injury" Equal Pay Act, the Pregnancy arose commenced during the policy Discrimination Act of 1978, the period. Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986 and the Family and Medical Leave Act of B. Exclusions 1993 or any other similar state or local This insurance does not apply to: statutes, rules or regulations to the extent that they prescribe responsibilities (1) Criminal,Fraudulent Or Malicious Acts or duties concerning the same acts or An insured's liability arising out of omissions. criminal, fraudulent or malicious acts or omissions by that insured, or arising out (6) Strikes and Lockouts of that insured's knowing acquiescence "Injury" to any striking or locked-out or failure to act, or instruction, direction, "employee" or to an "employee" who or approval given to another concerning has been temporarily or permanently such acts or omissions. replaced due to an labor dispute. This exclusion does not affect our duty (7) Sexual Harassment to defend, in accordance with Paragraph Liability of that insured who commits a A.1. above, an insured prior to "sexual harassment"offense. determining, through the appropriate legal processes, that that insured is This exclusion does not affect our duty responsible for a criminal, fraudulent or to defend that insured prior to Page 8 of 11 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. EG 99 01 12 04 1 i determining, through the appropriate d. An organization other than a legal processes, that that insured has partnership, joint venture or limited committed a "sexual harassment" liability company, you are an insured. offense, other than an assault or battery. Your "executive officers" and your directors are also insureds. (8) Employment, Termination Or Relocation Due To Business Decisions (2) Your"employees"who hold managerial "Injury" arising out of termination of or supervisory positions are also employment, job relocation or insureds. reassignment, if the action is taken because; No person or organization is an insured with a. You have filed for bankruptcy respect to the conduct of any current or past protection, or your are placed in partnership, joint venture or limited liability receivership or liquidation; company that is not shown as a Named b. You have merged with or been Insured in the Declarations. acquired by another business entity; c. You have closed an operation or a E. LIMITS OF INSURANCE(Section III) is business location; or replaced by the following: d. Your business location is partly closed or the size of an operation Limits of Insurance must be reduced because of fire or (1) The most we will pay is$15,000 for the other disasters beyond your control. sum of: a. All claims for damage arising out of (9) Intentional Injury an "injury"; and Liability of that insured who commits an b. "Defense expenses" for all claims act of intentional "discrimination" or seeking damages payable under coercion. Paragraph(1) above. (2) The most we will pay for all damages This exclusion does not affect our duty and "defense expenses" arising out of to defend that insured prior to "injuries" during the policy period is determining, through the appropriate $15,000. legal processes, whether that insured (3) The limits of insurance apply separately committed such act. to each consecutive annual period and to any remaining period of less than 12 (10)Retaliatory Actions months, starting with the beginning of Liability arising out of an insured's the policy period shown in the retaliatory action against a person Declarations, unless the policy period is because the person has: extended after issuance for an additional a. Declined to perform an illegal or period of less than 12 months. In that unethical act; case, the additional period will be b. Filed a complaint with a governmental deemed part of the last preceding period authority or a "suit" against you or for purposes of determining the limits of any other insured in which damages insurance. are claimed. c. Testified against you or any other F. Paragraph 2 under COMMERCIAL GENERAL insured at a legal proceeding; or LIABILITY CONDITIONS(Section IV) is d. Notified a proper authority of any replaced by the following: aspect of your business operation which is illegal. 2. Duties In The Event Of A "Claim"Or An Incident That May Result In C. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS (Section 1) is "Injury" extended to apply to COVERAGE D — a. If a "claim" isreceived by any EMPLOYMENT RELATED PRACTICES. insured,you must: (1) Immediately record the D. WHO IS INSURED (Section II) is replaced by specifics of the "claim" and the following: the date received; and (2) Notify us, in writing, as soon (1) If you are designated in the Declarations as practicable. as: a. An individual, you and your spouse b. You and any other involved are insureds. insured must: b. A partnership or joint venture, you (1) Immediately send us copies are an insured. Your partners or your of any demands, notices, members are also insureds. summonses or legal papers c. A limited liability company, you are received in connection with an insured. Your members are also the "claim"; insureds. EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. Page 9 of 11 1I I (2) Authorize us to obtain either by us or by the defense records and other attorney retained by an insured. information;and (d) Reasonable expenses incurred by the (3) Cooperate with us in the insured at our request to assist us in investigation or settlement of the investigation or defense of the the "claim" or defense "claim," including actual loss of against the"suit." earnings up to $500 a day because (4) Assist us, upon our request, of time off from work. in the enforcement of any (e)Costs taxed against the insured in the right against any person or "suit." organization which may be liable to the insured because "Defense expenses" does not include of "injury" or damage to salaries and expenses of our "em- which this insurance may ployees" or the insured's "employees" also apply. other than those described in Paragraphs c. No insured will, except at that (a)and (d) above. insured's own cost, voluntarily make a payment, assume any (4) Discrimination obligation, or incur any expense "Discrimination" means violation of a without our written consent. person's civil rights with respect to such d. If you have knowledge of an person's race, color, national origin, incident which may result in religion, gender, marital status, age, "injury" and for which a "claim" sexual orientation or preference, physical has not yet been received, you or mental condition, or any other must notify us, in writing, as protected class or characteristic estab- soon as practicable. lished by any federal, state of local statutes, rules or regulations. G. DEFINITIONS (Section V)is replaced by the following: (5) Employee "Employee" includes a "leased worker" (1) Claims and a "temporary worker." "Claim" means a "suit" or demand made by or for the injured person for damages (6) Executive Officer because of alleged "injury." "Executive officer" means a person holding any of the officer positions (2) Coverage Territory created by your charter, constitution, "Coverage territory"means: by-laws or any other similar governing (a) The United States of America document. (including its territories or possessions)and Puerto Rico; or (7) Injury (b) All parts of the world if the insured's "Injury" means injury to a person arising responsibility to pay damages is out of one or more of the following determined in a "suit" on the merits offenses: brought in the territory described in (a) Refusal to employ the person, a. above or in a settlement we agree termination of the person's to. employment, demotion or failure to promote, negative evaluation, (3) Defense Expense reassignment, discipline, defamation "Defense expenses" means payments or humiliation of the person, based allocated to a specific "claim" we on "discrimination" directed at that investigate, settle or defend, for its person; investigation, settlement or defense, (b) Coercing that person to commit an including: unlawful act or omission within the (a) Fees and salaries of attorneys and scope of the person's employment; paralegals we retain, including (c) Work-related "sexual harassment"; attorneys and paralegals who are our or "employees." (d) Other work-related verbal, physical, (b) Fees of attorneys the insured retains mental or emotional abuse directed when, by our mutual agreement or at the person with respect to that court order (or when required by person's race, color, national origin, administrative hearing or proceed- religion, gender, marital status, age, ing), the insured is given the right to sexual orientation or preference, retain defense counsel to defend physical or mental condition, or any against a "claim." other protected class or char- (c) All other litigation or administrative acteristic established by any federal, hearing expenses, including fees or state or local statutes, rules or expenses of expert witnesses hired regulations. Page 10 of 11 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. EG 99 01 12 04 i i. (8) Leased Worker (b) Any other alternative dispute "Leased worker" means a person leased resolution proceeding in which such to you by a labor leasing firm under an damages are claimed and to which agreement between you and the labor the insured submits with our leasing firm, to perform duties related to consent; or the conduct of your business. "Leased (c) Any administrative proceeding or worker" does not include a "temporary hearing conducted by a worker." governmental agency (federal, state or local) having the proper legal (9) Sexual Harassment authority over the matter in which "Sexual harassment" means unwelcome such damages are claimed. sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual or physical (11) Temporary Worker conduct of a sexual nature when such "Temporary worker" means a person conduct: who is furnished to you to substitute for (a) Is linked with a decision affecting an a permanent "employee" on leave or to individual's employment; meet seasonal or short-term workload (b) Interferes with an individual's job conditions. performance;or (c) Creates an intimidating, hostile or H. Deductible offensive working environment for an (1) Our obligation to pay damages and individual. "defense expenses"applies only to the amount in excess of$3,000 as a result (10) Suit of any one "injury." "Suit" means a civil proceeding in which damages because of "injury" to which (2) We may pay any part or all of the this insurance applies are alleged, deductible amount to effect settlement including: of any claim or "suit" and, upon (a) An arbitration proceeding in which notification of the action taken, you shall such damages are claimed and to promptly reimburse us for such part of which the insured must submit or the deductible amount as has been paid does submit with our consent; by us. EG 99 01 12 04 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. Page 11 of 11 J 12/23/2015 COBBLESTONE CATERING&EVENTS LLC jiu3 . l. nkciu slxa of i:,,rt,. .1 (Search L&I 5 A4tCH' A-i tttde'r IItap My Sect,re 1,,.J Safety Claims&Inst.iraiCu Workplac;n Rights Trades&Licensing iii, illikk Washington State Department of AO Labor & Industries COBBLESTONE CATERING & EVENTS LLC Owner or tradesperson 2426 N DISCOVERY PL JASON HOY SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99216-5055 Doing business as COBBLESTONE CATERING WA UBI No. Governing persons 603 462 739 JASON HOY ROBERT JAMES ADOLFSON; Workers' comp Do you know if the business has employees?If so,verify the business is up-to-date on workers'comp premiums. L&I Account ID Call L&I account representative for account 521,579-00 status. Doing business as COBBLESTONE CATERING Estimated workers reported 1 Incomplete premium report received. L&I account representative Collections Dialer Unit, 800-301-1826-Email:dialercollections@Lni.wa.gov Workplace safety and health Check for any past safety and health violations found on jobsites this business was responsible for. O Washington Strafe Dept.of Labor&Industries.Use of this site is subject to the taws of the slit: https://secure.lni.wa.gov/verify/Detai I.aspx?U BI=603462739&SAW=False 1/1