09-063.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague/Bowdish PCCP Intersection , , t w Federal Aid Pr4ject hlo.. STPUS -3846(007) ~rr c~ Local Agency Agreernent LA-6673 ~ Local Agency Project No.: SRTC (}6-9 ,;o0%11ey F CHANGE ORDER TC? CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 08-018 DEPARTMENT C}F PUBLIC WURKS PROJECT: SpraguelBowdish PCCP Intersecticn ProJect CONTRACT DATE: 101212008 1 COMTR.ACTOR: Acme Concrete Ra►ringF Inc. CHAMGE 4RDER NO: 6 CAPITAL iMPROVEMEN7 PROJECT NO: 0092 Bla NQ.. (]8-023 aESCRlPTION OF CHANGES ~ This Change Order deducts $1,500.00 from monies orved to the Contrac#or for failure to remedy a bump in the eastbound fanes at Station 28+20, 16I,T ta 28'RT.. Total Amount of this Ghange arder( incL Tax): ($1,500.00) SUBSTAMTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 10131I2008 Priar to #his Change C3rder: 'f 0131120{78 Including this Change t]rder: 11f3I2008 Ln~inal Wvrking aays: 25 11V'orking aays Added by this CC3: D Warking Days Fncluding this G0; 27 , THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOINING ADJUSTMEh1TS QF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL. CONTRACT AMaUNT $ 760,380.75 TaTAL PR1C1R CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 14,195.38 TClTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIC?Ft TC? THIS CHANGE OR[3ER $ 774,576.13 NE7 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ -1,500.00 TOTAL CONTRACT Ah+14UNT 1NCLIJDIbVG THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 773,076.13 This change arder adds 0 days to contract time. CQNTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: aATE: The ccmtractor hereby accep#s fhis adjustment under the terms of the origtnal contract for all work perforrred. RECUMMENDED BY: ` DATE: je r0 f ~ APPRUVED BY: DATE; ~j' Nei! Kersten, Public Works Dire~or ~ ~ APPROIAEp BY: QATE: 4 ~ DBvid Mercier, City MAeager ATTACHMENTS: CpSV November 14, 2008 Bump Itr , Distrrbution: ORIGINALS T0: Contractar, City af Spvkane Valley C9erk's Office, PW Projec# Fite CC7PIES TO: PW Prajec# File ~Pub[;c warks~PQrcnaing/cO 49/26,12007g G09-Q63 , . Public Works Department C 0F ill- ane Capital lmprovement Program ,;O*%11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevatley.org November 14, 2008 Mr. Steve Clark Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. 4124 East Broadway Spokane, WA 99202 Re: Bump, Station 28+20, 10'LT Sprague / Bowdish PCCP Intersection Project Capital Improvement Project No. 0092 City of Spokane Valley Bid # 08-023 Steve: In the vicinity of Station 28+20, 16' LT to 28'RT the paving operations left a noticeable bump, exceeding the following smoothness criteria of Specification 5-04.3(13): The completed wearing course shall not vary more than 118-inch from the lower edge of a 10 foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to centerline. Straightedge measurements show variations up to 7/8" in this area. See Attached Exhibit. The elevation difference between the corner of the nearest SE concrete panel (design) and the edge of existing asphalt (topo) is only 0.02 feet across 15 feet of transition. The bump is not caused by warping the new pavement to match existing. Please remove the bump by micromilling. Grinding of the bump area to meet the specified tolerance shall be added to Punch List. Sincerely, Craig Aldworth, P.E. Project Manager encl: 11-14-08 Punch List . • • Sprague 1 Bowdish PCCP Intersectioo Fraject Capital Improvement Project No. 0092 City of Spokane Valley Bid # 08-023 Navember 14, 2pQ$ Project Punch List The following work or puncch list remains on the prvject: Grind bump at Station 26+20 As-built utilities, provide elevations of all catchbasin rims and inverts, dxyvvell rims, and inverts per Spec. 1-05.4 and Construction Surveying; 5ch AItem 2 Install Permanent Signage at CL Islands per Field Statement IrIo. 8. Remove cvnstructian materials (cone, CB boxes, Golvico truck, North Star Cones and arrow board) from behindl European Restauran.t and leave as found. Blvwout sprinkters at Blockbuster, SE corner. Signa.l Items (See attached Spokane County Signals Purtch List)