09-037.00 Northwest Christian Schools - City Hall Lease Ext LEASE EXTENTION & EXPANSION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT rnade this 15`h day of December, 2008, by and betwcen CTI'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, whose mailing address, is 11707 East Sprague, Spokane Valley, Washingtan 99206, (hereinafter referred to as "L.essee"), and NORTHWFST CHItISTTAN SCHOOLS, a nonprofit corporatian, (hereinafter referred to as "Lessflr'); WHEREAS, The City Of Spokane Valley, es Lcssee, and Northwest Christian School s, as Lessor, entercd into a L.ease Agrcements and renewals for Suites 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 304, Suite &3 and &4 warehouse space as noted below, a capy of which is attached hereto as Ext►ibit "A;" artd WEIEREAS, the term of the L,eases expire on March 31 st, 2010. WHERCAS, The I.,essee desires to continue said lease for an additional Three (3) Year beyond the end of its current term under the same terms and condidons set forth in said lease, as amended herein, NOW, TEEREFORE,-for and in consideration of the recitations set forth, thc tcrms and provisions herein containod, and the mutual benefits to be derived here from, the parties c!o hereby contract, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Extention of I,ease. The Leases, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, is hcreby renewed for a Three (3) Year term, beginning on April 1, 2010 end tcrminating ori March 31$, 2013. The Lessee covenants and agrces to oomply with all the terms and conditions of said L,ease, as herein amended, and to be bound thereby and to pay all rent in the manner therein provided. 2. Premises L,eased. Lessee is leasing 22,646 square feet within the Clocktower Building, noted as follows: Suites 101,103, 104, 105, 106 and 304. As well as Suite B-3 consisting of3,290 square feet of office space and B-4, 2,300 square feet of warehouse space in the west wing building. All as shovm on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 3. Amendments tQLease. I..essee and Assignee hereby agree to amend certain provisions under the Lease as follows: a. NNN Crarees. ProperiyTaxes, Utilities, Maintenance, lnsurance, Administrative & Common Area Maintenance shall condnue to be paid by I.,essee for Suite &4 as follows: 2,300 sq. ft. of 42, 672 total CAM sq. ft, or 5.389% of building premises. CAM charges are billed quarterly. b. Rent: Monthty rent for the period of Apri12010 through March 2011 shall bo as follows: Clocktower Suites: $32,553.63 B-3: $ 3,857.53 13-4,lhase ratel; L 789.67 Total Monthly Rent: $37,200.83 Monthly rent for the period of Aprit 2011 thtough March 2012 shall be as follows: Clocktower Suites: $33,530.23 B-3: $ 3,973.25 B4 (base rate); $ $13.3fl Total Monthty Renr $38,316.84 Monthly rent for the period of April 2012 through March 2013 shall be as follows: Cloc[ctower Suites: $34,536.14 B-3: $ 4,092.45 ~(~se rate~; $ 837.76 Total Monthly Rent: $39,46635 c. t' n o Renew. There aze no options to renew. Except as roodi5ed herein all ather terms and conditions of said Lease shall remain in full force and effect I 3. Waivers. Modification oLAmendment. No waiver, modification ar arnendment of any term or ' candition of this Agrcement shall be effective unless in writing, and no waiver or indulgence by either party or any deviation by the other party fram full perforrnance of this Ageement shall bc a waiver of the right to subsequent or other fu11, strici, and timcly performance. 4. hkLqer C'lause. '1bis Agreement and the Lease Agreement attached as Exhibit A cxpress thc fWl and final purpose and agrcement of the parties and will not be qualified, modified or supplemcnted by 1 initials: d3 7 \ a : . course ofdealing, usage of trade, or course ofperformance. There are no verbal agreements which qualify, modify or supplement this Agroement. 5. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or mae parts, each of which shail be dccmed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrLnnent IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands this day of 20{?j~.~;y~ty r ~ LFSSOR LL•SSGT ~ NOR CHRIS77AN SCHOOLS CITY OF S~OKAIvE VALLEY ~ B ;l f~. BY: • ~ ~/1/~~'~~/" ~ 1(~ TTS: ~ ITS J r J ITS: G I dz /~`ak7N PW57r ~ rl~A-',.. SvE~af f'o0.v04i%k-- ~1 /1/~~, ~ _ pi / / eX«vma on ex«~,~a cn~~ ~~~l-u 7 ADDRE-SS FOR NOTICES AiND REN'I' ADDRESS FOR NOTICES Northvuest Christian Schools, Inc. City Of Spokane Valley Go WEB Properties, Inc. 11707 E. Sprague Suite 106 S 140 Arthur St, Suite 510 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99202 2 tniu&1s. Redwood Plaza COSV Unit Actuai TI Reimb, Base Rent Base + TI Unit Sqft Rent 4/112009 ; 101 1,M4 2,731.89 $ 17.08 148.51 $ 2,589.38 $ 16.15 $ 2,685.58 $ 16.75 $ 2,834.09 103 1,140 1,5341.25 $ 16.15 $ 1,534.25 $ 16.15 $ 1,591.25 $ 16.75 $ 1,591.25 - 104 1,366.02 $ 16.15 $ 1,366.02 $ 16.15 $ 1,416.77 $ 16.75 $ 1,416.77 105: 3350 4,768.44 $ 17.08 259.90 $ 4,508.54 $ 16.15 $ 4,676.04 $ 16.75 $ 4,935.94 ' 106 10.666 15,18188 $ 17.08 829.92 $14,353.96 $ 16.15 $14,887.96 $ 16.75 $15,717.88 Sub Total 18,095 1,238.33 $ 24,352.15 $ 25,257.60 $ 26,495.93 304 4,551 6,175.00 $ 16.28 $ 6,175.00 $ 16.28 $ 6,361.00 $ 16.77 $ 6,361.00 22,646 B3 3,290.00 3,635.79 $ 3,744.87 00:00 766.67 $ 766.67 B4 ;2;3 A11 less 631t333U4 ; '19,255,0{~ $-3~84.57 ~24;433.n2 $ 36,130.14 $ 37, 368.47 Yellow are under sIrigk r.enewql B06 80 50 B08 80 50 B09 80 50 B10 80 50