2009, 01-12 Special Study Session AGEN-DA SP4KANE V,ALLEY CITY COUNCti, SPFCIAL STUDY SE55ION MEETING Monday, January 12, 2009 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane tilaile3•, Wsishington (Plcasc Turn Off All Elcctronir Devices During the Meeting) Call to Order by Mayor Munson Ap.enda Topic: 1. Sprague-Applewav Revitali7.ation Pian - Scott Kubta 2. Adjournment No[e: Unlcm athenvise aated above, there wql bc no public eommrats et Cnnncii 5tud} Sessions. Hawever, Council atwayg rescrves tht right to rYyurst informaijon from lhc pu611c and staff ts Appropr}att. During meetings held by the Ciry of Spokane Vallcy CnunGil, the Council resetves the right to takc "hction" on any item listed or subsequrntly addeci to the agenda. The term "action" means to detiberate, discuss, review, cunsider, cwaluate, or mal:e a collective positive or negative decision. hQT(CE: irdividuuls pGsnning tn nttend the macting whfl rtquire special assisianoc to accommcxiatc ph}rsirat, heanpg ar osher impairmcnts, pka5e rnnsact thc Ciri C'lerk et f St?91 921-!OM a-s soon a.5 c►nssib!r so that nr;an~mrnts mdv hr. nudr SpecialNleeting Agenda 01-12-09 F'ase I~~f 1 - J