09-061.00 Spokane County, City of Spokane et al: JAG Grant . MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WA, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA, CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WA, CITY OF CHENEY, WA AND COUNTY OF SPOKANE, WA 2009 RECOVERY ACT BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM AWARD THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is between the City of Spokane, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falis Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, the City of Airway Heights, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1208 South Lundstrom, Airway Heights, Washington 99001, the City of Cheney, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 609 Second Street, Cheney, Washington, 99004, and Spokane County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, jointly referred to as the PARTIES WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the PARTIES are making a joint application for an Edward Byrne Memonal Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program hereinafter referred to as the "GRANT," and WHEREAS, the PARTIES are required in conjunction with the Grant application process to sign a Memorandum of Understanding indicating who will serve as the applicant / fiscal agent for the Grant as well as to allocate among themselves the GRANT funds, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the GRANT, the PARTIES are desirous of reducing to writing their understanding as to who will serve as the applicant / fiscal agent for the GRANT as well as the allocation of the GRANT funds among the PARTIES, Now, Therefore, The PARTIES agree as follows SECTION NO 1 DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT/FISCAL AGENT The PARTIES hereby agree that the City of Spokane shall be the designated applicant / fiscal agent in conjunction with the GRANT 1 C09-061 SECTION NO 2 ALLOCATION OF GRANT MONEYS The PARTIES' agree that the GRANT amount of One Million, Two Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Four pollars ($1,249,764 00) shall be split among the PARTIES as follows City of Spokane $824,043 00 City of Spokane Valley $207,652 00 City of Airway Heights $ 12,908 00 City of Cheney $ 10,869 00 Spokane County $194,292 00 SECTION NO 3 USE OF GRANT FUNDS BY THE PARTIES The City of Spokane agrees to use the $824,043 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs, including a contnbution of $336,866 46 to joint Programs, until June 30, 2013 City of Spokane Valley agrees to use the $207,652 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs, including a contnbution of $84,887 55 to joint Programs, until June 30, 2013 City of Airway Heights agrees to use the $12,908 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs, inciuding a contribution of $5,276 75 to joint Programs, until June 30, 2013 Cdy of Cheney agrees to use the $10,869 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs, including a contribution of $4,443 22 to joint Programs, until June 30, 2013 Spokane County agrees to use the $194,292 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution, and Court Programs, including a contribution of $79,426 02 to joint Programs, until June 30, 2013 For the purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding, joint Programs include the following Encryption Server, Forensic Computer system, and Cnminal History Specialist SECTION NO 4 LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS Each party to this Memorandum of Understanding will be responsible for its own actions in providing services under this Memorandum and shall not be liable for any civil liability that may anse from the furnishing of the services by the any other party SECTION NO 5 THIRD PARTY RIGHTS The PARTIES to this Memorandum of Understanding do not intend for any third party to obtain a nght by virtue of this Memorandum This Memorandum of Understanding shall not create any nghts in any party not a signatory hereto 2 SECTION NO 6 ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding contains the entire understanding of the PARTIES No representations, promises, or agreements not expressed herem have been made to induce any party to sign this Memorandum SECTION NO 7 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Upon award of the GRANT, the PARTIES shall enter into an Interlocal Agreement settmg forth the final terms and conditions of the GRANT allocabon and management Dated OF SPOKANE ~ 4 y / A Y r . ~ 4 t R ~ ~ ~ i ~ f` ary %rner, Mayor L r r i t1 ~ ~ 4~W ~ I r 1 -Oa ~ ~ •w Attest Approved as to form 'j' City Clerk Assistant City Attomey Dated COUNTY OF SPQKANE, WASHINGTON 'o-Q0 ey ~ w Marshall Farriell, Chief Executive Officer Approve as to form ~ ~ Ci ty Pro secu in-g-t-tom ey /l 3 Dated CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By .1 X/O David M ier, City Manager Attest Approved as to form . . Depu City Attomey ~41tyclerk L Dated 09 CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS By 4&'dA ~ Albert Tnpp, Ctt anager Attest- Approved as to form . K. City Clerk City Attomey Dated CITY OF CHENEY ~ By z- C Allan Gainer, Mayo Attest Approved as to form / 4W)"-41Qy Cififi Clerk ' Assistant City Attomey 4 OMB Approval No.1121-0188 Expires 6-98 (Rev.1?J97) A. Personnel Computation Cost Paint Over GrafF+b Coordinator ($10 00 x 1,844 hours) $ 18,441 00 SECTION A TOTAL $ 189441 Personnel Narrative The Paint Over Graflfib Coonilnator works with the community poliang orogantzabons in Spokane (both C O P S and S C O P.E ) to remove exisUng graffib and prevent the ocxurrence of new inadents This is a part bme posihon that vnll also be parUaliy matched by the Spokane Police Department JAG funds are requested to oover approximately 1844 hours for this posidon B. Fring• Benefits Cost Sociai Securty`Salary ($18,441 x 0 0765142) $ 1,41100 Industnal Insuranoe"Salary ($18,441 x 0 0080255) $ 14800 SECTION B TOTAL $ 19559 Fringe Benefits Narrative Fnnge benefits for the Paint Over Graffib Coordtnator were caiculated based on the above wage caiculabon in Secdon A for both social security benefits and for industrial msurance Total Personnel $ Fringe Benefits $ 20,000 C. Travel Purpose of Travel Location Computation Cost SECTION C TOTAL $ - Travel Narrative D Equipment Item Computabon Cost EncrypUon Server ($330,000 00 x 1 project) $ 330,000 00 TeleStaff ($83,250 00 x 1 software package) $ 83,250 00 Targetmg System ($124,000 00 x 1 system) $ 124,000 00 Subcompact Rugged Laptops ($4,903 57 x 10 laptops) $ 49,035 70 Patrol Bicycles ($1,500 00 x 2 bikes) $ 3,00000 Laptop computers ($1,808 72 x 15 computers) $ 27,130 84 SECTION D TOTAL $ 6169417 , Equipment Narrative The cost for the encryption server was estimated based on cost estimates from other agenc+es also secunng their data transfer to mandated levels The TeleStaff system wdl be used by the Spokane Police Department to manage the staffing schedules for a 24/7/365 operation in an effort to better aflocate resources Cost is based on a quote from the vendor The targeting system is based on a quote from another vendor, the system innll replace the existmg handgun targetmg system at the Spokane Regional Trammg Center and mstall a new nfle targeting system as well The subcompact rugged laptops are rated for m-fleld use by law enforcement, funds are requested for the suboompact versions to be used by motorbike and bicycle patrol officers, who must keep their oomputers on their person Costs were estmated on quotes from the vendor Bicycles are requested to replace detenorated exisbng equipment to be used by our Bike Patrol Team Costs were estimated from previous purchases Funds are also requested for laptop oomputers to replaoe outdated and non-supported exisUng office eqwpment Costs were estimated from past purchases. E. Supplies Supply Items Computation Cost SECTION E TOTAL $ - Supplies Narrative F. Construction Purpose Description of Work Cost SECTION F TOTAL $ - G Consultants/Contracts Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost Subtotal $ - Contracts Item Cost Contract with City of Spokane Valley for Target Ammuniton ($2,074 39 x 16 quarters) $ 33,190 25 Fieid computers ($6,462 46 x 4 computers) $ 25,849 84 Radios ($4,421 38 x 7 radios) $ 30,949 66 Portable Radios ($926 47 x 10 urnts) $ 9,26470 Light Bars ($2,182 00 x 5 urnts) $ 10,910 00 Scanners ($300 00 x 22 scanners) $ 6,60000 Laptop ($3,000 00 x 1 laptop) $ 3,00000 SCSO Neighborhood Watch Program ($3,000 00 x 1 project) $ 3,00000 Contract with Cdy of Airway Heights for Motorola portable radios ($1,526 25 x 5 radios) $ 7,63125 Contract vnth Crty of Cheney for Night Vsion Cameras ($3,212 89 x 2 cameras) $ 6,42578 Contract with Spokane County for Cnminal History Specialist $ 170,000 00 1 N/10-11 /30/2012 SALARY $ 127, 339 98 LONGEVITY $ 1,19601 LIFE INS $ 125 74 FICA $ 9,83300 MEDlCAL $ 14, 756 86 RETIREMENT $ 10, 681 34 IND INS $ 1,02750 DENTAL $ 3,97300 UNEMPLYMNT $ 30825 LTD $ 75836 Ultra Bay II Forensic Computer ($10,800 00 x 1 computer) $ 10,900 00 SCSO Neighborhood Watch Program ($2,365 98 x 1 project) $ 2.36598 Recidwism Trackmg Database ($112,500 00 x 1 project) $ 112,500 00 Subtota/ $ 432,587 SECTION G TOTAL $ 432,587 , Consultants/Contracts Narrative City of Spokane Valley conrract Funds are requested to purchase target ammurnbon to be used dunng law enforcement- firearms training Funds are also requested for field computers to be used by patrol officers in the fleld In order to properly equip patrol vehicles m Spokane Valley, funds are requested for radios and light bars In order to fully eqwp law enforcement in the field, funds are also requested for portable radios Fundmg for a premium laptop computer is requested for the Spokane Valley Police Chief m order to complete necessary Job fundions All costs for the above were estmated from past purchases of the listed item Funds are also requested for the Spokane County Sheriff's Office Neighborhood Watch Program Costs were provided by the program, which contracts with the Spokane County SherfFs Offioe, which oontracts withh Spokane Valley Citjr ofAirway Heights contract Funds are requested to supply Motorola portable radios for Airway Heights to be used in the field by law enforcement Costs were esbmated based on past purchases Citjr of Cheney contract Funds are requested to purchase rnght-vision cameras to be mounted on patrol vehicles in Cheney Costs were provided by the vendor and will aiso be partially matched by the City of Cheney Spokane County contract Wages and fnnge benefits for the Cnminal History Speaalist were estimated from current wage ranges for the posibon Funds are also requested for an Uitra Bay 11 forensic computer to be used in cnmmal investigabons, costs were obtamed through the provider Funds are also requested for the Spokane County SherrfPs Offioe Neighborhood Watch Program Costs were provided by the program which contracts wnth Spokane County Funds are also requested for a Recidivism Tracking Database to be used by the court system Cost for the project was esbmated by the computer programming staff responsible for developing database H Other Costs Description Computation Cost Earth movmg for Target System installabon ($103,000 00 x 1 system) $ 103,000 00 TeleStaff Annual l.icense ($12,320 00 x 3 years) $ 36,960 00 TeleStaff Annual Support ($7,200 00 x 3 years) $ 21,600 00 Wireless card service for laptops ($40 00 x 48 months x 10 laptops) $ 19,200 00 TOTAL $ 1809760 Other Costs Idarrative In order to mstali the rifle targetmg system funded above m section D, dirt must be moved on the Outdoor Tactical Shootmg Range Cost was esUmated from contractor quote There are also licensmg and support fees associated "th the TeleStafF program funded in section D The costs were provided by the vendor and cover the program for the life of the grant The Spokane Police Department will absorb these costs at the end of the grant Funds are also requested to provide 4 years of wreless card service for the subcompact rugged computers so they wdl be active for m-field use Costs were esfimated from current service oosts 1. Indirect Costs Descripbon Computation Cost TOTAL $ - Budget Summary Budget Ca4egory Amount A Personnel $ 181441 ~ I I B Fnnge Benefits $ 1,559 C Travel $ - ~ D Equipment $ 6169417 E SupPIies $ - ~ F Construchon $ - G Consuitant.s/Contracts $ 432,587 ' H Other $ 1809760 , Total Direct Costs $ 19249,764 I indirec4 Costs $ - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 1,2499764 Federal Reques4 $ - iVon-Federal Amount $ - I JAG Recovery Act 2009 Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA Abstract The Crty of Spokane, on behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, City of Airway Heights, City of Cheney, and Spokane County, requests JAG Recovery Act monies in the amount of $1,249,764 to fund various law enforcement and prosecution programs vvith the intent of accomplishuig the followuig goals unprove the functioiung of the cnnunal justice system, cnme prevenrion, cnrrunal justice personnel trauung, and enhancmg jushce uifornaanon shazing programs The followuig JAG Recovery projects wnll assist these junsdictions in accomplishing these goals an encryption server for secure data transfer, a forensic computer, a cnnunallustory specialist, the renovanon and installation of a targetuig system at the Outdoor Tactical Shootulg Range at the Spokane Regional Trauung Center, personnel staffing software, mobile laptop computers for use in the field, a Paint Over Graffiti Coorclmator, patrol bicycles, office laptop computer upgrades, ammwution to be used for targeting practice, in-field computers, caz radios, portable radios, patrol vehicle light bazs, scanners for in-field crtations, rught vision cameras for patrol vehicles, recidivism trackuig database, as well as the SCSO Neighborhood Watch Program Page 1 of 1 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA JAG Recoverv Act 2009 Grant Proposal The City of Spokane, City of Spokane Va11ey, City of Airway Heights, City of Cheney, and Spokane County respectfully subnut this j oint application in regards to the Edward Byrne Memonal Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) under the Amencan Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 The Crty of Spokane vvill act as fiscal agent for the JAG The Spokane Police Department (SPD), acting on behalf of the Crty of Spokane, manages rts own budget, mcluding federal grants SPD has managed over twenty-five grants since 2003 totaling nearly $22 million This total uicludes $3 4 nullion received from BJA in previous LLEBG and JAG funding With a Grant Accounting Specialist on staff, SPD has the capacity and vvill be responsible for grant administration details as they relate to acting as fiscal agent, to mclude disbursement of funds and morutoring of subrecipients, collecting and subnutting financial and performance measure reports, and offenng any needed grant assistance to subrecipients of the JAG funding Drawdowns and expendrtures are tracked through individual budget lines for each federal grant received, wluch keeps federal funduig sepazate The proposed projects by the junsdicrions applying for this grant support the following goals and objectives as they relate to the JAG and Amencan Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Goal I Improve Functionmg of the Spokane Regional Cnmmal Justice system Objective A Improve Cnminal Jushce Equipment Objective B Enhance Ability to Manage Resources Objective C Maultain Personnel to Complete Necessary Duties Goal II Crune Prevention Objechve A Combat Internet Cnmes Against Cluldren Page 1 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrahve for Cihes of Spokane, Spokane Va11ey, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA Objective B Support Neighborhood Watch programs Objective C Reduce Graffiti Goal III Enhance Justice Information Shanng Programs Objective A Improve the Secunty of Data Transfer Objective B Develop Databases to Facilitate the Exchange of Information Goal IV Traming of Cnnunal Justice Personnel Objective A Mauitaui Firearm Proficiency The mdividual junsdictions have projects that support these goals and objectives for theu own agencies as well as several joint projects that benefit the entire region Joint Jurisdiction Projects All five junsdictions have agreed per the attached MOU to pool a portion of their individual funding for law enforcement and prosecuhon projects that vvill benefit all jurisdictions For law enforcement programs, the applicants propose to fund an encryption system for data transfer and a forensic computer system for techiucal investigations Addinonally, the applicants propose to spend funds on a prosecurion program for compositing cnminallustory backgrounds Each of these projects vvill be managed by one of the jurisdictions for the benefit of all Citv of Svokane In order to enhance justice uiformation shanng programs by unproving the secunty of data transfer, The City of Spokane vvill use $330,000 for a regional encryption system for the electromc transfer of Washuigton State Patrol (WSP) a.nd National Crime Information Center (NCIC) data This system will support law enforcement, corrections, and prosecution/court programs wnth the prevailing goal of providing secure cnnunal justice informahon systems The Page 2 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA associated objectives to this goal include complying with federal mandate and installing encryption systems for the secure transfer of data The City of Spokane intends to complete this project no later than October 2010 The project will begin in July 2009, with the purchasing of necessary eqiupment, to be followed by network and vrnreless analysis startmg in January 2010 The Spokane Regional CAD system provides access to WSP and NCIC data systems Tlus system provides cntical data directly ta law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts elimuiating the need for addihonal dispatchers and Records personnel New reqturements have been uistituted at the federal level that requue a high level of secure encryption for any data that is transnutted via wireless connection or across any network that is not solely operated by law enforcement Dunng the last WSP scheduled audrt, Spokane was nofafied that the current systems do not meet the Federal Informanon Processing Standards 140-2 reqwrement In order to aclueve the requued level of encryption, existing systems a.nd netwarks must be retrofitted to meet the requuement The retrafit will involve a combuiation of hardware, soflware, servers, and configuration services Tlus wnll provide secure data transfer for the regional cnminal justice system Spokane Countv The Spokane County Shenff's 4ffice (SCS4) will use $10,900 for an Ultra Bay n Forensic Computer to recover evidence in chil.d pornography cases, identity theft, and a variety of other crimes associated vvith computer cnme The monies rvill also purchase a Uruversal Forensic Extraction Device to process uLformation from cell phones and simtlat devices The primary vbjective of the SCSO Digital Forensic Computer Equ.ipment Project Zs to preserve and advance analysis of di,gita1 evidence dunng investigarion of cnmes mvolving digital tools of crime with the ultimate goal of reducing crime invalving digrtal cnme tools This project Page 3 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cines of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA supports the goal of crune prevention through preventing Intemet crunes against cluldren as well as supporhng the unproved funchonuig of the cnminal jushce system Digrtal Forensics can be defined as " the lughly specialized forensic exanunation on seized digital evidence and includes data retneval, password recovery, and finding deleted and/or hidden information " Digrtal evidence is defined as any uiformation of probative value that is stored or transmitted in digrtal or electronic form Digrtal evidence can play a crucial part in the inveshgarion in three different ways 1) Tool of the cnme A computer, cell phone, digrtal camera or other electroruc device can be used as a tool of the cnme, 2) Victim of the cnme The owner of a computer, cell phone, digital camera or other electroruc device can be a victun of a cnme and a digrtal forensic exanuner can deternune onginal ownerslup among other things, and 3) Incidental to the crune A computer, cell phone, digrtal camera or other electroruc device can contain valuable evidence that is incidental to the cnme For example, it would be great to know the last person that called a murder victun's cell phone and well as the last outgoing call The requested digrtal forensic computer equ.ipment vvill result in the follownng meaiumgful and measurable outcomes consistent wrth the goals of the Recovery Act The eff'iciencies created wlth the use of advanced technology will not only assist in preserving cnme analysis and investigation jobs at the SCSO, but will also promote econonuc recovery by investing in technological advances in science, which vvill dzrectly spur the commercial and manufacturmg sectors responsible for producing the equipment The Spokane regionallocal governments anticipate some budget stabdization as a result of increased capacity in the investigation of cnmes involving digrtal evidence, thereby avoiding reductions in these essential services Page 4 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA The activities involving the use of the digital forensic equipment will begin four to six weeks after the eqi,upment is ordered The date of purchase vvill depend on the tune frame in wluch the eqwpment currently being used reaches maxunum capacity As noted above in discussing the objectives anhcipated as a result of obtaimng the digital forensic equipment, the activities w1ll maxuzuze job retention and econonuc benefits Funds will be spent by 2013 Also managed by Spokane County, the Spokane Prosecutuig Attorney wnll use $170,000 to assist m the funding of a Cnminal History Specialist There has been recogivtion by other related law enforcement agencies of the uiuversal and regional nature of services provided by the County Prosecutor's Office The Prosecutor's Office handles a11 referred felony cases from each of the local law enforcement agencies, Crty of Spokane Police, Crty of Spokane Valley, Spokane County Shenff, Cheney, and Airway Heights The Spokane County Prosecuting Attorneys' Office handles felony cases occumng wrthui Spokane County With each felony case filed, the Prosecutor's Office is obhgated to prepare an "Understanduig of Cruninal History " 1'his is a vrtal aspect of the daily process of the cnminal justice system Over the yeazs criminal lustory has become increasingly more complex, and the courts have placed higher burdens on the system The Cnnunal History Specialist serves not only as an essential piece for each felony case, the posihon is quite cost effective As the case loads for each deputy prosecutor have greatly increased, it becomes exceedulgly important to keep the Cnminal History Specialist in place The goal of the Cnmuial History Specialist is to improve the functiorung of the cnrrunal justice system, specifically for courts and prosecution The related objective, therefore, is to provide all of the felony attorneys in the Spokane County Prosecuhng Attorneys' Office vvith a detailed cnmuial background record for everyone booked mto jail on felony chazges In 2008 a Page 5 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Ciries of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA complete criminal lustory was completed for 4,650 felony referrals The metnc for 2009 is to complete the cnminal history for 100% of the felony referrals Tlus JAG money wnll continue to fund the Cnminal History Specialist, a position that has been in existence smce 19972 serving the Recovery Act goal of preserving jobs Funding would begin in January 2010 as existing JAG funds for tlus posrtion expire December 2009 Funding would conrinue through October 2012 Citv of Spokane Projects On behalf of the Spokane Police Department (SPD), the Crty of Spokane requests $141,810 in funduig to purchase TeleStaff, a personnel staffing software program that will unprove the funcrioning of the cruYUna1 justice system by enhancing SPD's ability to manage rts resources SPD's goal for this project is to effechvely manage personnel costs, vvith objecnves includmg reducing overtime costs and scheduling leave effectively The timeline for tlus project is to purchase the software by October 2009, tram personnel by December 2009, and complete vnstallation by January 2010, the program would be ongoing, vvith JAG funding covenng on- going maintenance fees for the lifetune of the grant The Crty of Spokane also requests $227,000 to purchase and install a new targeting system for the Outdoor Tactical Shooting Range at the Spokane Regional Tranung Center The goal of this project is to provide trauung for cnminal justice personnel and satisfies the objective of maintauung firearm proficiency This new targetulg system will enhance current handgun training, but vvlll also allow for a new nfle targeting system to be mstalled Overall, tlus project will provide the opporturuty for regional law enforcement to maultain and unprove theu firearm proficiency, wluch will help keep both officers and crtizens safe The timeline for tlus project is Page 6 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cihes of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA to be determined, as additional funding is needed to fully complete the project It is expected the project will begui no later than 2011 and will be completed by 2013 In order to unprove cnminal justice system functioriwg through equipment enhancement, the Crty of Spokane also requests $68,235 70 to purchase 10 subcompact rugged laptop computers for the SPD patrol uruts These laptops support the traffic and bike patrol functions as they allow officers to transfer data more efficiently than solely relyulg on radio use duririg rouhne contacts This enhances theujob performance and keeps radio frequencies available for emergency commurucahons The start date for tlus project is June of 2010, vvith expendrtures expected to be complete by June 2013 SPD also requests $3,000 to purchase 2 mountain bilces m order to unprove existing equipment These mountain bilces will be used to supplement specialty patrols by foot officers, creating the abdity for these officers to interact more directly with citizens These bikes will be purchased by September 2009 To preserve an existmg position as well as prevent cnme through the reduction of graffiti, the Crty of Spokane also requests $20,000 to fund the Pauit Over Graffiti (POG) coordinator for two years The POG coordlnator was previously funded through another grant, wluch expues m July 2009 JAG funds will allow this position to be mauitained through June 2011 The POG coordinator's objective of preventing graffiti is accomphshed through these activrties managing the graffin mcident database, issuance of abatement notices, agency referral for graffiti removal, orgaruzing graffiti clean-ups, conducnng graffiti awareness and prevention presentahons, and enforcement of the Spokane graffin ordinance These activities support the prevention and removal of graffiti The City of Spokane and SPD also request $27,130 84 to be used towazds improvuig existing equipment in order to unprove cnminal justice functiorung, these funds would be used Page 7 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA to purchase 151aptop computers to replace outdated eqwpment The current inventory of office computer equipment for SPD is precariously outdated The expected life span for this technology before rt becomes outdated is 3-4 years A portion of SPD's inventory exceeds tlus by 2 to 3 tunes, vvith a large portion exceeding 3 years past purchase Tlus huiders the job performance of crinunal justice office personnel Updating and replacmg this equipment will increase productivity T'his project would begin July 2009, vvith computers being replaced as the outdated equipment expires It is expected this project will contuiue through June 2013 Citv of Spokane Vallev Projects The City of Spokane Valley proposes to fund training and equipment for the Spokane Valley Police Department (SVPD) in order to unprove functioYUng of the cnmmal justice system They also propose to assist Spokane County by partially funding the Spokane County Shenffls Office (SCSO) Neighborhood Watch Program City of Spokane Valley will use $33,190 25 to purchase ammuruhon for use in quarterly- scheduled target practices The goal is to increase public safety and protection through increased law enforcement traimng, wluch relates to the objective of increased firearm proficiency These tralnings will be mandatory for every law enforcement officer in the Spokane County Shenff s Office and will result in unproved accuracy and confidence among staff The public benefits through increased safety m the event an officer needs to discharge a weapon in the performance of duties Tlus project will begin July 2009, vvith quarterly expenditures through Mazch 2011 The Crty of Spokane Valley also requests $25,849 84 to purchase field computers for SVPD to support the goal of unproving criminal justice functiorung by improving commurucation The computers will be assigned to SVPD officers for use in the field for commurucation, data compilation, and reporting The computers are companble wrth the Page 8 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Va11ey, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA secunty/surveillance systems m a vanety of pubhc buildings and the Rapid Responder mapping system as well as being the pnmary tool for commuiucatmg wnth data via Dispatch The computers are portable as well as mountable in patrol velucles and will have all required software for SVPD officers to compfle data and produce reports in connection wnth responding to and investigatulg incidents This project will begin m July 2009 and will be completed by June 2010 Another $30,949 66 in funds is requested so SVPD can purchase radlos to replace outdated technology and mcrease commurucation capability among staff This supports the goal of unprovuig cnminal justice system functiorung by unprovmg commuiucation It also assists in the reducrion and prevention of cnme, as law enforcement officers are able to commurucate suspect mformation more effectively Furthermore, another $9,264 70 is requested for SVPD to purchase portable radios to replace outdated technology and increase commurucation capability among staff These portable radios assist law enforcement when they are away from theu velucles, wluch unproves both their safety and theu ability to commurucate These projects will begin in July 2009, with completion expected by October 2009 In order to unprove crtizen and officer safety, the Crty of Spokane Valley will use $10,910 in funds to purchase patrol hght bars for SVPD to replace outdated technology and increase safety when using emergency patrol lights This project unproves cnminal justice equipment, wluch therefore unproves the funchoning of the cnminal justice system The project start date will be Ju1y 2009 and will be completed by January 2010 As another measure to improve cnminal jusrice system functiorung, $6,600 in funds is requested for SVPD to purchase scanners for use in police velucles to replace outdated technology This project supports the objective of improving technology as scanners will allow Page 9 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrahve for Cines of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA oiTicers to create a crtation wluch is unmed.iately stored on the record, and then allow them to print out a typed ticket for the offender Tlus updates the process for issuing and recording citations for the cnminal justice system 1lus project wrll begui in Ju1y 2009 and is expected to be completed by January 2010 The City of Spokane Valley also requests $3,000 to purchase a laptop computer for the SVPD Chief of Police This vvill increase lus work-tune effectiveness and unprove commutucation capabilrty among staff, wluch supports the functioning of the cnmmal jushce system Tlus project wnll begui in July 2009 and will be completed by September 2009 To augment the SCSO Neighborhood Watch Program goals of educating the public m ways to reduce cnme, preparing for possible terronst attacks or other emergencies, increasing the numbers of watches, and revitalizing existing watches in Spokane County, the Crty of Spokane Valley requests $3,000 to partially fund the SCSO Neighborhood Watch (NV) Program The SCSO NW Program promotes commuruty cnme prevention as well as neighbor-to-neighbor disaster preparedness and emergency response and is a vital link in the intelligence-led policing efforts throughout Spokane County in conjunction with the Shenff s Commuruty Onented Policing Effort (S C O P E) and law enforcement Currently the SCSO NW Program has 1400 watches throughout Spokane County including the areas of Cheney, Airway Heights, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Latah, Spangle, Faufield, Rockford,lVbllwood and Chattaroy The goal is to increase tlus number by 10% in the next four yeazs, addulg 35 watches per year with a total of 1540 by the end of 2013 Citv of Airwav Heights Projects The Crty of Airway Heights proposes to spend $7,631 25 on Motorola portable radios for the Airway Heights Pohce Department (AHPD) to unprove cnminal justice system functiorung Page 10 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cines of Spokane, Spokane Va11ey, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA These radios assist law enforcement in the completion of theu da11y duhes towards the goal of reducmg and preventuig crime The objecrives for these radios are 1) the abilrty for officers to contact law enforcement dispatch regazduig informarion on possible cnminal suspects they have contacted for background and warrant checks, 2) the ablhty to contact other law enforcement officers and personnel over the broadcast network in order to relay uiformation, and 3) the abilrty to be accessible for dispatch in order to respond to a crtizen call for service These objectives will assist AHPD in apprehending cnminals in an effort to reduce and prevent cnme The Crty of Airway Heights proposes to purchase these radios by January 2010 Citv of Chenev Projects The Cheney Pohce Department (CPD) is requesting funding for thermal imager equipment to support the goal of reducing and preventing cnme by unprovuig cnminal jushce system functionuig The $6,425 78 in funding will be used to purchase two night vision cameras mounted on the spotlight head assembly on two patrol cars These rught vision cameras will assist officers in locahng cnminal activrty in hours of darkness, wluch sustams the objectives of arresting cnminal offenders and increasing officer safety These objectives will help aclueve the goal of reducing and preventing crune CPD will purchase these cameras by January 2010 Spokane Countv Projects Spokane County proposes to fund a database to track recidivism and ongoing support of the SCSO Neighborhood Watch Program In order to support the courts, prosecutors, corrections, and drug treatment programs, $112,500 is requested to fund a tracking database for cnminal recidivism This will enhance justice information sharing programs Despite the myriad of excellent databases available, rt is not yet possible to track subsequent recidivism behavior This uiformanon will provide crucial ulformation for the Board of County Page 11 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Auway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA Comnussioners and Spokane citizens, per the following objectives 1) Pubhc safety outcomes regarding specialty problem solving courts (Supenor Court's Therapeutic Drug Court, Distnct Court's Mental Health Court, Supenor Court's Early Case Resolunon docket, Pre-trial services (across county), Distnct Court's DUI Court, etc 2) identifying predictor vanables of success, to further individualize treatment to mcrease success rates, and 3) document financial benefits for investing in such systems, by reductions in cnmina.hty To accomphsh these objecnves, Spokane County Information Systems Department will create a customized recidivism trackmg application for use by multiple specialized courts and service providers The applicahon would track uurial client uiformation (as the Drug Court Apphcation already does), gather subsequent ongoing activrty from various systems (SCOMIS, DISCUS, etc) to provide statistical da.ta for use by the Therapeutic Drug Court, DUI Court, Mental Health Court, and Eazly Case Resolution Court The application would make use of the crimulallustory uiformation contained vvithui the Crty RMS system, if given access The apphcation could also be mcorporated into our existing Pre-Tnal Services application, providing recidivism tracking capabilities for that department as well The tuneline for tlus project is to begui July 2009 with completion by May 2010 The Spokane County Shenff s Office requests $2,365 98 in funding to be used for the Spokane County Shenff s Office Neighborhood Watch (SCSO NW) Program already partially funded by the City of Spokane Valley The SCSO NW Program vvill use these funds to augment rts goals of educating the public in ways to reduce crime and prepare for possible terrorist attacks or other emergencies, to increase the numbers of watches, and to revrtalize existing watches in Spokane County 1'he SCSO NW Program vvill preserve law enforcement jobs by allovving commissioned law enforcement staff to contuiue vvith duect law enforcement wlule volunteers of Page 12 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Program Narrative for Crties of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Au way Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA the SCSO NW Program, along with the Program's civilian director, unplement community- onented cnme prevention and other law enforcement support activities Tlus work program wnll assist in stabilizing the area's local government budgets, ui order to minimize and avoid reducnons in essential services and counterproductive State and local tax increases The activities associated with this project mclude the SCSO NW Duector's attendance at the National Cnme Prevention Conference m order to serve as a trasn-the-trainer with the Duector bringing the tralnuig to the Spokane County azea In addihon to basic neighborhood watch trainuig, courses focusing on the followuig areas vvill be provided NW sustainabilrty with new ideas and resources mmed for resolutions of cnminal activity for individual neighborhoods as well and NW as a whole in the format of group training and one-on-one NW leaders, domestic preparedness and emergency response team program, and educanon and outreach to the public via the SCSO NW office srtuated in the Spokane Valley Mall Tlus project wnll begm fundmg on 2009, with training attendance occurring m 2009, in 2010-2013, the remaining fiunds vrnll be used to complete the remairung activrties Page 13 of 13 JAG Recovery Act 2009 Review Narrahve for Cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane County, WA The Crty of Spokane, as fiscal agent and applicant for the Recovery Act of 2009 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), hereby certifies the follownng 1) The JAG Program Narrative was made available for review by the Spokane Crty Council and the Mayor of Spokane on Apnl 13, 2009 The grant application was subnutted to tlus governing body through the City Clerk and was presented at the regularly scheduled City Council meetuzg that everung 2) The JAG Program Narrative was made available to the public of Spokane starhng on Apnl 17, 2009 through multiple mediums, including electrorucally and through prult media The Crty of Spokane published the JAG Program Narrahve on the SPD website, www snokanepolice ore The JAG Program Narrative was also published in the Crty of Spokane's Officral Gazette on Apn122, Apn129, and May 6, 2009 An announcement of the JAG Program Narrative's availability for review was also published in The Spokesman-Review on Apn126 and May 3, 2009 Public comment was invrted through these announcements 3) As Spokane County is a disparate junsdiction, please see the attached signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOL) between the mulnple jurisdicnons descnbing the agreed allocation of funds for the JAG Recovery 2009 program Page 1 of 1 Chris Bainbridge From John Pietro Sent. Thursday, May 14, 2009 8 59 AM To Chris Bambndge Subject. FW JAG Recovery Grant - Submitted Attachments. JAGRecovery MOU signed pdf, JAG_Recovery2009 Budget pdf, JAG Recovery 09 Abstract doc, JAG Recovery 09 Narrative doc, JAG Recovery 09 ReviewNarrative doc ]AGRecovery MOU ]AG_Reoovery2009 JAG Recovery 09 JAG Reaovery 09 JAG Reoovery 09 signed pdf (14 _Budgetpdf (i Abstract.doc ( Narrative doc ReviewNarratlv Chris Here are some additional items related to the JAG MOU if you need them JP -----Original Message----- From Cortright, Carly [mailto ccortright@spokanepolice org] Sent Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5 34 PM To Fogler, Debra, Larsen, Esther, Wentworth, Joette, Shane, Russ, Jeffrey Sale, tgravelle@cawh org, Lundquist, Greg, Altshuler, Sandra J, John Pietro Cc Moberly, Gill, Nicks, Jim, Tower, Jeff, Knezovich, Ozzie, lbennett@cawh org, Stapleton, Jennifer P, Morgan Koudelka, Mike Jackson, Rick Van Leuven Sub3ect JAG Recovery Grant - Submitted Everyone, The JAG Recovery Grant has been submitted I've attached copy of the signed MOU for everyone's records, as well as copies of the narratives in case anyone would like them for their files Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions' I appreciate everyone's assistance in developing this application - thank you to all «JAGRecovery MOU signed pdf» «JAG Recovery2009_Budget pdf» «JAG Recovery 09 Abstract doc» «JAG Recovery 09 Narrative doc» «JAG Recovery 09 ReviewNarrative doc» Carly Cortright Police Planner Operations Analysis Spokane Police Department Ph 509 835 4527 Fax 509 835 4545 1