1988, 06-06 Permit: 88001370 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 1 . r NORTH 811 JEFFERSON , . • SPOKANE,•WASHINGTON 99260 _ (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is'true and correct In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE-provisions included herein and agree to comply with same' All provisions of laws and, ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection / approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state'or local law regulating construction, or as a \ warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construcbon _ SIGNATURE OF 1..APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT - DATE' F'iiO,.)E:`C"i NUMBER::::' A —0013/0 ir. )r ,(d(.)(.j(:,(:1(.I(.0 ±(:aptat . v i:' P: '. 1 Il I::'i„EC N .1. DATE= 06/06/88 PAGE= 01 :ESSUIE:I) PIii:FYI:LT ENI 0I M( TION :,O(.)t..tt:)(di)e).) )(=1ii(-ira,;a,.,( • SITE —MEET= 161'0 S MORROW RD i'A!it:EL?I:=:: A .7";•1:;y: ti).:'.1 0 ^3:?DRESS= .SPOKANE WA 99216 ' PERFiI.T USE— RE—ROOF EXISTING DWELLING PLATO= 001842 -2 PLAT NAMIii::= OPPORTUNITY' '! EERRACE• 1 . T'r BLOCK= •LOT= 2 ZONE= ;^�C.;:('ll'Ct I'):I:S'r':;;::: L: , AREA= 00014000 F,'rt ' I” .WIDTH= 05 DEPTH= 145 R/W:::: 50 4 OF 'Ll.D(::S= 1 k: DWELLINGS= 1 - OWNER.:. WI.i...r.AU, EUGENE - PHONE= 509 924 2387 STREET= 1 b1 ti. S MORROW RD . ADDRESS= SS SI='0K:ANi_: WA 99216 1:;f1NfAt::T. i'!AME:::: BIL_L.. OF iMAR'Y- PHONE:. NUMBER= 509 467 8990, 1'.!_1iL.Dirt: SETBACKS: FRc;f- f=:• IE:'r,.I:S LEE—.. EX:I:S RIGHT= EX:I:S REAR= !i:):7:3 ap(xawrer;a�r;ear: a(BOIL ING IE -M T(yp. * a{h,.:.i(){ .._ . _ CONT:;rit: i t i= 1 ti t;;:1i,:E:. c. 1 PHONE= TREET= 6417.N REGAL.. ST - r DRESS= SPOKANE WA 99207 NEW:::: ' REMODEL= 1=; ADDITION= ' CHANGE 'OF USE= DWELL UNITS= OC;i;Lll"':. i...:t?=: BLDG i-1t:.l:::: STORIES,: T 'REL PARKING:::: v:I-IANDIC:AP== SEWER= N HYDRANT` =, N :DESCRIPTION GROUP T'('PE SQ FT VALUATION RE -ROOF P{....;%, VN 2998a75 :. 7:> ITEM DESCRIPTION RIPTION QUUAN1 ITY FEE AMOUNT RE:SIDENTIAL.. VALUATION Y 54..00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 3.50 )i.) :. )(.':(?(ac:u..)r.:(r. d( aO--x-:,( (.:1,(:;{ -A -p1 --ii :O(±( -)e -e-, .)(..p; f- Yi1I:::N-T s ...i11 RY ************K**** x )(-*do 9( -h -g PAYMENT DATE' REE(::E:EP T'O PAYMENT AMOUNT I . 06/06/38 f85.1 TOTAL DUE= ..00 - TOTAL..• PAID= PE::Rh:CT TYPE.. I'T:::E:: 'rdi'iOt.INi' AiMOUN T I'(.i:i:ai MOUitT O!WENG' ; UI.L.MING PERMIT , E.50 -57a PROCE SLE BY: .S.I:L..VA, :DA'V'IT) .PRI P{+;:::1; .l+Y: S.i:1_/r%, f?rl'a+7:I) *-j(..)r.),:*;(::;,:.,r. r,:.),(.)(.)(:li da.)i .;c tp ., ra (,(: c.(..)a.)(ir±( [HANK YOU a{..;(.,(.)(.)(.)(d@.),; {(a,..),..),..p).p, q{..)(. 4 DIN DAP TE%o s CM III II�-al in I ill il 11 I-1 EElp lumi .....= =a —= EEE E§E§E MEE§ • EMz a 0) _ O _ _ --- L _ __ BLDG PLBM MECH MOBILE HOME EM RELOC MISC PROJECT FINAL