1994, 05-09 Permit App: 94004090 Reroofq4-Leote APPLICATION WORKSHEET General Information 11 Il,d. aJdiens t. S /(/t I-hRs ire) h'arye number OM m'i 1 kms) Gr Yt� \GilingaJi less_ (6 R., crto r r v t Ciiy 5Pcmk4ht Site Information State till' Project Information �c{mtgOse x �11(XI New Addition 0c50 IxTe.,4 Remodel IL ange of use 13uilding Information Uncovered /covered deck (floor 1am C T-cg�Descnpuon Stories (.ntical Material 13wclg amts lm Budding dimensions Iota! square lootage nu in Sprinkler system Trokxrty sae Water Uistrwt Numberol: Owcflmgs r City. state, zip CC 9902 Lone ;Inspector Road width , Other/Lender License number Mating address Phone I lcating contractor Project Information �c{mtgOse x �11(XI New Addition 0c50 IxTe.,4 Remodel IL ange of use 13uilding Information SSppuarc footage breakdown Uncovered /covered deck (floor 1am Occupant load Building height Stories (.ntical Material 13wclg amts lm Budding dimensions Iota! square lootage Req'd parking Handicap parking Sprinkler system I License number -Mailing address -City. le - zip -FI- 1Cr AA -" ,Hili ing addr(e�ss n a (3c( a6C) SSppuarc footage breakdown Uncovered /covered deck (floor 1am Second Iloor tither Finished basement Unhnuhed basement (.a rage Phone Contractor Information Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 West Broadway Ave * Spokane, Wa 99260 * (509) 456-3675 Ifuddmp contractor KG ��{Yf Oy ;s -P Plumbing contractor Phone L.,y�p�nu nn}imber-f� ` �/p °��t rry�Phone 's &CU'�nL32— License number -Mailing address -City. le - zip -FI- 1Cr AA -" ,Hili ing addr(e�ss n a (3c( a6C) r City. state, zip CC 9902 3 th.it° Other/Lender License number Mating address Phone I lcating contractor =License number 1 hone "M ding address -City. sla le, zip City. state zip kPItOJI�CI CONTACT- _y il� ..( .1PHONE �^ / _/ z Q Z— II Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 West Broadway Ave * Spokane, Wa 99260 * (509) 456-3675 CROCS1 LICENSE NUMBER CONTRACTOR NAME PARENT COMPANY SEARCH NAME ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 CITY, STATE, ZIP TELEPHONE EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE SUSPENDED DATE BIRTH DATE OPTION : s DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES - B&CSIS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION INQUIRY KCENT**099LG K C ENTERPRISES K C ENTERPRISES PO BOX 200 MICA (509) 928-2175 06/07/91 04/15/95 00/00/00 00/00/00 00 CRIS>PROD STATUS ACTIVE. CONTRACTOR TYPE CONST CONT WA 99023 COUNTY SPOKANE BUSINESS TYPE GRANDFATHER CODE SPECIALTY CODE 1 SPECIALTY CODE 2 PARTNER UPDATED GENERAL UNUSED