1995, 05-02 Permit App: 95002890 GaragePROJECT NUMBER= 95002890 APPJICATION DATE= 05/02/95 '31 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT PAGE= 01 SITE STREET= 3015 S MORROW RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= DETACHED GARAGE PLAT#= 001218 BLOCK= AREA= 00000000 # OF BLDGS= 2 PLAT NAME= LOT= F/A= DWELLINGS= OWNER= KNEALE, GARY STREET= 3015 S MORROW RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PARCEL#= 45273.1710 HILL VIEW ESTATES ZONE= UR -3.5 DIST#= F F WIDTH= 80 DEPTH= 130 R/W= 50 1 WATER DIST = VERA CONTACT NAME= GREG MC LEOD - SPOKANE BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 80 LEFT= 5 PHONE= PHONE NUMBER= 509 927 0655 RIGHT= 35 REAR= 5 **** «************************ REVIEW INFORMATION ******* *****++ : ww DEPARTMENT BUILDING COMMENTS: BUILDING COMMENTS: HEALTHDIST COMMENTS: REVIEW REQUIREMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED INCREASE IN LOT COVERAGE s --/2/7f e ************+**+********«***** BUILDING PERMIT +.:++++++++.+.+ CONTRACTOR= SPOKANE STRUCTURES INC STREET= 510 N MULLAN RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 NEW= X DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X D = REQ PARKING= REMODEL= OCCUP. LD= 30 X 40 SQ FT= #HANDICAP= DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE GARAGE M-1 VN PHONE= 509 927 0655 ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= BLDG HGT= 12 STORIES= 1 1200 SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= N SQ FT VALUATION 1200 14400.00 PROJECT NUMBER= 95002890 ITEM DESCRIPTION APPLICATION DATE= 05/02/95 PAGE= 02 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 162.00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 29.16 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 195.66 .00 195.66 195.66 PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JULIE SHATTO .00 195.66 ******************************** THANK YOU*****************,t*********,t******** n m 0 APPLICATItN INFORMATION 'What is the JOB SITE address? 5 30/ .5- v-loi ow ASSESSOR'S tax parcel number? 95-02 73. /7/0 Legal description as it appears on the property deed ,Cor <o 61KC /S N/I.c w/4w r,9 -mss volt 9 PG. 79 OWNER or OCCUPANT Phone GARY rkN.EAxE 5PoleANE (14.35. 99,7/. Mailing address Sana City, state ip 9,27- .5095 ._ Who should we contact regarding this project? &R5& p-Pic-LFom) — 5PogA-Ns Phone a-7acJC,7 (Jrg$$ What work is being done under this permit? 30 X Yo" x / 2.' oAE 431.0& Lone • y t Inspector districtProperty size Right of way vadth ., .,.. U Water district - - - - Building - - .. .. Building height /2' # of stories Contractor 5Pcls,INE STRvc-W RE Dimensions 4,/ xYo, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 4206 WA State Contractor license # 5P0K AST /2- OG Main floor area Unfinished basement area Mailing a. dress N .570 PI (Jl.l.An/ SF (SFWKANE 2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer arage area Size of decks, etc. What is the heat source? N/A What is the cost of your project? /2, 2 f3. CO IlManufactured Home ': : Sign Width: Length: What is the square footage of the sign face? How high is the sign? Year: Make: Installer Contractor Wa State Contractor lice # Wa State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler _ Tent Paint booth _ Fire Alarm _ Fireworks display VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor lice # WA State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address Fuel Storage Tanks;- Swimming Pool ':;•.'. (Circle one) Above -ground Underground Size / gallons Private Contents o1 tank(s) Size / gallons tic/semi-private Contractor _ Contractor Wa State Contractor license # WA State Con r license # Mailing address Mailing address ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programa or activities. tn n d 3 JOB 11N -IE STRUCTURES. I POI(ANE PNONE" INC. ADDRESS 5 Sols tHOtLat_Ov,) fJ. 502 Mullen Rd. Suite B LEGAL DESCR I PT ION SFS e0aCTIA-CA Spokane, Washington 99206 (509) 927-0655 *SPOT/AS 1 12606 PARCEL 1/3-273. /770 Site Plan ADONESS.5• 36/ nei ZONE: t�-f (--3 ROAD WIDTH:5D A -5 F�o�st:.-tom ls,k4oxt2. FRONT•d COMMENTS: REVE{�BY Show North l) FLANKING: 11; Show streets/alley Show septic/sewer/dralntleld Show existing buildings Show proposed bul!ding Show setbacks - front, rear, sides. Show lot size ZONING CRITERIA — SPOKANE CRY if closer than 5' to property line - need firewall Out or rear 30' and closer than 5' - need waiver from neighbor Can't cover more than 509b of rear 25' Corner tot - building must be 20' from property line 50' minimum setback from front property line Less than 6' from residence - need firewall Maximum square footage - !OTT of lot area (07 32/ i 140u S� 2-7 County If closer than 5' to property Ilne - need firewall 10' from septic/draintleld Less than 6' from residence - need firewall aENERAL SETBACKS ARE SHOWN BELOW. WILL NEED TO CHECK CODE BOOK AND KNOW WIIAT ZONING YOU'RE IN TO BE SURE MAXINUM BUILLDING SIZE ALSO CHANGES WITH DIFFERENT ZONING. 5' minimum side yard setback 5' minimum rear yard setback t llnimum front and side street setback - 25 from property Ilne or 55' from center of road - whichever Is greater Bo M0CzCiat,J .s7