09-029.00 Berk & Associates: Urban Growth Areas Assessment r 4 ♦ r S oKane ~ ,;00OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 146 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 992(}6 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1 U08 ♦ cityhall@spakanevalley.org February 10, 2009 Brett Sheckler Berk and Associates 120 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 200 SeattXe, WA 98121 Re: l.s` Anrerrclrrient to C'oritr•cret Drrted Fc?hrtrurv ?5, 2008 Dear Ma-, Sheckler: The City of 5pokane V'alley would like to execute a Fij-st Arrtc•nc:Irnent with Berk and Associates, to tliat agreement executed by the parties on February 25, 2008, concerning the f scal and service delivery assessment o# Spokane Metro Urban Grawtih Areas. The City prvposes amending tlie Contract by requesting that both parties sign this let#er. This 1" Amendnient will add $23,750 to the total contract amount for serwices described in the attached scope of work, specifically the line item Fiscal and Serwice Analysis. The additional extra seraices inclucie travel, further fiscal analysis, folio develQpment and applieation of eollaborative planning principles to a prapased annexation. Upon execution, this letter will amend the Agreement for Fiscal and Service analysis as follows: 3. Compensation. The original compensation amount was $36,254. This amendment will increase the total contract amount to $60,000. The City now agrees ta pay the Consultant the amended amount c►f $60,000 as full carnpensation for everyything furnished and dane utlder t}Zis agreement in accardance with pravisians outlined in the oi-iginal Scope of Wc?i•k and in this 1"~in eridmeiit (Sc:je attcrchn7ent A). A11 other tern-is of the original agreement remain in tull forc;e and effc;c:t. IN WITNESS WHERECa►F, the parties have executed this IS' Arne~idmerir to the Agreement this day of 2049. 4MDavid SP KA~1E VALLEY: Ber ~nd Associates ~ k rcie~r, Ci City M anager r Michael Hodgins, PrincipA Tax ID Na. 911467862 ~ 1 ,A~-T 5~': APPROVED AS TO FC)RM: - hristine Bainb~idr, City C`ler +f~ffice f the tty Attc~rney r CQS-029 - _ ■ ~ , RI:Rti :1tiD A55nC1A"I'ES C'ON"1'12ACT A'T"I'ACHN7EN'T A ti('OPE O1'NN'OItti :Xt)I)1"TlONti .-Vdditional Collaborative Plannin<T Grant 'Task [3udoct Tisk 1: Bi Fictare Fiacal Sto - $12,930 1. Ailalvsis 1. Day trips to Spokane (2) Folio UC%eloE>»>CiI( Task 2: Appiicadon of Principles to a Froposed Annezadon $9,820 1. Draft a proposed approach to aciciressin, iiscal iiiipacts Oil Spokane County ~ 2. Develop revisions addressinay stakeholder feedback ~ 3. TriI)s to Spokatle for mc:etin~s with stakeholders (4) Subtotal consultant cvst $229750 Eapenses $1,000 ' Total $23,750 ~ ~ • CERT''=1CATE , LIABILITY INSURANCL OATE(MM/DOIYYYY) R 08/0I/2008 ,;;,e~ - PAODUCER (425) 827-7400 FAX (425)827-7402 THIS CERTEFICATE IS ISSUED AS A~~v i~z~`fTER OF INFORMATION McDonal d Insurance Group Tnc ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 416 bth St 5 HOLOER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLIClES BELOW. PO Rox 3089 K and, WA 98083-3089 1NSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # WSUAED BERK & ASSOCIATES INC INSURER fl' Hartford Fi re Ins Co 119682 120 LAKESIDE #200 INSURER 8: ~ SEA1TLE, WA 98122 INSURER C: INSURER 0: INSURER E ~ COVERAGES THE POL1CtES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLJCY PERIOD INpICATED. NOl1NITHSTANDING ANY REQUIFIEMENT, TERM OR CONOITfON OF ANY CONTRACT OA OTHER DOCUMENT W ITH flESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEATIFICATE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DE5CRI8ED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALLTHE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONOtT10NS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGCREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE HEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS. INSR 40D' POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION bLsa TYPE OF (NSURANCE POUCY NUMBEA 4ATE fMM/DDIYYI UMITS GENERAI. UABIUT1f 52SBACRI840 06/21/2008 06/21/2009 EACH OCCURRENCfi ( s 1,000,000 X COMMEACIAL GENEAALUABILITY DAMAGETO FiENTQ3 S 300,000 -1 PRFI~A(S`F,~` ( n nmrrnnrn) ClAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED DcP (IVry cne person) S 10 , QQ A PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY S 1OOO ~ OO GENEAAL N'sCiREC3ATE S 2,000 , UU KE~ AGG REGATE UMIT MPl1ES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGO S Z, OOO , OO PRO- OLICY n jE CT n lOC ~ nuroMoaiLE unewrr S 256ACR1840 06/21/2008 06/21/2()09 CpMgINED SIN(iLE UMfT S ANy aUTO . (Ea acddent) 110QD , 00a ALL OWNEU AUT05 BODILY INJUFIY s SCHEDULEO AUTOS (Per person) A X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 5 X NOtV-OWNED AUT05 (Per acdder~t) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per aaident) GARAGE UABIU7Y ACfTO ONLY - EA ACCIQFNT I S ANY AUTO EA ACC I 5 OTHEA THAN AUfOONLY: AGG I S EXCESS/UMBRELLA UABtLITY EACH OCCURRENCE S OCCUR ~ CUUMS MADE AGGRECiATE 5 IS DEDUCTIBLE I S RETENTION S , S sTA WORKERS COMPEN5AT10N ANO 52SBACR1840 06/21/2008 06/21/2009 I QAY 1- MITS I X IOEA EMPIOYERS' u,aaiurv WA STOP GAP E~ EacH Acci~avr s 1~000 ~ 00 a ANY PFiOPAIETORIPARTNEFilEXECUTfVE OFFICEWMEMBER EXCLUDH?? EL DISEASE - EA EMPlO S 1,000 , OO N yea. desai'be under SPECWL PfiOVISIONS 6elow EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMtt 5 1,000,00 OTHER OESCRIFTTON OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHiCLES / EXCLUSIONS AODED 8Y ENDaRSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS :ity of Spokane Valley is included as additional insured with respects to work performed per written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CQNCELlATtON , SHOULD AM/ OF THE ABOVE DESCAI8E0 POUCIES 8E CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DA7E TNEAEDF, 7HE ISSUtNG 1NSURFA WILL EHdEAVOR 70 MAIL Cl ty of Spokane ValleY 30 bAYS WRfTTETI NOTICETO THE CERTIFlCATE HDLDER HAMEO TO THE LEFT, 4ttn : Chri sti ne Bai nbri dge, Ci ty C7 erk BUT FAILURETO MAIL SUCH NOTiCE SliALL 1MPOSE NO 08UGATION OR LlABfUTY 11707 East Sprague Ave, SUl t@ OF ANY KIND UPONTHE INSURER, IT'S AGEN7S OR REPAESENTATIVES. Spokane Val l ey, WA 99206 AUTHORiZED REPAESENTATIVE , ~ r-•~ K David Tucker/]OHNG ACORD 25 (2001108) @ACORD CORPORATtON 1988 ' CTED Campetitive Grant Accoun# January 3O, 2009 _ Govds~ and Suppli~s Date Expenses P~yee Amc~unt Budget ~alance ~12,Q00 $11,~4~.7'~ 2l1212008 MaterialslNametags BR8 $58.~9 $11,941.71 Professional Services Date Expenses Payee Amount Budget Balance $1 ~Q,fl~00 $3,9$5.a7 211212~08 Mike McCormic~ $1q,561.31 $109,43$,69 6~1912Q08 Mike McCormick $Z,54~.69 $106,897.00 : ' $~Q6,891.00 214l2008 Studia Cascade $2,000.00 $~04,897.OQ ~ 314120~8 Studio Ca~cade $6,425.00 ~98,41~.0~ 41812008 Studio Cascade ~6,930.00 $91,542.Q0 4128i20a8 Studio Cascade $6,575.0~ $B4,9fi1,U0 fi11812008 Studia Cascade $7,460.fl0 $77,507A0 11112008 Studia Cascade $8,40fl.00 $fi9,1DT.00 712612afl8 Studio Cascade $7,92~.00 $fi1,187.00 $12812008 Studio Cascade $7,140.OD $54,087.00 ~012T12408 Studio Cascatle' $2,820.~0 $59,267.00 12l1912008 Studio Cascade* $500.04 $50,761.00 $50,T67,~0 3l11200$ Berk and Associates $3,633.54 $47,133.50 Beck and Associates $16,015.50 $31,118.00 6l512008 Berk and Assaciates $1fl,270.05 $24,847.95 7111x008 B~rk and Associates $3,926.Ofl $16,921.95 $161~Qp8 ~~rk and Associates $390.00 $16,531.95 91312008 Berk and Associat~s $1,072.50 $15,459.45 1 p1312pQ8 8erk and Associakes $4,9~7.5D $10,551.95 1114/2048 Berk and Assoc~ates $4,746.88 $5,805.A7 121112~08 Berk and Associates $7~47.50 $5,f~57.57 1f112049 Ber~c and /~ssociates $1,072.50 $3,985•07 dther G+~~ds and Servi~~s Dat~ Ex~enses Payee Amount f3udget~~.' Balance $,aoo o,s~s.~s 21612008 ~.unch Centerplate $1,35q.68 $16,649.32 216120U8 Raom Rental Spok~ne Arena $220~00 $16,~429•32 21612008 SpeakerTravel City of Vanc~uver $570.00 $~~,8~~•~~ 21612008 Speaker 7rav~l Clark Cflunty $35~.UQ .$15,5fl7.32 ~lfi12046 Speaker Dinner Susan Winchell $42.8~ $1 ~,464.47 61412008 Lunch Culinaria $~,149.48 $1~,314.99 6f4l2008 Sp~aker Travel Snohomish Co~nty $432.27 $13,882.72 61412008 Travel Susan Winchell $315.96 $13,5fi5.76 ~ 611112fl08 SeattleTravel Spokane Caunty $~,~79•p~ $~2,287.16 9f2120~8 Lunch Meetings Spo~Cane County $~31.77 $12,~55.99 10I23l2008 Lunch Meetings Spofcane County (Culinaria) $1,21T.51 $10,938.48 _ _ - S u~1 f~1~1"jl Gxpense ~udget Balance Goads and Supplies ~58.29 $12,OOD $1~,941.71 Professional Services $116,~14.93 $120,000 $3,985,O1 Other Goods and Services ~7,Q61.52 $18,000 $10,93~.~48 TOTAL GRANT $123,134.14 $150,aaa ~~s,865.2G ...-P~ . Professional Service Cantracts ~ Consultant Expense 6udc~et ~Bala~ Berk and Associ~tes $~6,781.93 ~49,930 $3;148.07 Mike McCorrnick $13,103,q0 $2Q,{lOp ;6,$97,00 Studjo Cascatle $5~6,130.00 $60,040 ~3,870.a(l . - ~ - - ~ P~'0)CCt1011 ~ ~t,, Projected Expense Budgek Balance Expense Drfferenee , Professional Serv~ces ~~1G,014.~3 $120,000 $3,985.07 $10,Q18.07 -$6,033.00 Goods and Supplies $~8.29 $~2,000 $1~,941.71 $5QD $11,441.71 Other Goods and Services $7,061.52 $1'8,000 $1Q,938.48 $3,0{]0 $1,938•48 TOTAL GRANT $~23,134.74 $150~,000 $2G,8fi5 $13,347.~9 I  i I ~ l