09-015.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades o~r~b CHANGE ORDER Copies to: owner h ORB Form 300 Archit8« x (This form is to ba executed in triplicate and aach party is to ntaln an original) ConUaclor X Project Name: Spokane Valley Swimming Paol Upgrades Date: 16-Jan-2009 Project Address: Park Road - N 906 Park Road Change Order Terrace View - 13500 E 24"Ave No.: 006 Valley Mission - E 11123 Mission Contractor Name & Kilgore Construction, Inc. ORB Project No: 2701 Address: P.O. Box 367 18621 N. Yale Contract For. Gencral Cotbert, WA 99005 Construrtion Contract Date: 2-Apr-2008 All supporting documentation for the items listed below have been attached to this document. 1. Proposal Request 040 - Val{ey Mission add pathway to Splashdown $16,971.03 (Owner's request for a rriore direct path through lawn area) Contract time associated with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 043 - Valley Mission add spare conduits from elecMcal panel to park $1,687.15 (Owner's request for future electrical services to park) Cc;ntract hme assnciated wltii ttus iicm 0 Calendar Day(s) TO7AL COST IMPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $18,658.18 Excludes Sales Tax Total time adjustment this change ordet........ 0 Calendar Day(s) Contract Sum The Original Contract Sum was $2.664,018.00 Net Change by previously authorized Change Order(s) was $101.413.22 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $2.765,431.22 The Contract Sum will be-(uAehanged} [increased] -{deefeased} by this Change Order in the amount of $18658.18 The new Contract Sum incorporating this Change Order wilt be $2,784,a89.40 Excludes Sales Tax Contract Time The Original Substantial Completion Date was June 5, 2009 The Contract Time has been modified on previously authorized Change Order(s) by 0 Calendar Days The Contrac:tTimewill be [unchanged] by 0 Calendar Days The Substan6al Comptetion Date incorporating this Change Ortfer will be June 5. 2009 This Chan$e Ordor must bt sfgned by the Owner, Archttsct and Cantractor to be valid. ORB Architects, Inc. Kll$oro ConatructlOn, Inc. City of Spokane Valley Architect ContracWf Owner 607 SW Gradv Way. Suite 210 PO Box 367 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 106 qddress qddress Address Renton, WA 98055-2977 Colbert. WA 99005 Spokane Valley. WA 99206 City, State, Zlp Code City, S p Cit te, Zp Code Signed 8y Sig ned By wck cna~«,~, CfG~t'a✓J Print Name P' t Na Print Name January 16, 2009 Date Da e Date C09-O15