09-056.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines Mansfield Congestion Relief Adobil Vlfash~ngton StaRe ~ Departtnent of 71rar~ort~ation Chinge Order Date 4/21 /2009 Page 1 of 4 Pages Contract Number 08-016 Federal Aid Number CM-9932 (032) Contract TMe Pines-Manfield Corridor Congeshon Relief Project Change Order Number 16 Prime Contractor Inland Asphalt (9 Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04 4 of 4he Standard Specifications ❑ Change proposed by Contractor Endorsed By Surety Consent C ~ • Contredffr-- 4/ ~ Attomey on Fact Dete Date , Ongmai Contract Amount 39061,916 95 Current Contract Amount 391559298 13 Estimated Net Change This Order 1186480 Estimated Contract Total After Change 391579162 93 Approval Required ❑ Region ❑ Olympia Service Center Z Local Agency If the amount authorized m the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency wnll assume the total cost of this Change Order F-] Approval Recommended ~ Approved Ap oved i d-~L Project Engineer provl utho per C A. Agreement Dete Date F-] Approval Recommended F-] Approved Other Approval When Required 8y S(gnature Oate Date RepreserUng DOT Form 140-005 EF ' Revised 10/97 C09-056 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 of 4 Contract No: 08-016 Change Order No. 16 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work The Contractor shall install Truncated Domes - ADA Tactile Waming tiles at the locations shown on the attached Plan. The tiles shall be 24 inches by 48 inches and yellow in color. Measurement Truncated Domes - ADA Tactile Wamings shall be measured per each Payment Payment shall be made for each of the following items New contract items: "Truncated Domes - ADA Tactile Waming", per each. Contract Time Contract time will not be adjusted as a result of this Change Order Attachments Plan Sheet MD1. CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 4, Contract No: 08-016 Change Order No.16 Item No Group No. Item Descnption Uni4 Unit Price Est Qty. Est Amt Change IMeasure Change NE1N 1 Truncated Domes - ADA Tactde Wammgs EACH $207 20 7 $1,450 40 NEW 3 Truncated Domes - ADA Tacble Wammgs EACH $207 20 2 $ 41440 TOTAL $19864.80 ~a' a' ~ I 2' It 3~ ~ ~ - -i-- f - - - ~ - ~ ~ 3.1' R G' . 60 ~ ~ .j urs' ~ ~ i T J - , A 26}32.61 (2.3' RT~-~ ~ 3' R ~ 3R SR 1pg.r 81.9' ~ , I + i 6.5' ~ ALfi~ P L#NE STA. 24~44.76 (5.3' RT) AL~h P LIN~ STA. 25+32.61 ~~.3 RTI, 1 R 8 7 r- T 11+41.as ~ ~ ~ WN 99+58A6 26' R 36.~ PA1N1°E!? W~DE LlNE { ~ t'~~ 1.6' R + - 1.6' R 42.2' ft J Hl.~' , 1' - ~ ~ 2~ 3.b' R " a~ , • ~ PAINT~ YELLdW a ti• ' , DGE IN~ ~6' R -103' . 47.4' R r ,.1 h ~ * f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 R , r ~ . a 1 , 123.6' R ~ ~ ' 3.5' j- , ~ 1 R T , , 703 R I ti 2,6' R ' ti ` '1~ 1' Ft ~ , ~ ~ a+ R ~ •p I ~ 2.5' R ~ , 1 R ~ 74' R ~ 122.6' R ~ , r ~ a+"+o e- ~ ' ~ ~ ~ . ~a R PAINTED WID~ LfNE : LfNE 74" R r ~ 9.5' R ~ 29.4' ;~P 2b+21.61 (41,8" !.T}_ , `~1' . ~ , c ~ I a~ PAIHTED WIC~E LINE ' ~ INE STA. 24+21.61 (~49.3' LT) f~~~~ ~ A~'~ p~- A~ WN L1NE STA. ~9~58.06 (26' RT) tT) 6 , 1' R ~ A` L~ T UNE STA.11~+49.46 (1 LT1 1.6 R ~ ~40.33 r5,6Rn r r ~ 3 ' ,y, ~ ~ ~ 7rR 1 ' .~-1.8' ~ ~ P ai~►Bfl,33 15.6' RT} ~S ' 'r' ~ 1' R ~ 1' R j o.~ ~ M R PAINTED WI~E LINE ~ ,.r x R ~ 78' ~ 4 ` i~ 1 ~ r y : a} ~ ; 1 , ~ p LIIVE ST~ ~ i i ' L1ME STA. 31+60.33 (5.5' RT) 6' . f 1 , r, , ; ~ 2.6~ ft + I 2 i~ PAINT~D WIDE LINE ~ ~ • ~ • ~ P 23+50.66 (3d.3 RT} 26° R p 2q+Z7.A6 1328' RT} AL P LINE STA. 23f50.66 (34~3' RT~ P lINE STA. 24+~7.46 t32.8' R~} 1 TA I 9 N~T TO SCAtE Plat 2 ~ILE NAME (3;1464307~Locatlon_20061Projacia1TA4942 Plnee EC PaAnerahlplCA~QIP3&ESheetali'A29A2 P5 DE.d n ~a~ n~~ a s~ ~ PI~IES-MANSFiEI )-MANSFlELO ~ T~A~~ G:16:21 AM ~ I FED.AI~ PROJ.N{l Q AATE 5I1411008 ~ ~ I ~ S ~a wps~ CORRfQQR CONGE, MDI ~R COrNGESTION i PLOT~D BY rlrwurj ~ ~ =F PR+QJECT DESIGNE~ BY ~~,a, I ~ ~ UI►ashingtan StatQ RELIEF FRO~l~C Ad85 0 ~ ~NTERED 6Y J, RINAURO I ~ ~r~t~"~ De artment of Tra~sportation 30 &r cONTxACt H0. lOCAT~I N0. $~G p CHECKED ~Y M!. PEA ~ ~ °kh'~ p r S E~u~N~ous aE MISC 74 ►NEOUS DETAILS PRQJ.ENGR. C.SIMONSON P.E. ~ I jA2~4~ €~~es rnrrtooa~ rM REtitONAL AG}M. .I.C. LENZI P,E. ~ r~.aru~w eox r.ebtun* eou R~VI510H M DA?E ~ BY ~ ' i I