09-034.00 Avista Utilities: 6306 E Sprague Lite vms A II •E ~ ~ ~►~r/ISTi.~ c~~o~c~ c~o~ Utilities Electric Service Agreement Job No 589237962 1. THIS AGREEMENT is made between AV/STA Corporatlon, dba AVISTA Utilities, hereinafter referred to as "The Corporation", and the party(s) whose name(s) appear(s) in item 2 below, heremafter referred to as "Customer.° 2 CUSTOMER, who is a(n)• OWNER Name SPOKANE VALLEY/ KENIVETH KNUTSON Mailmg Address• 11707 E SPRRAGUE AVE SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99206 Phone Number• (509) 688-0225 IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT. 3 The Corporation vinll provide and own the electnc distnbution facdities to fumish electnc service to the Customer at the following smgle pomts of delivery ELECTRIC 0(Ft ) Overhead Volts 1 Phase EXTENSION 100 (Ft ) Underground 13200/7620 Voits 1 Phase ELECTRIC 0(Ft.) Overhead Volts 1 Phase SERVICE 20 (Ft ) Underground 240/120 Volts 1 Phase TO SERVE. OTHER LOCATED AT Name of Plat or Legal Descnption or Location. E 6306 SPRAGUE AVE LITE vms In SPOKANE County, State of WA 4 The Special Terms and Conditions contained m the text of this contract instrument and the attached General Terms and Conditions shall govem ali nghts and obligations of the parties to this contract vinth the exception of the followmg special prowsions CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE ALL TRENCHING, SCH. 40 GREY CONDUIT, BACKFILL, AND PADDING AS REQUIRED TO AVISTA SPECIFICATIONS. 5. IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF: The Customer shall pay the Corporation $1.085.50 in advance of construction, which amount is the Customer Cost as shown on the ConstrucUon Contnbutions page (Line 11) These costs are effective through 0912412009 provided that the scope and character of the work do not change Additional exceptional costs encountered dunng construction and/or changes requested by the customer vinll be bome by the customer 6 This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regardmg the subject matter of this agreement shall exist or bind any of the parties hereto. Only the AV/STA Utlllties Construction Manager or his/her designee shall have the expressed, implied, or apparent authonty to alter, amend, modify, or waroe eny ciause or condition of this contract 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Corporatron and Customer have signed this agreement AVlSTA Utitities CUSTOMER /~i 14-P dacj4Sol~ Kevin L. Kohler Name• N LE K ~TSON Construcbon Design Representative By Phone Number. (509) 495-8081 Date Check # Or Other• Amount $ Accountmg 95501101-107120-B50 90% Previous Extension # 95501101-107200-B5010% C09-p34 ~II/ V~sT~ , Ut~.l~.t~es GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 The Customer or successor owner(s) shall mstall approved terminal equipment necessary for the attachment of the Corporation's service connection(s). Electric service will be provided hereunder in accordance wdh the Corporation's rates, rules and regulations filed wdh the state regulatory authority having jurisdiction 2. This Agreement shall inure to and bind the successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto provided, however, that no assignment hereof by the Customer shall be effective without the prior written consent of the Corporation. 3. The Customer shall indemrnfy and hold the Corporation harmless against any and all claims for losses due to mjury or death to persons, damage to property, or both. Such indemrnfication shall include claims by and for Corporation employees and property for losses caused by or incurred fn connection with the Customer's work under this or any other agreement with the Corporation, unless such losses are caused by the sole negligence of the Corporation. 4. The Customer's responsibility to indemnify the Corporation (whether insured or not) shall mclude, but not be limited to, all complaints filed under any State Industrial Health and Safety Act or the Federal Occupational Heath and Safety Act, and any claim, demand, suit or action made by an agent or employee of the Customer, or by an agent or employee of any subcontractor, whether or not the Customer is otherwise immune from such claim, demand, writ or action under the applicable state mdustrial insurance laws. 5. The Customer shall provide, without cost to the Corporation, appropriate utility rights of way by dedicated strips or easements for the mstallation, operation, mamtenance or removal of the Corporation's facildies, mcluding street light facilities where required, with said rights or easements dedicated or conveyed in a form acceptable to the Corporation. 6. The Corporation will make every reasonable effort to commence construction of its facildies withm thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from the Customer that he has complied with this agreement. 7. Refund applications shall be made and considered under the terms specified in Tariff Schedule 51. UNDERGROUND FACILITIES: 8. Customer warrants that prior to the start of construction the grading is or will be within six (6) inches of final grade. The cost of future changes to Corporation facilities to accommodate location or grade changes shall be borne by the Customer 9. After the agreed date, the Customer shall not make any changes m location of structures, streets, driveways, sidewalks, atleys or other paved areas shown m the sketch, nor pave any such area until the Corporation has mstalled the necessary underground facilities. 10. When mutually agreed and specrfied m the Special Conditions, the Customer shall be responsible for providing the required trenching, Sch. 40 grey electncal conduit, backfilling, pavmg, pavement breaking, boring, excavation, sand cushions, permits and/or other related work to install the underground facilities. All work shall meet Corporation specifications, pass Corporation inspection and be coordinated with Corporation schedules. 11. At the Corporation's discretion and in accordance with the Corporation's specdications and time schedules, the Customer may be required to provide vaults, enclosures, concrete pads, handholes, conduit or ducts, and/or equipment protective barriers, all at the Customer's expense. . • , ~ 'ArdrISTA . @R0@o9MoaF @oUW Utilities COIVSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS 1. CUSTOMER NAME SPOKANE VALLEY/ KENNETH KNUTSON JOB NO. 589237962 ADDRESS 11707 E. SPRRAGUE AVE SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99206 2. BASIC COST: N Length I Rate Per Ft. I Fixed Rate ~ Allowance Totals a. PRIMARY UNDRGRND N 100 1 $3.50 1 $860.00 1 ($92.00) $1,118.00 b. TRANSFORMER UNDRGRND ~ I I $1,100.00 1 ($1,100.00) $0.00 c. SERVICE UNDRGRND ~ 201 $2 90 1 $50.00 1 ($108.00) $0.00 d. e. I I I I f. 3. NET BASIC COST $1,118.00 4. EXCEPTIONAL COST: N Length ~ Rate Per Ft. ~ Fixed Rate ~ a. I I I I b. I I I I c. N I I d. I I I e. I I I I 5. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (add 3 through 4e) $1,118.00 6. COST REDUCTIONS: N Length I Rate Per Ft. I Fixed Rate ~ a. CONDUIT BY CUSTOMER N 201 $0.90 1 ~ ($18.00) b. SVC DITCH BY CUST M 101 $1.45 1 ~ ($14.50) c. I I I I d. 7. SHARE OF PREVIOUS EXTENSION 8. TERMINATION COST: a. REMAINING VALUE b. REMOVAL COSTS c. SALVAGE VALUE 9. TOTAL CONTRIBUTION (add 5 through 8c) $1,085.50 10. PREPAID DESIGN FEE 11. NET CUSTOMER COST (9 + 10), $1,085.50 1 12. NOTES: These costs are effective through 09/2412009, provided that the scope and character of the work do not change. Additional exceptionai costs encountered durmg construction and/or changes requested by the customer will be borne by the customer. The maximum amount available for refund per the W.U.T.C. or I P.U.C Schedule 051 is $0.00. For AVISTA Utilities By: Kevin L. Kohler Date• 03-31-2009